InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Marry Me? ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Second Chapie is here, PLEASE read and Review. Thank you ChibiMishaSan for being my first reviewer!!! I'll try to do something extra special in the story for you!
Second period went by fast and lunch was far away after fifth period.

"I'm hungry." Kagome wined to Sango.

"Did you eat breakfast?" Sango asked.

"No…" Kagome mumbled. "I woke up late." The truth was that she had archery practice, but lying seemed easier at the moment.

"Then it's your own fault." Sango said cheerfully. "I don't have third or forth period with you, so I'll see you at fifth."

Kagome frowned, great she thought. Sango had told Kagome all about InuYasha, he was from a super rich family and lived with his brother, and from what she was told he was the most popular guy at school. Sango also told Kagome the he was going to be in her next few classes.

"Okay class, we have a new student, Kagome Higurashi, please make her feel welcomed." The teacher told the class.

A few gasps escaped, word had spread pretty far around the school or her standing up to InuYasha.

"Kagome, please take your seat next to InuYasha." The teacher said turning to the board.

Kagome sighed and took her seat cautious not to give InuYasha any eye contact. About five minutes later Kagome felt something on her butt.
"AH HENTAI!" Kagome shouted as she turned around. Apparently it was the guy behind her. Sango had told Kagome all about him, he was a long time pervert, Miroku.

InuYasha and Miroku started to laugh at Kagome, she was bright red, but so was Miroku's face. That caused the whole class to laugh.

"Now, now, class settle down." the teacher said.

Kagome endured the rest of the class, barley. InuYasha was the worst thing that happened to her. The next class wasn't a joy either, Kagome found several spitballs in her hair, but she also figured out something. Whenever she was near InuYasha she would always feel this weird aura, and it wasn't just InuYasha, there were a few others. Were there demons at this school, I better ask Sang, She thought.

Sometime later it was finally lunchtime and Kagome spotted Sango sitting by a cherry tree.

"Hey Kagome!" Sango exclaimed. "How was class with InuYasha?"

"Not too bad, oh that's right, I got groped! I also figured out InuYasha's secret." Kagome said.

"And what would that be?" Sango questioned curiously. Kagome leaned in towards Sango and whispered. "I think he's part demon." And it's weirding me out that he could be so similar to my InuYasha. Kagome thought.

Sango, of course, wasn't too shocked; she did come from a long line of demon slayers.
"How'd you come to that?" Sango asked.

"He has a aura, and I can sense it." Kagome said, rather to loud actually.

"Ouch!" Kagome shouted. The arm of a very mad InuYasha was tugging her. Once they were out of the cafeteria and away from anyone InuYasha started the questions.

"How the heck can you sense demon?" InuYasha asked. Obviously he had been eavesdropping.

"None of your business now let me go!" Kagome struggled, but InuYasha was a little too strong for her. After a few moments of realizing he wasn't letting go Kagome began to talk.

"Alright." She said. "My family runs a shrine, I've learned how to detect demons ever since my father passed away when I was four." InuYasha looked at Kagome strangely, but he never released her.

InuYasha thought to himself. What is it that I feel with this girl? She looks so much like Kikyo, but yet her scent is more warming do I know her...Is she…

Suddenly InuYasha pulled Kagome closer to him. "Kagome." He started. "Do you know Kikyo?" Kagome paused.

"Yes." She began. "She tried to kill me once, but she is now dead. I know you know her InuYasha, and I think that I met you a long time ago in Tokyo."

InuYasha looked at Kagome. "Are you familiar with the name Kags?" He asked.

"Yes." She said smiling.

"I found you." He said returning the smile.

Then he leaned in closer looking into her dark bark eyes, asking permission and with that, he kissed her.  Her lips are soft and moist…and warm, He thought. That moment seemed to end to soon as they broke the kiss.