InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Matchmaker ❯ Not Fair ( Chapter 17 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: Holy kimshee, I posted out of order!!!! This is ch 17, and I just added ch 16. Damn, ruined my own surprise. Everybody, go read Ch. 16, this will make more sense now. Baka writer. Forgiveness.
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`Not bad. I could probably put up with her for a couple of centuries. And after I have my own brood we could avoid each other as much as we needed to. It is the best option I have had so far.' Merkamou sat in a tree, staring at the waning moon and watching for shooting stars. `No, it is not the situation I wanted, but I knew it was coming. The second that messenger showed up with that note, all of those years ago.'
Unbidden, the memory pushed to the front of his mind. He had been the second son, never meant to rule. He had enjoyed his weapons lessons, and had helped his brother with strategy, but it had always been his brother in the lead. Merkamou had been free to enjoy life while his brother was the responsible one. Then the messenger arrived. His father and brother were both dead in combat, and he was now the Lord of the Southern Lands at the tender age of 153.
In that instant his life had gone from simple and promising to a nightmare of choices and overwhelming responsibilities. His first crush had been on a low ranking noble's daughter, a girl that had tackled him when he stole her fan while they were both chicks. His mother's reaction had been horror. Absolutely forbidden. He would marry a taiyoukai female, one of power and position.
`Like Sora.' A soft breath blew feathers away from his face, set in the unusual expression of melancholy. Sesshomaru may prefer his mask to be blank, but Merkamou chose one of gaiety. Alone, his lack of choices pushed him into a dark mood. He knew who he wanted at his side, but it was not possible. His mother may not rule, but she had power. His little crush had suddenly left the court, and Merkamou never did find out what had become of her. Mother would never accept a ningen. Hideaki would not accept Rin as a Lady, either. He would accept her as a ward, and a fighter, but not as a mate. There would be no more hanyous as heirs.
A shooting star blazed across the sky, bringing a smile to the hawk's lips. He still liked to wish on shooting stars. A silent wish followed the star as it descended towards the Earth. Merkamou did not actually believe that wishing on stars worked, but he could not help himself. One never knew.
He spotted movement at the palace, a window opening. A figure slipped out. The white clothing glowed in the moonlight, standing out brilliantly to the hawk's sharp eyes. The figure was walking across the grounds, heading towards his tree. A closer inspection showed that it was Rin, dressed in a robe. As she came closer he could hear her uneven breathing, the little hitches in her chest. His merlin was crying.
Rin did not even glance at the tree she settled against. She simply dropped to the ground, leaned back against the tree, and stared at the moon with tears running down her face. `Damn him. Damn him to hell for doing this to me. I thought he cared. I truly did. No, I never thought he loved me, but he should have had some feelings for me. He just wanted to kiss me because it had never happened before. Jerk.'
“You are lucky that I am not a threat, merlin.”
`Of course. Like I could ever go anywhere without bumping into someone.' Rin turned her eyes up into the tree and spotted Merkamou amongst the branches. “What are you doing?”
“Watching for shooting stars. And you?”
“Not much. Plotting Isamu's death.”
Chuckling was coming from the tree. “Maim, do not kill. Hideaki would be very cross to lose his only son, even if he is an idiot.”
“I guess that means that I cannot castrate him either. Did you see the way he was staring at Akira? I thought his eyes were going to fall out of his head.”
“She is an attractive lady, and a mystery to him.”
Growling, Rin glared up at Merkamou. “Not helping.”
“I am sorry, merlin, but that is what happened. Akira will be able to deal with him, and since his intentions towards you were not honorable I say let her have him.”
“He wants her because she is a taiyoukai, and if we defeat Ryuutaisho her mate will be Lord of the East. Power, beauty, breeding, she has got it all.” Even Rin thought she sounded catty, but it did not stop her.
There was a creak as Merkamou moved so that he could look down at Rin with more ease. “I have said this before. His loss.”
“Yes, great, his loss. Then why am I single, and he is moving on to his next conquest already? It is cold comfort, Merkamou.”
“You will find somebody . . . “
“. . . who wants me exactly as I am. I am so tired of hearing that. I will die of old age before I find this person!” Quiet sobs were starting to escape Rin again, despite her attempts to hold them back.
There was another creak above her, then Merkamou was standing next to her. Sinking to the ground, he sat next to her with his back against the tree. Rin steadied her breathing, forcing control.
“How was your meeting with Lady Sora?”
Now it was Merkamou's turn to sigh. “It went well. She is pleasant, and knows how to hold a conversation. This is something of a find in the females that I have had thrown at me.”
