InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mate -- The Sequel ❯ Chapter 3

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter Three

     Kagome wrapped her arms around her body, guilt riding her hard. She didn’t know what to do. All she wanted to do was go to Inuyasha and wrap her arms around him. Seeing him lie there, one arm thrown across his eyes, the look on his face disaterous, so defeated, she wanted to comfort him. But she couldn’t.

“It’s not your fault, Child.” Kaede said, bringing her out of her own misery.

She felt the older woman wrap an arm around her body, turning her body in the opposite direction. She didn’t want to leave though. She just couldn’t bear to leave Inuyasha, to not see him, when she found this to somehow be her fault. They couldn’t even hold each other? “Just let me—“

“You know you cannot, Child. Those sutras will hold his Demon in check but that doesn’t mean he won’t be crazed when he turns back into his half Demon form. The Sutra’s on the outlanding of the Hut will keep him feet within the yard; he won’t be able to leave that area.”

She refused to leave though. Seeing Inuyasha lie, there, so quiet, God, she wanted to hold him so bad, wanted to have him hold her. “You’re sure?”

“More sure of anything than I’ve ever been, Child.”

“I just…” Kagome started, trailing off. Why couldn’t she just turn and leave him? She could feel tears gathering, her vision blurring before she sucked in a small breath, holding back. She didn’t want Inuyasha to see her like this; that would make things harder on him than they already were. They both knew he couldn’t be with her, in any Demon form, half or no, until her body was no longer fertile, or at least, no longer fertile to the point where it drove his Demon nearly insane with the need to inpregnate her.

“Just go, Kagome.” Inuyasha finally spoke, his voice low—pained. He was beseeching her but she knew he wasn’t asking her to leave because it hurt him to the point of pain. No, he was asking her to go because he couldn’t bear to see the look of pain in her eyes because she couldn’t be with him; not yet. She stared at him, the arm throw across his face, hiding his eyes, his dark hair pitch black in contrast with his skin.

She didn’t know how she did it but she managed to turn away, Kaede guiding her. “You’re sure those spells will keep him?”

“Yes, Child. They’ll keep his Demon in check and keep him from leaving the spaced area in front of the Hut. This fertility phase does not last more than weeks. It will be over before you realize it.”

Kagome rubbed her arms up and down her arms, easing the chill from her body as Kaede led her towards her own Hut. She tensed as she saw the flood of light slowly move over the tree tops in the distance, bearing down on them. She refused to look back, refused to watch the light slowly slide across the ground where it would reach Inuyasha and incase him. She counted to ten backwards in her mind, forcing herself to step over the threshold in Kaede’s house when the light bore down on them, heating her back. It would be only a matter of seconds before it reached Inuyasha, she knew that. Her throat worked convulsively as she struggled against the urge to turn.

And then a loud, guttural, enraged roar filled the forest.

Instinct had her turning around, her body tense, a familiar sense of threat filling her. Kaede mimicked her actions but nothing could make up for the look on Kagome’s face. Shock, utter shock.

Inuyasha’s Demon stood there, hissing in pain, the sound of sizzling flesh rising up from the center of his chest where the Sutra seared his flesh, smoke rising up. He growled, his mouth moving and an inhuman sound rose up as he jerked at the Sutra. It seared his hand and he hissed again before ripping the paper off.

“I thought you said he wouldn’t turn.” Kagome whispered in horror. She wasn’t scared of him, never that. But she was frightened for Inuyasha and as he looked up, his crimson eyes meeting hers and threw himself forward, Kaede jerked her back.

But his body came up against an invisible force, forcing him to a slamming halt. Electricity popped from where his body slammed against the force, the Sutra’s on the post outside of the hut forcing a shield around the hut and small yard. Keeping him contained.

“I thought it would. But he’s coming no further.” Kaede stated, calm and cautious as ever, but she couldn’t disguise the tension in her old body. “The Shield Sutra’s are keeping him.” They, at least, were strong enough.

That didn’t stop him from fighting against the invisible force field. He slung his body up against it repeatedly, his heated eyes never once leaving her face. He punched with his fist and she could see the visible ripples along the force field. “He’s hurting himself.” Kagome whispered, her hands covering her mouth as she stood there, unable to look away. His eyes were hot and heated, demanding that she come to him. It wasn’t long before she was seeing the scraped skin on the side of his hands, the redness of his knuckles. He was almost…lustful. Desperate. Faintly, she felt Kaede pulling her back into the hut.

