InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Matchmaker ❯ To the North ( Chapter 27 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: As requested, I present Mizuki's field trip. I actually own most of this chapter, but not the universe it sits in.
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Careful brush strokes formed a mountain capped with snow. Mizuki tipped her head to the side, making a face at the third crooked mountain she had produced in a row. The whole range looked off kilter. Determined to produce a mountain that did not look like it was going to topple over, Mizuki tossed the piece of rice paper aside so she could start over. `Why is it that fish are so easy, but my mountains never come out?'
Starting again, the pup tried to ignore the voice she could hear coming closer to her. `Does that female do anything other then complain?'
The object of her disdain marched right in front of her, blocking her view of the mountains. Schooling her expression into nothingness, Mizuki looked up. “Hai?”
“Where is your brother?”
“You have lost my brother, Cho-san?” The battle to not smile was difficult. Mizuki hated Mayu's youngest, and seeing the leopard cub so put out was delightful.
“I know you know where he is. He took off and if I do not find him my mother will be furious.”
“Why would I know where he is? I was not told to watch him, that was your duty.”
“You always know where that mutt of a brother of yours is.”
After a week of rude names Cho's insult hardly registered. Of course she knew where Katsuro was. He was right next to her, burrowed in one of her kimonos. Cho could not track much of anything, and would never scent him while he was surrounded by Mizuki's scent.
“I do suggest you find him, Cho-san. He is the heir of the Western Lands, after all.”
“And that is the most ridiculous idea of them all! A pathetic hanyou ruling the west.”
“Our father is the greatest of the taiyoukai, and our mother is the miko that purified the Shikon no Tama. I have no shame in my bloodlines.”
“Once Katsuro rules, my brother will conquer the west.”
“You are dreaming, Cho-san. I have seen your brother defeated by a ningen. How could he stand against the son of Sesshomaru-sama?”
“None will have him for a mate, or you. You will have no family or status. Now tell me where your brother is!”
“You are quite possibly the most boring person I have ever spoken to. An entire week and you have said nothing original in all of that time.”
The two young ladies exchanged another glare. Hideaki had hoped that Mizuki and Cho would become friends, but it had been hate at first sight.
“Mother, why do we have hanyous staying here? Shouldn't they be in the servant's quarters?”
“Enough, Cho. These are Sesshomaru's pups and they are guests of the family.” Katsuro was perfectly content to stay in his new Auntie Mayu's arms, and Mayu showed no signs of putting him down anytime soon.
“As long as I do not have to deal with them.”
“Of course you will spend time with them. Katsuro-chan is the next Lord of the West, aren't you, you sweet little thing, and your father was hoping that you and Mizuki-san could become friends.”
“Like I would ever become friends with a disgusting mutt. She has not said a word since she got here. Is she too stupid to talk?”
“Unlike some, I only speak when I have something useful to add to a conversation.” Mizuki thoroughly enjoyed watching Cho change colors.
Mizuki had found the change from her own household to Hideaki's fortress to be mind blowing. Gone was the steady support of her father, the open arms of her mother, and the games and lessons with her sister. Now she had only Katsuro for companionship while the rest of the palace avoided her as though she might be contagious. Mayu was friendly enough, but busy while her mate was away.
In her own home the guards and servants knew her and were used to her. There were no sneers or whispered comments. In her own home she was a hime, but here she was a half-breed. Outcast. There was no Kumo to guide her when she needed help with her hair, but instead there was a silent servant that would set her hair and quickly leave. Haoris and hakamas were out of the question, and Mizuki found herself dressed in fine kimonos each day.
There was no chaos here. Now Mizuki understood some of Merkamou's comments about Sesshomaru's home being so exciting, though it had seemed so quiet to the pup. Mayu never raised her voice, and certainly never sent anyone through a wall. None of the family seemed to take any kind of weapons lessons, but seemed content to follow peaceful pursuits. Standing in the immaculate garden, Mizuki could not see herself stealing a dragon and frightening the servants here.
There was a daily routine for her, set up to match Cho's. After a morning meal they would spend half of the day with tutors. Mizuki was disgruntled when her reading turned out to be mostly philosophical. Her tutor had turned a deaf ear to her request for tactical works.
