InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Matchmaker ❯ Eccentric Old Geezers ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: I feel like such a heel for using the whole `review me or I'll pout' argument, but thanks to my reviewers! I love the idea of Rin eloping with Ryuutaisho's eldest son! I hadn't even thought of that one. Elope, kill off Ryuutaisho, new mate gets killed in the process, Rin is Lady of the East. Then she can just pick her next mate and annex the North or the South. Hmm, then maybe she could convince Sesshy to go to war against the one she didn't pick, and Sesshy and Rin can rule Japan. Hehehehehe. Thank goodness I don't own the originals, huh?
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“What a stench. First priority, get the huge corpse out of the gardens. Why does everyone insist on fighting in the gardens, anyways? It takes so long to repair them.” Kagome held her nose as she glared at the rotting corpse of the taiyoukai. “The least he could have done was transform back and leave a much smaller mess.”
“Rin-neechan will be very upset when she sees what happened to her lilies.” Mizuki was watching from her mother's side. Spotting the Captain, the pup trotted over to him, leaving her mother to direct the servants in clean up and recovery.
“Excuse me, sir. May I ask for a favor?” Mizuki bowed to the Captain.
“Hai, Mizuki?”
“I am not allowed to go about by myself and I need to retrieve something. Mother is very busy right now, so I was hoping that you would escort me for a short time.”
Staring at the pup, the Captain wanted to know what she was up to. Of course, being Sesshomaru's daughter, she was giving nothing away. “Hai, pup, I will come with you.”
“Arigato, Captain.”
Mizuki led the Captain right to the dragon's corpse, wrinkling her nose at the smell but not showing any other sign of annoyance. It bothered the Captain to have the young pup seeing this kind of carnage, but the pup did not seem to notice. She was looking for something. She circled around the corpse, noticing the tiny set of scratches on a forearm and feeling some pride that she had at least got in one hit. There, still buried in the head of the dragon, were Rin's katanas. Tucking her clothing up, Mizuki moved through the gore to retrieve her sister's swords.
“Oh, no you don't, pup.” The Captain caught her before she could scale up the dragon's head. “I will grab them. The last thing we need is for you to be burned again. You mother would have my head on a platter. Stay put and I will grab them for you.”
The Captain carefully moved over the corpse, avoiding any direct contact with the rotting flesh. The smell threatened to overwhelm him, but it was short business to yank that katanas free and jump back down to firm ground. “Here you are, pup. They are certainly a mess now. You will have your hands free cleaning them.”
“Arigato, Captain.” Mizuki dropped another bow before taking the soiled blades. The dragon's blood had coated the metal, leaving them a dull black instead of the usual shining silver. `This is going to stink. Oh, well, it will give me something to do while I wait for the palace to be back to normal and Rin-neechan to recover.'
The blades were ungainly for the pup to handle, but she managed as she returned to her mother.
“Mizuki, you remembered Rin's blades! She will be so happy to see them. Ewww, dragon guts.” Kagome made a face at the mess. “I'm guessing that you want to clean them.”
“I do not want to give them to Rin looking like this.”
“Good point. We will grab some supplies for you. It will keep you busy while I go over stuff with the staff to find out what we lost in this mess.” A servant was sent running off to find supplies for Kagome's pup. “We all need to eat, though. Let's go see what the cooks have gotten set up.”
“You are certainly touchy today, merlin. What is bothering you?”
`I will close my eyes and pretend that this is just a letter.' Letting her eyelids slide down, Rin tried to form words. “I wish that I could be normal. I would be a perfectly normal youkai, or I could change and be a normal ningen. But I cannot become a youkai and I do not want to change. The idea of sitting inside all day makes my skin crawl.”
“And where is this coming from?”
“Isamu. He said that I was not a normal female.”
“That cub is much too young to be giving you advice on much of anything. He does not know enough about females to be telling anyone about how they should behave.”
“And you do?” Smiling, she could not avoid teasing her friend.
“I know much more about females than Isamu, of that much I am certain. You are a normal female, merlin, you just have skills that most do not have. Hell, most ningen males do not have your skills. I believe that you have the same hopes and desires of other members of you gender. You have additional dreams involving flawless fighting form and finding a perfectly weighted blade, but that is not such a huge difference.”
“Really? You do not think that I am so unusual that no one would want me?”
“Such a statement could only come from a normal, young female that wishes to find a mate.”
“And what if the other males think as Isamu does?”
“Their loss.”
Rin's eyes flew open, locking onto the golden ones. She had not been able to keep herself from looking at Merkamou as a male, not as an uncle. Too many jokes and too much time in contact with him. An attractive, single male was sitting across from her, watching her. “And how do you see me, Merkamou?”
`Now I know how a caged bird feels when they are flying against the bars and trying to escape.' Different answers skittered through Merkamou's mind. “You are a rare creature, my merlin. You should be appreciated for this, and not worry about how others will see you. Only a fool would choose a quiet, common sparrow when there is a falcon around. Someone will appreciate you for exactly what you are.”
