InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Marry Me? ❯ Chapter 10 ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

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“Sweet revenge.” InuYasha said standing up. “I guess this means you're mine now.”
“What do you mean?” She asked.
“You're my girlfriend.”
Kagome blushed. I have a boyfriend? Kagome thought smiling.
“Anyways, before you lied to me or hit me with a metal pipe I was going to take you out to lunch to tell you how to get out of marrying Naraku.”
“How!” Kagome asked. “How do I get out of the arranged marriage, we need the money.”
“Marry me!” He said proudly. “By law if you marry me then the Will doesn't count, so you wouldn't have to marry him, besides, you know you want to marry me.”
Kagome blushed heavily. “Marry you?” she asked starring at her feet. “But I'm only seventeen!”
“Better then marring Naraku at seventeen.” InuYasha said.
“But that's so…”
“So what?” InuYasha said. “My dad is loaded and were filthy rich, if we marry he'd pay the dept. He would only do it if we were married though, and your parents could move back from America.”
“You're rich?” Kagome asked.
“Yeah! After my brother quit for your father him and my dad started this company called MacDonald's.”
“Your kidding your dad owns it! That makes you like really old! That's why your hairs white!” Kagome said rather alarmed.
“Yeah I'm old, but in human years I'm only eighteen!” InuYasha stated. “That makes us like perfect marriage age.”
“Were in twelfth grade InuYasha!” Kagome said. “What about collage, and what it I only have a crush on you then we get married and after the first night I roll over, see you in bed, and go, “Why the heck did I marry you?” Kagome said.
“Think about it Kagome, you will be in the exact same position but with Naraku! Since you found the will you only have thirty days till he gets to marry you, you're in the same position except with Naraku. Whom would you rather marry?” said InuYasha who was quite tired of explaining the fact that she would end up marrying someone within thirty days.
“I'd rather marry you.” Kagome said blushing. “It just seems so soon.”
“Kagome.” He said sweetly. “I promise, if you don't like me after the wedding we can just be friends, but I will always have strong feelings for you, even if you can't quite can't return it fully.”
“I really like you InuYasha, but I don't know if it's love. Maybe if we get married I will know if it is love, but I wouldn't want to rush anything.”
“What do you mean rush anything?” InuYasha asked.
“I mean if we get married, on Wedding night nothing happens if I'm not ready! Clear?” She said strongly.
“I feel the same way.” InuYasha said.
Yeah right, you'd pin me any time I closed my eyes. Kagome thought. This is a big commitment, but anyone's better that Naraku, and since I like InuYasha it shouldn't be horrid, in fact, I think I do love him, still thirty days until I'm a wife.
“Kagome Higurashi, will you marry me?” InuYasha said bending on one knee.
“Yes.” Kagome said smiling widely. “I trust you to contain yourself.” Both Kagome and InuYasha laughed.
“Anything.” Said InuYasha. I don't care if I have to sleep in a different room while I'm married to her, I truly love her. He thought. And now I can be with her forever.
“I am human, so I'd die before you wouldn't I?” Kagome asked scared of the thought.
“Nope when a human marries into a youki family we both gain youth and partial immortality.” Answered InuYasha.
“I can't believe it. I'm getting married. Mrs…um InuYasha…”
“Yeah?” InuYasha asked.
“What's your last name?” Kagome said sheepishly.
“Takahashi.” He replied with an anime sweat drop. This may be a problem, They thought in unison. We don't know everything about each other.
“Favorite color!” Kagome shouted. InuYasha and Kagome had spent the school day passing notes and asking questions. Now it was lunch and they were trying to memorize everything about each other.
“Does it matter Kags? My dad doesn't even know my mom's birthday.” InuYasha said, but Kagome gave him a warning glare. “I like red.”
“Since when do you call Kagome Kags?” Miroku asked InuYasha.
“Since were engaged.” He said blankly.
“Kagome you're WHAT!” Sango shouted.
“Sango-Chan.” Kagome quivered.
“Don't you Sango-Chan me.” Sango said strictly.
“It's not my fault we found the will!” Kagome said.
“I think I'm the one that found it.” A deep voice said.
“Hey Kouga.” Miroku said.
“How did he find it, was he in the Feudal Era?” Sango asked Kagome. Kagome only nodded.
“Well?” Miroku asked. “What'd the will say, how much money is there.”
“None.” Said InuYasha. “The only thing was that Kagome is supposed to have an arranged marriage with Naraku.”
“That's horrible Kagome!” Sango said. “Why would he say that in the Will?”
“Well my father and his made the agreement, so when I marry him we get money, but I hate his guts.” Kagome said gloomed.
“That's why she's marrying me!” InuYasha said pointing his thumb to his chest.
“WHAT!” Kouga shouted.
“I assume in order to not marry Naraku?” Miroku suggested.
“Well yeah and well,” Kagome never finished, but Sango and Miroku got the idea, Kouga had his own opinion though.
She fell for him. If her hurts her I promise I'll hunt him down and grrr. Sango thought.
Way to go InuYasha! I knew you'd go after the new girl, you dog, Thought Miroku.
“NO WAY! I wanted her, I already claimed her!” Kouga shouted.
“To bad I marked her.” InuYasha said. Kouga was silent and walked away.
“What does it mean, you marked me?” Kagome asked innocently.
“It means he bit your neck and you're his.” Miroku said, but not without InuYasha thumping him on the head. “That's not the way to put it Miroku.” InuYasha said as Miroku rubbed his newfound lump on his head.
“I don't get it, you never bit me, or did you…” InuYasha gulped. “Ewe you bit me.” Kagome said disgusted.
The lunch bell rang and Kagome headed of to her class being stalked by InuYasha. “Remember my “Sweet revenge, how after I kissed you I kissed your neck?” InuYasha asked. Kagome had a flashback in her mind play.
“Yeah.” She answered. “And I asked what you were doing.”
“Exactly, that's when I marked you.” InuYasha said. “But since your marked you have to be careful now, more youki will try to claim you, Kouga's just the start.”
Kagome gulped. “Don't worry.” InuYasha said wrapping his arm around her. “I'll protect you.” The last part he whispered in her ear and caused her to blush.
Welpers that's another chapter. Thank you for reading, I'll update soon.
PS: This is so stupid that I'm saying this(again) but Please review for me and tell all your friends to read and review. Lol. There I said it, I feel sorta greedy, but whatever.