InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mating Season ❯ Finally Mates ( Chapter 19 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 19 is here! I will try and make this one longer to make up for missing two days. :) Keep reading, it's gonna be a good one! ;)


Chapter 18 recap:

"Do you plan on giving Lady Kagome your life span?"

Inuyasha doesn't quite understand. He thought that if the human fully loves the demon, then that was a given. "I thought that just happened with the mating process."

"Inuyasha. You have to tell Kagome of this, before you mate. When she agrees, then you can do it. You have to both mix the blood of your demon and her human together. Through both of your veins."

"But, won't that mean I have to cut her? I'll have to hurt her again. Also, what about her being a priestess? Won't that have some sort of effect on my demon blood?"

"Not exactly. Yes, you will have to hurt her, only for a second. You both can choose where. Bite her like you already were going to do. Slice a place you both desire, and mix her blood with yours. She will still be human. But her lifespan will be like yours. I recommend the place you cut, is somewhere you can easily reach. You will be even more connected through that mark. Your demon is allowing this, it knows that this human is your soul mate so it will not harm either of you."

Inuyasha has a lot to think about. He nods his understanding and decides he has no more questions as he makes his leave to meet his friends.

Chapter 19: Finally Mates

"Inuyasha, why won't you just tell us what you had to do at Totosai's?" Kagome asked. They are heading back to Kaede's village for some unknown reason. InuYasha hasn't explained his reasoning for anything yet.

'Why won't she just stop asking?' "I'll tell you when we are back" was all he spoke.

This sort of worried her. She doesn't like when he keeps secrets, but they are passed their previous childeshness and she has grown to trust him a lot more. She decides to let it go. 

Once they make is about three quarters of the way back to the village, Kagome got a strong sense of something. She paused in her tracks and didn't say anything at first.

"What is it Kagome?" Sango asked her friend.

"A jewel shard! It's headed towards us but .."

"But what?!" Inuyasha pulls his Tetsusaiga out and growls. There isn't anything noticeable coming at them from any direction.

"She's right Inuyasha. I sense a strong ominous aura headed our way!" Miroku shouted.

"Dammit! Why can't I see anything!"

Realization hit Kagome like a ton of bricks and she yells, "It's coming from underground!" Just as she came to that realization, a giant snake, about fifty feet long, comes straight up from the dirt and knocks the group of friends off their feet.

This snake would have looked beautiful, if it wasn't attacking them right now. Its scales shined in the light, in an aray of different colors. From sky blue, to strawberry red, deep purple and even some black and white mixed in. Every time the light glistened on those scales, it shined so bright it was blinding.

"Kagome!" Inuyasha runs up to where she was knocked back. "Are you alright?"

She coughs and stands up, "Yeah, I'm fine." She pulls out her bow and the rest of the group readies their weapons as well.

"Where is the shard?" Inuyasha asks her.

She takes a closer look and finds it fairly quickly. "It's in it mouth. Directly between its two fangs.

'Great.' Inuyasha thought. He readies his sword and starts off with a simple attack. "WIND SCAR!" 

The group watches as the wind scar seems to just go right through it.

"The wind scar didn't work!" Sango yelled surprisingly. "Huraikotu!" The gaint boomerang was thrown at the serpent but again, nothing happened.

Miroku then realized what the issue was, but before he could let his friends know, the snake shot a giant dark blue beam of light directly in the direction of Inuyasha and Kagome. Inuyasha stands protectively in front of Kagome, surprisingly keeping his demon in check. He yells, "Backlash Wave!" At the same time Kagome shoots her very powerful purified arrow. Now, instead of just a pink hue, a mixture of light blue and pink. It also seems to have a red mixed in. All of the colors are swirling together in one attack. Just as Inuyasha's backlash wave hits, so does Kagome's arrow. 

It seems as though the snake was dead. Kagome went to retrieve the shard but the evil serpent wiggled and knocked her about twenty feet back. The last thing she heard was a screem from Inuyasha. "Kagoommeee!" She was out cold.

"Inuyasha! You can't destroy it! Allow me." Miroku grabs three sacred sutras from his robes, used his spiritual power to allow them to work, and threw them directly at the serpent. Within seconds, the snake disintegraded and all that was left, was the sacred jewel shard. Inuyasha grabbed it and went back to Kagome.

"I'm impressed, Inuyasha."

"What are you going on about, Monk."

"During the entire battle, you did not transform. Kagome was injured and you kept your cool."

Inuyasha looks down at the girl in his arms and smiles. 'She's going to be fine.' "Come on, lets go."


