InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Matchmaker ❯ Honor ( Chapter 15 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: As promised, here is the other chapter. And I did not get fired. Yet.
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`Okay, it's been a week, and it has not stopped. Last night was different, though.' Memories of an embrace culminating in her lips parting and allowing entry clogged Rin's mind. `I am overdue to talk to Kagome-chan about this. I need advice from someone with more experience then my little sister.'
Fidgeting with her sleeves, Rin slipped into Kagome's study. Katsuro was sitting up in his mother's lap, watching her write. The pup was growing like a weed, and getting into everything. The miko smiled when she saw Rin come in. “Rin-chan! What's up?”
“Can I talk to you about something personal?”
“Of course, jo-chan.”
“It is about Isamu. About a week ago we were talking, at night, and we were joking about what I would be like as a lady. And then he sort of . . . kissed me.”
“Really? Isamu kissed you? Oh, how cute!” Kagome slapped her hands to her cheeks and squealed like a little girl. “And?”
“And what?”
“And what did you think? How was it?”
“I do not know. It was nice. I was so surprised that it did not even seem real at the time. But the moon was shining down, and he looked amazing, and he was looking at me with those eyes, and I just could not help myself!”
“And it's a full moon! How romantic! Full moon . . . “ Kagome looked to a calendar on her desk and frowned. “Tonight is Mizuki's human night. She'll be very cranky. I'll worry about that later. What happened next?”
Blushing, Rin studied the floor. “I went to bed. Of course Mizuki woke up, so I had to explain everything to her.”
“Has he tried to kiss you again?”
“Hai. A couple of times, actually. Please, Kagome-chan, do not tell Sesshomaru-sama. He would be furious!”
“I know, I know. It was just a kiss, right? He didn't try anything, did he?”
“No, I do not think so.” Rin swallowed hard over her white lie. “It is very weird. All day he acts like nothing has changed, but when we are alone he is different.”
“Oh, do not do that, Kagome-chan.”
“Do you love him, Rin-chan?”
“Do I have to explain this concept to everyone in this household?” Kagome looked down at her pup. “Katsuro, love is . . . “
“I know what love means, Kagome-chan. I just did not know that you could only kiss someone you loved.”
“No, you don't have to love them to kiss them. What do you want him to do? Does he want you for a mate?”
“He has not said anything like that.”
`If that cub is just toying with her I will personally castrate him with a dull knife.' Kagome sighed. “Be careful, Rin-chan. He is a lord, and used to getting anything he wants. Don't do anything just because he wants you to. He may not have your best interests in mind.”
“Give it up, cub. You will not be able to imitate her fighting style. She has been working on that nonstop for years now.” Merkamou swatted both blades out of Isamu's hands. “You would be better served by learning how to stop her. When she is allowed to train again she could teach you.”
“I would never live it down if I took lessons from a ningen female.” Isamu retrieved his swords to face Merkamou again. “If she can do it, then I can do it.”
“Ah, the voice of youth.” The hawk stepped to the side, easily avoiding the larger taiyoukai's attack. “Ningen does not always equal weak or simple.”
“Anything a ningen can do I can do.” Isamu lunged again, trying to make his left hand control the second blade with as much ease as his right hand controlled its blade.
“I am certain that the merlin would be amused to hear you say that while failing so miserably.” Merkamou was suddenly behind Isamu, and gave him a swat across the backside with the flat of his blade. “Stop trying to show off and fight. Nobody is here to watch.”
“She would not laugh at me. Not now.”
“You think not? The merlin does have quite a sense of humor. I believe she would find this most amusing. Put that down before you hurt yourself.” A snap of the hawk's wrist knocked Isamu's left handed weapon away.
“She would tell you to watch your mouth.” Isamu gave up on the second weapon and focused on his single blade. His voice was full of bragging as he taunted his opponent. “She would be cheering for my victory.”
“This is an interesting theory. Why would the merlin do this?”
“You have not seen how she is when we are alone.”
Merkamou froze. “How is that, cub?”
“She would be most upset if you injured me. Especially my hands.”
“So you will take a ningen as your mate?”
“Of course not. She is not a miko like Kagome-sama, the lords would never accept her. But she is quite attractive, and soft, and very sweet.”
“So you are leading her on.”
“Nothing of the sort. I have said nothing to her that would imply that I would take her as a mate.”
“You bastard. You are toying with her. She is an honorable lady, and she would expect that you would behave in an honorable fashion in return!”
“I have done nothing wrong. A few stolen kisses will not ruin her. It is not like any would want a female as sharp as that one, even with a mouth as talented as hers.”
Isamu went flying through the air to smash into a tree, cracking it down the center. He staggered to his feet, staring at the enraged taiyoukai.
“You will pay for hurting her.” Merkamou sheathed his blade and relied on his fists. Punching the idiot in the stomach dropped him to his knees, gasping for air. An elbow to his back drove him into the ground. “You will never touch her again.”
