InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Matchmaker ❯ Problem ( Chapter 36 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: I was inspired, so you guys get a chapter nice and quick. It's like the old days. Okay, this chapie is a little odd, but just roll with it. I hate it when pacing starts to drag, so I'm injecting adrenaline. I've been glomped! Yes! I'm glad everyone liked my fluffy chapter. It is hard to figure out what to do with all of my fun characters. I can't just follow everything, and this is really Kag's and Sesshy's story. I do have an outline going for Fire and Ice, and I'm starting to get into it now. I had to make some really tough choices, but I think I made the right ones. Probably not popular ones though. sigh Anyways, own nothing. Nothing.
Edited 4/6/06: Added a clarifying opening line. I hate being that blunt, but I hate annoying my readers even more. Sorry guys. The voices were yelling at me to write and I forgot that the readers can't hear the voices in my head.
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--10 years later--
The sun was just reaching over the waves when Rin opened her eyes. She could see the sunrise from her bed, and she sat up to enjoy the sight without giving up her comfort. Merkamou rolled onto his back and promptly started to make a racket. Sighing, Rin pulled his shoulder to put him back on his stomach. She had learned that was the only way to keep him quiet.
An arm reached up to pull her back down to the bed, pulling her up tightly against a warm body. “It is too early to be up, merlin.”
“As if I could sleep through that. I had to move you before you deafened everyone.”
“You had no issues with sleeping through it last night.” Merkamou nuzzled her throat, making Rin's heart start to race.
“You were not snoring last night.” Coherent thought took a vacation as Merkamou's hands slid down her body. “Sukebe.”
“I think I was, and you did not notice. Will you ever admit that I have won that challenge?”
“Then I must try harder.”
Warmth pressed down on Rin, making the rest of the world fade as lips moved on her own. Her own hands slid over his back, pulling him closer.
Merkamou let his head fall to the pillow next to Rin. “Why did she have to take after you?”
“She had to take after someone, and better me then you.” The exterminator ran her fingers through hair and feathers, smiling at his woebegone expression. “Mama and Papa will be up soon, Yuriko-chan! We will meet you at breakfast, and tell Jaken-sama that I will see him after we eat.”
“Hai, Mama.” Little feet disappeared down the hallway.
“There. I have bought us some time.”
“And I am eternally grateful.” Merkamou returned his attention to her lips, running talons ever so lightly down her sides. Her body arched against his, pressing them together.
“Show me how grateful you are.”
“It is about time you got here.”
“Good morning to you as well, Jaken-sama.” Rin glanced through the notes on her desk. “Anything interesting today?”
“Mizuki wrote you.” The little hand plucked a note from the pile and set it on top. “I have also heard that Lord Kenji has left on a vacation of some sort.”
“That is a relief.” Rin was not at all disappointed to see her most outspoken adversary out of the picture. “I should have killed him the first time I met him.”
“What is the meaning of this? Why is that in here?”
Rin fought back the urge to growl at the annoying noble. Every youkai in the room was glaring at her, except for her mate of course. He was too busy glaring at everyone else.
“Shut up, Kenji. This is the new Lady of the South, and she belongs in here.”
The racket was almost too much for Rin, and she wondered how the youkai could stand it. Everyone was up and yelling, including Merkamou. `I suddenly appreciate Sesshomaru-sama's death grip on his nobles. This is ridiculous.'
Drawing one katana, Rin slammed the hilt on the table. The loud crack of wood startled everyone into silence, staring at the female. “Shut up, every single one of you. I do not want to hear that kind of noise. The next one that starts yelling will be doing so through six inches of steel.”
One of the nobles started to bellow. “How dare you . . . “
The words turned into a gurgle as a dagger buried itself in his throat. “I said no more yelling. I only have one more dagger, and after that you will be dealing with a katana.”
