InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Matchmaker ❯ Bokusenou ( Chapter 19 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: Puppies with wings! I actually got soda up my nose when I read that! OMG, that is so tempting, cute fluffy puppies dive bombing from the sky! Control, control. I've been thinking about that since the ideas popped into my head. I can't imagine that the youkai would never intermingle. Kind of like taking a foreign princess. Not always popular, but politically expedient. I have a theory (code for RUN & HIDE). I'll stick it on the end for any who are curious. The morganic marriage idea has been in my head since the first story, just not sure how I want to play this out. I am a true bohemian, after all. Freedom, beauty, truth, love, all that crap. Love overcoming all obstacles, etc. Anyways, on with the show (Three guesses on what I just finished watching).
“You will make yourself useful while you are here. The mornings will be spent helping to organize provisions, your afternoons will be spent training, and your evenings will be spent studying. I must leave for a short time with Kagome. You would do well to spend that time studying so that you do not embarrass yourself when I return and test your knowledge of tactics.”
“And who will I be training with?” Isamu was not exactly thrilled to hear this schedule that Sesshomaru had come up with. Helping to provision? Training? Studying!?
“I am leaving the Captain of Kagome's guard in charge of you, and he will arrange for your lessons. I would expect that Rin will be assisting.”
“I will not take lessons from a ningen.”
Isamu slammed into a door frame, wincing when his injured arm took most of the hit. Sesshomaru snatched him back to his feet.
“Try again.”
“I will take lessons from the Captain and any he assigns to help, including Rin.”
The young lord found himself in a heap on the floor, thrown there by Sesshomaru. “Rin-san.”
“Rin-san.” Slowly, Isamu pulled himself back to his feet.
“If there is any rumor that you were disrespectful to any in this household I will not hesitate to rip your throat out. I will just bring you back to present to your father. Out.”
Barely remembering to bow, Isamu bolted from the room.
“You enjoyed that.” Kagome was sitting by the wall, watching the show.
“Perhaps it was simple enough for him to understand.” Sesshomaru pulled his mate to her feet. “Now that everyone is settled, we can leave.”
“Hai.” Kagome's stomach fluttered with nerves. `And what are we going to find? Do I want to know? Have I doomed Sesshomaru to my lifespan? Headache starting . . . now.'
“Stop that.” There was a dull ache forming across Sesshomaru's temples, and he knew where it was coming from.
“Gomen, Sesshomaru.” Forcing her mind to stop running in circles, Kagome followed him out into the bright daylight. He scooped her up, holding her against his chest, and summoned his cloud.
`Ah, the only way to travel.' Kagome settled into his embrace, enjoying the feel of his arms around her. `Like it or not, here we go.'
`Study? How am I supposed to study? There are no books on strategy here. Is this some sort of a trick? I will ask this Captain when I see him. There must be another library.' Isamu gave the bookshelves one last futile search, then stormed out to meet his new instructor.
`Fabulous, an old dog. Oh look, he brought the ningen and hanyou as well. My joy knows no bounds.'
“Well, let's see what you know, youngster.” The Captain grabbed a practice blade from the rack. “You can put that sword away. I do not use live steel with youngsters I don't know.”
Grumbling to himself, Isamu grabbed two practice blades from the rack and faced off with the Captain.
“Unless I'm mistaken, you are not a female, and are most definitely not a ningen. Put that away.”
“Since when do you need to be a ningen female to use a second sword? If she can do it, then so can I.”
“You need to stop thinking with your little head.”
Rin gasped and clapped her hands over Mizuki's ears.
“Excuse me?” Isamu glared at the old youkai.
“Son, I've been around long enough to know you can't get into a female's kimono by pretending to know what you're doing. And since I know Rin won't be letting you anywhere near her kimono, drop the act, drop the sword, and learn something!”
“Listen, you old fool . . .”
A small dagger slammed into Isamu's arm. “Do not talk to my sensei that way!” Rin was livid, quickly recovering Mizuki's ears. “Now do something useful before I remove that second head that seems to be so distracting!”
“Your aim is off, Rin. You are getting rusty with those. Go and practice.”
