InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Matchmaker ❯ East vs. West ( Chapter 25 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: Probably the most evil cliffie I ever came up with. I'm so proud. But I'm just too nice to leave anyone hanging for very long. I don't come up with much of the plot, the voices in my head tell me stories and I just type them. I like the voices. Hee hee hee. I present more violence! I own zippo.
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Flat on her back, Kagome looked around as her guard defended her from the war continuing around her. She knew her mate was on the other side of this war, and that she needed to get there. Scrambling to her feet, she tried to find a way across the chaos.
A roar sent everyone ducking down to the ground, scanning the skies for Ryuutaisho's sons. A deep blue dragon, larger then any of the sons, dived down from the cliff and aimed for Kagome. The miko notched an arrow, aiming at the new threat, but hesitating as the dragon landed next to her.
The miko's heart skipped a few beats as the dragon stared at her, the booming voice shaking her to the bone.
"Akira-sama?" The bow and arrow lowered as Kagome stared at the dragon's eyes, still the eyes of the Lady of the East.
"We will find your mate. And mine."
Two of Ryuutaisho's sons were dead, and a third was badly injured, but the last two were proving to be very difficult to kill. One of the hawks was dead, and Rin had a moment of panic before she saw Merkamou soaring across the sky, uninjured.
Diving under Yukio, Rin swept up with a katana in an attempt to slash into his hide. A swinging claw hit Ah-Un, sending him out of the air. Rin clung to him, feeling him try to pull out of the dive. He regained control, but they were falling too fast.
Slamming into the ground, Rin was thrown from the dragon. Jaken screeched and hung on as Ah-Un slid across the ground for a good fifty feet.
Stunned, Rin was not yet aware of where she had landed. Youkai surrounded her, all wearing Ryuutaisho's crest. A snarling form leapt and landed over top of her, keeping her down. Confused eyes found four hairy legs around her, attached to a huge, black, snarling dog. A dog that was warning the other youkai away. Staring at the dog, Rin felt recognition wash over her. "Captain?"
Yukio was coming around for another pass, determined to destroy the ningen that had dared to attack and taunt him. The other youkai ran for cover, knowing that they would be just as likely of targets as the allies of Sesshomaru. The Captain stood his ground, snarling at the approaching dragon. As the taiyoukai swept low the Captain leapt, catching onto his opponent's throat and ripping out a chunk of flesh. He landed and spit out the disgusting mess, returning to the now standing Rin to wait for the next attack.
"I need to get Ah-Un." Rin was looking over to the rather dazed looking dragon, with an equally dazed looking Jaken still perched on his back.
The Captain gave her a hard shove towards her mount before returning his attention to Yukio. Blood was pouring from the dragon's neck as he spun about to attack again. Hunkering down low, the dog was waiting for his chance to land another hit. He leapt again, digging into the dragon's side with his claws as he bit down on a front leg.
A ferocious roar shook the valley as Yukio slammed into the ground, pinned the dog underneath him. He twisted, sharp teeth seeking the annoying youkai that was still ripping into his side. The dog released, but only to latch on to Yukio's snout as it came into range. A flip of Yukio's head sent the Captain slamming into the ground again, stunning him. There was a quick movement of claws, a splash of blood, and the dog was no longer moving.
"Captain!" Rin left Ah-Un behind as she ran to her mentor. Yukio was already lifting away, returning to the battle in the sky. The ningen found her protector almost ripped in half, blood pouring everywhere. She dropped by his head, pulling the massive form into her lap as she sobbed. "Get up! You cannot leave Rin! Captain! Rin is sorry she was not fast enough. Please get up."
Her fingers tightened in his fur, rage quickly replacing sorrow. That dragon had killed her Captain, and he would pay. She carefully set the head back down and rose, pushing her tears away. She scanned the sky, looking for Yukio. He was not far away, slashing through some of Sesshomaru's troops as he returned to his hunt for the miko.
"Son of Ryuutaisho! Get over here and fight me!"
The dragon barely glanced her way as he continued his slaughter.
"I am challenging you! Now! Fight me, you coward! I am challenging you!" Rin's throat felt as though it was bleeding as she screamed, but she now had the dragon's attention. He slowed and turned, drifting back her way. "I challenge you, son of Ryuutaisho!"
The dragon settled to the ground and changed back to the more human form. "Did he mean something to you, ningen? Enough to commit suicide?"
