InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mark the Beginning of Love ❯ A Pocketknife and Introductions ( Chapter 2 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Disclaimer: I don't own them. Rumiko Takahashi is the one and only owner.
A/N: Hope I didn't make them OOC. This is short, but the next is gonna be longer. Waaaaay longer. Well, ttfn!!!!
Mark the Beginning of Love
Chapter Two~
A Pocketknife and Introductions
He's just a...a...boy...
Regaining his composure, Sesshoumaru looked at the knife in her hand and narrowed his eyes. “And what do you intend to do with that?”
Glaring at him, the girl looked away, loosely putting her hands to her sides before walking away to sit at the trunk of a different tree. She crossed her arms in an attempt to look gruff and turned so that her back faced him.
A boy! I can't believe I promised never to harm another kid. Oh, great, now what do I do? Should I leave or stay here and show him that I don't care if he's here or not? Grrrrrr.....
Snatching the knife from her hand, Sesshoumaru took a step back to examine the blade.
“Hey!” the girl shouted once she noticed the knife in his hands. “Give it!”
His eyes widened for a moment as he realized that it was indeed a real blade. And a sharp one at that. She could have really harmed me...
“I said `Give it'!” repeated Kagura as she got up and made a dive for the weapon. Unfortunately, Sesshoumaru foresaw her actions and had quickly stepped aside in a graceful manner. He held the knife away from her.
“A young girl like you should not be wielding such a dangerous weapon,” he commented. “What should happen if you were to injure yourself?”
“You don't know me! I've used knifes plenty of times before and I don't even feel the blade against my skin anymore!”
Sesshoumaru looked at her with serious eyes. “Are you saying...”
Biting her lip, the girl turned away from him. She had indeed attempted suicide before, but had never succeeded. Countless times the thought of death had passed her mind and most of those times, she had agreed to try.
One look at her expression told the boy that he was correct. She's tried...but why is she here? In the property of my father?
“Your name.”
The girl looked at him, startled. Narrowing her eyes, she demanded, “What do you want with my name?”
Tapping the dull side of the knife gently against the palm of his hand, Sesshoumaru replied, “I wish to know your name for my own personal knowledge. A girl of your age and status should not be lurking in another's property.”
“Whose property is this then?” Then it hit her. Don't tell me this brat is some stuck up rich kid...
“Answer my question first. Then, I will inform you of whose property this is.”
Like I haven't figured that out on my own, Sherlock!
Glaring at him once more, she quietly mumbled her given name.
“I cannot hear you speaking.”
Oh my gosh, he is SO snobby!
“Kagura,” she spoke louder, hoping he heard her this time.
“Kagura,” he repeated, thinking it over in his head. “Very well. Then, if you haven't already guessed, this is the property of my father. So, I suggest you leave at once.”
Again, she shot him a death glare. “I figured that out already! Now tell me your name!”
Ignoring her demand, he turned to walk away, loosely clutching onto the knife that could have taken his life swiftly. He held her weapon, so he felt confident that she could not harm him. Yet, she found another way to surprise him.
“I said `Tell me your name'!” she reiterated, gusts of wind suddenly rushing towards him.
Ah, a wind demon, he thought, before intending to side-step the attack.
Just at that moment, he felt a strong figure hover above him and block him from the assault. With a semi- startled expression, Sesshoumaru looked up to see none other than his father, looking quite angry. But, as his father realized it was but a young female child before him, his face fell to confusion.
Kagura merely held her fan to her face, glaring at the two. For a moment, she did not know what to do. Here was the boy she had almost stuck with her pocketknife and now he was accompanied with who she assumed to be his father.
What have I gotten myself into?