InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Marrying a Hanyou ❯ A week at Inuyasha's ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Marrying a Hanyou

Chapter 3: A week at Inuyasha's

After a while Inuyasha took Kagome home. "Hey, my mom is gone!" Kagome exclaimed when they walked inside. She found a note on the refrigerator. Kagome, Jii-chan called and asked me to help him with his moving to a new house in Okinawa. I'll be back in a week. Meanwhile I want you to stay at Inuyasha's. This'll be the perfect time for you two to learn to get along. Inuyasha's father is out on a business trip and will be back by the time I will. Get your stuff and lock up when you leave. Souta is at a friends by the way. love, mom

"Aww, come on! Why not make me move in with him Mom!" Kagome yelled angrily.

"What are you whining about, wench?" Inuyasha said smugly. Kagome shoved the note in his hand and stormed upstairs.

Inuyasha read then note and thought, 'Oh great'. He looked around for Kagome and caught her scent up the stairs.

Kagome angrily threw her clothes in a small suitcase. "First I get engaged to him, now I have to live with him for a week. What did I do to deserve this!" she asked herself.

"Shut it, wench, it's not like you're staying with me forever!" Inuyasha said walking into her room.

Kagome glared at him. "Being engaged to you is bad enough, but knowing my Mom, she's probably out looking for a house for us to stay in." she said lowly.

"I'm not happy either! I'd rather be engaged to Kikyo-" Inuyasha was interrupted by Kagome's laughter.

"Her! I feel sorry for the man who'd have to listen to her self-gloating 24/7!" Kagome laughed.

"At least she's not ugly like a certain someone." Inuyasha said. Kagome snorted.

" 'Not ugly'? The bitch keeps her face caked with make-up. That's the definition of ugly!" Kagome said finishing her packing.

Inuyasha rolled his eyes. "How many bags do you need?" he yelled. Kagome ignored him and grabbed her bags. "Let's go," she said.

When they got to Inuyasha's house, Kagome gawked. "Wow, this place is huge!" she whispered. Inuyasha smirked. "I know." he said.

"Wow, I'm engaged to a rich, arrogant, mean, rude and cocky hanyou? My life has taken a turn for the worst." Kagome muttered to herself. Inuyasha growled.

He parked his car in the garage and got out. As Kagome got out of the car, she looked in awe at all the cars.

He had a blue Expedition, red Excursion, cream Cadillac Escalade, black Lincoln Navigator, a black Chrysler 300c, a silver Honda Civic, a black Jaguar, a green Ferrari, and a red Hummer.

'Wow!" she thought as she looked around.

She then followed him into the house. The living room was decorated in black and gold, Kagome eyes almost fell out her sockets.

Inuyasha led her up the stairs and into a room painted green. It had a TV in the ceiling over the bed as well as in front of the bed, a DVD player, VCR, DVDs, tapes surround sound, a glass desk complete with a computer.

The comforter was a lime green a decorated with stuffed animals. To top it off there was a small balcony w/ lawn chairs and a great view of the city.

Kagome fainted. Inuyasha smirked proudly at the room, that is, until he heard a loud thud. He turned to see Kagome on the ground. 'Stupid wench' he thought.

2 hours later into the night Kagome woke up in her temporary bed. She sat up and got out of it, hearing voices down stairs.

She followed the voices into the kitchen. "Who's the girl upstairs?" a male voice asked.

"None of your business, you just keep your hands off her. She's mine!" she recognized this voice as Inuyasha. 'Did he just say I was his?' she thought.

She walked into the kitchen. Both figures turned around. The other guy had long black hair in a high ponytail with a headband around his head and dazzling blue green eyes. He stared at her with his mouth wide open.

"What're you doing down here, wench?" Inuyasha growled. Kagome scowled.

"You'd better call me Kagome, got that?" she growled. In a quick flash of black the guy stepped in front of Inuyasha, facing Kagome. He took her hands.

"Surely dog-turd doesn't deserve such a beautiful lady as yourself. The name's Koga." he said. Kagome blushed, until she heard a loud snarl.

"Back off wolf-shit." Inuyasha threatened. Koga let go of her hands and faced Inuyasha.

"What's wrong mutt-face?" he sneered. "Ya jealous? What about Kikyo?" he asked.

Inuyasha growled deeply. "Don't push your luck." he said. Kagome cleared her throat.

"Inuyasha, can I invite Sango over on Friday?" she asked. "Knock yourself out." was all Inuyasha said. Kagome smiled at him for the first time that day.

She then walked back upstairs. "You'd better watch your girl fleabag, I'm might make her mine. Tell Sesshomaru I came by." Koga said leaving. Inuyasha glared after him.

'Not if I can help it,' he thought.

That's all for now! What do you think? Please review!