InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ MArked! ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: InuYasha is owned by Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan Inc. and Viz Media.
Story and all original characters created are owned by me.
By l80hawk
A/N: Well 8 reviews in two days, not too shabby I guess. Thanks to my newest reviewer moussajinx - I'm glad you're enjoying the story. I am more of an extemporaneous writer and am hoping I don't get too side tracked. Thank you again to all of the reviewers, you are a big part of what is keeping me going.
InuYasha woke feeling oddly refreshed Friday morning to the sound of his cell phone vibrating against the bedside table.
“What?” he growled into the phone.
“Do you care to explain why you have forced my to answer your calls on the eve of the Spring Festival, half breed?” Sesshomaru stated coldly.
“What time is it?” InuYasha replied, ignoring Sesshomaru's question.
“Well after 11am. Explain yourself.” Sesshomaru demanded.
“While it is not any of your business; Kikyo is not here. For some reason, I expect to be hearing from her soon about making arrangements to pick up her stuff. Oddly I am relieved.” InuYasha replied.
“Good.” Sesshomanu replied. “Monday we will meet at the News Café at 11:30 in the morning, do not be late.” Abruptly hanging up the phone, ending the call.
InuYasha stretching and looked at his phone, there were two voice mails - surprisingly not many. Getting up, InuYasha thought that heading over to the park would be a good way to clear his head - he hadn't made time to jog in the park as often as he liked. Instead he refrained and used the gym in this company headquarters, allowing him to leave his house as early as possible.
Throwing on sweats, a t-shirt shirt and a bottle of water InuYasha headed out to Crandon Park for a breath of fresh air. Noticeably leaving his cell phone where it lay as he grabbed his keys and headed out the door.
Kagome woke about 7:30am. She could hear voices in the kitchen and assumed that a pot of coffee would most likely be ready. Throwing on a pair of sweats and t-shirt, Kagome grabbed her backpack before heading in for coffee.
Entering the kitchen Kagome stopped in her tracks. `Since when did we put a mirror in the kitchen?” She thought as she came face to face with Kikyo. “Coffee?” she mumbled walking over to the counter to pour her cup.
“Umm, hi there. I'm Kikyo; you must be Sango's roommate. Thanks for letting me crash here last night.” Kikyo began, extending her hand in greeting. “Sango has said the nicest things about you. I spoke to her briefly about moving in, I'm sure she'll want to run in by you later.”
Nodding at Kikyo's rushed explanation, “I'm Kagome - nice to meet you. I hope everything is okay.”
“Kagome?” Kikyo whispered.
“Yes. Hang a sec - I need to grab my phone before I go to class.” Kagome set her mug down and headed back into her room.
Kikyo was stunned. `Kagome? Kouga's Kagome? Oh God, how can I face her?' Kikyo had already spoken to Kouga this morning, which reaffirmed that he was actively trying to reach Kagome, but hadn't heard from her yet. `Of course not, she was still sleeping. Did Sango know? How could she not have told me?' Kikyo thought worriedly, as she waited for Kagome to return.
Stepping back into the kitchen Kagome grabbed her mug, back pack over her shoulder with keys and cell in hand. “Look, I need to head out to class. Here is my cell number, give me a call if you need anything. I'll probably be back after class. Kouga has called and I need to get back to him, which I'll do on the way to class; but I haven't figured out what my plan is yet for today. Did Sango leave you a key?”
Kikyo nodded but did not reply.
“Good, then I'll catch you in a few hours. Call me or Sango if you need anything.” With those parting words Kagome left the apartment.
Picking up her cell on the counter, Kikyo dialed Kouga. “You're not going to believe it, but I just meet Kagome. She hasn't returned your calls because she just got up. She's on her way to class.” Nodding her head at Kouga's response, “Yes, let me know. This may be difficult.” Ending the call Kikyo sighed. She had been postponing calling InuYasha - for what reason she didn't know. However, Sango had been right, things were clearer in the light of day. Dialing his number, she only hoped they would be easier as well.
Kagome groaned as she sat in rush hour traffic on US1, at least she had allowed extra time to get to class. This was her final exam before the spring break and she was looking forward to a relaxing afternoon.
Picking up her cell, she dialed the voicemail to retrieve her messages.
'10 new messages' the automated voice told her.
Kagome quickly scanned the messages listening only long enough to determine the caller before deleting each message. `9 calls from Kouga, what does he want now?' she groaned to herself.
