InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Matchmaker ❯ Higurashi Shrine ( Chapter 14 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Starlight Demon 22

Taps the microphone
Is this thing on? It is? Great! I just wanted to say hi and thank you for reading my story! Also, I do not own the story of Inuyasha or the characters, they belong to the ever talented Rumiko Takahashi. I own Akemi, but that’s nothing as special as the other characters. Sighs and wishes she did own them Oh well. Enjoy the story and please leave me a review, just to let me know if you like it or not! Bye! Waves wildly like a child

Chapter 14- Higurashi Shrine

Akemi and Sango pulled up to Higurashi shrine. They both walked up the many flights of steps in awe of the beauty the shrine held, despite the polluted city surrounding it. As they approached the top they enjoyed the peaceful serenity of the shrine itself as well as the various buildings and such. This is also where they found Kagome, sitting in front of a rather large tree with charms for peace and luck tied around it. She jumped when she noticed the two of them.

“What are you two doing here?” Kagome demanded as she sat there. Akemi sighed as she and Sango dropped to the ground in front of her.

“We were going to ask you the same thing,” Akemi said as Sango nodded. “What happened?”

“He doesn’t understand why I’m angry at him,” Kagome said as tears threatened to fall down her cheeks.

“Personally, neither do I,” Akemi said as Kagome looked at her surprised. “Yes, he didn’t tell you about Kikyo, I also know from Sesshomaru he never thought she was a threat to you or him.” Kagome just crossed her arms and looked down. “I just want to know, did you move back out?”

“Yes,” Kagome said heatedly. “I wasn’t going to stay with an arrogant, obnoxious, stuck up mutt like him!” Akemi sighed and nodded.

“Kagome, do you know what you got yourself into?” Sango asked her softly. “You’re in trouble if you don’t move back in.”

“Trouble? With who?” Kagome demanded.

“Here, lets go inside and talk about this.” Akemi said as the two got up. Kagome sighed and got up as well and led them into the kitchen where Mina was working. She looked up surprised when Kagome entered with Sango and Akemi behind her.

“Mama, this is Kosenjou, Akemi and her friend Sango.” Kagome said as both girls bowed their hellos. Mina smiled and welcomed them into the house as Kagome and the girls sat down.

“Mrs. Higurashi, we’re here to explain to Kagome what she’s gotten herself into moving out of Takahashi mansion.” Akemi said as Mina looked at her surprised. “I’m Inuyasha’s older brother, Sesshomaru’s, mate-to-be. I was also named by the matchmaker.” Mina sat down and nodded for her to continue.

“I understand Kagome’s powers are still a little shaky and that she hasn’t been introduced to everything in the youkai world that a miko should be,” Akemi said as Mina nodded as she listened. “But I also know Kagome has no idea what can happen to her if she does not return to Takahashi mansion.”

“Like what?” Mina asked confused.

“The best, she’ll be ordered by a court to return, the worst she’ll be given to another male to mate and it won’t matter if she’s willing or not.” Akemi said as they both looked at her floored. “Kagome broke a contract in the youkai world, if she doesn’t move back in by a determined date by Inuyasha’s family, they will be forced to take her to court.”

“They can’t be forced into anything,” Kagome said annoyed.

“Yes, they can, it’s part of the laws youkai are to follow concerning this matchmaking process.” Sango said with a sigh.

“Well, what if I marry someone else?” Kagome asked as if that were the answer to her problem.

“You, your husband, and Inuyasha will all be killed, erased from record.” Akemi said softly. Mina looked at them stunned as Akemi said this while Kagome paled. “If you had never moved in it wouldn’t have mattered, it would have made the attempted contract null and void, the matchmaker would have been called in and Inuyasha set up with another mate. But you moved in, accepting the contract, and thus upon moving home enacted the laws into motion.”

“But, this has to be some kind of mistake, she’s only a human girl!” Mina said angrily. Akemi held her hands up in innocence.

“I didn’t create the laws, Mrs. Higurashi,” Akemi said softly, “but I felt you both should know as it’s obvious Kagome didn’t have the training she needed. Kagome has broken a youkai law, and if she doesn’t move to correct it once more, she’ll be punished. In the past this was a problem. Humans didn’t understand youkai laws, both groups didn’t want hanyou for children and thus ignored the matchmaker. Those who did go with it were tortured and destroyed when they realized what their offspring would be or when they had them and tried to defend them. The laws aren’t perfect, but they are absolute.” Just then Akemi’s cell phone rang. “Hello? Good afternoon Mr. Takahashi...sorry...Seiji.” They watched as she listened and nodded while Kagome looked to her mother for help while Mina seemed to be trying to work something out. “Of course, I’ll let her know if I see her. See you at home.” Akemi hung up.

“That was Seiji Takahashi, he doesn’t know I’m here, neither does Izayoi. Obviously he has been informed of what happened.” Akemi said as Mina and Kagome nodded. “You have been given three months to return to Takahashi mansion or they will be forced to take you to youkai court.” Kagome looked pale and shaky as her mother sighed and thought of what to do for her daughter. “Paperwork stating the same fact will be arriving at your door any day now, don’t think hiding behind your barriers will work. They’ll use powerful priestesses with more experience to break them. If you try to fight this, they’ll get you no matter what.”

“I know it’s hard to believe you have no choice, as I was just match made,” Sango said softly, “and I can’t tell you what to do Kagome. But if I were you, I’d go back to avoid the courts if anything. There maybe a way to break the contract legally, but this is not going to turn out in your favor.” Akemi nodded in agreement.

“Rest on it tonight, you have three months to figure out what you want to do. Meet Inuyasha outside the mansion again, see what you two can agree upon, something so that this doesn’t happen again. After you’re mated, you can do whatever you want, before that time you’re under laws protecting both of you.” Akemi said as her and Sango got up.

“Wait,” Mina said quickly, “is there a way for her to break the engagement without getting in trouble?”

“The only way to do that is to discuss it with Seiji and Izayoi Takahashi.” Akemi said with a shrug. They both left the house and shrine as Mina and Kagome sat there in a stunned silence.

Mina got up after a few minuets to continue dinner as Kagome sat there and thought. She knew she had gone into this fighting, demanding a choice she also knew she didn’t have, but she didn’t think it’d ever lead to this. She wondered what Inuyasha would do if she went back and begged for his forgiveness. She doubted he’d give it to her at the moment, when she left they were both still furious at the other.

She watched silently as her mother worked. She had always wanted a life like her mother’s. Marry the love of her life, have a family with him, and live in their dream home. Granted her mother didn’t have it all. Mina Higurashi was widowed pretty young in life, losing her husband in an accident shortly after her son was born. The police had determined her husband had been out celebrating the birth of their baby boy and ended up on the wrong side of a phone pole. The only consolation for him was it was a rather quick and painless death. Otherwise they would have mourned for him more.

“Mama,” Kagome said breaking the silence between them, “what do you think I should do?” Mina nearly broke at the weakness in her daughter’s voice. It was obvious Kagome was lost further in her own mind than she knew what to do.

“I would accept that one girl’s advice, sleep on it tonight and try to meet with Inuyasha somewhere. See if there’s something you two can do to fix this.” Mina said softly. “Before the consequences turn drastic.” Kagome nodded as she looked down and rested her forehead on her folded hands. Silent tears streamed down her face before she left the kitchen while her mother silently continued to work. Anyone walking by would have been able to sense the fear down at the bottom of the flights of stairs leading to the shrine.