InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mate ❯ Chapter 3

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
These first three chapters are done-mainly-with sex due to the fact that I want you all to get what they're feeling. Inuyasha wants her but he doesn't think he can have her, so he'll take her body as a second option. If you have any questions or are confused just let me know...


He knew one way to stop himself from ever hurting her was to stop taking her. And that, he couldn't do. That alone would cause him pain and not just emotionally. It wasn't just his body. His mood was dark and he was agitated—which was becoming a regular emotion with him. He wished, he even begged, his body—his mind—to keep her at a distance but as he had known and thought earlier, if this was the only way he could have her, then have her he would.

"Eat your food, Inuyasha, and quit staring at Kagome…"

He hunched his shoulders and twirled his eating utensil in the ramen. He felt the urge to snap at Sango, to tell her to shut the fuck up while he stared at his mate—NO! Kagome—while he stared at Kagome all he wanted. Maybe when he sated his need for her body then things would go back to normal but he had the feeling that sating it was a long time coming. He almost snickered at the pun.

"What, you're not hungry? Well I'll be damned. That's a first." Miroku slapped his thigh and laughed.

"Of course I'm hungry, you idiot." Yes, he thought, as his gaze dropped down to Kagome's lips. He was very, very hungry. He wanted to eat from her lips, leave them swollen as he moved down to the slopes of her breast and then lower, past her stomach to settle between her thighs—

"You better eat while you have the chance because when Shippo gets back, if you don't eat your food quick, he sure will."

Inuyasha snorted. He dared the little brat to touch his food. He'd end up with a lump the size of his fist on the back of his head. Fuck, why wouldn't the sun just go down already? He wanted to kiss her senseless and then bend her over a tree stump and take her from behind and then take her on all fours again. Then he would bring her hips up higher against his and take that sweet ass of hers. She would be a virgin there and he could imagine how tight she would feel. He groaned and closed his eyes, feeling the response of his cock throbbing between his legs. Tonight, he would let her take him. He needed the time to rebuild his shattered control.

"What's wrong, Inuyasha?" Sango questions as she took a second helping of ramen. No matter how many times they ate the stuff, they never grew tired of it. Well, Kagome was, but this food was the shit to the rest of them.

"Nothing." He stood up suddenly and pulled Kagome to her feet. "I need to have a talk with Kagome." Miroku and Sango stared at him questioningly and he stared right back. "About the Jewel, you idiots." He huffed and rolled his eyes, the lie coming from his lips so easily. He turned and trudged into the forest, pulling her along behind him. He could hear the increase in her heartbeat, the steady beat that slowly started to pound. He smelled the wetness gathering between her thighs and breathed through his mouth to keep from smelling the sweet scent that was driving him wild.

"Again, Inuyasha? Now?" Her heart began to pound as she followed him and she knew he could smell her arousal growing. It wasn't even nightfall yet. He had taken her four times—four times—before they had headed back to the camp before the others awoke.

"Yes, now." He snapped out. He started walking faster, his grip on her hand tight. He stopped so suddenly that she bumped into him and he cursed as he felt her breasts press up against his back. He spun around and wrapped his fingers around her upper arms and jerked her against his hard, aching body. He kissed her. He released her arms and speared his hands into her hair, tilting her head back to better their angle. She moaned and he kissed her hard, his tongue thrusting into her mouth to caress her own.

"Inuyasha, what are you doing to Kagome?" The small voice, right next to their faces, had Kagome jerking back. As much as she could, that is. He didn't release her, instead his hands had lowered, sliding around to cup her waist and then lower and circling behind. His hands spanned the small of her back, pulling her flush against him so that she could feel the thick, hard length of his cock against her lower stomach as she stared up at Shippo's face, his small short legs perched on Inuyasha's shoulder. Her cheeks turned scarlet as she stared up at his cute, innocent face. He was watching the two before his gaze lowered to where Inuyasha's hands were spread.

"Go away, runt." Inuyasha turned his head slightly and glared at the offending little midget on his shoulder. The little bastard had horrible timing. Couldn't he have stayed gone for 15 more minutes? The way his body felt, it would have only taken 10 minutes, at the least, to have them both climaxing. He reached over his shoulder and caught Shippo by his tail and then lifted him off. "Go. Away."

Shippo hung there, watching the two. He smiled at Kagome and then switched his small eyes back to Inuyasha and pouted. "No. Why were you…biting her? What'd she do to you?"