“I do not think anything is wrong with her aim.” Isamu pulled the dagger from his arm, frowning at his latest injury.
“She was aiming for your chest.” The Captain gave Rin a glare. “Right?”
“Hai, Captain.” Rin released Mizuki before retrieving her dagger from Isamu and finding a tree to practice with. Mizuki would retrieve her dagger for her in exchange for her first few lessons on how to throw one.
The Captain turned back to Isamu. “She's gone. Now, can you concentrate?”
“Hai.” Isamu set the second blade aside. Not that it would have done him much good with yet another injury. `Crazed female.'
The similarities between Rin and the Captain's fighting styles made it obvious that he had been her instructor for some time. Rin had some moves the Captain did not, but the Captain had the speed and strength of a youkai.
“Quit being a sissy! So what if you get hit? Get over here and close or so help me your family line ends with you!” The Captain gave Isamu a crack on the arm, aiming for the injury Rin had given him. “You want to go to war? Stop being pretty and kill me already!”
Snarling, Isamu slammed into his new instructor. How he ended up pinned down was beyond him, but the Captain was smiling. “Better! Now, try using your brain instead of just smashing into things. It works better that way.”
The youngster tried to shove the Captain to the grass while he was rising, but quickly found himself flat on the ground with a foot on his throat.
“I do not accept rude and dishonorable behavior. You were beaten. Get over it, you spoilt little brat. Do it again and I break your arm. Get up, come at me again, and use your fucking brains.”
“Ah!” Rin missed the tree completely while listening to the language coming from her instructor. “Mizuki, you heard nothing!”
“Oh, no, Rin-neechan. I heard that one. What does it mean?”
“Nothing, it means nothing. Captain, Mizuki can hear you!”
“And?” The Captain knocked Isamu back again with practiced ease. “You weren't much older then her the first time I called you a brainless sack of . . .”
“Ah!” Rin had her hands back over Mizuki's ears. “Stop that! You know Kagome would be furious.”
“True. I will try to restrain myself. Unless this damn fool idiot keeps making the same mistakes over and over again! Who taught you, a blind, one-legged village idiot? Do it again and I will lay out on the grass, and Kami help you then!”
“What am I doing wrong?” Isamu stopped dead, panting. “What are you yelling about?”
“Finally. I had just about given up. We will start again, at half speed, and I will show you how to fight instead of just hacking at me. When you have the idea Rin will take my place and I will watch both of you.”
“Hai, sensei.”
Cautiously, Rin pulled her hands off of Mizuki's ears. `Hmm, maybe this is what the spoilt brat needed. Who would have thought that the Captain would take to him?'
When Rin was called over, she set her katanas aside and scooped up a single practice blade.
“Rin, three quarter speed. I want him to look for openings and utilize them instead of just swinging until he hits something. Play nice. If I see any mistakes in your form at this speed I will have your hide for a new rug.” The Captain stood to the side with Mizuki, watching as Isamu and Rin sparred.
`He is not just swinging. What a nice change.' Rin kept things straight forward, letting Isamu find the holes and slide through. He was thinking, and his accuracy was starting to improve.
“See, Mizuki? He has an advantage in height and reach, but Rin is a smaller target. Isamu needs to use his reach to his advantage, keep her out where he can reach her but she can't reach him.” The Captain was whispering to Mizuki, pointing out moves that were usually too fast to see.
“Ah.” Mizuki soaked it in. `Perhaps this fighting is not as boring as it seems. I still do not understand Rin's love for it, but I know father will insist that I learn. Maybe it will not be so bad.'
The fighting pair halted and faced their instructor.
“Isamu has had enough for today. Walk before you sit, or you'll stiffen up.”
“Arigato, Captain.” Isamu bowed before setting his blade in the rack.
“And you, Rin. Sloppy. Start going through your forms. I don't care if you've been injured, it just means that you will need to get it back together.”
“Hai, Captain.” Stifling a groan, Rin started to work through her forms under her instructor's critical eye.
