InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Marriage ❯ The Agreement ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 4
Disclaimer: Inuyasha and Company are property of Rumiko Takahashi.
Inuyasha groaned “Another one?”
Kagome sighed. “This will be the last one, I swear.” She grabbed his hand and pulled him into the nearest souvenir shop.
“I need to send something back to my family. You should as well”
Inuyasha huffed. “I'm not sending anything back to that asshole of a father”
Kagome gave him a stern look as they walked into the small store. “Your mother then. She was very kind to persuade your father into letting us use the beach house.”
“Yeah, she's alright. Her only fault was marrying that evil malevolent, son of a--.”
Kagome stuck her finger up. “Don't even go there.”
In the end Kagome picked out something to buy for all of the parents, while Inuyasha just followed her around like a little puppy asking how much longer she was gonna take.
“Done yet?”
“Yes. Are you happy?” she asked.
Very. I'll be outside. I can't stand this little shop feeling.” He gave a fake twitch and walked out of the store.
Kagome rolled her eyes, but couldn't ignore the small smile that played on her lips. She walked up to the register. Sitting on the counter, a little bell labeled service looked like it wanted to be rung, so Kagome obeyed and smiled again at the sound of the chiming.
A young demon about Kagome's age walked through a door behind the counter to ring up Kagome's purchase. He had long black hair that was up in a high pony tail and icy blue eyes.
“Hey” he said taking the items Kagome had placed on the counter.
“Hi” she said, still smiling.
`Thank God he speaks Japanese' she thought with great thanks.
“Are you from the island?” he asked putting her items in a bag.
“No, I'm visiting from Tokyo”
He gave her an interested nod.
“I'm Koga” he said proudly and sticking his hand out.
“Kagome” She shook it.
He gave her the bag.
There was a moment of silence after he gave her the price of the items and awkwardness completely unlike any Kagome had felt before.
Koga broke it with a half smile.
“One question”
“Yeah?” she began to look through her bag for some money.
“Would you like to go to dinner with me sometime before you leave?”
Kagome froze and ceased reaching for the change in her purse. “I…well…”
The feeling of a strong grip around her arm cut her off.
“You ready to go? A familiar gruff tone rang in her ears.
“Yes…” Kagome replied, blushing furiously when he slipped an arm around her waist.
“Who are you?” Koga asked quite rudely.
“Her husband. And you are…?” Inuyasha asked, clearly ticked off. Kagome couldn't believe he was doing this. It was so embarrassing.
“Absolutely no one you should worry about.” Kagome snapped, handing Koga her money and storming out of the store.
“Shit” Inuyasha cursed and ran out after her.
Koga stood there in semi shock.
`She's so young and she's married? Damn.'
“What was that all about?” Inuyasha asked, catching up to Kagome.
“Excuse me? You were the one who acted like a donkey back there. I can turn down dates on my own you know. The whole husbandry act was completely uncalled for.”
“I could smell that guy. He was determined” Inuyasha said. “Any demon coulda smelled the man's determination from a mile away.
“That doesn't mean I would have done anything to help it! What do you take me for?”
Inuyasha stared at the hurt in her eyes. It was apparent that his pessimistic attitude had disturbed the young human.
“It don't matter what I take you for. I already have you,whether I like it or not.”
Kagome let out a frustrated growl.
“You're a jerk, you know that? It's not like I wanted to be here either.”
He groaned and ran a hand over his face.
“Look.” He said. “Don't get mad at me, alright? It's not that I think you're that type of girl. We can't take any chances, no matter how little.”
“But there was no chance!”
“Maybe so, but I'm not taking any risks.”
Kagome glared at him.
“Weren't you the one who said we should make the best of this marriage?” She said with crossed arms.
“Yeah, so?”
“Then you should trust me. It won't go smoothly if you keep acting like a jealous boyfriend.”
“B-But I'm not!”
Kagome shook her head and kept continued to walk down the street while Inuyasha stood there, processing her analysis of him.
“K-Kagome!” he yelled after her, realizing she was already turning down the next road.
