InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Madman ❯ Chapter 15 - A Modern Day Battle ( Chapter 15 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


By Rinseternalsoul

**Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha, and I make no profit from writing fanfiction..


Chapter 15 - A Modern Day Battle

A/N: Hi everyone! I know that I've neglected getting this chapter out, and most of you know it's because I have been so wrapped up in getting my next fic, Violation of Honor, started and posted. I did, however, promise an update to Madman soon, so here it is! Enjoy!  


Around two hours of pacing and frantic planning was all the time that Kagome had to herself, before someone came for her. Although her attempts at bravery were admirable for a young woman in her precarious position, the sound of the door opening sent a nervous shudder through her body. She backed up to the far wall, unsure of what was happening and why. All she really knew was that the other miko's who had been brought here never made it out alive.

When the polished metal door slid to a stop, two big men in white coats came in and grabbed her arms. She struggled, and managed to stomp one guy's foot. "Let me go! You people are going to regret this!"

The man with the injured foot growled in anger and snatched her arm behind her back hard, causing her to wince, then he and the other man slapped a pair of handcuffs on her. Kagome grit her teeth against the uncomfortable position, and the fact that they intentionally tightened to cuffs too much, making them dig into her wrists.

Her struggle proved a complete waste of time, and in seconds she was shoved out into the hallway where two soldiers waited to escort them. They headed down the hall, taking two turns, one to the left and one to the right, before reaching a rather dark corridor that stretched for quite a way.

Kagome wondered why this part of the building was not as starkly white and meticulously sterile as the portion that she had been held in. The walls were not painted, and there were pipes and wiring trays running overhead, while several shallow puddles of water had formed on the floor from dripping pipes in various locations. The overhead lights were somewhat dim, and a couple of them flickered like they would soon go out altogether.

Their footsteps echoed loudly in the otherwise empty space, and seemed to amplify just how alone she was at the moment. No friends. No family. And no one to save her. The four men escorting her made no small talk at all, not that she wanted to talk to them or anything. It would, however, have helped to ease the eerie feeling that the place was giving her.

In fact, the farther down the corridor that she went, the more the hair on the back of her neck stood up. Something was at the end of that hall that really gave her the willies. She didn't bother trying to guess what it could be, because she would obviously be finding out for herself all too soon.

When they stopped in front of a set of double metal doors, shining and new, Kagome thought how strangely out of place they seemed in that dank hallway. The taller soldier stepped up and punched in a code on the out-of-place keypad, and the door lock popped just before the right hand door opened on its own.

Inside, things were back to looking sterile, but the space was limited to a small central area in the middle with several closed doors located around. She counted three men and two women scurrying about wearing lab coats. Some were carrying clipboards, one was pushing a cart of vials, and another carried an extremely clean looking toolbox. One wall was nothing but glass, except for the polished metal door, and inside there were rows of beakers and microscopes lined up between some pretty high tech computer equipment.

She was pulled to a closed door on the left, and after the tall soldier knocked someone on the other end called out for them to enter. Inside it looked like a small conference room. There was a long table surrounded by six cushioned chairs, and one at the head of the table. That one was occupied by a man.

And behind him stood Juria.

The soldiers immediately saluted the man, who made a motion with his hand that set them both at ease, but standing guard, one on each side of the door. The two men in lab coats were released to leave and then the man turned his full attention on Kagome.

"Ah... and finally I meet the miko. Juria tells me that she is sure you are the one, but first, let me introduce myself. I am Matsuno Hotaka, and I believe you remember Juria?"

Kagome's lip curled in disgust before she replied, "How could I forget her?"

Hotaka chuckled and said, "Yes, I find her quite unforgettable as well." He glanced away to capture Juria's eyes for a brief moment, and Kagome felt something pass between them. Was there more to their relationship than it appeared?

Hotaka then stood up and began a slow leisurely pacing of the room while he spoke. "You are probably wondering why you have been brought here, and I intend to explain. You see, I have a vision."