A fist swung at Merkamou, forcing him to block. Isamu climbed to his feet, his ice blue eyes bleeding to red. “How dare you attack me?”
Seeing the threat pushed the hawk over the edge. His own eyes darkened as he circled his opponent. Isamu recovered his weapon while Merkamou left his hands empty.
Lunging in a wild attack, Isamu tried to run Merkamou through. The weapon only found thin air, leaving him open for another hit. Grabbing the hawk's extended arm allowed Isamu to pull him in closer and dig his claws in.
A powerful grip closed around Isamu's sword arm, forcing him to drop the weapon. Talons were digging in, causing blood to run down his arm. Snarling, Isamu tried to break away. He kicked Merkamou in the knee, forcing his opponent to let go.
The rivals separated, glaring at each other as blood dripped into the grass. Isamu charged again, only to be knocked back by a wave of blistering wind.
“Weakling. You should know better than to attack an adult taiyoukai.” A second wave of wind threw Isamu into the same tree, knocking the tree over. “As soon as you promise to never touch her again I will stop.”
“She is not yours!”
“And she will never be yours.” Merkamou let a whirlwind of air toss his opponent into the sky, burning the leopard's skin. “You cannot win. I have spent hundreds of years perfecting my control in battle, while you cannot even control yourself.”
Pulling himself up from the ground, Isamu snarled. “I am not weak.” Sparks appeared around Isamu's hands, giving warning of his next move.
The bolt of lighting burned the ground black, but Merkamou was not there. “Not fast enough.”
Isamu went flying through the air again, courtesy of a fist in his stomach.
“You will not hurt her. She may never be mine, but I will protect her.”
“Did you hear that?”
“It sounded like a crash.” Kagome went to her feet, turning her head to try and locate the sound.
“I think it came from the gardens.” Rin moved to the window, sliding it open, “Huh, I think I have found the source. Merkamou just threw Isamu into a tree.”
Both of the women watched as Isamu and Merkamou locked again before separating and glaring at each other.
“Um, Kagome-chan, are they bleeding?”
“What are those idiots doing? Kumo, can you take Katsuro? Come on, Rin-chan. I think the boys have gotten carried away.”
Out in the courtyard Kagome felt the wind pick up, tossing her hair about. “Uh-oh.” She took off at a run with Rin struggling to keep up.
She arrived in time to see Isamu launch a lightning attack at Merkamou, and be slammed into the air for his troubles.
“You will not hurt her. She may never be mine, but I will protect her.”
The sound of Rin's voice brought Merkamou to a halt. Ignoring his adversary and the miko, he turned to find Rin staring at him, wheezing from her sprint.
“You are not supposed to be running, merlin.”
“And you are not supposed to be trying to kill . . . look out!”
Spinning, Merkamou saw that his adversary had found his weapon and was charging. Before the hawk could react the cub slammed into a pink barrier and fell to the ground.
“All right, trouble maker, what is this all about?” Kagome marched up to Merkamou and glared at him with her hands on her hips.
Glancing at Rin, Merkamou tried to think of an answer. Rin was looking from the downed leopard and back at him, confusion in every line. “He said something objectionable.”
“About who? Who are you protecting?”
`Of course she heard that. I have no luck.' Shoulders slumped as Merkamou accepted his defeat. “The merlin.”
“Me? What did he say about me?” Rin's eyes focused on Merkamou.
“He has no intentions of developing a relationship. And there was a vulgar comment that I will not repeat. His intentions were not honorable, merlin.”
“Nani? Isamu, is this true?”
“I never said that I would take you as a mate. How could I? I just could not help it, you were so innocent.”
“Of course, Isamu-sama. You did not say anything of the sort. You would never even consider it. However, unless you would like for Sesshomaru-sama to continue the lesson Merkamou-sama started today, keep your damn mouth shut.” With a final glare Rin marched back to the palace.
“I will know if you talk, Isamu. And Sesshomaru may not be able to save you if I find out.” Kagome dropped her barrier. “Merkamou-sama, thank you for defending her. However, stop destroying the gardens every time you visit.”
Lips twitched as Merkamou tried to smile. “Of course, Kagome-sama.” He moved to the palace, needing some time alone to bring his temper back under control.
“You, back to the palace, and stay away from Rin. Understood?”
“Hai, Kagome-sama.”
“What is it?”
“My mate is very annoyed with something.” Sesshomaru paused, trying to figure out if she needed help. “She seems to have regained control of the situation.”
“I am certain she has. Your mate is a formidable woman.” Hideaki moved some of the tokens from his hand to the sand table in front of him. “I have several mounted units that will be ready to ride.”
Mizuki was perched on a stool, watching with fascination as the two lords discussed strategy. While her sister loved combat, Mizuki loved strategy. As soon as she was old enough to not try to eat the tokens she had been allowed to follow her father into the map room. The stool had been brought in so she could see over the side of the sand table and reach tokens in the middle. The generals were used to the silent observer who was studying every move they made.