There was a blur of movement as Kenji drew a weapon and charged. His target could have been either Rin or Merkamou, but the exterminator was not going to wait to find out. Leaving her second blade at her side, she moved between Merkamou and his noble. Kenji pulled up short when he realized he had been disarmed already, but Rin had no intention of letting him escape. She knocked his feet out from underneath him and drove her katana through his left shoulder and into the floor. There was a faint hiss as the wound bubbled, making Kenji struggle to get the blade out.
“Does anyone else want to discuss this, or can we call this matter closed?” Rin stood on Kenji's arm, holding him down.
The downed lord hissed at her, eyes starting to bleed red.
“I recommend you stop that. What was your name? Kenji? I understand that poison is not good for hawks, Kenji.”
Her victim quit struggling and nodded. With a quick yank Rin pulled her katana from his shoulder and freed him. “An excellent choice.”
Rin turned to find Merkamou caught between rage and amusement. She forced herself to breathe normally, calming her body. `I think it is about time someone reined in this mob.'
A ripple of moving air warned Rin that Kenji was back up again. She felt talons close around her right arm, pulling her close as a dagger was set to her throat.
“Foolish ningen. Never let an opponent live.”
“Baka.” Like many adversaries, Kenji had forgotten that Rin carried two blades. Her left arm was free enough to grab the second hilt and draw, swinging the blade over her head and behind her to drive point first into Kenji's right shoulder. “Opponent would imply I considered you a threat.”
The dagger clattered to the ground as Kenji lost control of his arm. Rin dragged her blade back out, twisting as she went. “I have faced several taiyoukai in my life. They were trained warriors, and it was an honor to face them. You are nothing. Now get out of my sight.”
Blood dripped on the floor from Rin's katanas as she glared at the group. She did not seem to notice that her arm and throat were bleeding from Kenji's attempt. Several of the lords swallowed hard and looked away. This group was not made up of warriors, and they had no interest in facing her. Kenji was bleeding badly and the wounds were still bubbling. “The next one to cross Merkamou dies. Understood? Now get out. I am sick of looking at you.”
The silent nobles bolted for the door, staying away from Kenji. Even Merkamou was staring at her, almost as though he was afraid he was next on her list.
“Quit looking at me like that.”
“After you clean off the blood and put those blades away I will. In the meantime I know you too well to risk annoying you just now.”
“This is not my fault. Unruly does not even begin to cover this lot!”
“They never truly accepted me. They had followed my father, and expected Daichi after him.”
“And you allowed it. I will not.” Rin glared around the rather blood spattered chamber. “And for pity's sake, get someone in here to clean this up! If anyone needs me I am going to the baths.”
For days all of the youkai avoided Rin, not interested in spending two days recovering from being poisoned like Kenji.
Jaken was shifting back and forth, looking uncomfortable. Rin knew the signs. “What else is there, Jaken-sama?”
“It just seems odd. Kenji, Mieko, Jomei. Even Reizo has left.”
“I for one am thankful. Life is much more peaceful without that group around.”
“Exactly.” Jaken scratched at his chin. “All of your serious objectors have left at the same time. And I heard a rumor . . . “
“What did you hear, Jaken-sama?” Jaken's ability to slide right in with the servants had been a blessing. Rumors heard from servants usually foretold the actions of the nobles. Again, Rin thanked all of her lucky stars that Jaken had agreed to come and help. In a matter of days he had gotten her set up on a schedule, her papers under control, and was at her side most of the day to keep her on track. Even if he was not the most pleasant of company, Rin considered him a god send. Before his arrival she had been losing her mind.
“Huh?” The hawk looked away from a piece of paper with tiny calligraphy. He had been going cross eyed trying to read it, and was delighted with an interruption.
“I need help.” Rin dropped bonelessly to a cushion.
“With what, merlin?”
“Everything! I am still getting lost in this maze, and I am going to all of the council meetings, and now they are starting to petition me instead of you. And the housekeeper quit after that fight we had, so I have been trying to cover for her, and . . . “
“I see, I see. What would you like for me to help you with? I can only show you around so many times.”