Kagome interrupted him with a mumbled, "They always do."

Hotaka ignored her sarcasm, and continued as if she had not spoken at all. "A vision that will change the world as we know it. I can not stand by and allow things to continue on the disastrous course that is bringing our world to its knees. There is suffering in the streets, miko. Suffering that can and will, be ended once I am in control. There are petty wars and fighting that kill and slaughter thousands of innocents each year. Famine and disease plague the less fortunate, while others live lives of opulent wealth and comfort. Humans use the land, water and air, poisoning Mother Earth and insuring the future extinction of everything as we know it. Governments across the globe care only for their people, their allies, and their wealth. They care not about the outcome of their endeavors.

"I care. I care so much that I refuse to stand by and let it continue. I will change things. I will make this world a place that will offer equality for everyone under one rulership. When the changes that I have planned are implemented, no one will go hungry, children will not be forced to fight with automatic weapons, and disease will be wiped out with mass disposal. The world will be remade. The strong will take over, just as it was meant to be. The new order will bring peace and prosperity to each and every human being alive. No one will squander wealth while their neighbor fights starvation. There will be equality for all under my rule."

Kagome stood there, handcuffed and helpless, but that hardly stopped her from giving her opinion of his vision. "Well, your plan sounds nice, but it's ridiculous. You're dreaming. The world governments are not just going to sit by and let you take over. They will stop you. The world is diverse, made up of different beliefs and standards. You will never force them all to conform to yours."

Hotaka smiled, and Kagome was forced to admit that he was a very handsome man. His features were chiseled and hard, and his posture stiff and unapproachable, but behind the military uniform and dark, short cropped hair, was a gorgeous hunk of man. Too bad he was completely insane.

What a waste.

"My dear, that is what you are here for. I have the means to bring them all to their knees and I intend to do just that. I will destroy my enemies with an army of supremely lethal potency. A legion of soldiers the likes of which the world has never seen," Hotaka confidently assured her.

Kagome made a sound of disbelief, as she was well aware that his army had something to do with youkai. She just wasn't sure what. "There aren't enough youkai left in the world to put together an army of them. Besides, I doubt they will be too happy about being forced to kill for you. They will turn on you the first chance they get."

Hotaka walked to the miko and stood just before her. She was a pretty young woman, full of spunk. He liked that. It was a shame that she would have to die for their cause, but in a war, sacrifices had to be made. "You are different than the rest. You 're bold and smart. Perhaps it is time that I take you on a tour of our facilities. I wish for you to see the future."

Kagome kept her comment to herself this time. She wanted to get a look at the place, so that she could be looking for a way to escape. She forced her lips to curl just a fraction and said, "I would like that."

Juria didn't look too pleased at the close proximity of her leader to Kagome, but she couldn't care less. She didn't exactly like breathing the same air as either one of them, but desperate times called for desperate measures.

Hotaka barked an order to his men, which immediately came to attention. One of them opened the door and led them out. Kagome followed Hotaka and Juria, while the shorter soldier pulled up the rear. They stepped out into the brightly lit center hallway, and walked over to another double set of metal doors. One had a small window in it, while the other was solid. As was the case with the rest of the place, the door came equipped with its own keypad entry, but this time there was an additional retina scanning system. Juria immediately moved to allow the scan to use her distinct eye pattern, and once it was complete the door began to slide open. A sharp beeping alarm went off and continued to blast its shrill beats until they passed through and closed the door behind them.

Inside, Kagome went slack jawed. It was like something out of an alien movie. She blinked hard, hoping that she didn't see what she knew that she saw. The force of combined jaki from thousands of huge pulsing bulb-like pods hit her like a sledgehammer, and had the soldier behind her not moved to shove her forward, she would have probably landed on her butt. Her breath was stolen and it took her a moment to regain control of herself.