Inuyasha would have grinned if he had been able. His body was too tense, his muscles tuned to a fine tension from the desire to fuck her senseless. Instead, he bared his teeth in a semblance of a smile at little Shippo. "She's done a lot, trust me."

"Inuyasha!" Kagome whispered, horrified at his explanation.

He opened his hand and dropped Shippo but the little bastard just jumped back up on the other side of shoulder. "Dammit, Shippo, go away." Maybe if he knocked him against one of those trees a couple of times he would listen.

"I just got back. I wanted to see Kagome…but what did she do to make you bite her? That's not nice."

Inuyasha growled slightly and flicked Shippo off his shoulder again. "I wasn't biting her. She hurt her lips so I was kissing them better like she did for your hand the last time you hurt it. Wasn't I, Kagome?" He looked down at her, his eyes glinting. She nodded, her cheeks still flushed from the kiss and the embarrassment of Shippo almost catching them in such a compromising situation. "Yes, Shippo. He made it all better."

"Good. Now let's go back. I can smell the ramen from here." He hopped off and started in the direction of the camp and glanced over his shoulder to see the two still standing there. Inuyasha was still staring at him, looking very, very irritated. "Come on."

"You can have my ramen."

Shippo didn't have to be told twice. With those five words he bounded off in the direction of the camp and left the two. No sooner had he disappeared from their sight than Inuyasha caught her lips again. He cupped her ass and brought her up against him, leaving her feet clear off the ground. She moaned in his arms and he groaned against her lips, rubbing his crotch against her. He sank to his knees and brought her down with him, never releasing her lips from his. As his lips moved against hers, his hands jerked at the fastening of his pants till they came undone. He cupped the back of her neck to keep her from breaking the kiss as his hands tore at her pants, jerking the button up and then pulling down that damned zipper that was always in his way.

Not once did he release her from the kiss, not even when he sank down onto the ground and slowly pulled her on top of him. His cock rose up, thick and heavy with need. "You take me." He whispered—finally—releasing her lips. He slid his hands beneath his head and laced them there, watching as she stared down at him. "Take me, Kagome." He murmured when she hesitated. His eyelids hooded when she grasped his raging cock and held it still as she rose up and then fitted the thick mushroom head against her body and then slowly sank down. He watched her face as her body opened around his, spreading tight to accept him like it did every night. She was as tight as ever and he could feel his muscles bunching as she sank lower. He clenched his hands together, felt his claws dig into his palms. He muttered something beneath his breath when he felt the last few inches of his cock reach her depths, butting up inside her.

"Now move." He ordered softly, his voice rough as he stared up at her. Not once did he move from his position, keeping his hands laced beneath his head as she slowly rose up. Up and up until only the tip resided in and then slowly—ah, fuck, slowly—sinking back down. She kept the rhythm slow, sliding her body over his again and again. He felt the delicate shudder that wracked her body, felt her body clench around his compulsively from the movement. She was killing him—again. She leaned forward and placed her hands on his shoulders, gripping the damp muscles as she continued moving over him. He was glad he hadn't taught her the fast, violent side of sex—other than what he had showed her the other night. He knew he wouldn't have been able to take it if she had started taking him hard. He would have lost control and started pounding into her—

He groaned and closed his eyes, blocking those wicked thoughts from his head as she fell forward against him, panting, her cheek against his chest as her hips moved back and forth against his nose, grinding his pubic bone against her throbbing clit. "No." He grunted out and gripped her forearms and pushed her back up so that she was straddling him again. "Move. I want you cumming over me, moaning my name…" He hadn't meant to move his hands but he wanted her to cum. Now. He gripped her hips and started moving her up and down himself. It wasn't so hard now. The violent edge of his lust had bowed down, leaving him able to breathe without the pain of need tearing at his balls. All he had needed was for her to take control, to give him time to recuperate. "Like that…just like that…" He whispered when she started moving again, following the gentle thrust and drag of his cock. Her head fell back as her hips rose and fell until she was shuddering in his arms. She was coming apart in his arms, her body climaxing around his in gentle waves.

A part of him, deep down, wanted to feel her body convulsing around him in hard waves.

He forced the thought away and gripped her hips again, kept her moving on him until he cursed and lifted her up again so that his thick length slipped out of her snug body. He squeezed his eyes shut as he wrapped his hand around the thick base and started pumping those last few seconds, keeping his body hard until seconds later he was cumming, his seed squirting onto her inner thighs. He shuddered and released her and felt her body fall onto his. He wrapped his arms around her. "I love feeling your body around mine, Kagome. Cumming, tugging at me…"

As gentle as he took her, she couldn't think of it as sex. Her mind whispered "making love" over and over again. He was so gentle. She felt his hand sift through her hair, caressing her. Her eyes slid closed and she 'hummed' softly at the gentle touch. She felt weak and sated, her body languid against his. She moved closer against his damp body and slid her hand over his chest, resting it over the steady beat of his heart. "Inuyasha…what are you going to do when Miroku and Sango find out?" She knew they had to go back soon. It was broad daylight. And it didn't take this long to talk about the Jewel.