Rin blew a raspberry at him. “I need an assistant, like Kagome-chan. I always wondered what Kumo was doing all day, and now I know. She was keeping Kagome-chan sane!”
“We can find someone . . . “
“I already know who I want. I am sending for Jaken-sama.”
“The toad?” Merkamou wrinkled his nose. “Odd choice.”
“I can trust him, and I need that more then anything right now. There is no one here I can trust but you. He can do anything I need, and he would actually enjoy keeping notes at meetings. And he said he would come and help me for awhile.”
“If you are sure that is what you want, then bring the toad out. You do keep odd company, merlin.”
“Just look at who I chose for a mate.”
Merkamou threw a brush rest at her, which she deftly caught. “That is not nice.”
“I am bored.”
“You are always bored.”
“We should go do something.”
“I thought you were working.”
Merkamou shrugged and stood, stretching. “Not anymore. Come, merlin, we can go and find something marginally useful to do.”
Rin rolled her eyes as she was pulled to her feet. “It is a wonder you ever get any work done.”
“And yet it somehow gets done. Enough complaining. You will get even slower if you do not practice at least sometimes.”
“Even slower? Let us make a wager, my dear hawk. Best out of five, loser has council duty all of the next moon.”
“That is a deal, merlin.”
The toad visibly braced himself. “It is about Merkamou's mother. The servants say that Jomei has gone to see her, and I think that is where the rest are going.”
Rin froze. “How sure are you, Jaken-sama?”
“Sure enough that I would go to Merkamou-sama or Sesshomaru-sama.”
“You are that sure?”
“Would I say that if I was not sure? Baka.”
“But she has not done anything in the whole time I have been here.”
Jaken gave her an annoyed look. “She has been building up her support for the last decade, girl.”
“And now . . . “
“Now she is calling them in.”
“When did Kenji leave?”
“Last night.”
“He will be there by sometime tonight. I have to get Merkamou.” Rin bolted from the room, leaving a squawking toad behind.
Servants simply stepped out of the way. Their Lady would frequently run rather then walk, her unusual kimono trailing behind her. All attempts at teaching her daughter Yuriko to walk had failed miserably, and now the palace occupants just got out of the way for both of them.
“Merkamou!” Rin darted through a door, looking for her mate. She found him playing Mahjongg with his sister, and now both were staring at her.
“Your mother is up to something.”
Akane and Merkamou looked at each other.
“She is always up to something.”
“I am being serious! Jaken-sama told me that Kenji and that group have all left, and at least one of them is going to meet with her.”
Merkamou tipped his head to the side. “There is not a warrior in the group. I would not be too concerned. They will attempt to attack, I am certain, but we can hold against them.”
“I do not like this.” Rin started to pace under the calm gaze of the siblings. “Jaken-sama is right, she has been too quiet. She has been preparing for this for ten years, and now she is calling in her allies. She has something that makes her think she can win. We cannot just ignore this!”
“And we will not.” Merkamou rose and caught her by the shoulders. She moved violently to shrug him off. “Easy, merlin.”
“I know she is your mother, but I think she is going to catch us all unprepared! Kenji will be there tonight, and I think he is the last of them. She could be here in two days!”
“You are overreacting, Rin-san. Mother is a blood thirsty bitch, but she is no fighter or tactician.” Akane calmly put the game away.
A low growl rumbled from Rin as her fingers brushed over her hilts. “It is not your daughter on the line, Akane-san.”
`Uh oh.' Merkamou stepped between the two before the argument could escalate. “Merlin, I will assume that mother is coming in two days with a force of threatening size. I will make all preparations for this. Is this acceptable?”
“Hai.” Rin quit glaring at Akane. She changed moods with the speed of lightning, rising up on her tiptoes to kiss Merkamou on the cheek. “I am going to go find Yuriko. I will see you later.”
Merkamou listened to her footsteps as they faded away. “Quit trying to fight with her, Akane.”
“She is overreacting. You know mother is not a real threat.”
“And the merlin was right. It is not your daughter on the line. Do you think they would let Yurkio live?”
