InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Marrying a Hanyou ❯ Moving Out ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Thanks for all the wonderful reviews, your support is greatly appreciated!!!

Disclaimer: He’s not mine…..none of them are….

Marrying a Hanyou
Chapter 11: Moving out

Last time:

Kirara came out of the bathroom wiping tears away. ‘That jerk. Why’d I even agree to go out with him anyway?’ she thought.

‘Oh yeah, to make Shippo jealous…..I really want to go back to the way things were before I started going with Manten, and Shippo started going with Eri,’ she thought.

As she neared class, she heard a deep voice. “Kirara,”

She whipped around to see Manten looking as mad as ever. “What?” “Your so-called best friend is going down,” he growled.

“What do you mean?” Kirara asked, scared. “You know exactly what I mean,” Manten smiled evilly turning to walk away. Kirara’s eyes widened. (End Recap)

The rest of the day went on normally, except for the fact that Sesshomaru has been caught in his first love conflict. But nonetheless Friday came pretty fast. MOVING DAY!!!!!

“Kagome, wake up,” Inuyasha shook Kagome who was still snuggled in her bed asleep. She mumbled something and rolled over. Inuyasha rolled his eyes but smiled.

‘She’s cute when she’s sleep,’ he thought. “Inu…yasha…” Kagome mumbled. That caught Inuyasha by surprise. ‘Is she dreaming about me?’ he thought.

“Inu…yasha….sit. Sit, sit, sit….bad Inuyasha. Bad, bad, bad….” she continued. Inuyasha’s eye twitched in agitation.

‘What the-….What the fuck is she dreaming about?!’ he thought. “Kagome! Wake up!” he yelled in her ear.

Kagome jumped up. “AH!” she screamed before noticing Inuyasha giving her a strange look.

“What the hell?” she demanded, looking at the digital clock that was displayed next to her bed.

“It’s 10:00 in the freakin’ morning, what could possibly be so important that you had to wake me up from a good dream?!” she continued.

“Good dream my ass,” Inuyasha snorted, “what could possibly be good about treating me like a fuckin’ dog?!”

Kagome raised a brow. “Wait, how did you know what I was dreaming about?” she inquired.

“You were mumbling in your fuckin sleep. ‘Sit Inuyasha, bad Inuyasha!’” he mimicked.

Kagome rolled her eyes. “Whatever, what do you want? And why aren’t you at school, you’re not the one suspended.” she asked. “Because I did not feel like going, and I want to go shopping for our new house,” he answered.

“Fine, get out so I can get ready,” Kagome ordered. Inuyasha crossed his arms. “Why should I? I’m your fiance, and being such gives me the right to look at you however and whenever I want,” he told her stubbornly.

Kagome took her pillow and threw it at his head. “INUYASHA YOU PERVERT GET OUT!!!!” she screamed continuing to throw the contents of her room at him.

“Alright, I’m going sheesh!” he yelled back dodging items.

(20 minutes later)

Kagome came down the stairs fully dressed in and long sleeved gold and white Baby Phat shirt, blue print Baby Phat jeans, and matching knee high Baby Phat fur boots. Her hair was bone straight and flowed down her back and she had a matching fur coat to go with her ensemble.

“Ok, ready!” she exclaimed. Inuyasha rolled his eyes once again. “It’s about time,” he grumbled getting the keys to his Escalade. He then walked towards the garage.

Kagome smirked and followed, mumbling, “Bad Inuyasha,” knowing the hanyou would hear.

Inuyasha growled and spun around. “Cut that out!” he commanded. Kagome giggled and caught up to him.

“Oh lighten up Cutey Booty,” she joked. Inuyasha growled again.
-At school-

Rin hadn’t seen Sesshomaru all morning. Having drove to school herself, she thought she would at least see him at his locker because he was always at school on time.

‘Maybe I overreacted a little,’ she thought to herself. She made up her mind then to apologize to Sesshomaru.

Slightly smiling to herself, she made her way to her second class. But when she turned the corner, she was greeted with a sight she did not expect to see.