"They won't."

Not that they could do anything if they found out. Miroku would no doubt pat him on the back and tell him good job. Sango would tell him to stay away before he hurt her even more. He felt a moments rage at the thought of Sango and Miroku trying to stop them…he would kill them if they tried. No one would keep him from his mate. He sighed softly. Mate. He knew better. Kagome was not his mate. He smiled as he felt her lips kiss his shoulder in a gentle caress. He felt a warning twitch against his inner thigh.

"Stop it." He murmured.

"Stop what?"

"That." His voice lacked conviction. He liked the feel of her lips on his skin. She stopped kissing his shoulder and instead rubbing her cheek against his skin. The warning twitch against thigh turned into a verbal one, growing hot. He grinned softly. The damn thing didn't know when to stay down. He groaned and brought her hand up and kissed her knuckles. "Wench—" He whispered teasingly, his voice low and gruff. "—you make things difficult." He wanted nothing more than to stay here with her but he knew they had to get back. They had been gone long enough. He sat up, wincing at the throbbing in his groin. He'd just taken her for God's sake. He glared down at his hard cock. You damn fool. Can't you stay down for five minutes around her? It twitched, as if to say no. "Come on, we need to be getting back."

"Inuyasha…they can wait a little longer…"

He felt her cool hand rest on his hot shoulder and glanced over his shoulder at her. He covered her hand with his and then brought it over and kissed her knuckles again. He was elated—which made him even harder—as he realized that she wasn't ready to go. She was offering herself this time. He turned, the grin on his face clear and soft. "Again, Kagome? You're insatiable?" Then again, she was the one who'd made him hard again.

Her arms went up willingly and circled his shoulders as he crawled over her slowly, gently pushing her back to the ground till he was over her body. "I'm not the only one." She teased back as her hands slid in his long, white locks of hair. He prodded between her thighs with his cock, rubbing the turgid length back and forth over her clit. He leaned down and kissed her softly for once, instead of taking her lips in a bruising kiss. He couldn't help it. She knew they needed to get back but she was offering to ease the need that had risen up so suddenly.

"Thank you, Kagome." He whispered as he slid in her body again, thrusting to the hilt in one slow glide. He rested his forehead in the curve of her neck and shoulder as he started thrusting, his ass rising and falling over hers. He never grew tired of this, no matter how many times he took her. She was always so tight and wet, her body burning—so hot—as it closed around his. He could feel her moaning with each thrust, his barely audible groans matching hers. He felt her hands slide down, her fingers teasing his hips before moving around to cup his ass. He clenched his eyes shut as she squeezed. His eyes flew open and a shudder wracked his body as she jerked his hips against hers hard. "Ah, Kagome. Shit." He groaned out, stopping. Her nails dug into his ass and her small cry from that one move was still echoing in his head.


He heard her whisper his name and the soft plea had his eyes closing again. He forced them open when she whispered his name again. The look in her eyes was desperate—confused. His body shook—he couldn't move. He would cum if he did and not only that, he would start pounding into her if he did. "Kagome…" He groaned out softly.

"Inuyasha, please." He felt one hand slide into his hair. He knew what she was asking. Oh God, he knew. He wanted the same thing. "Just once. Please. I want to feel…" He dropped his head against her chest, his body shuddering from her plea. Why did she have to go and ask him that? He lifted his head and slowly moved his hips, pulling out and then gliding back in. He stopped again, felt a drop of sweat roll down his temple.

"Fuck, Kagome. I can't. Don't you see?" Knowing what she was asking for, it was tearing at his control again. Couldn't she take what he was offering instead of asking for the impossible?


"God, Kagome. I can't." He lifted his hands and gripped her head, staring into her eyes. "I won't hurt you like that. If I lose control…" There were reasons why humans and demons didn't fuck. Why they didn't mate. There was yet to be a single human who had survived, one who could take the virile lusty desires—the passions—of a demon. "Kagome…"


He groaned at the plea in her voice, the threat of tears. Why she needed this from him, he couldn't fathom—but a part of him did understand. A part of him needed her just as bad. Fast and hard. He could feel his resolve cracking. Once. Just once. His eyes were tortured as he opened them and stared down at her. He released her head and moved his hands down her body until he gripped the underside of her thighs and hitched them higher. He shifted one and pushed it high, keeping his hand beneath her knee while he wrapped the other around his hips. "Kagome…" He didn't want to—but a part of him did—but he couldn't resist that plea in her voice. "Promise me you won't ask for this again. Say it and I will."