`Well, I feel better. I am done, and she is being held after class.' Isamu set out through the gardens, stretching his sore muscles. `I'm not used to training for more then an hour. I wonder if this is usual. I'll give Rin some time to finish before I ask about those books.'
“This is boring.”
`Well, she made it until midday, so I think that is an improvement.' Sesshomaru made no comment as he continued to soar across the sky.
“Let's play a game.”
`Please, no, anything but that.'
“Okay, this one is called I Spy. You have to guess what I'm seeing. I spy with my little eye something . . . green.” Kagome smiled up at the blank face, waiting for him to start guessing. She was left waiting. “Hey, you have to guess.”
“There are many, many green things around. Which one is it supposed to be?”
“That's the point, you have to figure out what green thing I see.”
“You see all of them. What is to keep you from changing what you see so that I can not guess the correct one?”
Kagome gave him a glare. “Because that's cheating, and I don't cheat. Come on, guess! I'll give you a hint, it's a really easy one.”
“Your haori.”
“How did you know?”
Sesshomaru smirked at her. “You kept glancing at your sleeve.”
“Oh, fine, it's your turn.”
“My turn for what?”
“Spy something already!”
“I see something irritating.”
The beautiful white hair was given a tug. “One, it has to be a color. Two, you didn't say it right. And three, I am not.”
“Perhaps you know of another game.”
“Hm.” Kagome stared off into space while she thought. “Paper rock scissors.”
“And what is that.” Sesshomaru had the overwhelming urge to hit himself. `Now you are stuck with this.'
“Here, you can choose to be a rock, paper, or scissors. We each make a fist, and say `Rock Paper Scissors Shoot'. When we say shoot, we make our hands into the thing we choose. Rock beats scissors, scissors beats paper, paper beats rock.”
“What are scissors?”
“Something from my time to cut paper. Think about it as two knives stuck together.”
“And you expect me to believe that paper would beat rock?”
Rolling her eyes, Kagome gave the gorgeous hair another pull. “Come on, it's just a game. Ready?”
“I will need a hand free for this, correct?”
“Hai.” Kagome was rearranged so that Sesshomaru could hold her with one hand. Pressed hard against his chest, it took Kagome a moment to remember what they had been doing. “Ready? Rock paper scissors shoot!”
First point went to Sesshomaru, as did the point after that, and the one after that. On the fifth round Kagome figured it out. “You're cheating!”
“Really? How?”
“You are changing your hand so fast I can't see it and beating whatever I choose!”
“That is cheating?”
“No more of this game for you. What do I have left?”
`Maybe she is out of ideas. I am not that lucky, but I can hope.' Sesshomaru stared ahead, hoping that the silence would continue.
“Thumb wrestling!”
“Let me see your hand. Try to pin my thumb down. One two three four I declare thumb war!”
The outcome was a given, but Kagome put up a good fight. Giggling and squirming, she used her whole body to help her overwhelmed thumb.
“Miko, if you do not stop that, I will drop you.”
Gasping, Kagome threw her arms around his neck and pulled herself hard against him. Her legs went around his waist, leaving her clinging to him like a cat. “Don't even joke about that! You know I don't like heights!”
`Well, this is interesting.' The squirming miko was now crushed against him with her legs wrapped around him. Not one to pass up on a golden opportunity, Sesshomaru dropped his head down to kiss her. She moaned and pressed back against him as his arms wrapped around her.
`I think I'm going to be a member of the mile high club.' It was more difficult to remove clothing in this position, and since there was nowhere to put anything. Only the bare minimum could be removed, and carefully. Adrenaline from the ground being so far away made Kagome's heart race and skin tingle as the slipped her hand under her mate's clothing. `This is a fun way to pass the time.'
Holding her with one arm, Sesshomaru pulled at the ties of Kagome's hakama. She returned the favor, risking the weaker grip to use both hands to untie them. When he was exposed she wrapped her hand around him, making him moan deep in his chest.
A quick move and the taiyoukai had sheathed himself inside of his miko, making her gasp. With his hands gripping her buttocks he rocked her up and down, feeling the delicious friction as they flew through the air. She had her head back, her long hair blowing loose as she ground against him.