Finally back at the village, Inuyasha layed Kagome on a cot in Kaede's hut so she can rest up. 

"Ye should be more careful, Inuyasha. This could have been much worse."

"Yes, I know that old woman." He moves Kagome's hair from her face and she starts to stir.

"Inu-yasha." She opens her eyes and sees everyone is looking at her. "Wh-what's going on? Wh-what happened?"

"You're fine. You got knocked out by the snake. Here." Inuyasha hands her the shard he had gathered from the serpent's mouth.

"Thanks." The second the shard touches her finger tips, It changes from the purple tint it had, to a bright pink. She puts it in the small jar she carries with her.

Now that everyone knows Kagome will be fine, they leave to give the couple their privacy.

"Are you sure you're okay, Kagome? You were hit pretty badly."

"Yeah, I'm fine Inuyasha."

He thinks hard about how to ask her what he has been thinking so much about. Then he gets an idea. "K-kagome?"

She looks up into his eyes. "Yeah? What is it?"

"We should go back to your time for a little while."

She is a little surprised because Inuyasha doesn't usually bring up going to her time. No matter the reason though, she'll take it. "Sure!" She exclaimed happily as she starts to pack up her bag. 

They walk out of the hut, say their goodbyes to their friends and head for the bone eaters well.

Once they reach the well, Kagome decides she really needs to know why Inuyasha is acting so strange. "Inuyasha?"


"What's going on? You have been acting kind of .. weird lately, and won't tell anyone anything."

He quickly hugs Kagome hoping this was enough to ease her worries. She relaxes into his warm embrace but looks up at him with worried eyes.

"I promise, nothing is wrong. Lets go and I'll explain everything." 

She reluctantly nods her understanding and they jump into the well together.


"I wonder what that was about." Shippo asked no one in particular. 

Miroku smiles to himself. He knows what Inuyasha has been up to, seeing as he was the one that told him about the ring in the first place. He assumes Sango figured it out since she had to tell him about the ring. It seems as though the kids were the only oblivious ones.

"Don't worry about it, Shippo. They will probably be back tomorrow."

They carry on with dinner and continue to await the return of their friends.


On the other side of the well, Inuyasha swiftly lifts Kagome up bridal style and jumps up into the tree of ages.

Not expected to be lifted so quickly, Kagome shreeks in surprise and holds onto his shoulders. He sits on one of the biggest branches and places Kagome comfortably on his lap. 

Inuyasha isn't one to get nervous. Until now. He doesn't quite understand why he's so nervous though. He and Kagome have said they love each other. They also promised to become mates. He even left a mark on her until they are able to complete the ritual. 

Kagome can feel Inuyasha shaking his leg nervously. She doesn't understand why he's been acting so strange but she is determined to find out. "Inuyasha." She turns to look him in his eyes and notices his facial expression is showing noticeable signs of being scared. "Inu-yasha? What's wrong?"

He looks down into her beautiful brown eyes and his nerves completely vanish, as if they were never there to begin with. She always makes him feel more secure.


"What is it?"

He looks around at the beautiful tree of ages. The branches are swaying back and forth, and the leaves look so beautiful as the sun is hitting them just right. He looks back at the girl sitting with him. He situates her so that they are now sitting next to each other on the branch and they can easily see the eyes of the other. He grabs her hands and looks at her again. Nerves start to take the better of him but he pushes that aside and calms himself.

"Kagome. We met here. This tree. Five hundred years ago." 

She is looking intently at his amber eyes.

"I didn't realize at the time, but I had met the woman that I would spend the rest of my life with. You changed me, Kagome. When I'm with you, I feel like I can do anything. You agreed to be with me, as a mate. Because I am a demon."

She nods, and her cheeks start to show slight pink.

Inuyasha reaches into his pocket, takes a deep breath and pulls out a ring. It's not in a fancy box or anything because he doesn't know much about Kagome's world, but that doesn't matter to Kagome. She loves him no matter what and as he pulls the ring out she gasps in utter astonishment. She didn't expect him to have a ring. She didn't even know he knew about customs like this. Before jumping to any conclusions, she waits for him to continue.

After he held out the ring, he continues. "I .. Love .. you Kagome and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I may be a demon, but I want to be with you completely. Not just my customs, but yours too. Will .. you .. marry me? I love you."

Kagome is completely shocked. She did not expect him to propose to her. She accepted his demon half and was perfectly happy with that. Now that he has asked her this life changing question, she realizes it is something she would want. She loves him and wants to be with him in every way possible. She starts to tear up, not in sadness or anger but in complete happiness. 

Inuyasha smells the salt of her tears forming and this confuses him. "K-kagome?"