But with Sesshomaru and Kagome for parents Mizuki was stubborn enough for an entire taiyoukai family. A few careful questions had revealed where Hideaki's library was. After the household had gone to sleep she had slipped out of her room and raided the library, pulling a selection of books to keep her occupied on the long, lonely nights.
Mizuki's tutors were equally deaf to her protests over classes on flower arranging. In a moment of frustration she had melted a vase of flowers down into a puddle of murky goo with her poison. A similar incident had occurred at her koto lesson, but she refrained from melting the beautiful instrument. She destroyed the music instead. She was excused from further lessons after that.
The one class she discovered that was truly enjoyable was painting. As long as she looked busy at an appropriate activity the tutors would usually leave her alone.
In the afternoon Mizuki would usually go out to the gardens with her brother for some peace. He had started crawling, and could manage a good burst of speed when motivated. Alone with her brother Mizuki could smile and laugh, leaving the nasty stares and insults back at the palace.
After an evening meal Mizuki would retreat to her room to read and plot. She had read some books that she had never seen before and now had some new ideas for tactics to use on her father. Katsuro slept in her room, curled up beside her. Mayu had attempted to set him up in a nursery, but the pup had howled until he was returned to his sister.
Through all of this had been Cho's insults. The comments were easy enough to ignore, but the pranks were not. One night Mizuki found that water had been poured under her blankets. One morning every paintbrush was gone from her painting supplies. Cho was constantly trying to trip her or push her, but these were things Mizuki could avoid.
Every day Mizuki looked for a messenger that would call her home.
Fists slammed against the little table Mizuki was using, knocking her water over. Her latest attempt was soaked, the paint running into blurs. A soft growl escaped the pup as she saw the damage.
“Tell me where he is or I'll make you really sorry.”
The loud noises woke up Katsuro. “Ki?”
Cho's eyes narrowed as she marched around the table to stare at the mysteriously moving kimono. “He is here?”
“I never said he was not.” Mizuki uncovered her brother who was smiling at her.
“He has been here the whole time. So help me, I will make you pay for this.”
Looking bored, Mizuki started to clear the mess away. “Hai, hai, Cho-san.”
“Come here, you brat.” Cho snatched up Katsuro, who promptly growled at her. “Shut up, mutt.”
Katsuro's puppy teeth were all in, and he put them to good use on Cho's arm.
“Ow!” Cho dropped the pup, who was caught by his ever vigilant sister. “When I get through with you. . . “
“You will not touch my brother.”
“And who's going to stop me? A little half-breed like you?” Cho gave Mizuki a hard shove.
Standing her ground, Mizuki set Katsuro down. She shrugged out of an unbound kimono and set it on him. “If need be.”
Cho took a step towards Katsuro, which Mizuki promptly blocked. “Get out of my way, half-breed!” Slamming into her opponent, Cho tried to shove her way to Katsuro.
“That is IT!” Mizuki grabbed Cho and knocked them both to the ground. It was all Mizuki could do to not poison her opponent, but she did not want Cho dead. Not really. That would get her into a lot of trouble with Mama.
But father might be proud . . .
Cho grabbed onto a hunk of the silver hair and pulled as hard as she could while Mizuki tried to pin her opponent down. The beautiful kimonos were ground into the dirt as Cho kicked her way free. She was half way to her feet when the pup tackled her from behind, shoving her face into the grass. One arm was trapped behind the cub's back, and Mizuki was pulling it.
“Mother!” Cho was squirming as she tried to escape.
Mayu's work was interrupted by the one call that no mother can ignore.
`Cho?' Following the sound, she opened a window to reveal the gardens and the two young noble ladies. Mizuki had Cho pinned to the ground and her arm in a lock.
“Help me, mother!”
“She cannot help you now. Yield before I really hurt you.”
`Well, this was unexpected. I wonder what Cho did to bring out the Sesshomaru in the pup?'
“I'm not going to yield to a . . . ow!”
Mayu settled down to watch. `This could be interesting.'
“Do you wish to stay like this all day? You cannot win, you cannot retreat, you must surrender or die. Which do you wish to do?” Mizuki had a small, feral smile as she pushed Cho's face into the dirt.
“You cannot kill me.”
“MOTHER! Mizuki is going to kill me!”
Snorting with laughter, Mayu vaulted out the window to break the girls up before there were any serious injuries. “Mizuki-san!”
