InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Masquerade ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Canon. It bores me.
Title: Masquerade
Author: Sada
Category: Romance. Deal with it.
Spoilers: Post-series. Which means, yes.
Rating: NC-17, in due course.
Summary: The fate of Feudal Japan rests on Kagome's shoulders. Alone, she sets out- oh, wait. She's cursed with two bi-polar males. Well ,this changes everything.
Disclaimer: So, once I owned a pencil. Then, one day, I decided to sharpen it and it broke. Now I have no pencil.
Author's Note: … Not sleeping for several days really does make you delusional. And also induces first tries at many things. Like fan-fiction.
Feedback: Would be appreciated. Soon.
Setting: Sengoku Jidai - Post series, after Naraku's defeat.
Prologue- Avoiding the Masses
Kagome was no stranger to being kidnapped.
She'd been taken to caves, run-down huts, normal huts, ominous huts, peasant's huts, extravagant huts, and more caves; she'd even been discarded at a shrine once. But this time-
This was the last straw.
She understood her kidnappers reasons, sure, but that didn't mean she was going to accept it.
Kagome was twenty-one now, had been for a while, so she was pretty well aware of what happened when a man and a woman got together. Not from a hefty sum of personal experience, mind you, but from common facts she'd picked up from her own era.
Shifting uncomfortably, Kagome scowled into the darkened room.
Three years ago Naraku had been vanquished, the Shikon no Tama restored and everyone lived happily ever after, etc, etc.
Everyone, that is, except her.
The Bone-Eater's well had chosen to stop working once the jewel was wished upon, and Kagome had been conveniently stranded in the Feudal Era.
Of course she'd been devastated at first, hardly eating, hadn't spoken for months, but she'd shaken herself out of it and set out to do something useful in Sengoku Jidai. Something useful, like training her priestess powers.
That was when she was forced to seek out the most powerful priestess in Japan. Dammit, had happened to be her first thought.
Who was the most powerful miko in Japan? You guessed it. Kikyou.
Like chewing on glass, she'd sought out the undead woman-alone-and asked for her guidance in exchange for a larger portion of her soul. Kagome hadn't returned any part that held spiritual power, but emotions she'd made Kikyou abound in.
Kagome had a natural talent for picking up new skills (sort of), so in a record amount of time she'd managed to hone her abilities. After that she'd opted to travel around the mainland, wearing traditional robes and carrying not only a bow, but also a katana.
Kagome could handle herself against demons, bandits, maybe even a horde of each. She figured she didn't have anything to worry about.
Ah. But I'm sure you've all ready figured out she was wrong.
When the trained, full-grown, armor-equipped, `I could kill you with my pinkie' ninja/bodyguard things attacked, Kagome had reverted back to her fifteen-year-old schoolgirl days and screamed like a little girl.
Thus the kidnapping ensued.
And she ended up here- at a brothel.
That right kiddies, a whorehouse.
…Wasn't irony a bitch? After spending years protecting her virtue, then becoming a full-fledged miko, sworn never to give herself to a man-
She'd been bathed, dressed in the most provocative kimono ever sewn, and was now waiting for the big, bulky man to come and lead her to the front room where she'd be auctioned off like livestock.
Oh, damn.
And, just as the thought flitted through her made-up head, the shoji screen door slid open revealing the house bodyguard Kagome had so lovingly deemed, ogre.
Ogre looked at her blankly, but a small hint of sympathy swam in the depths of his onyx eyes. “Come, little miko, I'm afraid we've drawn quite a crowd tonight.”
Worried that she might have judged him wrong, she quickly-silently-renamed him giant.
Perhaps giant was another kidnap victim?
Kagome looked over his massive, muscled form, watching as the scarred and bronzed skin gleamed slightly from the candles lighting the halls and his eyes flitted about in educated awareness.
Uhm. No.
The sounds of rich, male laughter and sake bottles hitting wooden tables brought her attention to the decorated screen door at the end of the hall, somehow making the closed entryway more portentous than the rest.
A sudden wave washed over her, filled with tranquility and serene knowledge. She'd live through this; the Shikon embedded inside her knew and pulsed with its own brand of wisdom, so it had to be true.
Her face drained of all emotion, her brilliant sapphire orbs turning a blank, icy color-a side effect of training.
Giant stopped outside the door, and the sounds from inside faded. Kagome glanced up at the well-built man, seeking some small form of reassurance.
“No one will hurt you, priestess. You have my word.” That small flicker of sympathy she saw in his eyes grew into kindness, and he offered her a small smile.
She returned the pleasantry hesitantly, nervously twisting her hands from inside the vast sleeves of her ocean blue kimono. Her hands were tucked into the sleeves in front of her, and once more her emotions were trampled down. Giant nodded once and slowly pulled the screen open, softly smiling again.
Kagome strode in gracefully, the hems of the many layers of her kimonos whispering against the tatami floors and rippling like waves of the sea. Despite her confident appearance, inwardly she was gasping from anger, sorrow, and shock.