Something inside the grayish green pod nearest her rolled as if excited from her presence, and she felt the stirring of a power long dormant deep inside or her entire body.

It was reacting to the Shikon.

She stepped away, choosing to walk the row directly down the middle, not getting too close to the pods on either side. Whatever they were, they were being grown on short table like stands that supported them in a round glass-like cylinders, where the thick fleshy petals expanded from. Connected to the base of each pod, there were wires, and also clear tubes that were pumping strange fluids in and out of them. The lighting was dimmed and the low hum of electricity and machinery mingled with the sloshing sucking noises of the living things to create an overall creepy effect.

It was completely disgusting.

"These, priestess, are my future soldiers. You see here the first throng of youkai warriors. Warriors, I might add, that have specific genetic connections to your youkai, Hotaka announced proudly.

"Oh my God," Kagome whispered in sickening awe. "How can this be?"

Hotaka turned and stared her in the eye. "The how of it is not important to you. It is the why of it that matters most. Each pod represents one developing youkai with unimaginable powers. Currently they are only just over one week old, however, due to the contributions of science, their growth rate is beyond all imagining. I expect a fully developed male product to be extracted within six months. All cloned from DNA gathered from Taisho Shuusaka. Training will begin immediately after hatching. Readiness after that is greatly dependent upon the creatures mental capacity, and inherited fighting skills, but our best estimates put completion around one year."

Kagome could hardly believe her ears. DNA from Sesshomaru? Dear Kami above, what kind of abominations had this man created? The implications of it were terrifying. Thousands of Sesshomaru-like warriors? Hotaka was mad. He had no idea what he was creating. No idea of just how deadly his so-called army was going to be. No one would be able to stop them. Not even him.

She didn't say a word aloud, but silently she was reeling. Her mind was shouting at the horrors that lay ahead if Matsuno Hotaka wasn't stopped. How could he have come so far so fast? It was astonishing that he had managed to do this at all, much less speed up the cycle to such unbelievable lengths. As they walked down the isle, surrounded on all sides by rows upon rows of living, pulsing, demon spawns, Kagome began to feel ill. She couldn't allow this lunatic to succeed. She had to stop him, no matter the cost. The squirming creatures inside those pods could never live to see the light of day, or the entire world would be in jeopardy.

No one could control an army of youkai with the power of Sesshomaru running in their veins. No one.

Heck, it took five centuries before she could even have a decent conversation with the guy.

Hotaka continued walking, proudly displaying his evil horde, flaunting his power and basking in his own glory. Kagome didn't hear much of what he said. Most of it was rambling praises concerning himself and his staff of scientists. All she could think of were the repercussions of letting these things live. Would they have all of Sesshomaru's powers? Would they produce poisonous acid that smelled deceptively of sweet wisteria blossoms? Would they each be able to harness their jaki into a deadly whip that could slash through any foe?

Would they be able to transform into towering inu's with mouths full of massive fangs and corrosive drool?

Kami above, help us in our hour of need, she silently prayed.

"And that leads me to the reason for your presence here, miko," Hotaka said, before turning to Kagome. "I am quite aware of the potential for disaster where my youkai army is concerned. However, my special team has created the ultimate device for demon control. Even now, each pod is connected to the machine, giving us complete dominion over their lives and deaths. A machine that will be used to harness the one thing that can destroy one of their kind in an extremely painful manner."

Kagome listened, but still held her tongue. Nothing that she could say would change his mind. Things had already gone too far. He was completely demented in his delusions of control over the creatures growing inside the pods. He was beyond reason.

A madman.

When they had circled around, once more reaching the door that they first entered, Kagome breathed a sigh of relief. The continuous pressure of developing jaki from so many youkai contained in one large warehouse was literally making her sick. Then again, maybe it was the fear of what would be unleashed on the world if she didn't figure out a way to stop them.