Kagome looked at the computer screen. She mentally cheered when she saw her best friend Sango was online and ready to talk to her. The last time she saw Sango was at the horrid wedding reception.
Green Girl: Sango!
Kitty Kat: Kagome! Oh my god. I didn't know married women could instant message.
Green Girl: Very Funny. I'm just glad this beach house has a computer. I need to talk to
Kitty Kat: Is he horrible?
Green Girl: Inuyasha? Sometimes. He's isn't like other guys
Kitty Kat: How so?
Green Girl: You know how worried I was about the wedding night?
Kitty Kat: Yes. All I heard from you a few weeks before the wedding was how terrified youwere. Did something happen?
Green Girl: Absolutely nothing. He understood completely.
Kitty Kat: from the way he was looking atyou as you walked up the aisle,that'sa shocker to hear. He is cute though.
Kagome blushed when she read what Sango wrote.
Green Girl: He actually is kinda cute isn't he? I got to go. Tired.
KittyKat: You two have fun *wink*
Green Girl: BYE
Green Girl has signed off.
A voice came from over her shoulder.
“Making love? I think not.”
Kagome jumped. “Inuyasha! You didn't…”
He was smirking.
“As a matter of fact I did.”
She blushed. “Then you understood me when I said that you can be horrible sometimes.”
He grunted.
“Well you ain't Ms. Compatible all the time either”
Kagome shook her head and stood up. “I'm going to bed. All that shopping really wiped me out.” She said, ignoring his last comment
He watched her leave. This was the first time he truly had the chance to think about what his father said. In the back of his mind he knew he should tell Kagome, But he also knew that would definitely freak her out.
Then again it would probably be easier to maybe romance her into all of it. She wouldn't hate him if they conceived a child out of love. It wouldn't be that hard to go through with on his end…she wasn't exactly hard to look at.
But he didn't know if she would do the same for him.
When he walked into the bedroom Kagome was sound sleep on her side of the bed.
He stripped down to his boxers again and slid in next to her, pulling her close to him. Letting himself, he basked in her warmth and breathed her breaths.
With his head comforted in the crook of her neck, Inuyasha fell asleep.
The sun shone bright through the blinds in the bedroom Kagome and Inuyasha shared, waking the sleeping girl up.
She looked at the clock on the wall. It was almost 11' o clock in the morning.
When she tried to drag herself out of the plush, satin covered bed, she felt two strong arms around her waist pulling her back down.
He was still fast asleep.
Kagome blushed.
No wonder she'd slept in so late.
They really had nothing to do but sit around the house all day, so she decided to stay in bed with him.
She rolled over so that they were now facing.
Inuyasha felt her hot breath on his face as his eyes flittered open.
“Kagome…” he whispered.
“When did you get to bed last night?” She asked, scooting closer to him.
“I don't know.”
“Oh” She laid her head against his chest, as if thanking him for holding her last night.
Neither of them was entirely sure how long they stayed together in the wonderful silence.
“Two hours, then we leave” Inuyasha said, being dragged into the local club by his shirt sleeve.
“Ah come on Inuyasha don't be such a party pooper!” Kagome teased.
He rolled his eyes and allowed her to pull him faster.
It was packed. Just about every young adult in the city was partying here. The music was booming so loud that Inuyasha could barely hear what Kagome was saying.
“What?” he yelled.
“Let's dance!” she said, her face reddening slightly. Not only had it taken much of Kagome's guts to ask him, but it was hard to yell over the musical vibrations.
He nodded and grabbed her hand, pulling her into the sea of teenagers.
When they found a space large enough for the both of them, a slow song began to play.
Around them, everyone was joining another to dance with and pulling each other close.
Kagome was blushing when Inuyasha did the same, placing his hands on her waist. She looked at the other girls.
All of them had their arms wrapped around their date's necks, so she copied. She never danced with a guy before.
Her head was against his chest.
She didn't remember putting it there…maybe her sub-conscious is trying to tell her something.
They were moving slowly to the music. It was The Song of Love by Every Little Thing.
Slowly, her eyes closed and she let him drift her across the floor
`How is he so good at this?' She asked herself.
