InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mating Season ❯ Back in the Past, at Last ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

CHAPTER 13 TIME!!! Wooooohhooo!

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha. I am Just obsessed with him. haha

Chapter 12 recap:

"What are you smiling at?"

"You. You know exactly what to say to make me happy."

Inuyasha blushes and looks away, "Keh, whatever."

Eri smiles. She knows something is happening and she wants to help her friend. 'I wonder what Inuyasha was about to tell me.' 

The three friends sit up all night long, just talking about the Feudal Era and their lives together. Their plans to defeat Naraku and how to help Inuyasha. They have many laughs, tears and smiles. Especially Eri, for she not only feels closer to her friend Kagome. She also gained a new friend. No matter how strange he may be, she knows he loves Kagome and will protect her, no matter the cost.

Chapter 13: Back in the Past, at Last

Inuyasha wakes up to Kagome's lips on his. He is suprized at first but welcomes in her loving embrace. When she pulls away, he looks at her. He is laying on his back on her bed with her on top of him. He looks around the room and it's just the two of them. 'Eri must have left early.' He thought. 

"Kagome, what are you .."

He was quickly cut off by her lips again. This time not as gentle, but hard and with want. Need. Hunger. He doesn't question it at first but pulls away after a moment.

"Kagome, are .. are you sure? Are you ready?"

"Yes, Inuyasha. Take me. Please make me yours. I'm ready to fully become your mate."

"That was all he needed. He flipped her over and got on top of her. He started kissing her neck, right where he had bitten her the night before. "Kagome. If I change, don't be scared. That's normal. I promise, I won't hurt you."

Kagome nods her head in understanding.

They kiss passionately for what seems like hours, but in reality it was only a few minutes. While Inuyasha's lips are still locked on Kagome's, he slashes off her beautiful silky pajama top. He pulls away to gaze upon her perfectly sexy body.

"You are beautiful." He uncharacteristically said to her. She blushes a rosy pink and pulls him in for another kiss. 

Inuyasha's demon starts to get impatient and annoyed with the human trying to take control. "Stop." He said in his demon voice.

Kagome opens her eyes and sees him changed, but, not fully. His eyes are still a sexy amber. The rest of him though, has changed to his full demon form.

"Inuyasha, What is it?"

"I take control. Not you." He smiled a full fanged and sexy smile.

She nods her head and breaths in, ready for her hanyou to take her.

Inuyasha pins her hands down and surprisingly, she is okay with this. He kisses her neck, down to her breasts, then back up to her lips. He lightly licks her bottom lip, begging for entrence. She hesitates so he shoves his tongue inside, earning a moan from his mate. He really loves to hear that come from her. He moves her arms so that he can continue to hold them down with just one clawed hand, while the other hand explores her body. He gets lower and lower until he reaches her silky pajama pants. He doesn't waste any time as he immediately claws his way through. With now a naked Kagome laying underneath him, he realizes he is still fully dressed.

"Would my mate like me to undress?"

She nods.

"I need you to tell me with words."

"Yes, Inuyasha. Please, undress and make me yours."

Inuyasha gets extremely excited, he undresses fully and gets back on top of his wonderfully sexy priestess.

"Inuyasha. Inuyasha. Inuyasha! Wake up!"

Inuyasha jumps up with a start. He looks around the room and realizes it was all just a dream. He covers himself quickly when he feels his hardened cock. Kagome and Eri are looking at him with a strange look in their eyes.


Eri looks away quickly and Kagome blushes. 

"What .. were you dreaming about?"

He immediately gets as red as his Haori and looks away. "Nothin' I don't dream."

Kagome looks at him weirdly and thinks, 'he was saying my name.'

"Why are you two still starin' at me?!"

"Inuyasha, your .. your face." Kagome hands him her handheld mirror and he looks into it. He has purple markings on his cheeks, like when he transforms. His eyes are amber but he has blue pupils, like when his eyes are crimson with blue irises in the center. He looks down at his claws and they seem normal. 

'What is happening to me?' He looks back up at the girls, confused.

"What were you dreaming about Inuyasha?" Kagome walks closer to him and puts her hand on the marking on his cheek. He looks away, embarrased.

"It was nothing. Really. I'm fine."

Kagome decides to drop it for now, since Inuyasha really is acting normal and it's not like he actually transformed or hurt anyone.

"Alright Inuyasha. Why don't we head down for some breakfast. I'm thinking I'm ready to go back today. We still have to search for Naraku and the Jewel shards."

With that, the three of them head downstairs.


Back in the Feudal Era, Sango and Miroku are deep in conversation while Shippo is keeping watch over an unconcious Kohaku. 

"What could be happening, Miroku?"

"Naraku. Naraku has to be behind this."

"Are you saying Naraku is still controlling him?" Sango starts to tear up and puts her face into Miroku's shoulder.

He puts his arm around her and says, "Not exactly."

Sango looks up at him, confused. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, Naraku had to have been giving orders to Kohaku. Yet, Kohaku kept saying he didn't want to do it. He is fighting against Naraku's orders. He is strong, we just have to find out what Naraku has ordered him to do and stop it. I believe we can get your brother back from Naraku's control."

