InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mating, it's becoming a big trend. ❯ Can I touch it your bug? ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

So yeah, here's the second chapter!!!
Yeah… like anyone was waiting for it…
***sulks away***
haha. Hope you enjoy.
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Kagome ran around her room franticly, trying to pack as quickly as possible. She collected the basic necessities; a couple of shirts and skirts, socks, hairbrush, and dildo. She stuffed them into her backpack, then stared down at the porn that covered the floor. She sighed and brushed some hair out of her face, then leaned over to clean them up and to stash them away in her closet. She shut the closet door behind her and leaned against it. `Inu Yasha... if only you knew what you do to me…'
“Honey, be careful and here-” Kagome wasn't even halfway down the stairs, How do Mother's always know what your doing? `God, I hope she doesn't always know…' “I have some ramen for you to take incase you get hungry.” She handed Kagome a bag, then hugged her. “Have a safe trip. I love you.”
“Yeah of course I'll be careful Mom. And I love you too.” Kagome kissed her mom on the cheek, and then headed out the door. “Bye everyone!”
Kagome climbed out of the well to be mauled by Shippo. “Kagome! I missed you!” He exclaimed nuzzling the front of her shirt. “What did you do to Inu Yasha?” Shippo looked up at Kagome questioningly. She blushed, then looked around not seeing him. Miroku was heading her way though.
“Yeah, Kagome. What did you do?” Miroku asked pervertedly, wanting to know what had happened between them. Suddenly A large boomerang came crashing down on his head, making him fall to the ground unconscious. As he did so a woman with long black hair that was pulled back into a ponytail, was revealed behind him.
“That's none of your business Miroku. Don't bug her anymore!” Sango yelled at him. She then made her way over to Kagome and sat next to her on the well's edge. “So what did happen??”
All at once Miroku was on his feet, ready to complain. “You just yelled at me for asking!”
“Yeah but I'm a girl, and us girls are more considerate of each other's feelings. Besides I won't make a big deal out of it!” She stuck out her tongue at Miroku, who was sulking away sadly in defeat.
“Women... only good for one thing-”
“Miroku!!” Sango yelled as she stood up and began running after him.
Kagome laughed as she watched the chase scene play out. She stopped when she noticed Shippo on her lap. He wasn't looking so happy. “What's wrong Shippo?”
“Nothing, I'm just kinda worried about Inu Yasha. It started when he found out there was a bug in his pants, then he turned all red and ran away.”
Kagome had a feeling it wasn't a bug. “What do you mean a bug?”
“Well, his pants were like this!” Shippo grabbed onto the front of his pants and pulled them up. “No one ever said it was a bug, but what else could it be? It was a big bug too Kagome, you should have seen it!” He looked up at Kagome when she didn't answer. Her eyes were closed and her cheeks were a bit pinker than usual. The side of her mouth was twitching in a weird way. “Kagome? Are you ok?”
Kagome burst out laughing, she couldn't hold it anymore. The way children interpret things these days… “Which way did he go?” Shippo looked a little afraid of Kagome, he didn't understand grownups sometimes. He pointed towards the bushes. “I'll be right back, you stay here.” She got up and headed over in that direction.
Kagome pushed past the bushes and continued walking, she didn't spot Inu Yasha anywhere. `Well I guess he likes the videos as much as I do.' She giggled as she made her way to the stream.
Inu Yasha was sitting down with his knees against his chest. He had his arms around his legs, and his foot was bobbing up and down. `Fuck.' Kagome had no idea what she did to him.
“Inu Yasha?” He turned, cursing to himself for not noticing her approach. He then turned his back to her again, he didn't want to face her. What if she had seen him? `Well I left the TV on anyways..' He blushed again. Maybe she would pretend like nothing happened. “Inu Yasha…” Kagome sat down beside him and put her hand on his arm, making his ear twitch. “Did you want to ask me anything?”
He tried to ignore the fact that she was touching him. “Keh. There's nothing I need to ask you about.”
She sighed, moving her legs so she was on her knees. “I know you were in my room.” His ear twitched again. “And I know you got I my stash… I know you watched my porn videos.” Inu Yasha reddened, why couldn't she just drop it?
“Why did you have them?” It was Kagome's turn to blush, and she began to play with the hem of her skirt. Inu Yasha turned to face her this time, waiting for an answer.
“Well… uhm… because… I don't know.” She hesitated. `What am I supposed to say to that??' “Well… because I like watching them…” She said silently. Inu Yasha growled, he was getting aroused again. “But anyways, you shouldn't have gone through my stuff like that! If you wanted to watch them… you could have just asked me...” Kagome's voice was almost a whisper now. “And maybe we could have watched them together…?”
She looked up at Inu Yasha extremely red faced, and saw that his eyes where pooping out of his head, and his eyes were fixed on the ground. `Down erection, down! Damn, I'm going to fucking scare her away...' Kagome smiled, she realized she must have shocked him.
Kagome was scared as she moved over towards him; she had never tried anything like this before. She moved his arms away and got between his legs, moving so that she was straddling him, but he could still be comfortable on the ground. He reddened his eyes if possible becoming wider, and leaned back. `What the hell is she doing now??'
Kagome noticed something against her thigh. She was happy that she had this affect on him. She leaned her head in and kissed him, at first he didn't move, and then he closed her eyes like she had done and opened his mouth. He slipped his tongue in her mouth, loving her taste. He groaned into the kiss.
She took his hand and brought it to her shirt, placing it above her breast. Inu Yasha pulled back again, looking at her. She smiled, then leaned over to kiss his neck. He couldn't believe what was happening, but he liked it. He moved his hand over her shirt and fondled her.
Kagome brought her lips to his ear, moaning silently, making him stop for a little to collect himself. He could smell her, she was turned on, and it was driving him mad. She nibbled on his ear, then whispered, “Finger me, Inu Yasha…” She moved his hand up her skirt and he felt how wet she was, she was soaked through her underwear. He moved it aside moaning, not believing this was happening. He slipped on finger in, than two and pushed them in and out, moving them around. He started out slow, listening to Kagome moan.
“Faster…” She whispered and he did so, shivering as he felt her hot breath on his neck. She moaned louder, as her arousal dripped down his hand. She reached orgasm and she leaned into him as she tried to calm her breathing.

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