It was Sesshomaru, and Kagura. Kagura was all over him. Rin watched the scene unfold in front of her. (Sesshomaru did not know Rin was there, nor could Rin hear the words they were saying.)


“Get your filthy hands off me,” he said in his usually cold, getting annoyed voice.

“Aww come on Sesshomaru, I know you want me,” Kagura smirked. “Aren’t you just a little curious to know what it would be like to be with me?“ she then asked. Sesshomaru gave her a cold look.

“No.” he snapped. Kagura didn’t care what he said, she was going to have him whether he liked it or not.

“Well I guess you wouldn’t mind me giving you something then,” she said. Sesshomaru raised a brow. Kagura smiled, stood on her tip-toes, and kissed him.

Rin gasped at the scene. Turning away, tears from anger, hurt and sadness welled in her eyes.

‘How could he?!’ was all she could think. She felt as if her heart was crushed. “After he kisses me he turns around and kisses THAT TRAMP!!! I WILL NOT FORGIVE HIM FOR THIS!!!’ she almost screamed as she walked away.

Sesshomaru shoved Kagura away. “GET YOUR FILTHY LIPS OFF THIS SESSHOMARU!!!!” he bellowed.

“Oh lighten up Sesshomaru, it’s only a kiss,” she teased. Sesshomaru gave her an angry look.

“Get out of my way WHORE,” Kagura smiled. “I love it when you get mad,”

Sesshomaru pushed her out of his way and walked off. Kagura watched him leave, all the while thinking, ‘Got her’.

-Miroku and Sango-

Sango and Miroku sat in gym class making-out. “Miro…KU!” Sango said in between kisses. “What Sango? Keep still,” Miroku said kissing her neck. Sango pushed gently back and looked him in his eyes.

“Someone’s gonna see,” she said. Miroku smiled at Sango mischievously. “Ok, come with me then,” he said getting up.

Curiously, she followed. They left the gym, unnoticed by their coach and then walked out the back of the school.

Behind the school was some woods, and Miroku led Sango through them.

“Where are you taking me Miroku?” she asked stepping over broken branches. “Don’t worry we’re almost there,”

Sango was about to stop and go back to school when he pulled her into a clearing with a pond, large oak tree and a small house.

She stood there amazed at how beautiful the sight was. “Come on,” Miroku took her hand and led her into the house, which was fully furnished.

“H-how did you find this?” she asked. Miroku beamed. “It belonged to this old couple I knew. They died a while back, but I’ve been keeping the place clean,” he said.

Sango smiled then looked at him again. “Oh ok then-” she was cut off by Miroku kissing her.

They went back and forth, neither wanting to back down. Miroku moaned low in his throat, as Sango ran her fingers through his hair.

Miroku began to nibble and suck on her ear. Sango decided to pull his hair loose, and that’s exactly what she did.

He did not care, as he moved on to her neck. Sango let out a small moan as he sucked on her neck, and placed soft kisses on it.

She was so wrapped up in the sensation, she did not notice he stopped. Miroku sat back and looked at his handy work.

Sango finally noticed he stopped, and opened her eyes to look at him. “Miroku, what are you looking at?” Miroku took his attention off from what he was looking at to smile at her.

“Your hicky,” he replied. Sango’s eyes grew wide.



Rin was at her locker throwing old pictures of her and Sesshomaru in her book bag. “I don’t ever want to see his face again!” she exclaimed.

“What are you doing Rin?” Rin froze when she heard a disgusting voice. “None of your fucking business,” she spat turning around to face the person.

Kagura smiled down at her. “Oh, throwing away old pictures of you and Sesshomaru? I thought you guys were best friends? Oh well, you would be happy to know that Sesshy and I are now an item,” Kagura smirked.

Rin’s eyes widened when she said ‘Sesshy’. Then her whole demeanor darkened and she balled up her fists. “Look Kagura, I don’t care, get away from me,” she warned.

Kagura chuckled. “Bad temper I see. Well I’ll talk to you later seeing as Sesshomaru and I are together. Caio,” she walked off laughing.