“Kagome-sama, we should send a note to Akira-sama letting her know what happened.” Kumo was at her side, speaking softly so that the others around them would not notice.
“Yeah, but how do I write, `Hi, we're fine, your son and emissary are dead, better luck next time'?” Hunching up her shoulders, Kagome accepted the writing supplies from Kumo. “Fine, if you are going to insist.”
Settling down in the grass, Kagome made several false attempts before writing out her note.
Lady Akira,
Your emissary has arrived with your mate's greeting. He has taken ill and may not be returning as soon as planned. Our apologies on his delay.
How are your offspring? The emissary had mentioned one of your sons was also ill. My condolences if he is. My own offspring are doing well, but it is always a concern with young ones.
I hope that things will become calm in your own lands. The spring weather has caused this court to become excitable, and it is hard to control. At times it feels almost impossible. I am certain that the males will find a way to burn off the excess energy.
Lady Kagome
“So, what do you think, Kumo? Vague enough?” Kagome handed her note over to Kumo, letting her assistant check her work over.
“I think it will slip through. It is almost too obvious, but I do not think you can afford to be any more vague.” Kumo handed her a honeysuckle blossom that she had plucked from the garden. “We will have to make do with a fresh one, but if we flatten it in the note it will serve its purpose.”
“Arigato, Kumo. I would be lost without your help.” Kagome tucked the blossom in as she folded the note, pressing the flower flat. She sealed it and handed it off to a messenger, with orders to get it to the Lady of the East as quickly as possible. With youkai messengers, it would be a short trip across Japan to deliver her message.
“Do you think she will hate me now that we have killed her son?” Kagome's eyes followed the messenger as he ran out the gate.
“She had to know that you would do anything to defend your pups. She would have done no less. Just because it is her son does not mean that she agreed with his actions.” Kumo hugged her arms, pushing away memories from the last time the lands of the West had gone to war. “It does not matter, she needed to know what happened, and hopefully before her mate can find out.”
“I know. It's hard, since I almost think of her as a friend. I think I'm too soft for this game.”
“You are, Kagome-sama.” Kumo kept her eyes focused on the horizon, not looking towards her lady. “And you should remain as such. I will ensure that it does not change.”
Kagome graced Kumo with one of her honest, brilliant smiles. “I would have never been able to do this without you, Kumo.”
“You would have found a way, Kagome-sama.” Bowing, Kumo collected the writing supplies from her lady. “I believe that lunch has been prepared in the courtyard. We should join the rest of your family there.”
“Arigato, Kumo.”
“Well, pretty much anything in the kitchens that was not completely sealed needs to be tossed. Thank goodness it's not winter.” Kagome stood under the tree in the courtyard, a list in one hand and part of her lunch in the other. “After this I am starting a strict no visitors policy. I am not letting anyone else onto the grounds that is not a member of the court or the family. Does everyone hear me?! No more visitors!”
`Why do I even have guards. Honestly.' Spinning around Kagome was faced with three eyes, blinking at her out of synch. “Mou-mou? Nani?”
A familiar voice was closely followed by a familiar sting on her cheek. Kagome reached up to slap at the annoyance, flattening the little flea.
“Myouga? Totosai? What on Earth?”
“Is it really you, Kagome? I had heard that Inu No Taisho's pup had taken a ningen for a mate, but I would have never guessed that it was you!” Totosai scratched at his head. “We have met, right?”
Rolling her eyes at the eccentric old youkai, Kagome focused on Myouga. “Where have you been? I haven't seen you since before we defeated Naraku.”
“I have been with Totosai, of course. It would seem a logical place for one such as myself, since I was certain that Inuyasha-sama would come to see the sword smith one more time before going into battle.”
“You've been hiding, huh?”
The flea waved his many arms at her, bouncing up and down. “I have not been hiding! When I heard of Inuyasha-sama's demise I was heartbroken. I was masterless, and had nothing to return to!”
“And you two are here now . . . why? Neither of you gets along with Sesshomaru.” Kagome shifted her gaze away from the annoyed flea to focus on the sword smith.
“Well, when I heard that Sesshomaru had gotten himself an heir I just had to come and see for myself. Is that the pup?” Totosai hopped from his bull with surprising speed for such a frail looking creature.
Kagome waved Isamu back. The young lord had not been amused by the sudden appearance of the strange youkai, and wanted them to stay far away from the heir. Sango shook her head at the old geezers. Bringing Katsuro with her, she walked over to Kagome's side. “It must be safe now, if these two are here.”
“Of course it's safe, why wouldn't it be safe?” Totosai peered at Katsuro, who tipped his head to the side and peered back.
“Um, unless your nose has gone the same way as your mind, you would notice the corpse we are trying to get rid of.” Gesturing towards the gardens, Kagome directed her guests' attention to the servants hauling away bits of rotting dragon.
