InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mates ❯ chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Opening the door, Inu Yasha moved for kagome to walk in first. He stood there, in the doorway while she looked around. Her curiosity was adorable. She had to see everything.
Kagome walking in, noticing first the large bed in the middle of the very large room. Stopping, it finally hit her that she was to share this bed with Inu Yasha. Not exactly comfortable with the idea, she pushed it aside and started to look around. There were two large dressers, a walking in closet, a cupboard that opened to reveille a TV with a stereo, DVD player, VCR, and a ps2, and double doors that opened to a balcony. The balcony was all white with different flowers and vines outlining it. The view was magnificent. She was able to see the small forest the sat behind the house, and if she turned to the right she was able to see part of the city. Turning around to go back in she almost bumped into the small table she didn't notice was there. It was a table made for two with two basic chairs, covered in cushions. Closing the doors she turned to see Inu Yasha smiling at her directly across the room. He stood in the doorway watching her every move.
Kagome just smiled shyly, looked down at her hands while she played with them. Now what? She saw the room, she liked it, and couldn't wait to unpack her things. Her thoughts went back to the large bed and the idea of sharing it. She felt her body start to shake. Yeah that made her nervous. What if he tried something, well, she wanted him to, but it still made her feel shyer than she ever had been. She never let anybody touch her before and now she stood here, in front of a guy that had. What if he didn't like it, what if he did it only because he needed the release? She'd be stuck playing as come Lord's play thing.
Kagome stopped shaking and looked up to Inu Yasha who was not looking at her at if he was about to panic. He must have picked up on her fear. He was the son of the ruler of the western lands. Inu Yasha was a demon prince, and she was now married to him, in demon sense. That means…she's a princess. `OH MY GOD! I'm the wife of a demon prince. Oh God' she felt her knees go week. She wobbled to the bed and sat down bring her hand her to head. To her surprise she felt hands on her shoulders. Opening her eyes she looked up into worried gold ones.
“Are you ok?” he almost whispered.
A blush covered her face at their closeness. She nodded. “I” She looked down again. “I didn't realize you were a prince. I guess that…that make me royalty now…right?” She asked shyly, almost afraid of the answer.
Inu Yasha smiled. “Yep, I guess you'll have to get use to it”
She was now rich, powerful, and will probably going to be in textbooks. Bring her courage back she decided to look at it from a different point of view. `That's means I will have to make myself a good role model.' Looking directly into her new hubby's eyes she continued to smile. “Can you show me the rest of the house?”
He just stared at her. Her smiled almost prevented him from hearing her request. Reddening from the reaction he stood and backed off. “Yeah”. Waiting for her to walk out the door first he stood there, stiff as a board.
Kagome just stood up and walked to the stiff Inu Yasha. `now I can't have a husband be scared of me. Well I'm scared of him, but still. We are stuck together now. Better make the best of it'. Trying to calm her nerves she reached out and rapped her arms around on of his. She felt him flinch. Looking up as his confused yet terrified face, she giggled. `that face makes this worth it'. She giggled again. “Aren't you going to show me around?”
He just nodded and walked stiffly out the door.

It took a few hours, but they finally relaxed. Walking around the house, Inu Yasha introduced them to all the staff, and showed her every room. He even told her about his older brother; the smart ass…literally.
It was now getting dark and almost ready for supper. While kagome picked out something appropriate to wear, Inu Yasha fiddled around in the kitchen. He had been with this girl all day. She was the sexiest thing he had ever laid eyes on and she belonged to him. There was no way he was going to share his time with her with his parents. She was going to eat with him in their room.

Kagome was in the midst of actually deciding on a dress when Inu Yasha opened the door. She turned around in a fright, only to lightly relax. “You know I could have been naked.” She glared playfully.
Inu Yasha smirked. “Not anything I wouldn't mind seeing.” Automatic blush. He turn away from her and opened the door wider. He let the servant role in a cart, then leave. Inu Yasha closed the door and turned toward her. “I thought it would be better if we ate up here. I never usually eat with my parents, and since it's your first night here, they may ask a lot questions.”
“Questions?” Kagome made her way toward the delicious smelling things hidden under the cloth.
He watched her. It was as if she was hunting down her prey. “Yeah, like how many kids you want or if you have names picked out”
Kagome froze. “Kids? Now?” she choked.
Inu Yasha just looked at her. “There is no way in hell that I am having kids right now.”
Kagome sighed “as long as we are clear on that”
Inu Yasha eyed her. “Do you even want to have my pups?”
“umm…I have no choice” she immediately regretted it after she said it.
Inu Yasha frowned. That was a stab threw his heart. “You don't want to be here do you?”
Kagome felt tears. Just the hurt look on his face was enough. “It isn't like that. It's just with demons the smell tells you everything. With humans we have to get to know the person, which could take time.” She saw the confused look on the hanyou. “It's like you are now married to a girl that you can't smell.”
Inu Yasha's eyes went huge. “Can't smell? Oh…I get it.” Inu Yasha's thought were soon interrupted by another off topic thought. `Now how am I going to get her to let me in her…' he shook his head.