`I sure hope nobody looks up.'
After wandering through the garden for almost an hour, Isamu returned to find Rin still working, now with her own katanas.
“Watch your left foot! It's too slow!”
Isamu could not see anything wrong, but Rin gritted her teeth and continued. Mizuki was sitting to the side with a book, glancing at her sister from time to time.
“How long will she be practicing?” Isamu sat next to Mizuki, noticing the way she stiffened.
“With the way the Captain is yelling, I would say until it is dark.” Mizuki kept her eyes on her reading.
“Until dark?” A quick check confirmed that the sun was still well above the horizon. “What did she do? Why is he keeping her here so long?”
“Do?” Mizuki finally looked up. “Nothing, my lord. She will usually train with the Captain for several hours. With his yelling, Rin will probably continue to work well after he leaves, until it is too dark to see. I may find her working in her room tonight when she is supposed to be sleeping.”
“That is insane.”
“No, my lord. That is devotion.” Mizuki returned to her reading.
“Where did you get that book, pup?”
Clenching his fingers, Isamu fought with his temper. Mizuki was studying a book on the tactics used in war. “Which library?”
“There is only one, my lord.” Sapphire eyes glared at him before returning to her reading. “It is much more difficult to concentrate with your comments.”
“Mizuki-chan, is he bothering you?” Rin was panting, carefully stretching out her tight muscles as she caught her breath.
“I simply need to know where the books on strategy are kept. Sesshomaru-sama left instructions for me to study.”
“Father said I could read them in my room.” Keeping her eyes on her reading, Mizuki desperately wanted them to drop the subject.
“Not all of them at once. Isamu needs to read some.”
“Very well.” Mizuki glanced at Isamu. “Will you require the introductory texts, or will you be comfortable with the intermediate works?”
Rin snorted while Isamu's jaw dropped. “Knock it off, Mizuki-chan. Just get the books. Save a few for yourself, but put the rest back in the library.”
Snapping her book closed, Mizuki growled under her breath. “Fine.”
“She has all of the books on tactics in her room?” Isamu watched as the young pup stomped away.
“Hai. A lot of them are too advanced for her to read, even though she works very hard at it, but she can understand the maps. She can piece them together and understand what is going on. All of her reading lessons involve those darn books. I am learning strategy from teaching her how to read.”
“Rin, enough gossiping.”
“Hai, Captain.” Rin immediately went back to work.
Isamu watched as she turned and parried, each movement precise and perfect. It was enlightening to see what she would do to perfect her skills. `I am not patient enough to go through that.' He turned to walk to the palace, leaving the ningen and her instructor to work until the sun dipped below the horizon.
“Is this it?”
“Hai.” Sesshomaru set Kagome down, straightening her haori.
“Bet you've never done that while flying. I'm glad you didn't drop me.” Kagome retied her hair, blushing in memory.
“It was certainly a more enjoyable way to pass the time then your foolish games.”
“Hey! I was bored!”
Sesshomaru led her through the woods, pushing past the low hanging branches.
“Eep!” Kagome startled and spun around, looking for the source of the voice.
“Bokusenou.” The taiyoukai stopped in front of a tree, watching as the face formed.
“I have been expecting you. Is this the miko I have heard so much about?” Bokusenou turned his yellow eyes to the ningen that was peering at him from around Sesshomaru.
“This is Kagome, my mate.”
“I am surprised it took you this long to seek me out. A most unusual choice in a mate.”
“It was not exactly a choice.”
“Hey!” Kagome smacked Sesshomaru on the arm.
“No matter how it came about, it is unusual.” Bokusenou refocused on Sesshomaru. “What are your concerns?”
“We cannot be separated for more than a day. She can locate me, and calm my blood. While I can sense her emotions, she can catch glimpses of what I am seeing or thinking.”
“Interesting. Not to be unexpected.”
“What do you mean?” Kagome stepped out from behind Sesshomaru.
“When a bond forms between two youkai, it is a blending of their youki energy. When a youkai takes a ningen, the youki surrounds the ningen, but there is nothing in return. It is a more fragile bond. You, miko, have something to return. It is a testament to Sesshomaru's strength that he is still alive.”