The last message began to play “Kagome, do not hang up, listen first.” Sango's voice rang out. “My class doesn't start until 8:20; you must call me back as soon as possible. Do not make, or take any calls until you speak with me.” The recording ended. `That was strange, I hope everything is okay.' Kagome thought as she dialed Sango's number.
“Kags, where are you?” Sango's breathless voice picked up after the first ring.
“About 10 from the school. Is everything alright? Your message seemed…” Kagome began.
“Listen to me and do not speak, I'm walking to class and can't wait for you to get her. You're sitting down, right?”
“Well duh, I'm sitting in traffic. Sango, what's wrong.” Kagome said.
“This may be a good thing. Did you meet Kikyo this morning?”
“Yes, but I really didn't stick around to talk long, why?” Kagome replied.
“Okay. Before I tell you anything, answer me this, do you love Kouga?” Sango said hesitantly.
Kagome sighed, “I think you and I both know that answer, but what does that have to do with anything?”
“Kagome, just answer the question.” Sango snapped.
“No, I don't Are you happy?”
“Like I said, this may be a good thing, although unexpected. This is the readers digest version and we're going to have to fill in details later, alright?” Sango paused long enough to visualize Kagome's nod in response to her hypothetical question.
“Alright. Kikyo is breaking up with her boyfriend, after meeting another demon - innocently enough, by the way - who is her true chosen.”
“Sango, what does this have to do with me?” Kagome huffed. “It's really too early for this type of drama.”
“Kagome, the demon she met is Kouga.” Sango said quietly.
“What? Shit, I almost rear ended this guy. What are you saying Sango? Kouga is cheating on me? Look, I know you don't like him much, but he's not that type of guy.” Kagome exclaimed.
“First, I am not making accusations. Second, why does it really matter - haven't you been thinking of breaking off the relationship. Third, tell me honestly. Is you heart aching or is your pride wounded?” Sango stated sternly.
“Well…” Kagome hesitated.
“Kags, I wish I had more time to talk now, I know we'll talk later about this. But think logically about this. The demon within truly knows its mate when it meet them. The individual you know only makes its best guess.” Sango sighed before continuing. “I am not saying this to be hateful, but to make sure when the call comes - and I feel certain it will; that you look at things logically, ok?”
“He called.” Kagome whispered.
“Sango, he's already called. Kouga's left 9 voice mails since last night.” Kagome replied.
“What are you going to do?”
“I'm going to call him back and hear what he has to say.” Kagome said quietly.
“Damn, Kags, I hate to rush you but I have to go. Are you in the lot yet? Are you going to call him now?”
“Yes. I can't dwell on this. I have about 15 minutes till class.”
“Look, I'll keep my phone on mute. Call me or text me or whatever, but don't get crazy on me. Like I said, this might be a good thing.” Sango said, attempting to be positive.
“I don't call getting dumped a good thing Sango.” Kagome replied.
“I know. It'll all work out. I gotta go, keep me posted okay? Hang in there kiddo.” Sango ended the call almost before she heard Kagome whisper.
“Yeah, but it hurts.”
Pulling her car into the parking lot, Kagome exited her car and feed the meter. Sighing heavily she dialed Kouga's number.
“JKM Enterprises, how may I direct your call?” The voice answering her call broke through her thoughts.
“Hi Merle, its Kagome. Is Kouga available by any chance?” Kagome spoke quietly into the receiver.
“Kagome? Kouga is expecting your call. Let me put you through.” Merle said with a friendly tone.
For once the music on hold tune began to sound out an instrumental remake of a classic song before Kouga picked up the line. “I've been trying to reach you, are you alright?” Kouga said.
“I'm fine. It was a late night and I have class in 10 minutes but saw that you had called several times. What's up?” Kagome replied, trying to sound light hearted.
“Did you listen to any of my messages?” Kouga asked quietly.
“No, just buzzed through them when I realized it was you. Why? What's up?”
“We need to talk. When will your class be over? I can meet you by the school.” Kouga spoke gently.
“Kouga, that's silly. I have things planned for today and have to work this afternoon. Just tell me what's up.” Kagome lied, not wanting to encourage a meeting with Kouga on her only day off.
“Kagome, we should really sit down to discuss this. I …I don't know how...” Kouga began, obviously distressed by Kagome's lack of interest in what he had to say.