She hadn't been kidnapped into any normal brothel, nope. It was a demons whorehouse! And judging by the powerful auras emitting from the many man-like beings in front of her they were all some form of taiyoukai.
That was why they'd fallen silent when they were outside the door, obviously they'd been aware of the presence of their newest toy.
But why hadn't I sensed them before I entered this room? Her mind whispered angrily. There must be a barrier around the room.
Done with her in-depth musings for the moment she lifted her eyes and trailed the haunting orbs over the room dispassionately. But inside, a small, hormonal part of her was squealing like little girl… again.
All the taiyoukai's were beautiful.
The owner of the brothel was standing next to her, taking bets and waving enthusiastically at different parts of her anatomy. Had she not been faced with a room of gorgeous man-beasts and having her virtue threatened she might have laughed.
The man was dwarfed by her uncharacteristic height, only accented by the tight kimono.
Her gaze jumped around the room blankly, before she landed on one of the youkais, and froze.
It was Sesshoumaru. At a whorehouse.
Shocked enough by his attendance to allow her eyes to widen marginally, she missed the last words of the auctioneer and the increasing bets being placed on her person.
Sesshoumaru didn't seem to recognize her, unsurprising since last time she'd seen him she'd been trailing behind Inuyasha in a sailor fuku and shooting wildly with her bow.
Something flashed deep in his golden eyes, and she shifted her attention in front of her, choosing to drill her eyes at an insignificant spot of the wall behind all the stunning beings. Suddenly, she wished fervently that he wouldn't recognize her, so ashamed of her present predicament, as unasked for as it was.
The bidding stopped abruptly when someone whom she couldn't see offered a mind-blowing amount of Toraisen.
A man from the back of the room stood, tall and proud, and Kagome's breath caught.
Well, to bad I don't plan on loosing my virginity tonight, cause he'd certainly be a nice contender.
Shimmering white hair, dark amethyst eyes and tanned skin with metallic markings made up the impressive youkai. Kagome figured him to be feline, maybe a white tiger.
He walked forward arrogantly, grabbed her arm, and dragged her out of the room, up a narrow flight of stairs, and into a luxurious room at the end of a long hall. Several rooms they passed were not exactly soundless, but after he'd opened the door and thrown her into the luxurious room it fell silent.
Another barrier. Damn.
Slowly Kagome raised her eyes to the youkai, who was looking down at her with the barest hints of a grin. Her hands came in front of her once more, and she dug in her right sleeve for the tanto she'd hidden earlier. Her eyes remained locked on him as he fluidly circled the room, checking for hidden openings and unwanted guests. Finally Kagome's fingers grasped the slender hilt of the small weapon, and she rose to her feet.
Abruptly the youkai was in front of her again, slowly trailing his dark eyes over her form. “I know who you are.”
The tanto almost slipped from her fingers.
Purple orbs clashed with blue. “I said, I know who you are.”
Um… okay?
Kagome's eyes narrowed dangerously, the grip on the small knife tightening. “What does that have to do with anything?” Jerk.
“I didn't buy you to steal your virginity.”
Her shoulders straightened, but her tanto remained in hand. “Doesn't mean I'm gonna trust you, buddy.”
“Buddy?” He shook his head and approached the window, opened the screen and surveyed the ground below. “We will escape at midnight. Be ready, I'll be back shortly.” And with a swish of fabric, he was gone.
Kagome blinked slowly. “What just happened?” She mumbled, sliding the tanto back into its sheath, secured on her left arm.
So… I was kidnapped, had my virginity threatened by an extremely…delicious-evil! Evil… male, and now I'm waiting for my supposed rapist to help me escape from the place that threatened my virginity. All in all, I think I've had a pretty productive day.
Sighing, she made her way over to a small table, set with warmed sake and some vegetables and meat, presumably for the youkai.
Either she could stay here and be defiled some other night, or she could escape with this strange youkai who supposedly was royalty.
The decisions were endless.
Okay, not-rapist demon it is.
Yay for irony!
At exactly midnight a loud thump awoke Kagome from her light slumber leaning against the table.
“Come on. Put these clothes on now, we have to go.” He tossed a package at her lap and turned around, his entire frame taunt.
Kagome stood groggily and meticulously slipped out of all the layers of the kimono, and into the hakamas and haori provided. Pulling the sleeve up her arm lazily while stifling a yawn she almost didn't notice the distinct feeling of magic passing over her as the cloth settled on her shoulders.
That bastar-!
“It is a concealing spell, no one will recognize you, and if anyone asks you are my-”
Sister. I'll be your sister.”
The demon shot her an amused look before grabbing the back of the haori collar and jumping out of the window in one powerful move.
Pulling numerous hair ornaments out of her locks (and trying not to scream) Kagome once more questioned her sanity.
And then again the magic of the Shikon passed over her, and she was confident that she'd made the right choice.
Now, if she could just figure out why her `savior' had to be an imperial cat-demon.
Kagome: I'm going to hell for this…
Sesshoumaru: Mm. Yes. Because obviously all the others things you've done are of no contest.
Kagome: I have to sleep with you in later chapters. I can make you pay.
Sesshoumaru: Please, do.