“Nani?” Kagome was just perplexed now.
“His youki came up against your miko energy. In order to overcome it, more energy was needed. A stronger bond. And your energy seems to have accepted him as well, making the bond even tighter. Do you love him, miko?”
Kagome blushed and looked at her feet. “Hai.”
“That would explain why your powers did not destroy him, but blended with his. Very interesting. You are bound to each other much too tightly. It was a battle for your two auras to fit together, and in the process too much energy was shared.”
“Is it true that we can't outlive each other?”
“It would seem that way. I cannot imagine either of you surviving, bound the way you are.”
“Is there anyway to break this?”
“Nani?” Sesshomaru turned to stare at her.
“Is there anyway to break this so Sesshomaru does not have to die with me? I'm just a ningen! He should not die when a mortal does!” Kagome had tears on her cheeks.
“Sesshomaru, you have not told her?” Bokusenou looked almost amused.
“Told her what?”
“Can you not tell? Have you not noticed?”
“Speak, Bokusenou.”
“She is slowing down.”
The taiyoukai froze. He had noticed that she came into heat less and less often. “Are you certain, Bokusenou.”
“Hai. The change was probably so gradual you did not notice it. I can see it, though. She has slowed, almost as slow as you now. With time she may very well match you.”
“What the hell are you two talking about? And quit calling me slow!” A furious miko was glaring at the two youkai, and being ignored.
“Your youki. She has had a considerable amount of time in a tight bond with you, and it is affecting her body. I would not be surprised to find that she has changed you as well. I doubt a miko could purify or bind you now.”
“Nonsense, I threw him through a wall just yesterday.” Kagome crossed her arms and glared at both of the youkai again.
“But I did not burn.” Sesshomaru was staring at Kagome while his pulse raced. `Can this be true? Could this be possible? Please, Kami, let Bokusenou be right.'
“I'm going to throw you into him if someone does not tell me what is going on.” Kagome was letting her aura show, snapping just a bit at the edges.
Sesshomaru pulled Kagome against him, burying his face into her hair and breathing. `She does not smell like an aging ningen. I can not smell her body failing.' His hands had a faint tremble was he lifted her chin. “Kagome, your aging has slowed. You are not aging like a ningen, but like a youkai.”
“Really? Are you sure?”
Kagome threw her arms around his neck and sobbed into her shoulder. He held her close, savoring the fact that her scent was not that of a mortal. It was embarrassing that he had not noticed, but it had been so gradual. Just a year ago she had been able to burn him, but it had been small. Now he did not have to worry about the centuries without her. They would live together, and die together.
Little hiccups were coming from Kagome as she stopped crying. `I get to see them grow up! Sesshomaru does not have to be alone or have a ningen's life span! I get my happy ending!'
A/N: Feel free to skip. Okay, different kinds of youkai mixing. This is the problem with wandering off from the created story line. None of it is canon, so I have to make it up and hope it makes sense. I am running with the idea that youkai intermingle. I don't think that they could just split up and never do that, I mean, there are enough hanyou running around, and they are a big no-no. We all know how it goes, forbidden fruit, etc. I love the image of puppies with wings, but I don't think so. I am going to say that the offspring are one or the other, with only some changes from the different species mixing. Kind of like being born a boy or a girl. Only very rarely does that get mixed up. So, Sora would have some inu youkai, and some hawk youkai. The hawk youkai would get something different because of their mother, maybe poison instead of fire, but they would still be hawks. Ditto on the inus. No inus with feathers, but red hair is definite possibility. Like I said, I have to make it up as I go. This seems fairly reasonable, and we could even decide that some genes are dominant, such as hawk being more dominant than inu. So to get an inu, you would need to breed two of them together. Brown eyes vs. blue, hawk vs. dog. Some families would be more prejudiced on this then others, I'm sure, but we will just let that sort it self out based on the individuals. Maybe we can make it a sex based trait, or one that comes from the father. Or the mother. Haven't made up my mind on those details yet. I need to get a life. *raspberry*