InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Marrying a Hanyou ❯ Conflicts at school ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Hey, it’s been a long time! Well, long time’s an exaggeration, but I haven’t had any computer access. But now that my wonderful father bought me this laptop for Xmas, you all will be getting more updates!!! YAY!
Oh, and this chapter introduces another childhood friend of Kagome, Sango, and Rin. She’s been MIA for the past couple of months and is just returning back to school.
And one more thing, just so you guys are prepared, the story will be changing scenes frequently. Every character has their own drama, so it’ll go from Kagome and Inuyasha to Sesshomaru, then Shippo…
So just be prepared.

Disclaimer: Really….if I owned Inuyasha I wouldn’t waste my time writing fanfics….

Marrying a Hanyou
Chapter 7: Conflicts at school

~that Monday~

“GOOOOODDDDD MOOORRNNIIINNN WORLD!!! This is Jay-Jay in the morning show! It’s now 7:15 and boy is it beautiful outside!!!”
Kagome woke up to the alarm clock in Inuyasha’s guest room. Groaning, she got up slowly, all the while thinking, ‘Ugh, Why’d the weekend have to go by so fast?!’
She drug her feet to the bathroom, and took a quick shower, brushed her teeth and whatever else had to be done. After, she picked out what to wear to school: a dark blue tube top shirt, black low rise jeans, and some dark blue heels.

‘I wonder if Inuyasha is up…’ she decided to go see of her fiancé was getting ready. She reached his room only to see him still asleep. She started to call his name when she noticed his kawaii ears twitching slightly.
Smiling evilly, she quietly snuck over to the bed. ‘I’ll scratch his until he wakes up,’ she thought reaching towards his ears. Inuyasha caught her wrist and next thing she knew she was flipped onto the bed.

Kagome gasped and looked up at him smirking down at her. “You’re awake?!” she exclaimed.
“Thought you’d scratch my ears again wench?” he countered. Kagome noticed he was partially dressed in a black tank top, and some baggy dark blue South Pole jeans.
She huffed and turned her head. “That’s not fair, Inuyasha,” she pouted.

Inuyasha grinned and planted a kiss on her mouth. “Life ain’t fair Kagome. Get used to it,” he told her as he climbed off her.

When he did, Kagome got a good look at her fiancé. ‘My God, he is SO sexy!!!!’ her mind screamed as he pulled on his golden brown, black, and gold stripped South Pole shirt, and reached for his golden brown Tims.
She didn’t know she was staring until Inuyasha eagerly burst her bubble.

“Like what you see?” he asked smirking. Kagome turned red and she walked past him. “Don’t let it go to your head……Yashy Washy,” she stated leaving.
“Hey! You call me Inuyasha WENCH!!!” he called after her.
Kagome went back to her room and retrieved her purse and book bag, then made her way downstairs to grab something to eat.
Inuyasha was already downstairs stuffing his face with grits, eggs, bacon and toast.
“You eat like a starved child,” Kagome told him as she grabbed a slice of toast. He shrugged.
As Kagome nibbled her toast, she couldn’t help but feel like something was going to happen that day at school.

-----later at school-----
As soon as Kagome arrived to school she went to her locker. Inuyasha’s locker was at the other end of the hall.
She opened the locker to find yet another note.
Dear Kagome,
I’ve never been able to say this to your face, so I wrote this letter. I am in love with you, and have been for a while. Please be my girlfriend. Tell me your answer in first period, ok?

‘Oh God, this can’t be good. I can’t let Inuyasha see this!’ she thought. Suddenly she felt the paper being snatched out her hands.
“Hey! Give that back!” she exclaimed as Inuyasha began to read the letter. “Another one?! Wait ‘till I get my hands on that mangy wolf…..wait! This is from that Hobo nerd! I’ll skin him alive!!!” Inuyasha growled as he made his way to where Hojou’s locker was.

“Inuyasha! Wait!” Kagome said running towards her enraged fiancé. Inuyasha kept walking.
“WHAT DO YOU MEAN ‘WAIT’?! I’M NOT GOING TO JUST SIT AND LET THAT HOMO WRITE MY GIRL LOVE LETTERS!!!” Inuyasha yelled. Kagome was desperate for a way to stop Inuyasha.
‘He’ll beat the crap outta Hojou if I don’t do something!!’ she thought.

Running in front of him, and looked him in the eyes and pleaded, “Inuyasha, please, just calm down!”
He bent his head down close to Kagome’s face and growled out, “NO,” Kagome closed the space between their faces, taking him in a deep, passionate kiss. Inuyasha was shocked but returned the kiss willingly. ‘This should work,’ Kagome thought breaking the kiss. “You just saved that punk’s life,” he told her bluntly. Kagome smiled from ear to ear, and gave him a quick peck on the lips.

