InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Makai ❯ Makai and Ayame's Opponents ( Chapter 7 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter Seven: Makai and Ayame's Opponents
The gang's heads shot up at the sound of Kagome's scream, worry marring everyone's face, except for Makai. So it begins, she thought. Slowly, she gathered up their supplies and packed them away. Then she turned to face the group, noting their worry and giving a reassuring smile.
“Sango and Miroku, I think you should head back toward Kaeda's village. Take Shippou and Kirara with you.”
“Makai, what about Kagome? We can't just leave her,” Sango cried.
“We won't just leave her, Sango. What is happening now is between Inuyasha and
Kagome. Our interference could get both of them killed. Ayame and I will stay behind. Besides, we all have some unfinished business to take care of,” Makai said with a meaningful look in Miroku's direction, which did not go unnoticed by the monk. Sango, catching the drift of Makai's words, quickly agreed and soon had Miroku, Kirara, and a protesting Shippou headed in the direction of Kaeda's village.
Meanwhile, Ayame silently prepared for her battle with Kouga. She was nervous and feared she wouldn't be able to hold him off for the amount of time Kagome and Inuyasha would need. Her nervousness must have shown, for Makai gently hugged and reassured her, helping to prepare her for her fight.
“Ayame, don't worry. You are definitely strong enough to hold off Kouga. When you're job is done, I will call out to you mentally. Just hold him until my signal. I know you'll be okay.”
“But what if I'm just not strong enough or fast enough to hold him? I know how dangerous it could be for Inuyasha and Kagome. I don't want to be the cause of their deaths.”
“Ayame, don't doubt yourself. Believe that you can hold Kouga, and you will. Fighting is just as much mental as physical. If you believe you can hold your opponent, you will. Just keep telling yourself that you are strong enough to hold Kouga. You'll be fine.”
“Okay. I'll do my best. Thanks Makai.”
“No problem. Kouga will come in from the west. Why don't you meet him halfway?”
Ayame quickly hugged Makai before bounding off into the trees. She was already able to smell faint traces of the wolf prince. She ran for a few minutes before coming to a clearing. This would be perfect. She would have room to maneuver, and Kouga wouldn't be able to loose her in the trees. Silently, she waited for Kouga to enter the clearing, all the while praying she would have the strength needed to hold him.
She saw the whirlwind in the distance, approaching her clearing quickly. In a few seconds, Kouga entered the clearing and stopped in front of the wolf princess. He glared at the red-haired female, wondering why she was here of all places.
Back at camp, Makai readied herself for her own confrontation. She knew it would be a hard fight. Her opponent was far more powerful than she. At least if she was merely human. Luckily, she had superb fighting skills and her magic to back her up. Calmly she waited, feeling her opponent approach.
He entered the clearing, his knee length silver hair swaying gently in the wind. His amber eyes held annoyance and a slight warning of danger as they fell upon the human girl. His regal bearing instantly told anyone with eyes that his was noble born. Two swords, one of death and another of life hung at his waist. The crescent moon on his forehead declared who his was. Standing before Makai was none other than Sesshoumaru, Lord of the Western Lands.