“No. Of course not.”
“Then we assume the threat is real. I will not risk either of them out of pride.”
“You will look like a fool when mother does nothing more then hurl insults at your door.”
“Then I will look like a fool. It will not be the first or the last time that has happened. If you will excuse me, Akane-chan, I have some urgent matters to tend to now.”
Akane watched her brother walk out. `He truly loves her. I thought it was a passing fancy. My little brother, how could you set your heart on something as fleeting as a ningen? How many pieces will she leave you in, and will we be able to put you back together?'
“Jaken-sama, have you seen Yuriko?”
“I have enough to do without watching over that insolent child of yours.” The toad dumped a pile of papers on her desk. “But I did see her going outside with the groundskeeper.”
Rin grabbed a brush and paper. “I am sending a message to Kagome-chan to let her know what is going on. Merkamou thinks we are fine, but I want to have a reserve force. He does not need to know.”
“Sesshomaru-sama will know the best course of action.”
“Exactly.” Rin hurriedly wrote out her note. “Please make sure this ends up in Kagome-chan's hands as soon as possible.”
“I know my job, girl.” Jaken caught up the message. “I can free up your afternoon if you need it.”
“Really? Arigato, Jaken-sama!” Rin caught Jaken in a tight hug.
“Why do you insist on doing that?”
“Because you are so sweet, Jaken-sama.”
“Put me down this instant!”
“Very well. I am going out to find Yuriko.” Rin could still hear Jaken sputtering as she went out to find her daughter.
“Yuriko-chan, you are filthy! What have you been doing?”
“I have been helping with the flowers, Mama.” The young girl threw her arms around her mother, sharing the dirt.
Yuriko had been a constant source of delight to her parents since the day she was born. She had her father's big gold eyes, but her mother's midnight hair. There were some iridescent feathers mixed in, adding shimmer. She had the tan complexion of both of her parents, and a charming smile that was all her own. At the moment her face was streaked with soil, and Rin could see the beginnings of a new flower bed behind her.
“Would you like some help, Yuriko-chan?”
“Hai, Mama! You can help put the new plants in.”
The chick set to work making a mess while Rin found the flowers that would be going in. It shocked her still when she saw her five year old daughter. Being a hanyou, she had grown like a weed until she looked to be eight or nine. Then she had started slowing down. She did not look much younger then Mizuki now. Of course she did not get along well with her Aunt Mizuki.
“Mama!” “Mother.”
Kagome and Rin looked up as their two daughters approached. Yuriko was running, while Mizuki was calmly walking. “What now, girls?”
“Mizuki pushed me.”
The silver haired pup rolled her eyes as she came close. “You started a fight and lost, and now you will try to get me into trouble.”
“I did not! I do not want to fight with you, you're mean!”
“You were insulting me.”
“And what horrible thing could your four year old niece have said to make you push her?” Kagome gave her own daughter a warning look.
“She has been following me around all day, saying that I am boring.”
Yuriko stomped her foot. “Well, you are.”
“That is your opinion, simpleton.”
“Stop it, both of you! Yuriko, quit following her around if she is so boring. Find Katsuro and Shippo, I am certain they will be more interesting.” Rin rubbed her head as she watched her daughter scamper off. “Mizuki-chan, did you really push her?”
“Actually, I tripped her more then I pushed her. I wanted to get a head start so she could not follow me, but then she went running for you.” Mizuki did not look the slightest bit ashamed.
“Play nice with your niece.” Kagome poked her daughter in the arm.
“Hai, Mama.” Mizuki went back the way she came, manuscript in hand.
“She is kind of boring, isn't she?”
“That is not true, Kagome-chan. She just does not play the same kind of games that the rest of the youngsters play. Yuriko will appreciate her more when she is older.”
“Assuming they are still speaking to each other.”
“And that is a large assumption right now.”
There were squeals and yells coming from behind the palace now. Kagome and Rin looked at each other before running around the building. They found Yuriko giggling like crazy in a tree, directing Katsuro and Shippo. “No, no, try again.”
