InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Made 4 U ❯ When my Heart Cries for You, I Run Away ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Made 4 U
Chapter Seven: When my heart cries for you, I run away

~ Present Japan ~

It was getting dark and the red, orange, and yellow in the sky soon became shades of black and blue. The park lights automatically started to turn on and people started to head back to their homes.

Kagome sat on the swing in the playground all alone, thinking. She wasn't really thinking about something or SOMEONE in particular, she was just thinking, mainly because there was too many things to think about.


But every time she tried to push those thoughts from her head, they would always come back.

"Why am I left with such a complicated burden! Can't I just live a normal life!"

Kagome was becoming frustrated. At first all she wanted to do was cry. She wanted the pain in her heart to just go away. Then she was hit with the news that she had to find a suitor...SOON. It was just too much for her to bear.

...Little did she know that a certain white haired hanyou was watching her from behind.

He had came through the well an hour ago. He was going to her until a young miko's mother and grandfather delayed him.


Inuyasha had gone through the well and was making his way out. He had come to pick up Kagome after that little moment they had under the God Tree. She needed to have sometime alone and being the nice guy that he is *ahem* gave her some space.

He had made it to the door and was getting ready to go to Kagome's window until he noticed that the lights were off. At first he thought that she sleeping but it was still too early so, instead, he made his way to the front of the house.

He was about to knock on the door when suddenly...

"DEMON! BE GONE! Your demonic powers are useless against my sutras!"

A sutra was stuck to his face. At least Higurashi-jiji was home.

"Father! How many times do I have to tell you! Don't stick sutras on Inuyasha's face! I'm so sorry Inuyasha!"

Thank the gods for Mrs. Higurashi.

"Yes! They don't work anyway! Give it up old man!" Inuyasha peeled the sutra from his face. People in this time have strange ways of answering the door.

Inuyasha ignored the old man and asked Kagome's mother if Kagome was home.

"She went out for a walk just a few minutes ago. I told her to go look for a suitor and she took it well"

...People in this era were definitely strange.

"Where did she go?"

"To the park" the park, what the hell was that?

It was obvious that Kagome wasn't home so Inuyasha decided to go look for her himself. He was about to leave when Mrs. Higurashi stopped him.

"Inuyasha, can I talk to you for a moment?"

Inuyasha looked over to Mrs. Higurashi, he could tell that she was thinking of something. It was something important, something involving him, something involving Kagome.

"Sure, why not?"

Mrs. Higurashi led Inuyasha to the living room. Grandpa Higurashi was right behind just in case Inuyasha might use his 'demonic powers' on his daughter to do whatever he wishes. Little did both of them know what was going on in Mrs. Higurashi's head.

"Inuyasha, how old are you?" /I want to know if you're old enough to marry my Kagome/

"I dunno" /Why does she want to know? /

"I see. How do you feel about this shrine?

"This shrine is Kagome's home and her retreat from danger, demons and well, me" /Does she want Kagome to stay here in her era? /

" do YOU feel about Kagome?"

Inuyasha thought about it for a moment. He cared about Kagome A LOT. In fact, he was in love with her. She was the one that released him from his eternal slumber, the one who stood by him through thick and thin, the one who made him realize that he didn't have to become a full youkai to solve all his problems. She was the ONE...but what about Kikyo? A two days ago, he told her that he loved her and that he only wanted to be with her:

/ "You don't know how long I've been waiting for you to say that. Kikyo, I want to be with you. Only you" /

Now her mother was asking him about how he felt about her daughter. Ahh! This was too much for the white-haired hanyou to take! So, Inuyasha decided to sum it up nicely, without mentioning that he loves Kagome and that he also loves Kikyo.

"Higurashi-sama, your daughter means a lot to me. I would do anything for her and I wouldn't dare hurt her" /There, I said it! /

"Then go to her. I have a feeling that she's waiting for you" /Yes! Now I'll have a grandson with cute little doggy ears! / "She's at the park. Hurry Inuyasha, its getting dark and I don't want her there alone at night"

"Thank you Higurashi-sama, thank you for the advice" Inuyasha bowed and left the house for the park. When he made it to the bottom of the steps, he realized that he didn't get directions to the park. Oh no! How is he going to find Kagome now? Wait! He could just sniff her out! Inuyasha began sniffing in the air to find Kagome's scent. Kagome's scent, the most beautiful thing that has ever grazed his nose. He would die for that scent. I picked it up and followed it, hoping it would lead him to Kagome.


"I have to go to her" Inuyasha made his way to where Kagome was sitting. He crept behind her and placed a hand on her shoulder, startling her.

"Ah! Inuyasha! Don't do that!"

Inuyasha instantly felt bad. "I'm sorry Kagome. I didn't know that you'd get scared" he began to inch back to his hiding spot. Kagome grabbed his arm.