Rin watched her leave angrily. ‘The two of them belong together, a TRAMP with a BASTARD!’ she thought.

-Inuyasha and Kagome-

After going to Wal-Mart and buying more than one hundred dollars worth of food, Kagome convinced Inuyasha to take her to the mall.

They were currently in a store, and Inuyasha (reluctantly) watched as Kagome tried clothes on.

‘Ok Inu, what do you think of this dress?” Kagome asked coming out of the dressing room. She wore a black, yellow, pink and white floral design sun dress that was strapless, and short.

The skirt was pleated, and the dress pushed her boobs up and showed a gracious amount of cleavage.

Inuyasha gawked at her, until he noticed the boys in the store also staring and let out a small growl. They turned their heads quick.
“Ok, I’ll go try on something else, I might just buy this dress though,” she commented going back into the dressing room.

Inuyasha sighed, looking up at the ceiling. “Why?” he mumbled. After a good ten minutes Kagome came back out dressed in a tight leaf green halter dress with no back. The dressed stopped mid-thigh and showed even more cleavage than the first dress.

“What about this one?” she asked. Inuyasha was speechless, that is until he heard some whistling from one of the boys.

He whipped around. “Who the fuck are you whistling at?!” he demanded. The boy went back to what he was doing.

“Maybe it shows too much cleavage,” Kagome thought. Inuyasha raised a brow as if to say ‘Maybe so’

Kagome bent down to pick up a quarter she noticed on the ground, giving everyone perfect view of her….assets. She walked back into the room.

The boys started drooling. “You can never show too much cleavage,” one said. “Yeah, especially for someone as hot as her,” another said.. Inuyasha’s patience was wearing thin.

“You’ve been warned,” he growled. “keep looking at what’s mine and I will rip your eyes out,”

“I could handle that way better than you ever could,” the boy mumbled, but of course our favorite hanyou heard the comment.

“You could what?!” he yelled in his face, gripping his throat. Kagome quickly put her clothes on and rushed out the room.

“Inuyasha!!! Put him down!” she told him. Inuyasha wouldn’t hear it, his grip tightened and Kagome knew the boy was choking.

‘Shit, how do I fix this?’ Kagome thought frantically. She rushed in front of him. “Inuyasha you have got to stop! Please!” she begged. Inuyasha looked at her and saw the pleading look in her eyes.

He let the boy down who choked and gasped for air. “Lets go Kagome,” Inuyasha mumbled.

Kagome cautiously followed him out the store.

“Inu…eare you ok? I mean you were pretty angry,” she asked trying to keep up with his fast pace. He took a while to answer.

“No, I don’t like the fact that those guys were staring at you like that. It made me angry, ok? You’re MY fiance,” he replied honestly.

Kagome was touched by his protectiveness but was not about to let him off the hook.

“Inuyasha, I know how you feel but still that’s no reason to go berserk in public,” she pointed out.

Inuyasha gave her a look that said (are you stupid?) “What do you mean that’s no reason, I’m not gonna let some guys disrespect you like that!”

“That’s not what I mean Inuyasha-” Kagome started but was interrupted by Inuyasha.

“Just DROP it Kagome,” he growled.

“I think you’re overreacting,” Kagome stated. At that Inuyasha exploded.


He then stomped off in the direction of the parking lot. Kagome stood there shocked, with tears welling up in her eyes.

Maybe we shouldn’t get married….?


Ayame had just come out of the girl’s restroom. ‘Ahh…that’s better,’ she thought with a smiled as she adjusted her jean skirt.

Just as she began to walk to her locker, she heard someone call her name. “Ayame,”

She looked, expecting it to be Kouga’s cute face, but was greeted by none other than Musou, her ex-boyfriend.

He was dressed in all black, black long-sleeved shirt that complimented his ‘there’ muscles, baggy black cargo pants with tons of chains. He wore two black gloves with skull heads on them, and a spiky dog collar around his neck.