Sango hugs him real fast and genuenly feels happiness and relief. Relief for her brother, for her friends, and for herself.


After breakfast, Ms. Higurashi went out shopping. Gramps is tending to the shrine and Sota is at school. Inuyasha, Kagome and Eri are sitting in the living room getting ready to say their goodbyes. By this point, Inyasha's features were back to his half demon self.

"Don't worry Eri, we will be back. Promise! We will figure out what is going on and we'll come back to see everyone." Kagome gives her friend a confident smile.

Inuyasha says, "Someone is coming." Not even ten seconds later, a knock could be heard at the door. Kagome grabs Inuyasha's cap, puts it on his head and then answers the door.

It was not only Yuka and Ayumi but they brought along Hōjō too.

Kagome glanced over at Inuyasha with a worried look. 'Oh great, what is he going to think now?'

"Ummm, hey guys. What are you doing here? Shouldn't you all be at school?"

Hojo steps forward, causing an annoyed look to appear on Inuyasha's features. "How are you feeling, Kagome? We were worried about you and wanted to see how you were doing." He grabs her hands, "You do feel kind of cold. Here, this should help." He pulls out a heat-pad and hands it to her.

Inuyasha growls and walks in front of the couple. "Back off." His eyes flash red for only a second, going unnoticed by the three friends still in the doorway.

"Ummm, Inuyasha, it's fine." Kagome pulls him back and gets in front of him once more. "Come on in guys. I'm feeling better today. Eri has been here keeping me company too."

They look over with confusion plastered all over their faces. "Why didn't you tell us you were going to be here, Eri?" Yuka asked.

"Well, I just wanted to stop by and ended up staying for a couple of nights. I wasn't really thinking about it.."

Hojo looks over at Inuyasha and wonders, 'who is he? I haven't seen him here before.' He walks closer to Kagome again and says, "Kagome, you haven't introduced me to your, um, friend." He points to Inuyasha.

Inuyasha is annoyed by this human boy being so close to his Kagome. He gets between the two again and says in a very threatening tone, "she's my mate."

This confuses the three friends and causes Kagome and Eri to blush a deep crimson.

"He means, boyfriend! They use different words for different things where he is from. Right, Inuyasha?" She glares at him with a threatening stare.

"Uh, yeah, whatever."

'Boyfriend?' Hojo seems hurt and everyone in the room notices, including Inuyasha. "Kagome, may I speak to you for a moment? Just .. the two of us?"

Eri and Kagome give worried glances towards each other and Kagome hugs Inuyasha. She whispers into his ear, only so he can hear, "Inuyasha, trust me, I'm only going to talk to him. We will be in the kitchen." She kisses him on the cheek, looks him in his eyes and can physically feel him relax under her touch. He nods and she continues to the other room with the school boy that has been crushing on her all year.

Yuka, Ayumi and Eri continue to talk like best friends do. Gossiping about pretty much nothing important.

Inuyasha sits on the floor by the front door, his head leaned against the wall, eyes closed and concentrating on his mate and potential rivals' conversation in the other room.

"Kagome, I thought .. I mean .. I didn't know you had a boyfriend. Are you serious about him?" He asks with a very hurt expression.

"Yes. I'm sorry. I tried to tell you before but we always got interrupted. I .." She blushes because she knows Inuyasha is listening and even though they have said it, she is still not used to admitting it outloud so much. "I'm in love with him."

Inuyasha smirks to himself knowing he had won. When he doesn't hear anything else, he looks over and immediately growls. His eyes flash red a second time and he rushes over.

Hojo grabs Kagome in a fierce hug. He doesn't say anything, just hugs her tight. She feels very awkward and tries to pull away but he's holding on too tight. She doesn't want to startle him but the only man she has allowed to be this close to her since she was raped, was Inuyasha. She starts to sweat. "Hojo, please. Let go of me."

Inuyasha pulls Hojo off of Kagome and wraps his arm protectively around her. "She said. Get. Off."

He backs up and says, "sorry. I .. uh .. didn't mean any harm. Kagome, I understand. I will leave and see you whenever you are in class. Goodbye." Hojo leaves the house and Kagome spins around and hugs her hanyou.

After Eri, Yuka and Ayumi realize that Hojo had left, they said their goodbyes and decided to leave also.

"See ya Kagome!" Yuka and Ayumi yelled as they walked out.

"Bye Kagome. Be safe and I will see you when you return." Eri says as she hugs her friends goodbye. "You be good to her." She scolds Inuyasha as she leaves.

"Thank you, Inuyasha."

"For what?"

"Always protecting me."

They smile at each other and head for the well.


Kagome and Inuyasha are on the other side of the well and walk back to Kaede's and their friends, ready to continue their journey to defeat Naraku. Inuyasha is determined to find out how to fix his spring time problems.

Authors Notes: Thanks for reading! Don't forget to leave a comment and let me know how it is so far! I am having a great time writing this, I hope you are enjoying reading it too!