"You will pay for killing him." Rin drew both of her katanas. "Even if it means my life, you will die today."
"You must be that ningen in Sesshomaru's court. Your reputation precedes you." Yukio pulled his own sword.
"I am Rin, ward of Sesshomaru-sama, and I have helped to kill two of your brothers. Now I will kill you."
"Amuse me, little one. Then this will be worth my time."
Rin could barely see him as he lunged at her, but she was able to get her katanas up in time. The two circled, exchanging rapid blows as they tested each other's ability. The hits from the dragon could be felt through her entire arm, but she ignored it. She ignored the ache in her arm from her earlier injury, and the sharp pains from her wrist from her fall from Ah-Un. The only thing she saw was her opponent, and the only thought was of his destruction.
Yukio tried to overpower her, but she twisted, letting the blade slide along one of her own instead of trying to block. She brought an elbow up, connecting with his head and surprising him. He slammed a shoulder into Rin, making her stumble back and leaving her open to attack. She blocked the shot that was aimed for her heart, but it was deflected down so that it hit her in the hip. Gritting her teeth, she took advantage of the fact that the sword was still in her body to slam into her opponent's sword arm, slicing halfway into the bone.
Snatching his blade back, the dragon growled as he looked at his arm. 'Damn her. That will slow me down.'
'Oh, hell, that is not good.' Rin was bleeding, and her right leg would not support her weight properly now. She shifted her stance so that most of her weight was on her left leg and waited for her opponent's next move. The dragon had switched hands, now fighting with his left hand. He was more wary of her now that she had injured him.
"Fascinating, ningen. I should take you alive, you would make an amusing play thing."
"Fuck off."
Rin saw his move coming, his annoyance making him sloppy. She caught his blade with hers, trying to push him back but she was not strong enough. He knocked her to the ground, trying to slam his blade through her. She rolled, desperate to get away, and kicked out to try and trip him up. She was not able to trip him, but she did distract him enough to allow her to find her feet again.
Blood was soaking through her armor, leaving her weak. Fear was starting to pick at her as the dragon moved towards her again. Rin was in over her head, and she knew it. She knew this was a fight she would not win. 'If I must die, then he is coming with me.'
There was movement, a figure coming towards them. Rin was certain she knew who he was, and she was equally certain that he had found the Captain's body. Now she had a chance.
Yukio could see his opponent weakening. He did want to take her alive, since she would be very amusing. He feinted to the left before slashing at her, trying to hit one of her arms. She blocked, sliding up his blades to get in close to him. His claws sunk into her shoulder as he grabbed her with his free arm. One of the katanas was slammed into his leg, but she left it there. Her now empty hand found a dagger, driving it into his throat. Gagging, Yukio fell back and yanked the katana from his leg and the dagger from his throat. Rin stayed with him, kicking him in the groin as she swung her remaining katana.
Seeing the blow coming, Yukio slammed his blade into her, trying to kill her before the blow could land. The ningen knew what was coming, and twisted so that the blade sunk into her left shoulder, leaving her right arm free to finish the blow. The katana flashed as it slammed into the side of his chest and came out the other side. Kicking her way free, Rin got away as Isamu called down the lightning.
Arcs of electricity ran up and down the dragon as he screamed. Isamu called down another bolt, then another, burning the dragon away until there was nothing left, not even ash.
Rin pulled Yukio's sword from her shoulder, staggering. She retrieved her katanas and dagger from where Yukio had once stood as the world spun around her. The youkai that had stayed back during the battle were now closing in on her, looking to destroy the dangerous fighter while she was so weak. Isamu was fighting his own attackers, and probably had not even noticed that she was in trouble. She knew she could not take all of them in her condition, but she would not go down without a fight.
Holding both blades tightly, she watched the youkai. Desperation made her heart pound and her arms burn. Trying to hold them off, Rin slashed her blades through the air, screaming at them.
A slash of black ripped through the air, striking her opponents down.
'What the hell?' Rin stared at her own katanas as though she had never seen them before. The black surfaces now had random patterns of silver across them, rather like lightning. 'I guess I will need to write Totosai.'
Rin could hear Ah-Un coming up beside her. She sheathed both of her katanas and dragged herself into the saddle as he whipped by. Jaken made a rude face at the youkai on the ground as they soared away.