“So, you have decided to join the battle.” While Hideaki was not an ally like Merkamou, Sesshomaru hoped that the neighbor to the North would help crush the dragon.
“How could I not? I will not leave that disease to strike at me when I am not ready. My forces will join yours and Merkamou's. However, Ryuutaisho is ready for this. By sending his son he made it nearly impossible to avoid war. I do not like doing exactly what he wants.”
“Nor do I.”
“Some will say we are foolish for walking into this trap with open eyes.”
“They will not say so while I am listening.” Moving tokens in the sand, Sesshomaru rearranged some of the troops.
“And what are you doing there, Sesshomaru?”
“Anvil.” Sapphire eyes were narrowed, studying the table. The whisper was not missed by Hideaki.
“Well, what do you see, Mizuki-san?”
A nod from her father gave her permission to speak. “That group is the anvil, and your mounted units are the hammer. The enemy will engage, and be stopped by the force with Sesshomaru. The mounted units will strike from the side, here. With the mountain on the other side the troops will only have one way to go, and that is retreat. It will only work if the troops are surprised though, so that the mounted troops can do more damage and cause chaos. I have seen one of father's generals use this strategy.”
“Ah, good eyes, pup. The Western Lands will have two tacticians in the near future.”
“Arigato, Hideaki-sama.” Mizuki flicked her eyes down, blushing. Sure, she knew Hideaki was humoring her a little, but it was nice to be included in the discussion.
The faint smell of blood was coming from the corridor. Sliding open the door revealed a limping Isamu to Sesshomaru. “Isamu, you are injured.”
“Merkamou-sama and I got carried away while practicing, nothing more, my lord.”
Hideaki moved into the hall, checking his son over. “Go and clean up. You cannot go to dinner in that state.”
“Hai, father.” Isamu continued down the hall and disappeared around a corner.
“One day, Sesshomaru, you will have the joys of dealing with a nearly grown son.”
“There are still many years until that time.”
“Not nearly enough. Trust me.”
“I'm sorry, but Sesshomaru and Mizuki will not be able to join us for dinner tonight.” Kagome sat in usual place at dinner.
“They are most likely in the map room planning the conquest of Japan.” Hideaki smiled at his hostess from across the table.
Most taiyoukai did not know that hanyous would become human for one night out of the month, and would not wonder at Mizuki's absence. They would also not know that Sesshomaru would not leave his daughter's side that night, and would not sleep. Mizuki and Sesshomaru were in Mizuki's room and would not leave it until dawn tomorrow.
Hideaki was somewhat oblivious to the tension at the table. With Sango back home to see her family before war could take her away again and the old geezers already gone, he was the only one that did not know about the scene in the gardens that day. Isamu was focusing on his meal, trying to not make eye contact with anyone.
Rin was also focusing on her meal. When she did look up she found Merkamou watching her. She gave him a small smile before returning her eyes to her food.
You will not hurt her. She may never be mine, but I will protect her.
`What was that all about? I may never be his? Were they fighting because of Isamu's behavior, or over me? No, that's impossible. Isamu would never fight over someone that he did not have any feelings for, and Merkamou knows that he cannot have me. I wish he could have me.'
Chopsticks fell out of Rin's hand and tumbled to the floor while she blushed furiously. Scrambling to retrieve the wayward utensils sent her under the low table. A pair of gold eyes peered under the table at her, smiling. One of her chopsticks was pushed across to where she could reach it. Resurfacing, Rin found Kagome staring at her and Hideaki trying to not laugh. “Nani?”
“I'm not sure where you mind is right now, Rin-chan. All of a sudden your chopsticks went flying off and you tried to fit under the table. Are you with us?”
`No, my mind is most definitely not here. It is roaming about and finding unacceptable places to dwell.' Glaring at her plate, Rin tucked her escaping hair back behind her ears. “Hai, Kagome-chan.”
“Kumo? What is it?” Kagome moved away from the table to join her assistant by the door way.
“A party has arrived, and will not identify themselves to any except for you.” Kumo handed a note out to her lady. “They gave me this note for you.”
“It sounds like a trap.” Hideaki rose from the table to join Kagome. “Kumo, are you sure you do not know who these visitors are?”
“No, my lord. They would not speak. They are just outside of the gates.” Kumo's eyes stayed on her lady's as she spoke.
“Impossible.” Kagome held the note with shaking hands, staring at the writing. “Everyone stay here. Kumo, come with me.”
Kagome ran out of the room, clutching the note in her hand. Her assistant ran with her, confusion warring with obedience. Orders were ringing out across the courtyard in Kagome's voice. “Open the gates!”
In the flickering light of torches a group of five hooded figures could be seen. Four surrounded the fifth, obviously guards. Kagome slid to a stop, staring at the figure in the middle. The figure moved forward, stepping into the light of the torches. A blue taloned hand appeared, holding something out to Kagome. Cautiously, Kagome held out her own hand.
A sakura blossom dropped into it.
Kagome's voice was no more than a whisper. “Akira-sama?”