When the door opened, they walked through and stopped only to secure it behind them. Kagome thought that it was kind of dumb, because if those things were really like Sesshomaru, that stupid door wouldn't stop them from getting out.

They walked in silence back down the damp corridor, until they once more entered the main complex. Hotaka lead the way into the building and through several hallways, before stopping at a door leading to a huge laboratory.

Kagome was ushered inside with a none-too-gentle push from Juria, and then Matsuno turned around with a smile. He held both hands out to indicate the room. "You see before you the key. In this room my team of elite scientists have successfully developed The Purity Machine."

He pointed to a sleek machine that was connected to a frightening contraption that looked just the right size for a miko to fit in. Kagome shuddered and took a step back.

"The Purity Machine will contain the purification powers of a strong miko, using it to regenerate even more purification, which will in turn sustain the machine indefinitely. The purification energy will then be broken down and distributed to individual devices that allows the Handlers to control their demon charges, or kill them if one proves too rebellious. With the fear of purification on their heals, the youkai will be at our mercy, completely under my control."

Juria and one of the guards then grabbed Kagome beneath both arms, and the third soldier released the cuffs binding her wrists. She didn't get a chance to rub the feeling back into them, before she was snatched over to the section of the machine that scared her most. Though she made a valiant effort in fighting against them, Kagome was no match for three trained military agents, and in minutes she found herself securely strapped onto a tilted, cross-shaped table.

Panic was beginning to set in.

She was now getting a sense of what had killed the other miko's.

The Purity Machine.

Hotaka then confirmed her fear by explaining, "It is unfortunate, however, that the machine will drain you completely. If you have enough power, and I suspect that you just might, it will kick start the machine into full operation." He stepped closer, and reached up to gently wipe a stray tear from beneath her eye. In a softer tone he tried to comfort her, "You must remember that your sacrifice will in turn save the world. By giving your life, you will play a part in saving the human race. It is an honorable death."

Kagome then spat in his face.  


"What the hell is that shit coming from his fingers?" Rishou asked as he pulled his shirt up to cover his nose.

Kouga glanced over his shoulder at Sesshomaru and shrugged. "Oh that? That's just his poison. It's like acid, really. Damn. Maybe you better call the apartment below. And maybe the two below that, because that stuff eats through anything it touches."

Rishou took a cautious step forward and leaned up to take a closer look. The evidence was right there as proof. From every claw-tipped finger was slowly dripping a sweet smelling green substance that was plopping on the floor and eating its way right through. "Fuck! This shit is gonna cost me a fortune."

Rishou turned to run out of his bedroom and grab the phone. He immediately hit the number for building maintenance. Maybe they could get down there and stop it before someone got hurt.

Naoshi frowned at the sight, and leaned toward Ookami. "Is he doing it on purpose?"

Kouga huffed with a chuckle. "My guess is that he's really pissed off."

"Shit," Naoshi breathed. "I've just entered into the Twilight Zone."

Kouga raised his brows. "Just everyday shit to me."

Naoshi gave him and incredulous look and then turned back to the youkai, now sitting up, on the bed. How can he do that? Just under two hours previously, he was shot, and fell more than two hundred feet to the ground like a rock. But amazingly, he appeared to be nearly recovered. There was not a trace of pain on his face, but there was dangerous determination in his eyes. Naoshi had not doubts at all about what Taisho was. He was a fierce animal with the intelligence and power of a god.

It sent a shiver of fear trickling through him.

Sesshomaru was pleased with his progress, though it could have been much faster. The drug was finally wearing off and he was regaining full control over his muscles. Already his jaki flowed strongly through him and his beast was howling for blood.

His arm hurt like hell and the bullet was just now, slowly, giving way. It should be free of him very soon.

And when it is.

May the Gods have mercy on those fool's souls, because he would not.

Kagome had been with those wretched worms for over two hours and there was no telling what she was going through. All he could think of was getting her back. It was uncommon for him to feel so strongly about something. Even obtaining Tetsusaiga had never instigated such strong emotions. He had to get her back. His entire being insisted on it.

