InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Margarita Migraines ❯ Serial Killer ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Bright flashes from the strobe lit up the girls pale face—capturing her every feature, from her slightly tanned skin to perfectly sculpted high cheek bones. Her long black tresses falling like still water over the side of the bed. Her hand lay extended above her head, fingers curled in a relaxed pose. The rest of her body lay in an almost provocative state, her torso curved towards the center of the room, whilst her hips and lower half were pulled up to her stomach, bare legs pressed together, her left hand placed on her hip. Dressed in a pair of black shorts and a black lacy tank top, showing an appropriate amount of cleavage—seductive, yet modest, dark red blood contrasted nicely with the pale white sheets. Her expression would have been a “come hither” look, had it not been for her cold lifeless eyes. The camera flashed again, documenting yet another detail of the murder.
“I should have been an accountant,” The girl behind the camera muttered as she snapped away more pictures, shifting her wait to her another foot as she crouched, hoping to get another helpful angle of the victim.
“Hrmm?” Came the reply of the other women from across the room. She was heading the case, her long silky raven hair pulled back into a tight high pony tail. She was clad in blue trousers and button up shirt, which on the back had the Kanji abbreviation of Crime Seen Investigator printed in green on the back. Latex glovers covered her hands as she moved about her work, head turning her chocolate hued gazed traveling to the younger girl as she dusted the telephone for fingerprints.
“Oh, nothing….” She said as she stood, walking over to the head of the bed and taking a few shots of the dead girl's bloody head before turning and meeting the others concerned gaze. “What?” She asked as her hands traveled to her hips. Her own shorter black hair was swept back in a French braid, tied with a pink ribbon. She had a rounder face then Kagome, making her seem much younger then she was. Her outfit the same as her co-workers.
“Rin, If you don't want to do this, you can always qu—” The girl began but was cut off instantly.
“No, I would just prefer, Kagome, if for once someone would wait to get killed at a decent hour! For the love of Buddha, do all murderous boyfriends have too be insomniacs?” Rin exclaimed as she kneeled down and shoved the camera into her bag, bulling out swabs for the blood.
“What makes you think it was a boyfriend?” Came a slightly deeper, but still very famine voice from the door frame. Kagome and Rin instantly looked at the door, both sets of eyes widening.
“SHOES! SHOES!” They yelled in unison. The girl in the door frame raised her eyebrow as she stepped back out of the room. Shaking her head, Sango took a sip from her coffee and leaned against the wall.
Sango was a tall woman (for Japanese standards), She had long straight chestnut hair, her darker orbs always unreadable, perfect for her line of work. She had an athletic frame, so although not entirely as well “endowed” as Rin or Kagome, she still was an extremely attractive women. Her hair was pulled tight in back with a low pony tail. Her out fit was a pair of somewhat loose dark blue jeans (good for running), and a red cotton shirt, a black short coat tossed over her shoulders. She was defiantly not dressed to impress, the bags under her eyes hardly hidden by her make up.
“So why is it you think it's the boyfriend?” Sango repeated herself as she watched the tow work. Between them, they made one of the best police teams in Japan. Much different from back in the states, Japan supplied a group of police men to there own CSI. It normally switched off, the CSI teams switching, but with the girls having the most consecutive cases salved together, they were pretty much stuck with each other.
Not that any of them minded. They had become rather close over the past year. Rin still had a lot to learn, but each Kagome and Sango had made records over the last year of being a team, Sango becoming the youngest (let alone a girl) head detective in Japan, and Kagome heading off the Osaka CSI lab. It was easy to see that they all worked well.
Rin rolled her eyes as she moved over to the bed side table and opened the drawer. She had now gained full attention from the other girls, Kagome actually putting down her work and turning to watch. Rin pulled the drawer open and pulled out a picture of the boyfriend—little hearts drawn around his face, A little boy sitting in his lap. Brandishing the picture to the other girls, she smiled triumphantly, one hand placed on her hip.
