InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mates ❯ Chapter 11 ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Ayame parked her car in front of nicely decorated strip mall in that down town area. Looking at all the shops Kagome smiled at Ayame, who was now looking at the gaslight on her dashboard. Kagome didn't tell her that they would go two hours out of their way. She still didn't know what the crazy priestess wanted to do. Amaye sat in her seat staring at the place kagome had led her. This couldn't be right. Kagome was an angle. She was pure and sweet there was no way she would want to come here of all places.
Kagome laughed maliciously as she looked up at the store. She was about to put her plan into motion. She just needed a few things, and Inu Yasha would be begging to have her. “Come one” kagome leaped from the car and ran toward the entrance, only to be stopped by what appeared to be a body guard.
“Excuse me miss, but may I see some ID please.” He said in a nice yet demanding way.
“Why?” kagome asked as if she was completely clueless.
The man sighed. That's all he needed, some brainless miner. “You have to be 18 to enter a sex and toy shop.” He smiled at her with a sarcastic ass of a smile.
Kagome looked at him pleadingly.
“Kagome Jatori Higarashi, get your butt back here. If you think that I'm going in there you are insane. Do you have any idea what some of those smells would do to a demon like me?” Amaye began her rant.
“Kagome? As in the kagome Prince Inu Yasha just mated?” that man looked at her excitedly.
“Um yeah, You've heard of me?” Kagome smiled. She was famous and didn't really know it.
“Heard of you? Man every demon knows who you are.” He reached for a magazine he had cleverly his is back pocket of his tight leather pants. “I don't know why I didn't recognize you before” He handed it to her. “I bet most of the humans know who you are too”
Kagome took the magazine only to stare at it with an astounded expression. It was her, practicing for the show she did in front of the school. It looked like a snapshot that one of the other dancers had. Who was it and why did hey give it to the press…that was stupid. They probably paid her lots of money for such a racy picture. She was half dressed. It looked like a bra and mini shorts…well it kind of was.
Although she knew her mother and mate would be furious, she didn't really mind. She didn't know why. It was a good picture after all. It made her look sexy. Handing the magazine back to the guy she noticed that he stepped aside.
“The daughter of Inu Taishu is welcome here.” He smiled.
Kagome bows gratefully. Grabbing Amaye's hand, who was still ranting, she dragged her inside. Kagome stopped just inside the entrance. This place was huge and had things she didn't even know excited. Seeing something amusing she made her way to the right and down a small set of stares. On the wall parallel to the stares was a large sign that read “gags”. Looking around she laughed at the little gag gifts. There were naughty books, candy, cards, T-shirts, hats, shoelaces, cake pans, straws, board games, and much more.
Making her way back up the stares she went across the way and down a different set of stares. Down there was a little bit more like was she was looking for. TO the left were sexy outfits and to the right was a library of pornographic books and videos. Not quite what she was looking for, she made her way up the stares and down the isle to a doorway with pieces of fabrics covering it. Walking threw the fabrics she came to a dark room lit with black lights. This was what she wanted. To the left was a wall of sex toys, in front of her were lotions and to her right was a section for demons. Walking toward the section for demons she smiled. There were perfumes, designed to turn on any demon within smelling radius. There were extra strong rope and handcuffs, made for those extra strong demons. There was even specially made outfits for those how aren't exactly human shaped. She was happy. It was like a child in a candy store. Looking around she grabbed a bottle of perfume and a case of makeup. Preparing to head back to the front and pay for her items she stopped when she walked past the two sets of stares. Out of the corner of her eye she saw two dresses that she had to have. She would wear of to the pre wedding dinner, but she didn't know which, so she grabbed them both. Paying for her stuff she dragged Amaye out of the “gags” section and headed home. ( … what dress do you want her to wear? Review with your vote)
Ok, this is the second to last night he was to sleep on the couch in the office. He needed to be with his mate, but not until he married her. Bringing shame upon her family was not his intent.
Spreading out the blanket on the couch he laid down. This sucked; he wanted to be with his mate. He wanted to hold her in his arms and kiss the back of her neck. Yes the back of her neck, the place that makes her squirm. Oh did he love that spot. Rolling on his side he stopped wide eyes. She wouldn't!
Turning toward the closed door he stared. Taking a long sniff of the air he smelled it; her. She was outside the door, and wearing a hormone enhancing perfume. It magnified any smell of hers that would turn make him think she wanted him and he already knew that she wanted him. This made it much worse. He was having trouble before; this was tarring his mind apart. Instead of jumping up and running for the love of his life, he opted for something a little different, hoping is would subdue his need for her. Reaching down into his pants he began to stroke his hardened member, thinking of the girl, just beyond the door.
Kagome stood in front of the door with a small stack of papers, fanning her sent toward the door. The hanyou had to smell it. A good 10 minutes went by and she started to doubt he was even in there. Putting her ear to the door she listened the best she could. Taking a step back she fumes. She could hear is moans. He was pleasuring himself…without her. What an ass! Fine if he wanted to play that way, then she would too.
Inu Yasha smiled when he heard her huff and storm down the hall back to her room.
It was now Friday morning; 8am, first period. Kagome's face was bright red. Apparently the perfume didn't come off with just soap and water in the shower. Every male demon was starring at her, while every female demon gave her strange looks as if they were silently asking how they made her sent so strong. She was embarrassed out of her mind. Standing, she excused herself and made her way toward the parking lot. This time she drove herself knowing Inu wouldn't take her home. Grabbing a book she had under the front seat of her car she rummaged threw the pages. This was a book her mother wrote down everything she learned while training for priestess hood. Stopping as a familiar page she read the text. Luckily for her, if she were to believe her others writings, all she would have to do is chant the words and she would no longer have a sent for the demons to smell, at least until she took off the spell.
Chanting the words she felt her aura shift. Hopefully it worked. She'll find out in a second.
Walking back to class she noticed no one paid attention to her. Walking into class everybody stared at her in confusion. Yep it worked.
Inu Yasha didn't go to school that day. He was at his father's house preparing for the huge dinner that night. It was supposed to be a small thing between the family and wedding parties but his father invited everybody that was on the invitation list for the actual wedding. There were to be around 300 people there, and they didn't have enough food and beverages for them, so Inu Yasha had to take a loyal crew of shoppers and go around to every store in a thirty-mile radius and buy as much as they could. By time they were done school was almost out. He had been planning on picking up kagome for the dinner around five thirty with flowers and a necklace his mother wore at her wedding. Hopefully that would make her happy. (it's the rs.choker#29     GRACE KELLY CHOKER SET    $110.00 mp;tbnw=111&hl=en&start=9&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dwedding%2Bchokers% 26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26sa%3DN)
Walking threw the ballroom he checked the seating, food, drinks, entertainment and decorations. He smiled; this was perfect. Looking at his watch he headed toward the door. It was time to pick up Kagome. Making his way threw the guests that already arrived he stooped two feet from the door. He smelled it again. He smelled her; her with the perfume on. Growling, he turned around to see kagome sitting at some table, Surrounded by male demons. His eyes widened when he saw what she was wearing. He was going to strangle her.