“So you will court her?”
“I will meet her again, to be certain. I do not think I will have much of a choice in the matter. I have ruled for almost two hundred years with no mate. The court is becoming restless at the lack of an heir. Sora is pleasant enough, and has the family to make my mother happy. Now that I have announced my intention to find a mate I need to accept one. She is not bad.”
“How romantic. Not bad. Feh.” Rin crossed her arms and glared at nothing.
“We have had this conversation. I cannot just choose whoever I wish.” Merkamou looked towards the palace and away from Rin, not able to talk about this while looking at her.
“And I told you that it was an evasion.”
“If I wanted to give up my title, then yes I could take whoever I wanted. But what would happen then? My oldest sister's mate would take my place, and within the week he would declare war against Sesshomaru. My lands would be decimated by wars that could not be won, because he does not like inu-youkai. Or my mother could regain control. She is a blood thirsty bitch, and would simply throw assassins and poison at any that offended her. I will not see my lands destroyed so that I can take the one I wish for.”
“So there is someone!”
`How does this happen?' Merkamou kept his gaze on the palace, trying to ignore the animated ningen beside him.
“Who is it? Someone from your own lands? A commoner, perhaps?”
“No. She is a ningen.”
“A ningen? That is bad. It would cost you your position to take her.”
“Believe me, I know. I will court this Lady Sora, and if things go well I will take her as my mate.”
“Who is she? How do you know her? Is she part of the court?” Rin's natural curiosity was getting the better of her.
“Enough, merlin! It does not matter! She does not know, and will never know.”
“That seems very sad to me. She should know that you wanted her.”
“Why? It would just hurt her.” Without thinking about it, Merkamou's eyes swung back to Rin's.
“She should know that someone like you cared for her that much.” The usual cheerful voice was a husky whisper, her eyes locked with Merkamou's. `I would want to know if it were me.' She saw a shooting star out of the corner of her eye, turning to focus on it. `I wish it were me.'
Following her gaze, Merkamou saw the shooting star. He saw Rin's eyes following it across the sky, tears threatening to fall. “Would it mean that much to her?”
“I think it would.”
A hand reached out to cup Rin's chin, turning her face to his own. “Merlin.”
The world seemed to freeze as Rin's brain spun into overdrive. `Holy Kami, is he talking about me?' The intense gold eyes were locked on hers while his fingers trailed over her jaw. He leaned in closer to her, meeting her lips in a kiss.
Of course Rin compared the two. Or, at least, she tried to, but there was no comparison. With Isamu it seemed to be an exercise, a new skill to learn. With Merkamou, she felt her heart flutter as her arms moved up to wrap around his neck. There was no hesitation, and Rin was the one to deepen the kiss, running her tongue along his lips to coax a response. Merkamou moaned into her mouth, making her body shiver with a new sensation. Her body was tense with a longing she did not understand.
She let her head fall back as Merkamou pressed his lips to her jawline, working down her neck. A soft moan escaped Rin as he pushed her robe aside so that he could proceed across her collarbone. Returning to her lips, he pulled her body against his while her fingers weaved through his hair and feathers.
Rin was straddling his lap, pressing her body against his with desires that she did not know existed. She never wanted to leave this moment, feeling his lips on hers, his hands moving across her back, his body crushed to hers. They broke apart to breathe, Merkamou's eyes locked on hers. “You know now.”
Fingers were running through Rin's hair, making her eyes close at the delicious sensation of talons just barely brushing her scalp. Merkamou could not say anything to end this perfect moment. He did not want to end it, since he knew that he would not have another chance with her. But he would not dishonor her, at least not anymore than he had already. Deep breaths helped him to bring his body back under control.
“Merlin, we should return you to your . . .”
“No.” The young warrior attacked him, seizing his mouth and pushing him onto his back. Her fingers were dug into his shoulders as she pressed against him, pinning him down. Merkamou's hands went around her out of instinct, holding her against him as she kissed him senseless. His pulse thundered in his ears, knocking all reason away. She was here, she wanted him, and this was there one night together.
Acting of their own accord, Merkamou's hands trailed down her body to savor her form. Her own hands stayed on his shoulders, ready to push him down again should he decide to move. Her robe was being inched up by his hands, exposing her legs to him. His hands found there way under the robe and to the soft skin of her hips. A moan was Rin's response, completely caught up in the moment.
Rin and Merkamou both moved with the speed of trained fighters to get to their feet and straighten out their clothes.