And away from Crimson eyes.

The moment the door closed she swore she could feel the heavy density in the air, the hatred and desperation that poured from him. She wrapped her arms around her body again, the same feeling of guilt riding her hard. Whenever Inuyasha came back he would hate himself, be ashamed, for how he was acting. The angry snarls still came. Kagome sank to matt and drew her knees up, wrapping her arms around them. “The Sutra was supposed to keep his Demon side suppressed.”

Kaede already knew that. God, how long would this last? How long would his Demon side overrule his human side? As connected as she was to Inuyasha, she could feel his emotions and they beat at her. She knew exactly what he wanted and how he wanted it. She knew exactly how furious he was, enraged and hurting with his desire to reach her.


Kagome wasn’t sure how long had passed before she was covering her ears with her hands. Only a few hours, she was sure. Dawn was still hours away. But those sounds…his growls, the snarls, they never stopped. She didn’t understand how Kaede slept through it. The whispers in her mind…They didn’t stop.


His familiar, hoarse voice echoed in her mind, the word almost intelligible from the growl infused.

‘Come, Mate. Release me.’ He snarled in her mind.

Her body jerked at the loud howl that filled the air, filled with agony and desperation, aching. “Oh, Inuyasha.” Kagome whispered and lifted her head, tear stained eyes staring into the semi-darkness. Oh God, when had she started crying? She drew in a shuddering breath as she wiped at her damp cheeks and rose to her feet. Her steps were light as she stepped over Kaede’s sleeping form and slid the door open soundlessly. She stepped out, the darkness heavy on her shoulders.

The sounds, the growls, stopped the moment she stepped in the clearing, in front of the Hut Inuyasha was restrained to. He stood in the front clearing, the barrier keeping him from taking another step but his eyes, they were on her.


She shook her head at his silent command, her eyes imploring. “I can’t, Inuyasha. You know that.”

‘Come to me.’ He bore the words in her mind, a vicious growl. Demanding, violent and desperate. As connected as he was to her—as they were—she could feel the turbulent of emotions. She didn’t need to feel that to know how much he wanted her. The evidence was there, between his thighs, rising up thick and heavy, pushing up against his pants. She knew it was a mistake when she looked because he snarled her name and she took a step forward before she realized what she was doing.

He was in pain and she could feel it. And what she could feel, so could he. The moment she felt a flush rise to her cheeks, she knew he knew. He slammed his body against the barrier, the look in his eyes even hotter, more crazed, than before. She covered her lower face with her hands, painful horror feeling her as she stared at him. She’d never seen him so tortured before. And it was killing her. “Stop. Stop and I’ll come to you.” She was near begging. Kagome knew Inuyasha would hate himself when this was over. The way he was acting, the fear he would feel for her…

She took a step forward and spoke, her words slow. He had to understand her. He had to. “Stop and I’ll come to you. I’ll hold you until this is over.” She took another step forward and finally, he stopped ramming the barrier. “Just…stop, Inuyasha. We can do this.” She took another step. He took one back, his heated crimson eyes never leaving hers. “Just don’t hurt yourself anymore…I’ll hold you until this is over. I swear.”

He understood her, Kagome was sure of that. He’d stopped. “See, Mate? I’ll hold you and then when this is over, we’ll never have to go through this.” She said softly. She wasn’t afraid of him, she never would be but she was cautious.

And the next step she took proved why. She should have expected it, she should have realized his back step, but she hadn’t. He’d stepped back once, so she wouldn’t realize when she was within the barrier. She realized that the moment his hand snatched out, curling around her wrist and jerking her body flush against his. His lips slammed down on hers, his tongue thrusting deep and the growl that he infused in her mouth vibrated throughout her entire body.

His hands were everywhere and then she was half naked, her clothes hanging in tattered ribbons around her shoulders and hips. “Inuyasha—“ Kagome whispered as his hands slid down her hips. He spun her around, his claws digging into her hips. And then he bent her over and before she could even breathe he was thrusting into her body.

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