For an instant Mayu met dark sapphire eyes as a low growl rolled out of the pup. With her daughter pinned down, the pup looked like a dog when someone tried to take its kill away. And she did not look interested in letting her kill get away.
The eyelashes fluttered, then Mizuki released Cho and moved away. To see the obedient child now, one would never suspect the beast that she had shown mere seconds before. “Hai, Mayu-sama.”
“Mother, did you see what . . .”
“Silence. I saw. You must have done something awful to Mizuki-san for her to attack you. And you, Mizuki-san. Such behavior is completely unfit for a daughter of your house. Both of you, back up to the fortress. You will each write the kanji for peace two hundred times.”
“Hai, Mayu-sama.” Mizuki bowed low and walked away.
“She attacked me, why do I have to be punished?” Cho's kimono was filthy and ripped, while her hair was a tangled nightmare.
“What did you do to her?”
“Nothing. She thought I was going to hurt Katsuro.”
A tiny growl announced Katsuro's presence, and his displeasure with Cho. Mayu swooped down on him, pulling the kimono away to reveal bright, cheerful eyes. “Ti!”
“That's right, Katsuro. Auntie.” Delighted giggles made Mayu's eyes smile as she lifted the pup. “Did that mean old Cho scare you?”
“Great. Take the hanyou's side and not your own daughter.”
“Never, ever threaten an infant, Cho. Not a youkai, a hanyou, or a ningen. You should not fight with Mizuki, either. She is eight, Cho! Littles are to be protected and cared for, no matter who their parents are.”
“But Mizuki . . . “
“Enough, Cho. I am very upset with you right now, threatening Katsuro in front of his sister. Go to the fortress. Now.”
“This is all your fault.”
Cho and Mizuki sat at opposite ends of a table, writing their lines. The pup raised one eyebrow at the other girl, an expression she had learned at her father's knee.
Frustrated beyond reason, Cho stuck her tongue out at Mizuki.
Glancing around, the pup saw no one. She pulled her lower eyelid down and stuck her tongue out at Cho. “Be-dah.”
The first girl used her hands to push her face in and made fish lips.
Mizuki responded by using her fingers to pull her cheeks out, sticking her tongue out, and crossing her eyes.
“Mayu-sama, Mizuki and Cho are making faces at each other!” Feet ran down the hall.
“Goro.” Cho glared out the door as her cousin ran to tell Mayu what the girls had been doing. “Mizuki, how many do you have left?”
“I have eleven. When we are done . . . “
“The traitor pays.”
“What do you want to do to him?” Mizuki watched Goro from the safety of a tree. Cho was perched beside her, watching their prey.
“I'm not sure. Something nasty. Mother made us write concentration fifty times when he told on us.”
“We could just hurt him.”
“With what?”
A small dagger appeared from Mizuki's obi. “My aim is not as good as my sister's, but I could probably hit him. He is a taiyoukai, so he would heal in a day at most.”
“Where did you get that? You will be in so much trouble if mother finds out.”
“This was a gift from my sister. You do not carry a dagger?” Seeing Cho's firm head shake, Mizuki slipped her dagger back into its hiding place. “Strange. I will keep it hidden then. We should probably think of something other then injury.”
“Let's get him really dirty.”
“There is a story I was told of when my father was a pup. He dumped kitchen waste on some cat-youkai.”
“I like it!”
“Then we need to go to the kitchens and arrange a surprise for our friend.”
The trap was set. Cho was in a tree playing look out, while Mizuki was on the roof of the wing where Goro lived. There was a bucket of scraps and guts balanced on the edge of the roof with a rope running to Mizuki's hiding place. When Cho gave the signal, Mizuki would dump the bucket on the unsuspecting Goro.
The prey was coming home for the evening, along with two of his friends. Cho considered this to be an added bonus. `Three brats for the price of one.' She raised her hand to let Mizuki know to get ready. As the three boys paused to slide the door open she dropped her hand. The pup pulled her rope, and the guts fell onto the three males underneath it.
Cho giggled at their yells, enjoying the sight of her cousin and his friends covered in stinking slime. One of the youkai lifted his head, honing in on her. `Damn foxes and their hearing.'
“I hear giggling coming from that tree.” The fox pointed over to where Cho was hidden.
“Let's get her!” Goro led the charge towards the tree.