Katsuro dropped form the tree in a move Rin recognized from her mate. He missed Shippo and ended up face first on the ground. “Ow.”
“I will show you again.” Yuriko dropped on Shippo, who was too busy laughing at Katsuro to see her coming. With a yelp he was flattened by the tiny hawk. “That is how, Katsuro.”
“I don't think I like this game.” Shippo rubbed his head.
“You've got it easy. How about you fall out of the tree this time?” Katsuro rolled over.
“I do not think dogs and foxes belong in trees.” Yuriko released Shippo and examined the two downed youngsters.
“And you are just now figuring that out?” Katsuro got back to his feet. “I have a better idea. Let's show the hawk what dogs and foxes are good at.”
“What is that?”
Katsuro gave her a feral smile, a hint of fang showing. “Run and hide. I'll give you to the count of one hundred.”
“Eep!” Yuriko took off across the grass as Katsuro and Shippo covered their eyes.
“I don't think this is fair.” Kagome looked over to Rin, to see her friend smiling.
“No, but she is having fun.”
“Fine.” Kagome cupped her hands around her mouth. “If she gets hurt I will ground you both for a whole moon!”
The two boys flinched but kept counting.
“I love it when you come to visit, Kagome-chan. It is just so much more fun.”
The flower bed was assembled quickly, aided by Yuriko's sharp little talons cutting through the soil. The next stop for Rin's daughter was the bath house.
“You are not dragging that dirt through everything.” Rin dumped a bucket over her daughter's head.
“Stop fussing. We are already late for dinner.”
“So? Father is always late for dinner.”
“We should try to set a good example for him.”
Bundled into a robe, Yuriko was trying to hide her yawns. She would still get tired quickly, and Rin was suspicious that most of her energy was still going towards growing. “Into bed. You can eat after your nap.”
“But I am not tired.”
“Humor me, Yuriko-chan.”
As soon as her head hit the pillow Yuriko was out. Rin tucked her in, carefully smoothing her hair down. Lingering in the doorway she watched her daughter as she slept, her little face so peaceful. She felt movement behind her and brushed her fingers across a dagger.
“Easy.” Merkamou pulled her to rest against his chest. “I did not think you were still that mad with me.”
“I am not mad, just tense. I remember protecting Mizuki and Katsuro, but this is worse. We have been so lucky, but I think our luck just ran out.”
“We will fight, merlin.”
“And win.”
“Of course. What are a couple of hawks, anyways?”
Merkamou hissed a bit at her.
“Settle your feathers.” Rin took his hand and pulled him out of Yuriko's room. “We have work to do. I do not want Yuriko to grow up as fast as I did, or even as fast as Mizuki. My daughter will get to be a child.”
Kagome was trying to find the bottom of her desk. Kumo had been complaining about the mess, and that morning a pile had capsized and sent notes and missives across the floor. Now the miko was cleaning up.
`Why do I keep this stuff? These minutes are from a meeting fifteen years ago!' The pile to burn was quickly taking over the floor. A well marked paper made Kagome pause and examine it. It was a list of ladies, with different notes and marks by them. `I still have this? Oh, this is just too funny now. I really don't need it anymore. I have at least eighty years until I have to worry about matching anyone up again.'
A new note was dropped into her lap. “Katsuro-kun, I'm trying to get rid of papers, not add to them!”
“This one just arrived from Rin-neechan. I thought you might want to read it.” Katsuro poked through the burn pile. “Some of this is older then I am!”
“Get out of there.” Kagome broke open the note. Her heart raced when the petal from a lily fell out.
Green eyes locked on Kagome as Katsuro heard her heart accelerate. “What is it, Mama?”
Kagome's eyes flicked over the note. “Oh no.”
The miko bolted from the room with Katsuro right on her heels. He slammed into her legs when she suddenly stopped and threw a door open, cracking the wood rails. Her mate was watching her closely as the group of generals all turned to stare at the intruder.
“We have a problem.”