InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mate -- The Sequel ❯ Chapter 2

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter Two

He’d been content taking in everything at a distance, feeling the haze of pleasure from afar while still seeing the sheer bliss on his Mates face every time he took her. But that had changed when he’d smelled the fertile egg in her body. The desire, the lust had gone deeper, reaching even Him at an intense level. The chance was sheer, barely even that, that Kagome would conceive. The moment he’d felt her fertile body He’d went insane with need. HE needed—had—to take her. Feeling her body from a distance wouldn’t do. Not this time. He couldn’t allow Kagome to not conceive.

Before he was done with his Mate, she would carry his child.

He wanted HIS sperm in his Mate’s body. It didn’t matter that he and Inuyasha were one and the same. He wanted, no, he had to be the one to fill her. Inuyasha wouldn’t understand that. His Human side was weak—but He wouldn’t stop. His Mate would lay there until he felt the grasp of life in her body—maybe not even then. Because as he slammed into her body, thrusting, taking in her cries of pleasure and the slick, tight feel of her body He realized He’d missed this. Fuck, He needed this. Too long.

He hunched over Kagome’s body and moved his hips up and down savagely, thrusting heavily. His head fell back as he felt the convulsions bearing down on his cock. She cried out beneath him, the rippling of her body around his so damn good that he nearly howled at the pleasure, at the feel of her body coming around his. He didn’t stop though, no, he’d just gotten started. He thrust through her orgasm, through every tight ripple that tugging at his cock until she was clinging to him again. Each thrust rocked her body in the dirt, shoving her up along the wet sand until the indentions of their bodies were formed, the wet sand cocooning her body.

God’s, it had been so long! He snarled and started thrusting harder, deeper. He didn’t bother to stop the flood of heat that tore from his body, the hot semen that tore up from the base of his cock. It was fast in coming, just minutes after he’d started fucking her but he didn’t care. He wanted to fill her with his seed and he wanted it now. He pumped his hips savagely as jet after jet of hot seed spewed into her body. He thrust hard and deep then, grinding his hips against hers as he held deep. Not one drop. Not one drop would leave her body. If it did, fuck, he’d fill her twice as much.

He didn’t move until the throbbing jets of seed had left him, till there was nothing but his thick cock inside of her. He paused, his senses testing her body, searching. Whether it was too soon or she just hadn’t conceived, he didn’t sense any flare of life in her body. He reared back, growling at the loss of her body around his cock. He needed to spill himself in her body again and he needed to do it now. Desire was a harsh agony tearing through his body. The desire to see his child growing in her body and the lust, the need to fuck her senseless again was almost overwhelming.

Inuyasha slid his hands up her body—his—and then cupped his palms over her shoulders as she started to move, to lift herself. He pushed her back down and sank to his knees over her chest, his knees digging into the wet sand. He cupped her head, twisting his hands in her head and tilting her head up and away from the ground; towards him. “Mate.” He spat out and with no warning, no other word he thrust his hips forward, cursing at the hot, tight feel of her mouth and throat closing over his cock. His head fell back as he rose on his knees, dragging her head further off the ground. He didn’t thrust into her mouth. He fucked it. He gripped her head, holding her as he thrust his hips, slamming them back and forth against her delicate lips.

Each thrust forced him past the tight ring of her mouth and then he felt the wet heat of her tongue and the even tighter grasp of her throat. He could just imagine her throat expanding as he thrust, forcing his length down her throat. Each gag nearly tore him apart but he held her through it, thrusting through the convulsing throat. Her nails dug into his thighs, gripping, scratching, but she wasn’t pushing him away. She wasn’t helping him along though, either. She was taking him. Ye God’s, he loved his Mate for that.

He jerked her head forward this time and then pushed it back, repeating the movement. He moved her head along with his thrust. The tight gags were hot sounds to his sensitive ears, letting him know, along with the excruciating tightness of her throat that he was going far. He jerked her head forward again, his cock going deep and he just held her there. His eyes slid closed in sheer ecstasy at the feel of her throat holding his cock. He shuddered and then rocked his hips back before thrusting forward again. Then he started fucking her mouth again. Hard, fast thrust that he controlled with the movement of her head.