“No, I just saved you from suspension,” she shot back. Inuyasha and Kagome reached their class, Biology, and walked in to see Sango sitting with Miroku laughing.
“Hey Sango, Miroku, what’s up?” Kagome said. “Oh, hey Kags,” Sango greeted. The teacher wasn’t in the room at the moment so everyone was chatting loudly.

Out of nowhere Hojou walked up to where Kagome, Inuyasha, Sango and Miroku were sitting and smiled at Kagome.
“Hey Kagome, did you get my letter?”

Inuyasha growled low in his throat, but Kagome was at a loss for words. Not waiting for an answer, Hojou continued to talk. “I was wondering if you’d like to go to the movies with me this weekend,” he told her.

Inuyasha had enough. “No she doesn’t want to go to the movies with a fag like you,” he snapped. Hojou frowned at Inuyasha but chose to ignore the comment. “So Kagome, you want to go?” he persisted.
“Hojou, I-“ she said but Inuyasha cut her off again.
“Didn’t I just tell you she doesn’t want to go out with you, fag?” he growled.
“And just who are you to decide for Kagome?” Hojou snapped. “I’m her boyfriend. You got a problem with that, asshole?” Inuyasha got up. Miroku decided to step in before Inuyasha actually hurt Hojou.
He stood between the two, successfully restraining Inuyasha. “Hojou, I suggest you leave before you get hurt,” he warned.

Hojou looked at Kagome and Sango also having to hold back the angry teen.
Hojou swallowed hard, and then decided to take Miroku’s advice.
“I’ll talk to you later, Kagome,” he said leaving. That sent Inuyasha over the edge.
“I’LL KICK YOUR ASS!!!” he yelled.
“INUYASHA CALM DOWN!!!!” Kagome yelled back trying to restrain him.

“NOT A CHANCE!!!” he tried to get past Miroku. “If you lay one finger on Hojou, I’ll never forgive you!” Kagome said.
Inuyasha stopped trying to get past Miroku and looked at Kagome with a look of complete disbelief on his face. “What did you say?” he asked to make sure he heard right.
“I said don’t you touch him, Inuyasha,” That’s when the teacher walked in. Inuyasha glared at Kagome but took his seat.
Kagome sighed and took her seat next to him.


Ayame Ookami was late getting to school this morning.
‘This is great! My first day back and I’m already having a bad day! I need to hurry and get to English class!’ she thought trying to get the combination to her locker right. She spun the lock a few times then pulled expecting the lock to pop open, but it didn’t. Ayame tried again and again with no avail.
She became annoyed. “This just isn’t my day!” she exclaimed leaning against her locker.

Kouga walked down the empty hall to take the attendance to the office. ‘Boy do I love leadership, all I have to do is run errands,’ he thought whistling as he rounded the corner.
He noticed a girl leaned against her locker looking beyond angry. He decided to see what was wrong.

“Hey, shouldn’t you be in class? You skipping or something?” he asked her. When she looked at him, his breath caught.
She was very pretty, with fiery red hair and bright green eyes. Those bright green eyes were currently burning with anger.
“Oh yeah, I’m skipping with a pass, in the middle of the hall,” she snapped angrily.

“No need to bite my head off,” Kouga snapped back. She sighed, and sent him an apologetic look.
“Sorry. My locker won’t open, and I’m already 15 minutes late for class!” she told him.
Kouga was too busy checking her out. ‘Man she’s hot!’ he thought.

“HELLO!!! EARTH TO BOY,” her voice snapped him out of his inspection of her body. “Oh, sorry about that. Maybe I can be of some assistance,” he gave her a sexy smirk and started twirling the lock.
“Uh, how are you going to open my locker without my combination?” she asked.
“Watch and learn,” Kouga told her. He turned the lock a few more times, knocked on the corners three times and like magic her lock popped open. (AN: I don’t know if that really works, but feel free to try)

Her mouth hung open. Kouga turned and smirked. “You were saying?” “Um…Thank you,” she managed to get out. “Anytime,” Kouga started to walk off but stopped.
“Oh, and the name’s Kouga,” he told her before leaving.

Ayame watched him walk down the hall and noticed his muscles through his shirt.
‘Has has a NICE body,’ she thought.

In chemistry Rin unfortunately got paired with a pretty boy with blonde hair and grey eyes. His name was Yahtosu, and he was sitting way too close to Rin.
Sesshomaru had got paired with a girl named Misuru who was too busy TRYING to flirt to focus on the assignment. Rin watched as Misuru came onto Sess like the slut she was and anger began to build up inside her.

