InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mate ❯ Chapter 2

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I really don't own the series.. Though my parents promised to present it to me as a Christmas present. Then again, they promised me a dog, a cat, a piano, a laptop……
A.N: I got a few encouraging reviews, so I decided to continue with the story.
Chapter 2
“If you liked this, bitch, then you'll most certainly like this.”
Inuyasha bound her hands in front of her, so that though she could lean on her forearms, she could not touch him, as he had his way with her.
Inuyasha leant forward and raised her buttocks till they were in the air. Then he parted them and the full force of her arousal hit him tenfolds. His eyes grew more crimson and he growled loudly. Planting his face over her stimulated pussy, he gave a long lick.
Kagome screamed in ecstasy, thrusting towards him. The demon chuckled, and slapped her behind as punishment. Kagome started whimpering in submission and was rewarded with another long lick. However this time Inuyasha thrust his tongue in her tiny pink hole. Kagome didn't buck her hips this time. She didn't want to be punished again. She just panted and gasped.
“Tell me what you want Bitch?”
Kagome tried to respond but could not form a coherent word on her lips due to the fact that Inuyasha was flicking her clit with his claw. Finally she managed.
Inuyasha shook his head.
“Be more specific.”
“I want….please?”
“Please what?” asked Inuyasha softly blowing on her curls.
"EAT ME! Kami, just open my pussy, stick out your tongue, lick me, suck me, tongue fuck me just do it!"
Inuyasha didn't move. “You're forgetting your place Bitch!”
Kagome whined in the back of her throat, “Please Master.”
That did it. Inuyasha jumped onto her pussy like a starving man denied food. He devoured the juices, sticking his tongue in, licking, slurping, fucking. The girl in front of him writhed and moaned and screamed in pleasure as his tongue explored her cunt deeply. She thrashed wildly, as her orgasm came and Inuyasha drank every drop, relishing in her screams and satisfied that his Bitch tasted better than anything he had ever tried.
Not even giving her a chance to breathe, Inuyasha stood up and thrust his dick into her willing body. Since it had been a long time since Kagome had been with somebody, she gasped in pain as his dick stretched her pussy. After giving her a few moments to adjust, Inuyasha started thrusting, with wild abandon into her body.
“Who am I, Bitch?” he snarled.
Kagome gasped trying to form a word.
“I said, who am I, Bitch!?” he snarled again, thrusting more violently into her body.
Kagome felt that she was gonna tear in two from the extreme pleasure and pain. Between her cries and pants, she cried, “MASTER!”
“Who is fucking you?”
“You are Master! You are!” she almost sobbed.
“Who are you?”
“Your Bitch, Master!!”
Inuyasha could feel that he was about to cum and from his mate's pants, he could deuce that she too was very close.
“Yell my name when you cum!”
Kagome's body jerked as a massive orgasm seized her. Inuyasha, after a few short thrust soon followed. He sunk his fangs in her neck, and they both slumped exhausted onto the bed. Stretching his hand Inuyasha untied his mate's hands, and rubbed her shoulders, to erase the aches and pains. Kagome was fats asleep and Inuyasha soon followed, after giving her neck one final lick.
A.N: I know. The story is not finished yet. The last chapter is still left. I would have called this the ending chapter but a few of my reviewers wanted to know why Inuyasha kissed Kikyo.