Kagome had her jaw hanging loose, just staring. “I see nothing, I hear nothing. Lalalalalala!” She stuck her fingers in her ears and walked away.
“What is the big idea?” Rin had her hands on her face, blushing so hard she felt dizzy. “I can not do anything without my family catching on!”
“Merlin, I am sorry. I did not mean . . . “
“Stop it. I pushed you. This is what I wanted.” Still facing away from him, Rin tried to steady her breathing. “Do not apologize unless you think this was a mistake.”
“No, it was not a mistake.” Merkamou took Rin's arm and turned her to face him.
“Tomorrow you will meet with Sora.”
“I do not want to.”
“I know.” A watery smile went with Rin's words. “But I also know that you have to. I do not want you to be miserable, and if she is the best find you have had you should take her.”
“But she is not who I want.”
“Would you risk the lives of those you protect?”
Merkamou's head dropped, his eyes on the ground. “You know I could not. I did not want the responsibility, but it is mine. I can not leave them to my mother or my sister's mate.”
“Then meet with Sora again.” Rin pulled his head to hers, pressing a kiss to his lips. “I know now. It makes a difference, and I will never forget. How could I forget that someone like you wanted me?”
“Merlin, I . . .”
“Stop. We both have a duty to protect someone. I understand that. And if you throw it all away I will be very cross with you. If you think I did harm to you before, you have no idea what I will do when I am mad.”
“Very well, merlin. I will honor my obligations.” Merkamou raised a hand to trail through her hair. “It will be most difficult to see Sora as a potential mate now.”
“You will find a way. Were you not the one that was bragging to me about your conquests, and how well they sleep?”
“I had forgotten about that, and your challenge to me.” The hand in her hair slid down her back, pulling her up against him. “Do you still think I could not make you sleep through the night?”
“Uh . . .” Rin's brain was refusing to cooperate. `Is he serious? Would I tell him no? There is no way I could tell him no.'
“You are speechless. Amazing.”
Rin whacked him on the back of the head.
“Ow. Very well, I will hold off on my challenge a bit longer.” Merkamou released Rin and backed away to a safe distance. “I should walk you back to your room. I would be willing to wager that Kagome is waiting for you to explain your behavior. I would rather have you explain than I, for she will throw me through walls until she likes my answers.”
“Okay.” Reluctantly, Rin followed Merkamou back to her window, still open to the night air.
“Good night, my merlin.”
“Good night, Merkamou.” Rin brushed her lips across his cheek, then climbed back through her window to slide it shut.
“You have some explaining to do.” Kagome was sitting on the bed in the dark, waiting for Rin.
“Uh, hi Kagome!” Rin settled onto the bed next to her. “Nice night?”
“Yeah, but you won't believe what I saw. I saw the Lord of the South making out with Sesshomaru's ward in the garden, and her robe was up around her waist. Of course they were outside where anyone could see them.”
“I can explain. Well, I think I can. We were talking about Sora, and he mentioned that there was someone else he wanted but could not have. And it was me.”
“Oh, Rin-chan.” Kagome put her arm around Rin's shoulders. “What did you say?”
“That I was glad I knew, and that he should take Sora.”
“Easy, you are going to wake the whole palace!” Rin clamped a hand over Kagome's mouth as she continued to sputter. “I do not want to explain this to Sesshomaru-sama!”
“Haf ou ost or mine?”
Rin pulled her hand back off of Kagome's mouth.
“Have you lost your mind? If he loves you, and you love him, then you should be together!”
“And risk the Southern Lands? He told me what would happen. His mother would be after both of us, and his sister's mate would be after his title. It is not like you and Sesshomaru-sama, he has family that will bring him down even if we could convince Hideaki and Akira's new mate. I do not want him to risk so many lives.”
“Oh, jo-chan. This is not fair!”
Rin giggled at Kagome's standard line, fighting back her own tears. “No, it is not.”
“What are we going to do?”
“We are going to help Merkamou find a mate that does not make him miserable, we will fight a war with him, and then we will send him back home with his mate to raise his family.”
“I don't like that.”
“Neither do I.”
“When did you get so grown up, jo-chan?”
“I think it was in the last two days, Kagome-chan.”
Kagome pulled Rin into a tight hug.
“You should go to bed before Sesshomaru-sama comes looking for you. He is going to want an explanation for the yelling.”
“I'll make something up. Are you going to be okay for tonight?”
“Of course, Kagome-chan. Go.”
Reluctantly, Kagome left for her own room.
`No, this is not fair at all.' Rin dragged her blankets over her head, burying herself in her bed. `How am I going to face him tomorrow?'