Inuyasha's heart was beating in rhythm with hers as he nestled his cheek into her hair.
`Her scent…'
He felt her breath on his neck, then her soft lips.
Inuyasha blushed.
She looked up at him, her blue eyes burning into his.
“Kagome…” he repeated, his face inching toward hers. She stared at his lips as they moved closer and closer, until they were centimeters apart.
Then song ended and Kagome hastily pulled away from him.
“I have to go to the bathroom” Kagome said quickly, hoping he didn't see the flustered look in her face. She hurried out of the crowd.
Inuyasha watched her rush away with a frown. “Kagome…” he muttered before getting rammed into by some drunken girl.
“Inuyasha? Oh my god is that you?”
Inuyasha froze. He never thought he would hear that voice ever again, but here it was, In Hawaii, while he was on his honeymoon.
“K-Kikyo? What are you doing here?”
"It is you! Oh my god. It's been forever. You look great!" Kikyo said with a surly smile.
"Thanks Kikyo..."Inuyasha said, not returning the compliment.
"Why are you in Hawaii? Shouldn't you be in school?" she asked, placing a hand on his shoulder.
"Funny, I was about to ask you the same question"
Kikyo giggled. "Can't a girl have fun every once in while? Anyways Inu Baby, that doesn't answer my question to you"
That's when Inuyasha noticed the drink in her hand. It probably wasn't her first tonight.
“I'm here on my honeymoon” he said in a bored tone.
A frown appeared on Kikyo's pretty face.
"Honeymoon? When did you get married? You're only like 16, right?" her voice was high as though she just sucked all the helium out of a balloon.
`Did she ever listen when I told her I had to get married? Stupid wench…'
"18, Kikyo. I'm 18. I was 16 two years ago" he stuck his middle and index fingers up for her. She wasn't exactly the smartest girl he'd ever met.
`Inuyasha walked into the large living room and put his luggage on the ground next to the door. He was only 16 and his father had him go on business trips.
It was completely useless for Sesshomaru to visit future business associates. He never had any part in taking over the family's technical empire.
That's why Inuyasha was going to have to take over the family business…But only after he got married to that Higurashi girl. His father had his whole life planned out for him.
Anyways, Inutashio decided to stay back in Kyoto to see more people and let his son come back early.
Inuyasha came to see Kikyo for their twoyear anniversary.
"Oh Sesshy”
Inuyasha heard giggling. He knew that voice. His sensitive ears lead him to his brother's room. Slowly, the knob turned.
“What the hell is going on here?!”Inuyasha roared.
The sight before him ripped out his heart and repeatedly stamped it on the ground.
His girlfriend was lying underneath his brother with only a bra and underwear to cover her pale skin.
" Little brother, you'rehome early" Sesshomaru said giving him an icy glare.
Obviously! I came back for our anniversary Kikyo!"
She squirmed outfrom under a frozen Sesshomaruand fell out of the bed.
They both saw her flinch when he addressed her, as though she was trying to get away un- noticed.
She wrapped the blanket around her almost naked body.
"I'm sorry Inu baby" She walked up to him and tried to give him a kiss. He turned his face away from her and grabbed her arm, cursing at Sesshomaru he pulled her out of the room.
" could you?" he asked, looking at her. Kikyo was outraged that Inuyasha had declined her kiss. He'd never done that before.
"You really want to know why Inuyasha?" she asked, folding her arms.
“Yes! I REALLY want to know” he said.
Kikyo huffed. “Because I need a man. You're cute and all but it's not enough.”
Inuyasha stared at her. “So, you cheat on me?”
“Well, no. We never actually got to that.
“How long has this been going on?”
Kikyo looked at her manicured nails. “Only a couple of months.”
“A couple of months?!”
His bangs dropped over his eyes as he noticed her whispy tone.
“Get out.” He growled.
He grabbed her arm and dragged her over to the door, in nothing but underwear and a blanket.
Over the next few days the only messages on Inuyasha's phone were from Kikyo. Each said the same thing. “Inu baby I am R-E-E-E-E-E-A-A-A-A-L-L-L-Y sorry. I need you sweetie. Please call back.” But Inuyasha never did. It may have taken a couple of years, but he finally figured out that Kikyo never really cared about him.
