InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mahou no Hikage ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )
Mahou no Hikage
By Karete-chan
Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha and everyone knows it. And this applies to every chapter following this one as well.
The Place had always existed and most likely always would. Even before the world had come into being The Place had already seen all there was to see. It had filled itself with the one thing that existed everywhere and so The Place was full of darkness.
The kind of darkness The Place had, was the kind that suggested light had never existed and if it could help it, never would. The Place was a place where things that were lost could be found, where things to be kept secret could be hidden and where things that shouldn't be could exist.
Many things passed through The Place without ever realising that they had been there. And this was a good thing, because when they did, The Place had a nasty habit of wanting to keep them.
A scrabbling noise echoed from somewhere. Something moved and cried out as it stumbled, creating a sick, cracking noise against a solid surface of dark. The sound slowly echoed and faded into the background until it seemed like it had always been there. The shape moved again and attempted to speak but the sounds ran together rendering them intelligible. Fear began to creep over the shape and intensified as it sensed the presence of another.
"Don't be so alarmed," the other said, its words solid as it spoke. The fallen one felt arms wrap around it. "You won't be here for much longer"
Where? asked the fallen one, feeling soft cloth beneath its fingers.
"Darkness," the other answered.
Why? The now disembodied voice bean to fade.
"It does not matter."
No. Who am I?
The figure smiled slightly in the dark. "You are nobody."
Tell me…. The voice faded.
Soon after, the other figure disappeared as well, leaving behind a sound that had always been there.