Ayame rolled her eyes. “What do YOU want?” she spat. “You,” he retorted with a smirk.

“Well, you cant have me, so why don’t you go back to that rock you crawled from?” she snarled.

Musou laughed. “Same as ever I see. Can’t believe it’s been a year Ayame.”

Ayame rolled her eyes once again. “I’ve got to get to class. Some people come to school to learn,” she spat walking away.

Musou let her go, but kept that same secretive smirk on his face.

Ayame sighed as she made her way to her locker, where she saw Kirara getting her stuff out of her own locker.

“Hey Kirara,” Ayame greeted. Kirara looked at her and smiled weakly. “Hey Ayame. What’s up?”

“Nothing, just gotta get my stuff. You?” she returned. “Same. You hear about the party Inuyasha is throwing tomorrow at his house?” Kirara asked.

“Yeah, I’m going. Are you?”

“Yeah,” Kirara answered. The bell for the next class rang. “Crap, I gotta go. Talk to ya later!” Ayame grabbed her books and rushed to her class.

Kirara noticed Shippo gathering things from his locker. ‘I want to talk to him but….Manten….’ she thought sadly. ‘I miss you Shippo,’ she thought. He glanced over at her as if he had heard her. She hastily gathered her books and hurried to get to her next class.

She wasn’t watching where she was going, resulting in her crashing into none other than Manten.

“M-Manten!” she exclaimed. “Hey babe, what are you in such a hurry for?” he asked.

Kirara looked down. “I got to get to class,” she said quietly. “Well forget about that. It’s about time you fulfilled your promise to me,” he smirked. Kirara’s eyes widened with fear.

Manten grabbed her arm and led her away.

Meanwhile Miroku and Sango came back to the school. Sango held her hand over the hickey Miroku gave her.

He was walking behind her smiling. “Sango, I don’t understand why you are so mad,” he stated smugly. Sango stopped dead in her tracks, then turned around slowly.

The look on her face nearly scared him out of his skin. “Don’t play with me, you know what you did Miroku and you better hope this goes away or you wont have lips to make one of these EVER again,” she threatened in a low grumble.

Miroku swallowed hard. ‘I never knew she could be so scary,”

Sango dug through her locker in search of something to go over the mark. She found a blue and black choker that matched her dress, and put it on, sighing.

She pasted on a fake smile and looked at Miroku. “This stays between me and you,” she started before putting on her scary face. “GOT IT?!?!”

Miroku nodded in fear. Sango smiled again. “Good! Let’s head to class!” ^^. Miroku cautiously followed.

(Dreaded Trigonometry)

Sesshomaru walked into his trig class and took his seat and sat in his seat beside Kouga.

Rin was silently seated behind them. “Hey Sesshomaru,” Kouga greeted as he copied the notes.

Sesshomaru acknowledged him with a slight nod. Ayame walked in the class and took her seat next to Rin.

Just when Sesshomaru was about to start working, Kagura came and stood in front of him, smirking.

“Kagura, move,” Sesshomaru said without looking up. Rin flashed her a disgusted look. This made Kagura try even harder.

“Oh Sesshomaru come on. I just need help with the notes on the board.” she said.

Sesshomaru did not feel like arguing with her so he helped. Rin silently snarled, as Sesshomaru explained the noted to Kagura in a bitter cold voice.

Kagura had taken the seat next to him and tried to snuggled up to him to get Rin jealous.

Rin threw her pencil at the back of Sesshomaru’s head. He caught it without having to turn around.

“You should be more careful Rin,” he said turning to look her in the eye. Rin rolled her eyes and snatched her pencil back.

“It was an accident!” she snapped. Ayame and Kouga both looked at the two in utter confusion.

They then looked at each other as if to say ‘What’s going on???’

Sesshomaru shook his head, wondering what was going on with Rin. He then felt his phone vibrate and looked to see a text from Ayame.
What the hell is wrong with Rin, she’s starting to worry me.

Sesshomaru blinked before replying:

This Sesshomaru hasn’t the slightest clue but its starting to piss me off

Ayame wrote:

You’re supposed to be her bet friend, how could you not know?!