He was in love with her.

Damn. He hadn't meant for that to happen. He had never been in love in his entire long life. In fact, he had determined long ago that there was no such thing, that it was fantasy built from the imaginings of whimsical women everywhere.

He hated it when he was wrong.

A demon, in love with a human miko? The Fates could not have been crueler. Those bitches really loved to tamper with lives. They must achieve some cosmic gratification when they manipulate such plots into the lives of two individuals so completely wrong for each other. He cursed them a thousand times.

He shifted, stretching his back muscles that tingled with heat as his body healed itself. He drew in a deep breath and accepted his fate. He had somehow fallen for the one woman that could irritate him into a rage. But, she could also stir him to a heated frenzy with just one look. Damn. He had it bad.

She was loyal and brave and unbelievably beautiful to his eyes. Her smile was sunshine and her tears pain. There was truly a kind heart inside of her luscious chest, and he decided at that moment that it would belong to him.

He was unsure of how she felt about him. He knew how well he could bring forth her anger. He enjoyed doing that, but did she want him as badly as he wanted her? The way she kissed him before, in that beautiful dress, he was sure that she felt something. Was it merely lust? Or did her feelings run deeper?

Could she ever see him without thinking of Inuyasha?

That question brought on a fiercely possessive emotion that fed his seething anger. He looked down, as he felt his claws splintering through wood, and growled.

It was time.

Sesshomaru stood, appearing in complete control, but in truth, giving himself a moment to regain himself. The act of standing seemed to rip some of the newly mended tendons in his chest loose again. For a moment he nearly hissed from the pain, but he refused to show another ounce of weakness in front of these imbeciles standing around him.

"Wolf," he growled, "Are you going to just stand there, or drive me home?" Had he been one-hundred percent recovered, he would have flown to save time, but as it was, he was forced to get there by automobile.

Kouga tossed him a confused look and then nodded to the human detective. "I rode with him."

Since when did Kouga become partners with a Tokyo police detective?

Sesshomaru was just about to insist the detective drive, when Rishou came in and tossed a set of keys to him. Sesshomaru snatched them out of the air and raised a brow in question.

"Take my car, dude. It's the tricked out blue Lexus parked in the garage across the street. Third floor. My homies are coming by to get me. I'll catch up with you later."

Sesshomaru nodded in thanks, then turned to Kouga. He tossed him the keys with a little more force than was necessary and said, "You drive."

"Fuck. Why have I always got to drive?" They left the humans standing side by side, watching them leave, while Kouga continued to bicker.

Kobayashi asked, "Where are you going, Taisho?"

Sesshomaru stopped and turned around with a malicious smile that made him damned uncomfortable.

"To do what I do best."

Naoshi narrowed his eyes, "And what's that?"

Sesshomaru's eyes flashed red for just a brief second when he answered, "Kill." He then turned around and continued on his way.

Naoshi just stood watching them go. Hell, he couldn't stop them if he tried.

Kouga's voice was barely within hearing distance when they heard him ask, "Do you even know how to drive? I swear, I don't remember ever seeing you drive. Not once."

Ookami's voice faded in the distance, just as the building maintenance man stepped out of the utility elevator. "What the hell's going on Rishou? That shit you spilled has eaten straight through the bedrooms of five different apartments below yours!"

Rishou sighed heavily and dropped his head.

"Shit." As if things weren't already bad enough.  


Kouga swung around the sharp corner with superior control, gripping the steering wheel like a lover, while being hugged within fine leather, as lights from the buildings lining the streets sped by in a flash of yellow light. "Damn. This is one fine fucking car. Sweet, I tell ya. You really should drive it, dog."

Sesshomaru glared at the wolf. "Slow down, before you wreck, and force me to endure another two hours of recovery. Then, I will be forced to kill you."