“How did that get there? It can't be good for the gardens. Sesshomaru's mother was so proud of those gardens.” Shaking, his head, Totosai did not see the blow coming until Kagome's hand connected with his skull.
“That was an assassin courtesy of Ryuutaisho for my pups, baka. How do you think it got there?”
“Pups? Oh, yes, I had heard of a daughter. Is that her over there? Oh, she's a pretty little thing.” Totosai refocused on the other pup.
“Kagome-sama, that appears to have been a taiyoukai. Did Ryuutaisho send such a powerful assassin for your family?” Myouga was scratching at the side of his face, deep in thought from his perch on Kagome's hand.
“Hai, Myouga. And there was another one posing as an emissary that set off poison bombs in the palace.”
“It is a good thing that Sesshomaru-sama was here to defend his family.”
“And Merkamou-sama and Rin, as well. Even Hideaki-sama and Isamu got involved.”
“This will not sit will with the dragon of the East.”
“I know. Sesshomaru has already told me that it looks like we will be going to war.”
Myouga shook his head. “It is always a difficult decision to go to war. At least you will be safe.”
“Oh, I can see the resemblance. This is definitely Sesshomaru's pup.” Totosai was poking at Mizuki, walking around her and examining her.
“Mother . . . “ Mizuki let out a slight growl as Totosai pinched at her cheeks and pulled her face into a grin.
“Totosai, stop that! If she bites you it will be your own fault! And Myouga, what do you mean at least I'll be safe?”
“You will be here while Sesshomaru-sama leads the troops into battle, of course. War is no place for a lady.” Myouga was nodding his head, giving the impression of great wisdom. Whether the impression was true or not was left up to interpretation.
“Ow!” Totosai snatched his hand back from the growling Mizuki, holding a bleeding finger.
“You would think that he would learn to not pick on inu-youkai or inu-hanyou.” Sango stroked Katsuro's ears.
“I told you, Totosai. Now play nice or she'll bite you again. Myouga, I can't stay here without Sesshomaru, the bond won't let us.” Kagome set the flea on her shoulder so she could separate the insane sword smith from her annoyed daughter.
“What are you talking about, Kagome-sama?” The temptation to bite the delicious ningen was there, buy Myouga fought it off. Later, when she was distracted.
“I can't be separated from Sesshomaru for that long. It will make us insane. Come on, you've seen inu-youkai mates before.”
“That is true, Kagome-sama, but they have never complained of being unable to separate. This is most unusual.”
“Nani?” Kagome completely forgot about saving Totosai from her daughter. She plucked Myouga from his perch to stare at him. “What are you saying, Myouga?”
“I am saying that this is not normal. Perhaps we should discuss this with Sesshomaru-sama. He would not have known the details of his father's bond, so he would not know if any of these things were normal. You would think that he would remember that Inu No Taisho was able to leave his mate behind when he went to battle, but he was young.”
Staring blankly at the flea, Kagome tried to assimilate the new information. `We knew that some things were weird, but I guess we didn't now how weird. Great.'
“Totosai, leave her alone!” Sango smacked Totosai on the head with her boomerang, leaving a large bump and sending him to the ground. Mizuki had taken a swipe at him with her claws when he had decided to examine her teeth.
“Sesshomaru is . . . “ The unfocused look came over Kagome's face as she located her mate. “He is on the other side of the palace, talking to the healer, I think. He seems pretty neutral, so nothing exciting going on. We can talk to him soon.”
“Now I know that's not normal.” Totosai sprang up from the ground to peer at Kagome. “How are you doing that?”
“I . . . I don't know.” Kagome scratched her head in confusion. “I just do. I figured it was because I was a miko.”
“It may be. I do not remember there ever being a miko mated to a youkai, much less a taiyoukai. There is no way of knowing what will be different.” Hoping from her shoulder to her hand, Myouga managed a concerned look
“Just great, all I need, more chaos.”
“Do not worry, Kagome-sama. I will be able to advise you on these matters.”
“Oh, yes, I feel much better. Well, as long as you are here I will feel much safer. You never stick around when there is any real danger.”
“Kagome-sama, I am hurt that you would say such a thing! I was a loyal vassal to Inuyasha-sama for many years!”
“As long as he was between you and any kind of danger, you mean.”
The flea resumed his bouncing and arm flailing. “I have never been so insulted!”
“So, Kagome, what are you having for lunch?” Totosai looked over to where the cooks were feeding the palace occupants.
`That's it, I'm getting Sesshomaru. He can deal with these two.' Kagome tossed Myouga off to Totosai and left the courtyard. Sango could watch the pups while she retrieved their father. `It's bad enough that I have a rotting dragon, two injured trouble makers in the stable, and everyone sleeping outside. Now I have these old geezers, and Mizuki's already bitten one. I am putting in my two weeks notice, I am quitting as Lady of the West. I'm not paid nearly enough for this.'
Seeing Sesshomaru made Kagome smile. `I just couldn't give this job up. The perks are much too good.'