“Sesshomaru…has anyone ever told you how sexy you are?” Misuru drawled. Sesshomaru was tired of Misuru’s pointless flirting and he noticed Yahtosu was too close to Rin.
Suddenly his cell phone vibrated in his pocket and he automatically knew he had a message.

It read: Bummer we couldn’t get paired together. Yahtosu is such a flirt and it’s ticking me off.
Sesshomaru answered: This pathetic female next to me is making this Sesshomaru sick. Shall I dispose of the putrid man next to you?
Rin wrote: No thank you Sesshy, he isn’t worth your time. But I may have a problem with Misuru over there.

Sesshomaru smirked, and stood. He walked up to the teacher.
“This Sesshomaru cannot work with Misuru. She’s not focused and I do not desire an ‘F’ on this assignment,” he told her.

Rin stood also. “Yeah and Yahtosu over here isn’t focused either!” she said out loud.
“Look, I don’t have time for your complaints so just switch partners,” the teacher stated.
Sesshomaru nodded and turned to walk back to his seat. “Misuru, we’re switching partners so you’re working with Yahtosu,” he told her coolly. Misuru gasped and scowled.

“But Sess-” “We don’t have all day Misuru,” Rin’s voice interrupted her protest. She stood behind Misuru with her stuff in her hand.
Misuru glared at Rin who just tapped her foot impatiently. “I’m waiting…”

Misuru huffed, gathered her stuff and left. When she passed Rin, she said, “Bitch,”
Rin smiled. “Damn right,” she shot back. Sesshomaru smirked. “Let’s get started Sesshy,” Rin smiled.

~With Shippo~

In History class Shippo wasn’t paying attention to the teacher, the lesson, or even Eri, who was trying to flirt hard. The only thing on his mind was Kirara.
:: “You make me sick….Our friendship is over”::

Her words echoed in his mind. He’d tried calling her the night before but she wouldn’t accept his phone calls. Shippo sighed. ‘Kirara…’
Eri pouted when she realized he wasn’t paying attention to her. “Shippo….” She whined. Then suddenly the class door swung open and Kirara walked in holding Manten’s hand. She wore a black mini skirt with a black low cut V-collar shirt that showed a bit of her cleavage. Along with that she wore some matching open toe pumps.

Shippo’s mouth opened. “Ms. Suju, you’re late,” the teacher stated.
“Duh, tell me something I don’t know,” Kirara snapped. Manten chuckled and wrapped his arm around her waist, guiding her to her seat, behind Shippo. Shippo was beyond pissed, and it showed.
‘What the hell is going on with her?’ he thought.

“Kirara, what the hell, why are you hanging with Manten of all people?” he asked. Kirara gave him her most dirty, nasty, angry look ever.
“The same reason you hang with that slut Eri, besides, Manten’s my boyfriend. I can hang with him whenever the hell I want to,” she snapped.

“WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE’S YOUR BOYFRIEND?!” Shippo demanded. “Mr. Fox, is there something you would like to share with the class?” the teacher asked.
Shippo shook his head, his eyes still trained on Kirara. Eri glared at Kirara.

“Who’re you calling a slut?” she snapped. “You, did I stutter?” Kirara shot back. “Don’t call me a slut because you’re mad Shippo didn’t want you!” Eri told her.
Shippo noticed the hurt look that appeared on Kirara’s face, but disappeared in an instant.

Realization dawned on Shippo, and he then felt lower than dirt. ‘That’s why she’s mad…’ he thought.
“Say that again,” Kirara told Eri who took the bait. “You’re mad because Shippo doesn’t want yo-”

SMACK!!!! Kirara jumped across her desk and smacked Eri, then started beating the crap out of her.
Shippo tried to pull the two apart but Kirara wouldn’t budge. Tears streamed down Kirara’s face as she used Eri’s face as a punching bag.

Shippo never seen Kirara so angry before. He finally managed to pull the two apart. Eri laid on the floor bruised and crying. Shippo helped her up and she began to cry on his chest.
Kirara glared at the two as Manten came over. Dusting herself off, she got up.
“Think twice before you mouth off to ME bitch,” Kirara spat before leaving with Manten. Shippo wanted to stop her but thought against it.
‘Kirara, why didn’t you tell me?’ he thought.

That’s it for now. If you thought that fight was good, then you’ll enjoy what’s in store for this fic. There will be lots more fights, including Shippo vs. Manten (Chapter 14), Kagome and Kikyo (Chapter 10), Sango and Koharu (also Chapter 10) and the best, Rin and Kagura (Chapter 16)! Plz R&R and I hope you enjoyed it!
There will be updates for E.W. High and Miami Drama coming at you so be on the lookout!