She realizes she hasn't said anything yet and jumps into his arms, almost knocking him back. "YES!" She yells, "I will marry you." 

Inuyasha relaxes in her arms and just holds her tight. They sit like that for about twenty minutes without saying anything further.

Ms. Higurashi comes out of the house and yells up to the tree where the couple is still sitting. "Kagome? Inuyasha? Why don't you come inside? It's getting late!"

They look over at Kagome's mom and both nod. Inuyasha holds onto Kagome by the waist and helps her off of the tree. When they make it inside, Kagome's mother is putting away left overs from dinner. 

"Kagome, dear. Gramps, Sota and I have to go visit my sister. We will be back in two days. Will you be okay while we are gone? There is food in the fridge and money on the counter."

"Yes mom. Thank you." 

Ms. Higurashi, Sota and Gramps walk out, leaving Inuyasha and Kagome alone in the house. 

Inuyasha realizes something and turns Kagome to him. "Here." He says, still kind of shyly. He hands her the ring.

She smiles and puts it on her left hand ring finger. She feels a pulse of energy through her body. Her entire body glows pink and light blue. There seems to also be a slight red mixed in too. Then as quickly as it came, the colors dissipate. "Wh-what was that?"

"This ring will also help protect you. You can channel your priestess powers into it and it even has some of my demon energy."

She smiles up at him and hugs him tight. "Thank you, Inuyasha. I love it."

They pull apart and look at each other. "I love you." He says with no more nerves and no more worries.

"I love you too."

They lean in to a warm and welcoming kiss. Their lips locking in a pool of passion and desire. As the kiss deepens, they start to make their way to the couch. Kagome ends up sitting on Inuyasha's lap, facing him as their lips never parted. The kiss grows deeper and their desire for each other even harder to ignore. Kagome can feel his hardened cock pulsating through his clothing. She is sitting directly on his lap and can feel him perfectly, which causes her own needs and desires to over power the rest of her senses.

Inuyasha can smell it. Kagome's want, need, desire for him. He loves that smell. His own desires are being harder and harder to control. This woman on top of him, kissing him like this. He can feel his demon trying to come out and claim the woman above him.

Kagome pulls apart and grabs Inuyasha's hand so she can take him to her room. He doesn't hesitate as he follows her. He is trying to keep control of his demon, but the pain in his abdomen is getting worse with each and every second that passes them by.

Once they reach Kagome's bedroom, she turns and locks the door just in case. When she turns back around, Inuaysha is face to face with her. She is not afraid. She knows what's happening and she welcomes it.

He grabs her hands and pins them up to the door behind her. He gets closer to her ear and whispers, "Do you want to fully become my mate?"

She nods yes but is unable to speak.

"K-kagome." He is mostly changed, other then his eyes.


"Are you okay with this?" He doesn't want to do anything that could harm her. Before anything continues, he remembered what Myoga told him.

"Yes, Inuyasha. I want to become yours."

"Kagome. I have to ask you something first."

"What is it?"

"If you could live as long as me, would you?"
She doesn't quite understand why he had to ask her this, but she answers truthfully. "Of course. I would want to live as long as I could with you. I love you."

He smiles a full fanged smile. "You can. It will hurt for only a second, but if you are okay with it, I will complete that process."

She is completely happy now. She gets to spend her life with Inuyasha. Not just the life of a human but the lifespan of a demon. "Nothing would make me happier." 

With that, he immediately crashed his lips onto hers. She is still up against the door of her bedroom and he is holding her hands up behind her. When he pulls apart from her lips he said, "I'm s-sorry."

"For what?"

"It's my instinct to be dominant. I don't want to upset you or hurt you."

She looks him in the eyes and says, "Don't be sorry. Take me. Please Inuyasha."

She kisses him once more and that's when he decides to allow his demon to assist him. He completely pins her up against the door and dominantly over powers her lips with his. He holds her wrists in one clawed hand now, while the other is exploring her body. He slowly feels down the front of her throat, slides his hand to her breasts and squeezes. She moans under his touch, which only succeeds in making him more excited. His hand continues its journey to her hips and lower to where her womanhood lies. He starts to reach under her skirt and as he touches her for the first time, she moaned even louder. Still lips locked together, he starts to nibble her bottom lip with his fang. He licks her lips and this causes a surge of electricity through her entire body. She opens her mouth and allows his tongue access. 

He starts to rub her softly on the outside of her panties, and at the same time, exploring the inside of her mouth with his tongue. With every touch of his claws, another moan escapes her. He loves it when she moans.

