InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Matchmaker ❯ Hell Hath no Wrath ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Starlight Demon 22

Taps the microphone
Is this thing on? It is? Great! I just wanted to say hi and thank you for reading my story! Also, I do not own the story of Inuyasha or the characters, they belong to the ever talented Rumiko Takahashi. I own Akemi, but that’s nothing as special as the other characters. Sighs and wishes she did own them Oh well. Enjoy the story and please leave me a review, just to let me know if you like it or not! Bye! Waves wildly like a child

Chapter 7- Hell Hath no Wrath

A week passed since the letters arrived. Inuyasha had yet to speak to Kagome about the letter from Kikyo. Akemi was cautious about Sesshomaru, but assured of his loyalty to her and her alone. Her worry about Kagura was one shared with her potential mate and that was all it would be. Their father, Seiji, on the other hand had private detectives watching the two to forewarn him of any attempt to get to his sons. The last thing he needed was Sesshomaru or Inuyasha to vanish.

Izayoi, Akemi, and Kagome decided to go to the mall on a particularly cloudy day. Though the threat of rain hung heavily in the damp air, they still enjoyed their time inside the large, shop filled building. Heavily laden with bags they dropped them in the limo’s trunk before sliding into it while the chauffeur held the door for them.

“Home, please,” Izayoi said happily as they giggled and gossiped. The car moved without a sound from the front, but it wasn’t unusual so they didn’t think of it.

“Hello?” Akemi answered her cell phone.

“Where are you?” Seiji demanded furiously. Akemi grew a confused look.

“With Izayoi and Kagome, we’re on our way home now,” she responded.

“GET OUT OF THAT CAR!” he practically roared making her hold the phone away from her ear. Akemi looked at Izayoi as she grabbed the phone.

“What is going on, Seiji?” she demanded as Akemi turned to the front.

“Stop the car,” Akemi demanded. Again there was no response and the car didn’t stop.

“The two bimbos are after you three, now get out of that car!” Seiji ordered.

“I’d love to Seiji, but the driver’s not stopping,” Izayoi said worriedly. Akemi hit the button to drop the center window between the two halves of the car. Nothing happened and she sighed.

“Sorry, you may need a new limo,” she said as she put her fist thru the glass. It shattered and that was the only sound Seiji heard, worrying him as he looked to see a servant rush into the room. She carried a portable house phone and was whiter than her apron.

“Sir, the limo driver’s on the phone, he says he’s not in the limo,” she said weakly. He raised a hand to silence her as he listened to the phone.

“Izzy, Akemi?” he said calmly through the phone. He waited for a minuet to see if anyone made any noise.

“Seiji...?” a voice called weakly through the phone. It was Kagome. “Something’s wrong, Akemi and Izayoi are asleep...there’s purple gas in” The phone went silent and Seiji sighed heavily as he thought of what to do. That kind of attack didn’t sound like Kagura or Kikyo, it wasn’t an ability they had.

“Send a car to pick Jeung up,” he said wearily as she nodded. “I’ll worry about the girls.” She rushed off to get a car out. Seiji looked at his office phone and sighed as he picked it up, hitting the conference button and then the speed dial buttons for Sesshomaru and Inuyasha.

“Hello?” they said at the same time.

“Boys, there’s a problem, you better get home.” he said gravely.

“What’s going on?” Inuyasha demanded as he sighed and thought.

“This isn’t something to discuss over the phone, just get your asses home and I’ll explain then.” Seiji demanded and hung up the phone. He didn’t know what was going to be worse; his own anger on whoever took his mate and future daughters-in-law, or his sons’.

Inuyasha and Sesshomaru rushed home and arrived at the same time. They nodded to each other before entering the house and finding their father with a small command center set up in the living room. There they also noticed maids running in and out with faxes and such as if the world were ending.

“Sit,” he ordered. Both sat down and waited to hear what could possibly be wrong.

“Where are the girls?” Inuyasha asked curiously as he looked around. “I figured if it’s so important, they’d at least be here.”

“That’s the problem,” Seiji said as they both looked at him confused. “Izzy took Akemi and Kagome to the mall earlier today. Unfortunately they never came home from the mall.”

“So they’re still there, we’ll go get the three of them, scold them for about twenty minuets, and end up buying more stuff for them. No worries.” Inuyasha said with a carefree shrug.

“They’re not at the mall,” Seiji said as Sesshomaru sat forward on his seat.

“Where are they?” Sesshomaru demanded.

“They were kidnapped.” Seiji said with a sigh. “Just as I got Akemi and Izzy on the phone they were already in the limo on their way home, only Jeung wasn’t driving. I’ve sent a maid to pick him up and bring him back for questioning.”

“What happened?” Sesshomaru said sharply.

“From what I heard, Akemi ordered the car stopped so they could get out. The car wasn’t stopped, that was when the maid told me Jeung wasn’t in the car, and then glass shattering. Apparently Akemi broke the median. Next thing I heard was Kagome, she sounded weak, talking about a violet gas entering the back and the other two were out cold already. Then she passed out and I called you two.” Seiji said tiredly. “Now comes the question, to call the police or wait for demands.”

“Call the fucking police! I can’t believe you called us first!” Inuyasha thundered. Seiji just looked at him tiredly. He picked up the phone while watching his seething son and called the police.

“I’d like to report a kidnapping...actually three kidnappings.” he said into the phone. “Trust me, there isn’t ample enough time for this case, give me the chief and you’ll see.” He sat back on the phone as he waited to be transferred to the chief of police.

The ladies woke up slowly, one by one. First Akemi regained consciousness. She looked around and stifled a growl of annoyance when she realized her hands were tied behind her back with duct tape. She looked around, noticing they were no longer in the limo but the back of a van, and that they had been thrown in the back like sacks of potatoes. Izayoi was slowly regaining consciousness, as was Kagome, but she knew it’d be a bit. With a quick flick of her wrist she snapped off the tape and reached into her pocket. She smirked when she found her cell phone.

Izayoi looked up to see Akemi’s face glowing from the light of the phone and looked around. She realized something was wrong and whimpered a little as Akemi seemed to be doing something on the phone.

“Shhh,” Akemi said softly as she moved a little. “Don’t want them to know anything yet. I’ve just sent a text to Sesshomaru, he should be able to locate us with the GPS in the phone.” Izayoi looked at her surprised and nodded as Kagome shuffled but remained out. Akemi looked at the wall of the van in the dark and gently touched it. Her hand started to glow and Izayoi almost gasped in surprise as her finger slid through the metal as it melted like ice. Akemi put her eye to the hole she created and went back to her phone as she typed in where they were located at the moment.

“What if they see you?” she whispered hoarsely. Akemi shrugged with a sigh.

“We lose the phone and our only way of communication with our mates. Sesshomaru will let the others know we’re alive and give the GPS to the police while we wait.” Akemi said in barely a whisper. Izayoi nodded and shuddered a little as she leaned in a corner. They didn’t know when to expect help but at least they hadn’t been noticed yet either.

They bounced and were jostled around for at least an hour since they had woken up. This was of course courtesy of the clock on Akemi’s phone. Though Izayoi knew she wanted to, the young neko had been more realistic in thinking it was best to text on silent. Sesshomaru was in fact tracking them via her GPS with the police prepared to stop the van. This was all courtesy of Akemi’s cell phone and ability to see outside the van. If only things were as easy as they seemed.