InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Marrying a Hanyou ❯ SAY WHAT?!?! ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don’t own any of these characters except for some; you’ll be able to tell

Marrying a Hanyou

Chapter 1: SAY WHAT!


Kagome groaned turned over on her stomach and her pillow over her head. “Kagome!” Kagome shot up in her bed. “Alright, alright, don’t have a cow!” she called back. She went to the bathroom and took a quick shower.

She then changed into a pleated black mini-skirt and a short sleeved green shirt that said ‘kneel before your princess’ she put on some high heeled sandals and some silver earrings. She then put her hair on a high ponytail and left two strands down. She raced downstairs and was greeted by her mom smiling.

“Good morning Kagome,” her mom said. “I have wonderful news that you’ll get it when you get home ok?”

Kagome nodded and grabbed her bookbag and walked out the house.

Kagome got to school a few minutes before the bell. She walked to her locker and gave her lock a few turns and it popped opened her locker. She got books for her first three periods and went to class.

Sango sat in class working when Kagome walked in class. “Sango, hi!” Kagome greeted. Sango looked up form her work and smiled at her best friend. “Hey Kagome!” she said. “What’re you doing?” Kagome asked sitting behind her. “Trying to figure out this math problem.”

“I know! I hate math, all we do is add, subtract, multiply and divide!” Kagome exclaimed. (true, true) “I know.” Sango said sighing.

The bell rang and all the students started to come in class. “Good morning class!” their teacher said enthusiastically. The class grumbled a response. “Ok, today is a half day due to something the principal wants to talk to the teachers about.” The class started to cheer.

“Yeah, HALF DAY!” someone cheered. Sango and Kagome looked at each other, shrugged, and started cheering also. “Yea, now I can rest…” Kagome said happily. Sango sat and thought for a while. “Hey Kagome,” she said.

“Yeah?” “Wanna go to the mall after school?” she asked carefully. Kagome turned and looked Sango over slowly. At this Sango blushed a deep red. Kagome knew Sango like the back of her hand. They have known each other for a real long time, those two and their other best friend Rin whom they grew up with.

“Spill it, and I mean all of it!” Kagome demanded. Sango turned her head as fast as she could. “What are you talking about, can’t a girl go shopping.!” “There’s a reason you want to go shopping, and I want to know why.” Kagome said simply.

Before Sango could say anything, Rin walked up to them. “Hey guys, what’s up?” she said. She was wearing and tight orange shirt that showed her stomach and some light blue jeans with some white and orange shoes.

“Nothing, just trying to get Sango to tell me, why she wants to go to the MALL!” Kagome said. “This is going to be good.” Rin smiled. Sango huffed and started. “Well, there’s this boy that works in this new store called Teen Flava,” before she could finish Kagome and Rin burst out laughing. “YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON SOMEONE?!” Rin laughed. “The day that happens is the day I have a crush on Hojo!” Kagome laughed. Sango glared.

“Sorry, but it’s so hard to believe!” Rin wiped the tears from her eyes.

“I don’t know his name but he has these amazing blue eyes and black hair and-“ “Don’t look now but the four witches are coming.” Kagome said as Kikyo, Kagura, and Koharu walked in. Then Inuyasha walked in with a guy behind him. “OH MY GOD, it’s him!” Sango whispered fiercely. Kagome looked the guy over. “Oh, that’s Miroku.” Kagome said.

Sango looked confused. Inuyasha said something to the teacher and sat down. “Class, we have a new student, Miroku Houshi.” the teacher stated. Miroku said hi and sat down next to Inuyasha.

“Hey Inuyasha, Sesshomaru here today? ”Rin asked. “Nope.” He answered then turned to Kagome. “Hey milk nose.” He said smirking. Kagome scowled. He always teased her about the time Shippo made her laugh so hard at lunch milk came out her nose.

“OK, wet fart.” She retorted. This time Inuyasha growled. She referred to the time their teacher fell asleep in the middle of his lecture, and Inuyasha laughed so hard he farted. “Tissue pants.” He said and you don’t want to know what happened that time. So he turned his attention to Miroku and started talking to him.

“Asswipe,” Kagome muttered. “Heard that wench,” Inuyasha called back. “Good, saves me the trouble of saying it to your face.” Kagome shot back. Inuyasha turned and growled. “You really irk my nerves, wench.” He said. “Ask me if I care.” Kagome said smartly. Miroku interrupted. “Hey Kagome, long time no see,” he smiled. Kagome smiled back.

“Hey, Miro!” Sango pulled Kagome aside. “You know him?” she whispered. “Yeah, my mom works with his mom.” She answered. “What’re you over there whispering about, how long it’ll be until you get a boyfriend?” Inuyasha asked.

Kagome smiled sarcastically. “Actually we were talking about how long it’ll be before you get a boyfriend.” Then she laughed. “If you are the only one laughing at your joke then it ain’t funny.” Inuyasha said. Kagome rolled her eyes. “Why don’t you go flirt with that whore Kikyo,” she said. Inuyasha smiled. “Good idea.” Then he turned and started talking to Kikyo. Kagome growled and turned around. Sango sent Rin a look that said (She’s jealous). Rin chuckled. “Hey,”

Sango turned towards Miroku and blushed. “Haven’t I seen you at Teen Flava?” Miroku asked Sango. “Uh….yeah. I went there Saturday.” Sango said shyly. “You were with your brother.” Miroku finished. Sango blushed deeper. “My name’s Sango Taijiya.” She said. “I’ll remember that,” Miroku smiled. Rin and Kagome shared a look saying (Awww…)

Later that day Kagome got home. “Kagome! In the livingroom!” her mom called. ‘What’s mom so happy about?’ Kagome thought. She walked in the room to see her mom standing next to a man with long silver white hair in a braid and Inuyasha sitting on the sofa looking angry.

“Mom, what is Inuyasha doing here?” Kagome asked. “Oh, honey don’t be so rude. Say hi to Mr. Takahashi, the owner of Takahashi industries.” Her mom chirped. Kagome bowed politely.

“Kagome I have wonderful news. Mr. Takahashi and I were discussing this for a long time. We have come to the decision of engaging you to his son. So meet your new fiancé, Inuyasha!” her mom said. “SAY WHAT!” Kagome exclaimed before entering the depths of dreamland.

That’s chapter 1. Please review and thank you!