"Isamu!" Rin dove down next to the snow leopard, taller then Ah-Un's heads at the shoulder. "Arigato, Isamu."
The snow leopard nodded to her, then turned to exact revenge on the forces that had killed his weapon's master.
The giant dog had the dragon pinned to the ground, dragging claws down its side, but was knocked away by a blow from the dragon's tail. Snarling, the dog rolled to its feet and charged again. The dragon tried to make it into the air but was dragged back down by the furious taiyoukai he was fighting. Ryuutaisho twisted, sinking fangs into Sesshomaru's shoulder as the dog's claws opened the side of his chest.
Ripping free, Sesshomaru turned to face his opponent again. The wound in his chest was slowing him, and now the bite on his shoulder was leaking his blood into the dirt. A part of his mind knew he was in trouble, but the fury from the attacks on his family had not faded yet. He slammed into Ryuutaisho's back, biting at the back of his neck in an attempt to break the dragon's spine. The dragon slammed onto his own back, stunning the inu-youkai but not enough to make him let go. A hit from the tail cut into his thigh, loosening his grip. Ryuutaisho broke free, throwing Sesshomaru to the ground again. Before he could be blocked he was in the air, fleeing out of Sesshomaru's range.
The dog was slower to get up this time. His opponent was seriously injured, but Sesshomaru's strength was flowing away. 'I must end this now.'
Both taiyoukai looked into the sky to see an arrow whistling through the air, closely followed by the miko riding a massive blue dragon. Ryuutaisho dodged, but was hit in the leg. As the purifying energy started to spread through his leg he bit through his own body, stopping the damage. The limb fell to the ground as Kagome and Akira dropped down next to Sesshomaru. Kagome slid off of Akira and rushed to Sesshomaru's side while Akira faced her mate.
"Akira? Impossible." Ryuutaisho lowered to eye the blue dragon who was snarling at him. "Akira would never have the courage to face me, and was not nearly strong enough to assume this form."
"You are wrong, Ryuutaisho. I was always much stronger than you gave me credit for." Akira leapt after him. She had no experience in battle, but instinct was taking over. She wanted to get a hold of her mate's throat and crush the life out of him.
The uninjured female was able to catch up with her mate, slamming into him as he tried to run. The two dragons twisted in the air as they each sought a grip that would kill their opponent. Sesshomaru growled as his opponent moved away, giving his own mate a glare.
"What? She can help kill him, it's her mate after all." Kagome watched as Akira snapped her jaws, trying to catch her opponent's throat. "I don't know if she is up to this, though."
Akira used her superior size to knock her mate back, trying to get him back to the ground. Sesshomaru would be able to finish him much faster than she could. Claws dragged across her hide, shocking her as she felt true pain for the first time. It drove her insane, making her lock on to him with her claws and slam her fangs into him. The injured male howled as the larger female ripped into him. He was dropping out of the sky, back down towards the inu-youkai that was waiting for him.
Arrow at the ready, Kagome stood next to Sesshomaru. The inu-youkai was tensing, ready to leap as soon as Akira could bring the male back down. The female was doing a good job, ripping into Ryuutaisho as she pressed him down. A bite from Ryuutaisho threatened to shake Akira loose, her claws slipping as she fought against the pain from his bite. Regaining her grip, she lashed at him with her tail while biting into his shoulder that was still smoldering from Kagome's attack. Howling, Ryuutaisho dropped again.
"Move, Akira!" Kagome saw Sesshomaru launch into the air, taking Akira's place against Ryuutaisho. As the dragon slammed into the ground the dog was able to slash across his face, poison burning one eye away. The growls turned to howls as the dragon struggled to escape. The miko saw a clear shot. She fired her arrow, feeling the air pulse with the power she put into the destruction of her pups' attacker. Sesshomaru jumped free, not wishing to be caught in the backlash of the attack. An explosion rocked the area as the arrow hit its target. The giant dog felt as though his youki was bleeding away as he knocked the injured dragon away before she could get hit with the explosion.
As the glow faded there was nothing but a pile of bones and ash. The miko staggered as the world spun around her. Sesshomaru was back into his more human form, taking her arm to support her even as his own balance failed. She looked up at him as her vision went gray. "Arigato, jo-chan."