Sesshomaru wrote:

This Sesshomaru does not know. Don’t ask me again

Ayame let the subject drop. Sesshomaru went back to explaining to Kagura.

“Sesshy, I still don’t understand this,” she said touching his arm. “Don’t call me that,” he said coldly.

“Sessh-” “Go back to your seat Kagura, before I get pissed.” he pushed her off him. Kagura got up, but sent Rin a look saying ‘He’s still mine,’

Rin flipped her off and sent her a menacing glare. ‘Damn slut’ she thought.

-Inuyasha and Kagome-

On their way home, Inuyasha would not talk to Kagome. Kagome felt extremely guilty, and was near tears the entire ride.

‘My and my big mouth….now he hates me,’ she thought as they pulled up to his house. After he parked, he grabbed he bags, and got out the truck.

He slammed the door close, making Kagome wince. ‘I hate when he’s mad at me, especially when its my fault…’ she then thought getting out.

When she got inside, Inuyasha was watching TV and completely ignored her presence.

Kagome burst into tears. Inuyasha turned and looked at her strange. “What’s wrong with you?” he asked.

“I’m sorry,” she choked out, “I didn’t mean to defend those boys. I just didn’t want you to get into any trouble,”

Inuyasha got up and walked towards her. “Kagome don’t cry. You know I don’t like it when you cry,” he said wrapping his arms around her.

“I’m sorry for yelling. I didn’t mean to make you cry,” he said in her ear. She looked at him, as he lowered his lips for a kiss.

-Meanwhile at school-

“Stop….stop…I said STOP!!” Kirara pushed Manten off her. He frowned. The two were in an empty closet, that was pretty big.

“What’s wrong Kirara?” he asked venomously. “This is NOT what I want, Manten,” she pleaded.

“What happened to ‘I will do anything if you don’t hurt Shippo’,” he sneered. Kirara stepped away from him, holding herself.

“Anything, EXCEPT this!”

Manten snorted. “It doesn’t work like that Kirara. I’m going to get what I want,” he smirked.

“You…you dirty bastard!! You don’t even like me, you just want to get into my pants!” she exclaimed.

“Kirara, you are starting to piss me off, now get over here,” he commented. “Shippo was right about you, you are a jerk. I cant believe I agreed to go out with a bastard like you, its over!” she spat turning to leave.

Manten snarled and grabbed her by the back of her neck. Tears came to Kirara eyes.

“LET GO OF ME!” she sobbed in pain. His grip got even tighter.

“You’re not going anywhere until you give me what I want,” he growled in her ear before throwing her on the floor.

He then climbed on top of her, pinning her down with his knees. He kissed her forcefully.

Kirara cried and struggled as she tried to get away. “Manten stop, no! I don’t want this!”

He slapped her, causing her to shut up. “SHUT UP! YOU SAID YOU WOULD DO ANYTHING SO SHUT UP AND TAKE IT!!” he yelled.

Kirara held her face in shock as he continued to kiss on her neck. When he went to kiss her lips she turned her head away.

Manten had enough of kissing, he began to unbutton his pants and pulled them down, leaving him in his boxers. He opened her legs and lifted her skirt.

“Please…no…” Kirara sobbed. Manten smirked and was about to pull down her panties when they both heard a loud noise.

Manten turned to look around. He got up and pulled his pants up. “Get up,” he ordered.

Kirara slowly got up. Manten grabbed her chin, and not even an inch away from her face he said, “We will finish this later, and don’t think I will forget,”

And with that said he turned and exited the closet, leaving Kirara alone and ashamed.

“Look at my face!” Raena screeched as she sat in her vanity mirror, looking at the bruises Kagome left on her face.

“That bitch is going to pay, for stealing Inuyasha AND messing up my beautiful face,” Raena got up, suddenly getting an idea.

‘Hmm….it’s been a while since I’ve talked to Naraku….’ she thought, then laughed to herself.

Next: Party!!!!

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