He wanted to come again and her mouth was the fastest way to guarantee that. His eyes rolled in the back of his head as pleasure shot up through his balls and his cock. He jerked back, his cock standing on end almost past his belly button.

He barely heard her gasp as he freed her mouth before he mounted her again. He hunched over her and caught her legs up over his forearms and lifted them. And thrust. Her hoarse cry filled his ears as he slammed his hips against hers. He forced his eyes open, watching her face as he started thrusting into her body again. Her cheeks were pink and her lips were slightly swollen, the edges red. His Mate was so beautiful. He pounded into her, grunting with ever thrust. His balls slammed forward with every thrust, butting up against her ass. His seed boiled in his balls, so close.

His eyes slit open as her hands scored his arms, clutching at him. The trees lit from the top and down through the forest slowly and his crimson eyes took in the scene as he hissed, grunting and groaning as he pounded into her body. The moon rose higher, the light spilling over the ground. The light reflected on the water, the New Moon a perfect image—

His head snapped up and a vicious snarl tore from his lips. Denial rose up—No. His eyes snapped to the ground where the pool of light was slowly stretching towards them. He growled, as if warning it away. No, he wouldn’t stop. He slammed into her harder, struggling against something even more powerful than him. He hunched over her, thrusting harder than before—ever. A jolt shook his body and his roar filled the forest. Furious rage tore through his body and he started jerking her body down to meet him, jerking her towards him. He was struggling so hard, wanting to spew his seed—needing it inside her—struggling to fight what was happening to his body that blood trekked from each crimson eye, leaving red stains on his cheeks.

His head fell back as his hips started moving at an inhuman pace, harder. The sand beneath them pounded in, almost a crater around their bodies as the treks of blood dropped into the water one by one.

And then his body convulsed. His roar of denial was louder than before. He collapsed against her shaking, hot body as threads of black silk wove over his hair, taking over it as a whole until there was no silver strands left.

Kagome was beyond almost incoherent thought when he stopped thrusting, his roar vibrating through her body and echoing in her ears. His Demon seemed almost desperate in that moment, taking her to the point of pain. She’d felt the tension in his body and she’d felt his denial, his rage at something. It wasn’t until she’d felt that emotion from him that she’d felt his need to keep going. He’d wanted to. He would have if he hadn’t…

“Inuyasha?” She lifted her hand, her shaking thighs clasping the outside of his. Her thighs were sore, her pelvis aching from his brutal thrusts. His Demon had been…desperate. She ran her hands through his black hair and realized he was human. Had his Demon been trying to fight that?

He shook against her, taking deep breaths before he lifted his head. Her eyes widened at his face, the trek of blood. “Inuyasha—“ She swiped her fingers through the bloodied trails that had slid from his eyes and he copied the movement.

He stared at his fingertips. “Shit.”

Inuyasha slowly withdrew from Kagome’s body. God, he could barely move. He felt weak, his body shaking. His Demon had nearly gone insane taking Kagome. What the fuck? He’d fought so hard he’d bled tears from his eyes. “I’m sorry, Kagome.” His Demon would never hurt Kagome, he knew that. He didn’t doubt it. But something had shaken his Demon to the very core. He hadn’t been able to think, hadn’t been able to control the intensity with how he’d taken Kagome. Again, what the fuck?

The last thing he remembered was sensing that fertile egg in Kagome—

Shit. Realization dawned on Inuyasha. His Demon had sensed that. He wanted Kagome to bare his child and obviously, his Demon would have gone to whatever costs. The need to Mate and bear children was strong for his Demon, he knew that. Fuck, strong enough to Mate without care or thought. And that’d met…He’d likely get Kagome with child. But he might also kill her, albeit accidently.

Shit, fuck and damn. “Come on.” He pulled Kagome to his feet and caught her when her knees buckled. He kissed Kagome softly, soothing her swollen lips. He needed to talk to Miroku and Kaede. He had to. Otherwise and he KNEW this, the moment he turned half Demon again, it wouldn’t be his half Demon side that came out.

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