The miko slipped to the ground, unconscious. Almost immediately after, Sesshomaru collapsed beside her, also unconscious. Akira was back to her usual form, and was slumping to the ground as her body worked to heal her bites and slashes. She saw Kagome collapse, quickly followed by Sesshomaru. She rummaged through her kimono, finding her mirror. Hopefully someone was still watching. She turned and flashed a pattern towards the battle. She repeated it three times before a dragon set down next to her. With a swirl of energy it transformed to the human shape and bowed to her. "Lady Akira."
"Ryuutaisho is dead. We must get these two away from here until they can recover."
"My lady, that is the Lord of the West. Why are we helping him?"
"You do not question the ruler of the East. We are moving them to safety."
"Hai, my lady." The dragon quickly transformed back and went to get help.
Akira moved to Kagome's side, checking her breathing. The miko was pale, but alive and her heartbeat was steady. "Arigato, Kagome. Now I will help you."
Rin was on the fringes of the battle field, tying a makeshift bandage over her own hip. Jaken was doing the same to her shoulder, trying to stop her blood loss before she lost consciousness.
"Baka ningen, you should not have challenged that taiyoukai. You are lucky to still be alive!" Jaken grumbled and fussed as he carefully tied her bandage.
"Hai, Jaken-sama." Rolling her eyes, Rin ignored Jaken's comments as she watched the battle ending. Only one or Ryuutaisho's sons was left, and the forces on the ground had the Eastern army on the retreat. She had seen a huge explosion where Ryuutaisho had been, and she was hopeful that Kagome had been able to exact revenge for all that the dragon had done.
"Rin-chan! I was so worried!" Sango and Kirara raced over to the trio. "I didn't see you after Ah-Un crashed, and we could not find you anywhere."
"I will live, Sango-chan. That dragon killed the Captain."
"Oh, Rin-chan."
"He paid with his life." Rin focused on the saddle for a moment while she fought her tears away. Later, she would mourn later. Now she was still in a battle zone and there was no time for tears. "We are almost done."
"Hai, just the one dragon left. You stay here, you have done enough for one day."
"Hai, Sango-chan." Rolling her eyes at yet another nursemaid, Rin watched her instructor dive back into the fray. Her bandages were now set, leaving her feeling rather silly sitting and watching a battle. 'I should be involved, not just sitting here.'
The remaining dragon was diving low, cutting through the forces as the taiyoukai and Sango chased him down. Rin spotted a lone figure in red, surrounded by attacking youkai on the ground. It was the uniform of the Southern armies, and he looked like he was in trouble. She picked up the reins, seeing an ally in such a hopeless situation goading her into action.
"Rin, you insane creature, what are you doing? You are not supposed to fight anymore today, that exterminator said so! Stop!" Jaken clung to her as Ah-Un dove down.
With her shoulder so badly injured the katanas were out of the question, but she could still pull off a rescue. It would just require different tactics. She dove Ah-Un right into the crowd, sending the youkai flying through the air as the dragon plowed through them. 'Not very skilled, or elegant, but still effective.'
Ah-Un swung around, slowing as he passed the stranger. Rin offered her good arm, helping him up behind her. Jaken yelled and dove in front of Rin as the youkai was pulled up behind her. She turned the dragon again, Ah-Un sending blasts down at the opposing youkai and chasing them into a very disorganized retreat.
"Who the hell are you?"
'Rude.' Rin and Jaken both threw a glares at the passenger. "Who are you?"
"I am Takashi, a commander in the Southern armies. Now who the hell are you?"
The Southern camp was coming up beneath them. Rin sent Ah-Un down to drop the rude male off. "Tell Merkamou his merlin says hi."
The youkai was dumped onto the ground in a tangled heap as the dragon climbed back towards the clouds. The toad was yelling profanities at him as he was carried away. 'Merlin? What was she?'
The final dragon dropped to the ground, Merkamou soaring away from him with a final scream. The last of the Eastern armies was running from the battle field, desperately trying to get away. Akira was in the Eastern camp with her family, already establishing her control of the Eastern lands. With all of her sons dead, there would be no one to contest her claim. If anyone tried, her family would strike them down.
Walking out of the command tent, Akira rested a hand on her shoulder. Under her new kimono there was a bandage over the bite from her mate. 'Former mate.' The thought still brought a smile to her lips every time it occurred. She was free, and she had even helped to bring about his demise. She had locked onto him, grappled with him, and drawn his blood. The dragon inside of her was quiet now, but she somehow suspected that it would have a much stronger voice now that it had tasted freedom.