`It's all or nothing, let's get this over with' Kagome thought as she gnawed on her lip during the pregnant pause. Sighing heavily, she continued. “Does this have anything to do with my new soon to be roommate Kikyo?” Kagome held her breath and willed away the tears forming in her eyes as she trudged across the campus to her class.
Several seconds passed before Kouga responded, “Yes. Kagome she is my chosen.”
Kagome let out the breath she was holding. “Its true then?” she whispered.
“I don't know what you've been told or how you even found out.” Kouga hesitated. “I have never been unfaithful, you know that.”
“Yes, I know” Kagome whispered.
“I don't know what else to say. I didn't want to do it this way. You deserve better than this Kagome.” Kouga spoke gently into the phone. “I'm sorry.”
Stopping outside her building, Kagome stood and took a deep breath. For some reason, a weight felt lifted from her shoulders. The tears welling in her eyes did not fall. Head held high a small smile graced her features. “Kouga, it's alright. I think it might be better this way.” Kagome paused. “Are you sure she's the one?”
“Kouga, I know you'll make her happy. Just as I know, that somewhere my chosen is out there as well. She seems really nice.”
“Are you going to be alright?” Kouga asked concern evident in his voice.
“Yes, I think I am. Look my class is about to start. Thank you for being honest and forthright - it just shows how good a man you are. I'm going to lay low today. I'll call you in a couple of days, alright?”
“You sure? Kagome, I'm sorry.” Kouga's voice still harbored the guilt he felt in his heart.
“Yeap. I gotta go. See ya!” Kagome ended the call without waiting for Kouga's response.
`It's over. I didn't see it ending this way, but I'm glad.' Kagome thought to herself as she looked at her watch. Opening the phone, she dialed Sango's number only to reach her voicemail.
“Sango, you were right. Kouga and I are over and I'm surprisingly relieved. Even more so than I thought. I'm going to head over to the park to clear my head. Call me when you get out of your classes, keh? Thanks.” Ending the call, Kagome muted her phone and put it back in her bag as she rushed down the hall to her class all the while thinking to herself, `Yeah, this is definitely a good thing.'
The sun shone brightly through the trees as InuYasha ran through the park. He liked being close to nature and the trails were varied so that the scenery was tranquil and eased his mind. As he jogged along the muscles in his well toned legs and arms flexed. More than one female jogger took a second look as he went by. His pace was strong but controlled; his breathing unlabored. A sheen of sweat glowed on his skin and caused his bangs to stick to his forehead - not out of exertion but humidity. He missed going to the park to run. Although traffic could be heard in the distance, the sounds and scents of the mangroves soothed him.
He had been running for almost an hour when he reached a fork in the trail to take him back to his car in the lot. It had been almost 15 minutes since he had seen the last fellow jogger. The park was nearly empty midday on a Friday. As he continued his steady pace a sense of warmth filled him. InuYasha ears flickered, but couldn't catch a sound. With each step he took, the warmth spread through him, engulfed him. A scent of vanilla and jasmine floated on the wind. InuYasha stepped up his pace, instinctively searching for the source of warmth and the scent emanating from it. About 100 yards ahead he could see a lone jogger sitting by the edge of the trail. Her face flushed from the heat, causing her heavy pony tail to hang against her back. The scent grew stronger the closer InuYasha approached, causing him to come to a stop a few feet from the jogger.
“Miss, are you alright?” InuYasha said, breaking the stillness surrounding them. Birds could be heard twittering in the trees as a swell of ocean breeze causing the leaves in the trees to rustle excitedly in the sweltering heat. The jogger lifted her head slowly revealing sparkling cobalt blue eyes, a petite nose and flushed cheeks at the sound of InuYasha's inquiry.
“Ahh.. yes. I think the heat just got the best of me.” She replied getting to her feet.
As she rose the vanilla and jasmine scent he had been seeking hit InuYasha hard and he felt his loins begin to stiffen as blood rushed down to his loins. He growled softly in response.
Not hearing s response, Kagome looked into the crimson rimmed golden eyes of the handsome jogger. As quickly as she stood, she felt the blood rush from her head as darkness overcame her.
InuYasha rushed forward to catch the raven haired beauty as she crumpled to the ground. As his body made contact with hers, his body simmered. Sweeping her into his arms he hurried down the trail to his car with the unconscious woman hanging limply in his arms.
Exiting the canopy shading the trail, InuYasha snarled “Mine” under his breath, at other joggers in his path.