Kouga ignored him and took the next corner at 125 kph, causing Sesshomaru to release an irritated growl. Obviously, Kouga's driving had not improved in the last forty-five years. Now he remembered why he had once swore to never ride with him again.

If he wanted to fly, he would get out and transform.

He really missed his Limousine and driver right now.

When they arrived at his loft, Sesshomaru opened the vertically lifting door and stepped out of the modified street car. His mind was racing with things that he needed to gather before entering the military compound. Between mentally tallying off his list of available weaponry, and images of Kagome's frightened face, he barely heard Kouga in the background exclaiming how awesome the neon lights were that offset the blue metallic paint job perfectly.

Two laser-like chirps signaled that the wolf had set the car alarm, and in seconds they both leapt to the rooftop, avoiding the elevator altogether. Since he owned the whole top floor, the roof was all his. Scattered around were huge potted plants native to the area and many rare tropical ones that were suited to the climate. He normally took his time here to enjoy the beauty of his collection, but he had things to do. People to kill.

Sesshomaru punched in his code on the security alarm that released the lock to the patio door and left it open behind him. Ookami followed in his tracks as he pushed through his flat with rigid determination. In his bedroom he opened the closet and stepped inside.

"Whoa, man. I don't think I need to watch your rank ass dress. I'll...," Kouga's comment faded off when Sesshomaru clicked a hidden button behind a golf bag.

"Kobayashi has been here recently," Sesshomaru muttered with a growl. He didn't like people rummaging through his things. He would have to have a word with the good detective.

Kouga followed him into a hidden door and through a narrow corridor that gave him claustrophobia, but when Sesshomaru opened another sliding door that lead into a separate chamber his eyes grew wide. Inside he saw the Fangs of the Great Inu no Taisho. The Tetsusaiga and Tenseiga. His eyes widened at the sight of the ancient armor and several pieces of magnificent artwork from long dead artists created centuries ago. "Whew," he whistled in appreciation. "Very nice. You've got your own private mini-museum here."

Sesshomaru answered with a distracted, "Hn," while he unlocked the glass containers where the two demon swords lay. He withdrew Tenseiga first and felt its joyful pulse praising his blood for the rare treat of being held. He practiced twice a week with a blade, but kept his prize possessions locked away for safety. It had been thirty years since he had placed it so carefully inside the display box, but it felt like yesterday when he held it in his hand. It was a magnificent piece of weaponry. I sword with the power to give life and take it away. A sword of the gods.

With precision and grace he twirled it twice. It slashed through the air with a whoosh, before he stopped and nodded in anticipation. Yes. It would do nicely. He turned to Tetsusaiga and considered it for a moment. The last time he touched it his hand had blisters for days. Would it accept him now, after all these centuries of rejection?

"Man, tell me you aren't thinking of touching that thing? You know you can't do it," Kouga warned. It would be stupid for Sesshomaru to injure his hand right before heading into battle.

Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes on the sword and released a frustrated, angry breath. "Listen to me sword," he growled in a low lethal voice. "You accepted Inuyasha when he offered to protect Kagome. This Sesshomaru now asks the same. Kagome is in danger, and I must protect her."

He reached down, bracing himself for the familiar, searing, burn.

And wrapped his hand around the hilt.

Sesshomaru lifted the sword and held it up in wonder. He inspected it with amazement, as it remained un-aggresive to his touch. With a thought and one pulse it transformed from the rusty antique into an extraordinary fang. The sword that could fell one hundred demons in one sweep. Or humans, as the case may be. Evil, was evil, after all.

"Damn it! I'll bet Inuyasha is rolling over in his grave right now," Kouga laughed in surprise.

Sesshomaru turned and looked at him with a gaze that teetered between sheer pleasure and deadly intent. He then set both swords to the side and turned to one wall with a large intricate screen print. He proceeded to move the print and push another, nearly impossible to see, button. A door slid open and revealed a small hidden compartment.