"Don't go... you didn't scare me, I was just startled. I don't feel bad" Kagome led him back to her and he took a seat on the swing next to her.

There was silence between the two. They both just sat there thinking about what they were going to say. Inuyasha was the first to speak up.

"Kagome, you told me that you would meet me at the other side of the well, I waited but you never showed up. Instead, I find you here. Why didn't you come back?" He was straight at Kagome.

/Why is he acting like a lost puppy? I wasn't gone for that long/ "Sorry Inuyasha, I just needed some time to think-"

"Good. Now we can go back"

Kagome looked at the ground, trying to avoid eye contact with him. Something was wrong. "I...I can't go back. I have some things to take care of here first" Kagome turned her head away.

"What do you mean you can't go back! We have to look for the shards! We need to kill Naraku! -

"No Inuyasha! No more! I can't take this anymore! You can do this yourself! You and Miroku and Sango and Shippou! You don't need me!"

Inuyasha was in shock. He didn't expect Kagome to say all that. /Why is she saying this? Does she want nothing to do with us anymore? Does she hate us? Does she /

Something was definitely wrong. Kagome normally wouldn't be so negative. What's bothering her?

"Kagome...Kagome what's wrong? I know something's going on. Can you tell me?"

"Why? So you can laugh at me?"

"What makes you think I'm going to laugh at you?"

"Why do you want to know anyway?"

Inuyasha pulled Kagome closer to him. He tried getting her to look at him but she would keep her gaze at something else. "Because I care about you. I know I haven't been the nicest guy but please Kagome, you've been there for me through everything, let me be here for you now"

She didn't look at him. She refused to look at him for if she did, she would instantly melt in his embrace. No, she wasn't going to let him do that to her. If he wanted to know, she will tell him...but also leave him guessing and figuring it out on his own.

"Someone I know is torn apart. She loves a man that she has known for a while. She loves him with all her heart and would do anything for him"

Inuyasha listened carefully / Who the hell is she taking about? Is she talking about Sango and Miroku? / "Is this woman someone I know?"

"Yes. He doesn't know that she's in love with him because...he belongs to another. He's in love with another woman. This woman had been gone from his life for a long time but the man still loved her despite her absence"

Now Inuyasha was lost. It wasn't Sango and Miroku Kagome was talking about... could it be? She said that he knew who the woman was. He'll let her finish before he made a guess.

"The woman at first thought that the man was a jerk, that he didn't care about anyone but himself. The woman grew fond of the man and soon enough...she fell in love with him"

Kagome looked up to the sky, trying to find the right words to say without tearing up. "Now this woman has to find a suitor, a husband, a mate but she can't because... her heart is still with that man and she doesn't want to be with anyone else but him...but she can't. Every time she's with him, she has to pretend that she isn't in love with him"

Then it finally hit him. "Kagome... why do you have to find a mate?"

Kagome was surprised. /He was able to find out what I was talking about/

"How'd you know?"

"It reminds me of a hanyou that I know and that he is also torn apart. He loves not just one woman, but two. He told one woman that he would always be with her but he hurt the other woman by promising himself to the other. Now she's at the park beside the hanyou and the hanyou realized that he had made a mistake"

Inuyasha lifted Kagome's chin up so he could look at her but she wouldn't look at him. "Kagome, look at me"


Inuyasha pulled her closer until her ear was close enough to him that she should hear him. "I'm sorry Kagome" he whispered. "I... I didn't know. The truth is that I love Kikyo" He could feel he pull away. He could smell the tears that threaten to fall from her eyes. "But I love you more. Kikyo is the past, you... you are my love now, and always"

Kagome finally looked at Inuyasha. "Inu...yasha, you really mean it?"

Inuyasha bent down and placed a chaste kiss on her lips. "I know you think that I say things without thinking them over but what I said to you, I thought about it ever since the journey started. I love you Kagome; I'll say it over and over again. I love you Kagome"

Kagome wrapped her arms around the hanyou. She had never been so happy in her entire life. She had thought that she had no chance in winning her beloved's heart but all along, he was in love with her too.

Inuyasha spun her around and kissed her again. He had made his choice, and he chose Kagome. He had never been so sure in his life that Kagome was the one he wanted to be with. He picked her up bridal style and started leaping through the trees back to the Higurashi shrine.

"Do you need anything before we leave?" Inuyasha asked.

"What makes you think that I'm going back?" Inuyasha's face faltered. Did she really mean it when she said? That she couldn't go back with him?

"Kagome I for-" his sentence was cut off by Kagome placing a kiss on his lips.

"I couldn't go back because I haven't found a suitor. Now that I have, I'll go back with him"

Inuyasha eyed her for a moment. "You're a handful as a soon-to-be mate you know that?"

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That was a LONG chapter! Finally! I'm done and now y'all can read it! Yes! And now... the next chapter! Oh boy...