She took a step towards him. “Inuyasha I missed being with you. Lets just forget that little Sesshy thingy never happened.”
Her face closed in on him and he could smell the alcohol in her breath, causing his eyes to burn.
Then she kissed him, and it wasn't a very subtle kiss either. Her tongue was etched into the back of his throat before he could even make a move to stop her.
He pushed Kikyo off of him. Kagome was staring at him from over Kikyo's shoulder for a moment. Then she ran.
Inuyasha followed, leaving Kikyo with a dazed look on her face.
“Whoops” she slurred, before turning around and grinding against with another man.
“Stay away from me” Kagome said as Inuyasha grabbed her arm, trying to get her to stop proceeding into the house.
“No. Not until I explain.”
She sent him a death glare and tore his hand off of her.
“There isn't anything to explain. You kissed her. I saw it. So what?” she said, making her way down the long hallway that lead to the master bedroom.
She slammed the door in his face, and Inuyasha had to lean way not to get his nose smashed.
“Kagome! Open up!” Inuyasha yelled through the bedroom door. “Let me explain!”
“Go away” she yelled lying on the bed. “Leave me alone Inuyasha” she clutching her pillow for dear life.
Her wedding ring was sitting on the floor right next to the door.
“No! Kagome let me in.” The knob jiggled. Kagome heard him sigh.
“Alright then. I'll explain out here” he said.
“Fine.” She said into the pillow. Thankfully his hanyou ears picked it up.
“First off, she kissed me. I didn't like it one bit. See, we used to date.”
Kagome snickered. “And the flames still burning.”
Inuyasha looked at the ground. “No, she cheated on me.”
Minutes seemed to fly by in silence.
`Why some onewould cheat on Inuyasha…then again, her outfit woulddidn't imply she was a one- guy type of girl…' Kagome thought.
`Maybe she didn't hear me' he thought and began to walk, with heavy steps, in the direction of the guest room.
“Inuyasha wait” He felt a hand on his shoulder, and turned to come face-to-face with Kagome's mascara smudged eyes.
“Did you love her?” she asked.
. “No…But I thought I did.”
Kagome, do you remember that talk I had with my father at breakfast the other day?” He had to tell her.
Why? After seeing how miserable she got for seeing him with another woman, he wanted to prove worthy of her trust. Keeping something like the agreement with his father from her wasn't exactly the best way to do so.
Sitting across the room in a puffy armchair, she looked up at him from her book.
“Yeah, what about it?”
He shifted slightly on the bed “Well…my father and I sort of made an agreement.”
She raised her eyebrow. “What sort of agreement?”
“We have 5 months” he said, not looking her in the face. “Or, more like 4 and a half.
Kagome was even more confused now than before.
“4 and half months to do what?”
Inuyasha blushed and moved off the bed to crouch in front of her.
“To try and make…to try and make a pup. My father doesn't want to smell a virgin next time he sees you.”
Kagome froze.
“And your telling me right now, why?” she re-gained movement and backed away slightly.
“As you were running away from me earlier, all I could think about was you hating my guts for the rest of our lives. And if you hated me …we couldn't…” his voice trailed off.
“What would your father do if we didn't?” she was still processing what Inuyasha just told her. Would the only reason that he wanted to do this would be because his dad told him to?
Disown both of us.”
Kagome looked skeptical.
“And you aren't saying this just to get into my pants?”
He looked up into her eyes. They were filled with confusion and shock.
`She doesn'twant this. She wantsfriendship. But married couples can't be just friends, can they?'
“No, I'm serious about this Kagome. Why would I joke about it? It isn't really a funny topic.”
“It isn't…but what are we going to do about it?” she asked.
Inuyasha huffed. “You can think about it. There is no way I'm gonna force you to do anything.”
Kagome smiled. “Thanks Inuyasha.” He lightly brushed a strand of hair behind her ear, causing Kagome to blush slightly.
“No problem” he whispered.