“It's obvious this asswhole came in and killed her over the fact that she was trying to get custody of the boy,” She spoke, an air of smugness radiating off her. Reaching back into the drawer she pulled out a few papers. “These are the documents that he HASN'T singed. It all makes sense, he knocked on the door, she opened it and then he bashed her brains in the pole!” Rin all but jumped as she smiled proudly. Sango took a sip of her coffee. After a second, her eyes darted to Kagome.
“Your thoughts?” She asked much to Rin's dismay. They never gave her a chance.
Kagome shrugged; turning back, she went of dusting for prints. After she finished a minute later she turned to leave, but not before pressing the blinking red button. The answering machine beeped before relaying that the deceased had one new message. Kagome walked over to the closet as a male voice came over the speaker.
“Hey, Ki, I'm so sorry, but the plain has been delayed, so it looks like I'll have to stay in Germany another day. Kiss Ryo for me, and remember, make sure if his father shows up to give him the divorce papers, you two always forget when you start talking” The gentle voice chuckled. “Bye Babe. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Love Ya” The line went dead, before asking if you would like to delete the message.
“How…?” Rin asked, looking dumbfounded at Kagome, who was now rifling through the girls closet. Sango giving Kagome a similar look.
“Her colander says, “Dai comes back from Germany today” Kagome said as she waved her hand in the direction of the far wall. Indeed a calendar had the date circled in pink marker.
“That's so not fair, if I had seen that I would have gotten it instantly!” Rin pouted. Sango chuckled, shaking her head again and shifting her weight so she wasn't leaning against the wall anymore.
“Maybe you should find all the evidence before you start guessing, hun” Sango's eyes returned to Kagome, eyebrow rising slightly as she found the other girl still in the closet. Rin fallowed Sango's gaze and crossed her arms.
“Now not the time to be comparing fashion tips, Kago” Rin said, as she tried to contain her laughter. Sango smiled at the comment, but never let her eyes leave Kagome. The girl was up to something. It hadn't taken long for Sango to learn just how dedicated to her work Kagome was. When she first started a case, Kagome was beyond thorough. The more evidence they collected the more she began to relax and start taking and making guesses. The first crime seen of a case was always like this—Rin cracking jokes as Kagome proceeded to find things that everyone else would never have thought was important…like a closet of a dead girl. Sango had stopped trying to make sense of Kagome's method. It was sporadic, and tantalizingly slow, but somehow, she missed nothing.
“There was blood on the door. Take a picture of it when I find what she was wear—” The girl froze in mid sentence—a highly un-Kagome like thing to do, especially on the first scene. Rin was the first to move for the closet. The girl could be slow at times, but she knew people, it was her job, and she had either found the criminal or something incriminating.
“Shit” Kagome cursed, another un-Kagome like thing to do. Now Sango was in the room, coming towards Kagome— hand already on her gun.
“Kagome?” Sango asked cautiously, waving Rin to step back. If it was the murder, Sango was not having Rin become cannon fodder. “Kagome, Say something or I'm going to have to ask you to step back,” Sango's voice rang out loud and firm in the now deathly quite room.
Kagome turned, her face paler the usual, but it could have been the dark closet behind her that made her face seem to glow. Rin swallowed as she stepped back into a self-defeasance pose. Her hands coming up into a warning contact stance. Sango took a similar stance, only hers had nothing to do with self-preservation, but rather bracing for the recoil of her gun, which was now pulled out and pointing at the ground, both hands gripping it tightly. No use having it pointed, it only made people jumpy.
“I'm okay” at those words, both Sango and Rin relaxed. “But I think you better call the PSD and tell them we have a serial on our hands” Kagome said as she pulled out a pair of kacky-pants, dried blood running down the left leg and inner thigh.
The same thing the other three victims had been wearing.
AN: OKAY! I so should have not written this at 12:34 AM. Cause, now, I'm going to bed with a nightlight -_-;. Anywho, Rate, Message, Review, I don't care. But Also, I will tell you that you will see the abbreviation PSD a lot. And it stands for Public Security Division which is the Japanese version of the FBI. ^-^ Next chapter out tomorrow, when I wake up.