“Mizuki!” Cho scrambled to the trunk of the tree, watching as the males started to climb up.
“I am coming!” There was a streak of silver as Mizuki jumped from the roof to rescue her ally. She jumped up to cling on one of the bigger males and bit him on the arm. With a yell the male let go of the tree and dropped to the ground. “Come on, Cho! Get down from there!”
“Eek!” Cho dropped from her branch, landing in a clumsy heap. Mizuki pulled her to her feet and pushed her away from the approaching males. “What do we do, Mizuki?”
“Strategic retreat.”
“Run!” Mizuki gave Cho a shove and they took off across the grass with the three males in hot pursuit. They wove through the gardens, jumping over and through flower beds as they tried to lose their pursuers. The males were bigger, and faster, but the girls had desperation on their side. And a quick thinking hanyou.
“Through the window, quick!” Mizuki jumped up to slide open a window on the bath house. “They would not dare follow us in here, this is the time when the ladies use the baths.”
The two girls climbed through the window, with Cho's kimono whipping out of reach just as the males came to a stop under the window. “We'll wait for you! You can't stay in there forever!”
Mizuki's face appeared in the window. She stuck her tongue out at the boys. “Baka!”
The window slammed shut.
Inside of the bath house the two young ladies found themselves the center of attention. “Cho, Mizuki, what are you two doing?”
“Oh, good evening, mother.” Cho bowed as she squirmed.
`I should have thought of this part.' Mizuki bowed low. “A good evening to you, Mayu-sama.”
“You have not answered my question.” Mayu was caught between amusement and exasperation. `At least they seem to be getting along better.'
“Ki!” Katsuro was enjoying his bath with Auntie, and was doubly delighted to see his sister.
“We were being chased by Goro and two of his companions. We were seeking refuge.” Mizuki looked as calm as though she was discussing the weather.
“And you two did nothing to start this, of course.”
“Of course not, mother.” Cho giggled as she wiped her palms on her kimono.
“Our behavior may not have been totally appropriate, but they were threatening us with injury.”
Mayu nodded. “Both of you will write the kanji for forethought two hundred times. If you are going to exact revenge, do not get caught!”
Twin groans came from the two girls. “Hai.”
“But since you are trapped here by your pursuers, perhaps you will join me for a bath. I can send the servants for more towels and robes. I doubt Goro and his friends will bother you if I walk you back. After that it will be up to you two to deal with them.”
“Arigato, mother.” “Arigato, Mayu-sama.”
“Well, my calligraphy will certainly improve at this rate.” Mizuki wrote `karma' yet again.
“We just need to quit getting caught! I was quite happy with my calligraphy as it was.” Cho was diligently writing her lines as well. The latest spat between Goro and the girls had ended with the male in the koi pond and Mizuki's kimono ripped in several places from falling out of a tree. Cho had still managed to steal his practice blade and hide it, and the very unhappy male was still looking for it. It was revenge for Cho's favorite fan, which Goro had snatched while she was practicing her koto.
“Goro should just accept the trade. He will never find his blade on his own.” Stretching her sore arm, Mizuki glanced over at her ally. The past week had been much more enjoyable, and much more natural for the pup. The peace had been shattered, and she had even had a chance to meet the healer. Mayu was groaning about the madness, but Mizuki could not be happier. Now she was checking doors before she walked through them and watching for traps. Now her life felt normal again.
“I know. Sooner or later he is going to come crawling back. It will be so wonderful to see.” Cho set her brush down so she could clasp her hands together. “Please, Cho-sama, may I have my pathetic wood sword back? I have brought your fan for you, as you commanded.”
“I doubt that he will say it that way.”
“I can hope.”
Giggles broke out as they worked through their lines.
“How many do you have left, Mizuki?”
“Fifty-two. You?”
“What do you want to do when we are done?”
Cho tipped her head to the side as she thought. “Until Goro comes to beg for his sword I think we should leave him alone. Maybe we could finish that game of Mahjong, assuming the servants have not put it away.”
“That is an excellent idea.”
There was silence as they pushed to finish their lines so they could go play. Mayu's footsteps echoed down the hall, giving them plenty of warning that she was coming.
“Mizuki-san, I have a word from the battle.”
“The battle is over, and our families were victorious. Your parents are calling you home.”