She nodded and he shook his head. "Say it." He needed to hear her say the words, that she wouldn't ask for him to take her like this again after this. Once was all he could give her. He wouldn't hurt her again—by God, he refused to hurt her now. "If you get scared or if I'm hurting you stop me." And she could. All she had to do was summon her powers and blast him. Or scream. "If you have to, scream. Do anything to make me stop…promise me." He was terrified of hurting her but at the same time; he was growing even harder in her at the thought of taking her harder. He wouldn't take her like he wanted but he would give her something. Just enough.

She nodded, the move jerky. "Yes. I promise. Now please…" He stared down at her for a moment more as his hand tightened beneath her knee and then he took a deep breath—his eyes so deep, so set; glowing—before he pulled back and thrust back in. The movement was slow—torturously slow. She moaned in denial and shook her head, even though she felt pleasure from that one alone. "Inuyasha—"

"I know, Kagome." He squeezed behind her knee where he held it up as he pulled his hips back. "I mean it, Kagome…tell me if I …" Hurt you. He took a deep breath, his look turning into a grimace as he slammed his hips home into her body. His eyes slid closed as a groan of pleasure hissed out from his lips. He felt her body jerk but she didn't say anything so he slid out again—and thrust back just as hard. He forced his eyes open, his body shaking. "Kagome?"

Her cheeks were flushed as she stared up at him. The way he had positioned her left her wide open to his thrusts. Those two thrusts were hard, slamming into her. Still slow—but when he came up against her again, oh God. She felt him so deep. "I'm alright." She whispered, hearing the question in his shaking voice. He was still moving slow. Pulling out—slowly—and then thrusting back in hard enough so that she heard the sound of his flesh slapping against her own, felt his balls slap against her body. Again. And again. Over and over…She swore his eyes were glowing, the look on his face fierce. Dammit…It felt…so good…"Inuyasha, do it." She panted out, pleading. She fisted her hand in his hair, forcing his face to look at hers so she could see his eyes.

"I am." But he knew what she was talking about. The plea was silent, the look in her eyes begging—and he felt his control shatter from that look in her eyes. "Dammit, Kagome. If I hurt you…" His pupils dialated and his control broke when she bit his shoulder in warning. He was already thrusting before he even finished the sentence. One bite, one word from her eyes and he had lost it. "Fuck." He whispered as his hips started pounding against hers. He heard her cry out at the sudden furious pace he set. His balls were tight, burning with the need to release—to spew inside her. "Fuck." He hissed, his eyes sliding closed as his head fell back. He gripped her hip and knee tighter, thrusting over and over. The tight squeeze of her body was driving him crazy. His chest was vibrating; vicious growls rising up as he suddenly reared back on his knees and dropped her leg. He caught her hips and started jerking her to his thrust and he thrust forward, forcing her body to meet his each time.

His cock was hardening even more, his balls ready to burst—He cursed when he felt her explode around him suddenly, her body rippling around his. He smelled her sweet blood and wondered why but he…didn't…care…He gripped her hips tighter and hunched over her shuddering body as he started short stroking, his body almost…almost…there…His hips humped against hers, the thrust short, grinding. "Kagome…" He growled out. His vision tunneled, the edges flaring red as he took her over and over, trying to reach…He heard her cry out and the sound of her voice had his body exploding. His balls tightened unbearably and then his cock exploded inside her in a burst of fiery pleasure.


When he felt the release, the red faded from his vision seconds after it had started and then he felt his cock pulsing in her body, the first thick, hot splashes of seed spewing into her body. He cursed and jerked back, struggling to breath as he fell on his ass, his cum spewing up into the air between them. His head fell back as his cock pulsed, jet after jet spewing into the air. He moaned gutturally and gripped his cock and pumped it harder—faster—forcing the rest of the thick cum from his body.


As you can, he gave her, well, the both of them, a taste of what it would be like to fuck HARD. He's afraid of killing her because he can get violent during sex being that he is half a demon and all. Yes, if you didn't understand, his demon almost came out. He would have if Inuyasha hadn't orgasmed in that exact moment. Review and I hope you enjoyed!

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