InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Loving the Rivel ❯ Chapter 12 ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Last time: “If you do not mind I am going to use the stairs,” Sesshoumaru said with his feet firmly planted at the edge of her roof.
“Oh, um, ok,” Kagome said and stopped her futile pushing.
“Good night, Kagome,” Sesshoumaru said seductively his eyes sweeping over her form and licking his lips.
Chapter 12
“Pervert,” Kagome said as she chucked a shoue at him, but it hit the door instead, which he was now smirking behind.
At Kagome's work
“So,” Sango said.
“So what?” Kagome asked.
“So how did your date with Koga-baka go?” asked Sango.
“Well for one thing, I do not have to heal with him for a while,” Kagome said cheerfully.
“Oh, good for you. How did you get him to say `it'?” Sango inquired.
“Well, it only lasted about ten minuets or so, at the reastruent, but I really did not have to do anything. Al I really did was sit down and watch the action unfold,” Kagome said.
“How so?” Sango asked.
“Sesshoumaru showed up,” Kagome said…
At Tashio Corp.
Sesshoumaru entered Miroku's office looking for him. “Miroku, what is your problem?” Sesshoumaru asked.
“You left me at the `Over Full',” Miroku grumbled.
“Again,” said Sesshoumaru sighing.
“Again. And I am tired of it Sesshoumaru. I have had to walk home three times and each time I almost get run over,” Miroku explained to his long time friend. (Did not know that they were friends did ya, well now you know)
“Why did you not just call a cab?” Sesshoumaru asked.
“Because the last time I called a cab there was a homosexual as the driver, and would not let me out of the damned car,” Miroku said twitching at the horrible memory. (No offense)
Sesshoumaru had to bite his tongue to stop himself from laughing out loud.
“I forgot, how did the deal with Naraku go?” Miroku asked getting over Sesshoumaru's hidden mirth.
“I did not make the deal with him,” Sesshoumaru said returning to his normal self.
“Why?” Miroku asked.
“This Sesshoumaru does not need to explain his self to you,” Sesshoumaru said and promptly walked out of Miroku's office.
“I wonder what crawled up his ass and died?” Miroku asked himself in thought, clearly knowing his death would be idment if he said it out loud; weather or not he was Sesshoumaru's friend.
In a dark place
“Damn Him, “ said a man or more abomination. “Damn him to hell and back again, he will pay, oh yes the Lord of the west will pay,” the voice continued on.
“You will not be able to get close to him with the girl at his side,” said a little girl in a soft even voice, her white apparel shining like the sun in the dark room.
“Oh is that so,” the abomination know as Naraku said.
“She favors him,” the pale child said.
“Than Kanna, I suggest you find a way to solve this problem we have at hand,” Naraku demanded more than suggested.
“Yes, Lord Naraku,” Kanna said with a soft bow and leaving the room and it's darkness.
“Yes, this will work out perfectly, nothing can go wrong,” Naraku, said. (Just then the building collapsed and he died. Naw that can't happen, you just can't say that and don't expect nothin' to go wrong. Sorry, on with the story.)
Noon with Kagome
`Buzzzz' went the intercom thingy in Kagome's office.
“ Yes,” Kagome growled out as she pushed the little red button to speak
Lets just say that Kagome was not in he bests of moods.
“And that how it went,” Kagome said finishing her story of her date.
“I can not believe that Inuyasha got your sister pregnant,” Sango said in disbelief.
“Yeah I know,” Kagome said.
“But there is Sesshoumaru,” Sango said.
“What do you mean, by ` there is Sesshoumaru'?” Kagome asked.
Sango took a deep breath and spoke: “Sesshoumaru and Kagome sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G, first comes love than come marriage, then come the pup in the baby carriage.”
Now Kagome could take teasing, but to a limit, and that was way over the limit, but before Kagome could issue her wrath on Sango, she bolted out the door and barracked her self in her office.
“Sango,” Kagome growled and slammed her office door shut, making every thing in the room shake.
End Flashback
“I am sorry Sherrice, how is Ryuhou and yourself doing?” Kagome asked controlling her anger.
“We have been doing fine, Kagome-sama, but there is a man here to see you,” Sherrice said.
“Just send him up will you,” Kagome said pinching the bridge of her nose.
“Right away Kagome-sama, she said and the intercom went off. “You can go up sir,” Sherrice said to the youki standing before her.
With a brief nod, the Yokai went towards the elevator and pushed the button for the top floor.
`Knock', `knock', `knock'. “Come in,” Kagome said at the sound of the knocking. “Oh my gods its you.”