Sesshomaru reached in and pulled out four hand grenades, eight custom throwing stars that would explode on impact. Six regular stars and two knives. He hauled out his designer, bullet-proof, full length, black leather duster, and a black custom gun harness, which he would fill with two Claridge Hi-Tec/Goncz Semi-Automatic Pistol's and two clips of ammo. Two wrist harnesses with two extra clips of sixteen rounds was lain out next. Afterward he pulled out The Assassin, a deadly blade made for hand to hand combat, designed by him and produced by Taisho Arms. That, he slipped into a special sheath incorporated on his harness.

He then reached in and pulled out another knife that he christened The Thief, because it could steal a human's life with one deadly thrust. One Smith and Wesson military and police issue semiautomatic pistol and four magazines of .357 caliber bullets, holding fifteen rounds each. He turned and handed everything to Kouga with a glare. Only use it if you have to and do not get in my way.

Kouga's eyes were wide with disbelief. The guy kept a military arsenal in his closet! "Paranoid much?" he muttered as he took the gun from Sesshomaru and weighed it expertly in his hand.

"You never know when you may require a bit of extra firepower," Sesshomaru replied in a haughty tone, as he gathered up his swords, tossing the holster over his shoulder to join the duster and wrist harnesses, after attaching the stars and throwing knives. He carefully picked up the grenades, tucking one in each pocket, and then shut the sliding door.

They pulled out of the secret room and stepped out into Sesshomaru's huge bedroom. He tossed the jacket on the bed, before carefully laying out the rest. He then walked over to his dresser and pulled it open. He tossed out a couple pairs of black, relaxed fit fatigue pants and a black Tactical Shield Microskin Powerstretch shirt. Then he grabbed another black, mock turtleneck, that he tossed to the wolf. He took one look over the wolf's tailored clothing and said, "Take that and the pants and get dressed in the spare bedroom."

Kouga mumbled about not taking orders from a damn dog, but headed out to get dressed. Sesshomaru snatched off his ruined shirt and pants, then shrugged on the dark clothing. The fatigues fit low on his waist, contrasting starkly against his pale toned abdomen and the sculpted indenture of his hipbone. He then pulled on the shirt, which stretched across his lean sinewy muscles like a second skin.

In minutes he had laced up a pair of black combat boots. Sesshomaru wasted no time in dragging on the gun harness, before slipping on the wrist harnesses and strapping them down. With one final glance in the mirror, making sure that he had everything in order, he turned and clipped on the grenades. He reached into the bottom drawer of his dresser and slipped out a piece of silk that he fashioned into a short obi, before sliding both the Tenseiga and the Tetsusaiga into the sash. He grabbed his black leather duster and headed out of the bedroom door.

Kouga met him on the way and together they jumped off of the patio on the top story of his high-rise building. Both of the youkai landed nearly at the same moment, in a low crouch, and a slight stirring of dust at their feet.

"How are we traveling?" Kouga asked.

Sesshomaru nodded at the car. "Not that way. How fast are you these days, wolf? Can you keep up with this Sesshomaru?"

Kouga scoffed. "Puh-l-eazze. The question is, can you keep up with me, mutt?" and before he could close his mouth, he took off. He no longer had the Shikon shards in his legs, but he had always been fast. It was how he had gotten the shards to begin with.

Sesshomaru swept by him, and said, "Follow me. I have one stop to make first."  


A/N: Things are coming to a culmination for our characters! Can two youkai and a handful of human's breach a highly guarded military facility? Will Kagome still be alive when Sesshomaru reaches her? All this and more in the next chapter of Madman!

Don't forget to hop over and check out my new fic, Violation of Honor, posted on and It's a Sess/Kag romance that begins in Sesshomaru's darkest hour. Canon. Very rated NC-17. Contains Yaoi, and Non-Consensual sexual situations.

Don't forget to Review. I love to hear what you think about each addition to my stories!

Ja ne