'So be it. I will not cower behind anyone again. These are my lands now, and I will defend them myself if needed.'
In a nearby tent her guests were resting. Akira found herself going to check on the miko, despite the fact that she knew her servants would fetch her the second they woke up. She wanted to see them with her own eyes and verify again that Kagome would recover from the battle. Ducking into the darkened tent she found the couple as she had left them. Unmoving, but with a strong pulse. Why Sesshomaru was unconscious was a mystery, but it was easy enough to figure out why the miko had dropped. It had been an enormous surge of power to destroy Ryuutaisho, and it had drained her to the point of collapse.
Kneeling down, Akira brushed Kagome's hair out of her face. She would wait here until her friend awoke.
It was several hours before she heard movement. First Kagome, then Sesshomaru opened their eyes. Kagome moaned, shut her eyes again, and clamped a hand to her forehead while the inu-youkai leapt to his feet and looked for a threat.
"Peace, Sesshomaru-sama. You are in my camp. We brought you here to recover." Akira stayed at Kagome's side, hopeful that her guest would not strike her before realizing where he was.
"Your camp?" Sesshomaru moved to check on Kagome as he glared at the taiyoukai.
"Hai. My family has already moved to finalize my position. This is my camp now."
Challenge passed between the two taiyoukai. Akira was no longer a refugee in need of help, she was now the ruler of the Eastern lands. She was now one of the most powerful taiyoukai in Japan, and would qualify as a threat.
"Both of you stop that." Kagome did not even bother to reopen her eyes. "Sesshomaru, you knew that she would be taking over. Akira, it's surprising how quickly you were able to get everything set up. But good."
"Hn." Sesshomaru helped his mate to sit up, carefully watching her every move. "Can you stand?"
"Wait a few minutes. With the way the world is moving around I'm sure I wouldn't make it very far."
"We need to return to our own camp, before they begin to suspect that we have been killed."
"I know, I know. I'll be up in a minute."
The inu-youkai was not feeling patient. He pulled Kagome up into his arms, earning himself a weak smack.
"Hey, put me down."
"No." Sparing a nod for Akira, Sesshomaru took his mate out of the tent. He summoned his youki cloud and set off for his own camp on the other side of the battle field. Even before he touched down he could hear the sounds of celebration. There was cheering and singing, a cacophony that only got louder with the return of the Western Lord.
"Kagome-chan!" Sango hurtled towards them, ignoring Sesshomaru as she grabbed onto Kagome. "You're safe."
"Of course, I was with Sesshomaru. Where's Rin?" Kagome was already sweeping the camp with her eyes, looking for her comrades.
"Over in the command tent with the healer. She got pretty beat up, but the healer says she will be fine."
"I need to see her." Pleading eyes convinced Sesshomaru to take his miko to see Rin. He was also concerned for his ward, but he would not let that show.
Rin was lying on her back with her head propped up on a cloak. The healer was finishing up his bandages on her shoulder, pushing the kimono she had changed into back over her shoulder. Her left arm was in a sling, supporting it while her shoulder healed. "Do us both a favor, and stay down this time. Do not use that arm until I say so."
"Hai, Nori." Sighing, the young woman glared at the ceiling. She heard Sesshomaru come in, and rolled over to find him covered in blood and carrying Kagome. "Kagome-chan! Sesshomaru-sama!"
"I'm fine, jo-chan. Just tired. How are you doing?"
"I'll live. At least that is what Nori is telling me. Sesshomaru-sama, are you . . . " Rin's voice trailed away as she looked at the impassive face.
"There were no life-threatening injuries."
The celebration outside could be clearly heard, finally sinking in to Kagome's mind. "Hey, we won. We won!"
"Of course."
"Arrogant bastard." Kagome wiggled loose of Sesshomaru to hug Sango. "We won!"
Sango blinked at her, then realization hit. "We did. Ryuutaisho is gone. Now it's Akira ruling. We won!"
"Hai!" The miko bounced around as best she could while exhausted. "Rin-chan, it's over! We won!"
"Hai." Rin kept her eyes on the roof of the tent, trying to keep the tears away. 'It is impossible to be happy when I have lost someone so important to me. It is just as bad as losing Sesshomaru-sama. Sesshomaru-sama . . .'
Rin rolled over again to look at her hero, and the two swords at his side. "Sesshomaru-sama, we are not done yet!"