He decides he's done standing here at the bedroom door. He moves her over to the bed and gets on top of her. The entire time their lips stayed locked in a never ending battle of passion and desire. His hand still feeling her body and exploring what is his. 

He finally pulls away from her lips and says, "you are wearing too many clothes." Still, with amber eyes looking down at her.

"So take them off of me." She said with a straighforwardness that he is not used to.

In one motion, her clothes were gone at the hands of a clawed demon.

Now completely naked below him, he grows even more excited. He locks his lips again with hers, and his hands explore her nakedness for the first time. He grabs her round breasts and squeezes. He stops kissing her for a moment so he can enjoy the view of the incredibly sexy priestess underneath him. He kisses her neck and nibbles where his mark is. This sends another wave of electricity down her entire body. She lets out more moans and now it seems impossible to stop. What he does to her is just too good not to let out the sounds of enjoyment.

Inuyasha moves lower so he can taste every inch of the woman that is about to become his. He squeezes her breasts together and continues to lick and kiss them from one nipple to the other and back again. The more she moans, the harder his cock gets. The more it pulsates, waiting to take her. He is excited to make her his, but he wants to make it last as long as possible.

Inuyasha is now moving lower then before. He kisses around her stomach and when he makes it to between her legs, he licks his lips in excitement. He spreads her legs apart in a quick and dominant motion.

Kagome looks down at the man of her dreams, and she can feel the wetness forming at her core. She is excited for what's to come and she can see it in his eyes that he is too. He starts to tease her by running a claw up and down the inside of her thighs. She starts to buck in response.

"Don't. Move." He says in an extremely dominant tone. She stops bucking as much as possible but when she then feels him kiss her closer and closer to her pussy, she can't help it. 

"I. said. don't move." He grabs her legs to keep them still, and when she looks back down at him, his eyes flash red. Now that her body is being held still by the sexy half dog demon, he slowly feels the nub that holds all her sexual desires. She moans and tries not to move, but it is becoming an impossible task.

"I am going to taste you now." Without hesitation, he lighly licks her pussy and can taste the juices of her core washing over his tongue. He's never tasted anything so delicious in his entire life. At the sounds of her moaning in pleasure, his pace increases. Licking up her juices, now at the speed only a demon can reach, she can feel the warmth in her core as she gets closer and closer to her climax.

"Inuyaaashaa!" She yells as she hits the high she so desperately wanted to achieve. 

Inuyasha continues to lick up any remaining wetness from between her legs and climbs back on top of her. He pulls her lips to his in order for her to taste herself.

She is completely speechless at the half demon, now on top of her. She looks deep into his still amber eyes and touches the purple markings on his cheeks. 


He kisses her once more and asks, "Yes?"

"Y-you don't have to hold back your demon. I know it's a part of you and I love all of you. I trust you."

He kisses her harder then ever before and wonders what he did to deserve the most wonderful love in the world. As he is kissing her, he starts to undress himself. 

Inuyasha pulls from her lips and takes the rest of his clothes off and throws them on the floor. 

Kagome looks at the incredibly sexy man in front of her and just takes in the view of his body. Perfect six pack and an insanely large cock all ready for her to take it. He climbs on top of her once more and says again, "you're sure?"

"Yes, Inuyasha."

He decides to start in a human position before his demon fully takes over. He positions himself at her entrance, looks her in her eyes and says, "I love you." As soon as she goes to respond, he slides his hard cock inside of her insanely wet pussy. She moans in delight at the feeling of her Inuyasha inside of her. He slides in and out a few more times, trying to stay in control. With each second that passes by, he wants to pound into her harder and harder. Each moan that escapes her beautiful lips, makes him want to take her. He is finally feeling the Miko take his hard cock and he can't handle how turned on he is by this feeling.

Still staying in control, sliding in and out slowly, he leans in for another passionate kiss from her moist lips. She moans into his mouth and he can barely contain himself. 

"K-kagome. You feel s-so good." His eyes start to flash red.

She moans even louder then before. "Inu-yasha! D-don't stop. Please. H-harder! F-faster!" 

He does as she says, and fucks her even harder and faster. Unable to contain his demon any longer, he suddenly stops. 

Kagome looks into his now crimson eyes and welcomes his tranformation. He is hers and she is his. She has no reason to be afraid.

Inuyasha says in an extremely seductive way, "Turn around. Hands and knees, now." 

She does what he says, knowing it is in his nature to mate this way.

Now on her hands and knees in front of him, he has a clear view of what is his. He feels her ass and slowly gets closer to what he desires.

Feeling him act like this is making her so extremely wet, it's getting hard for her to bare.

He loves making his mate wait for it. He is getting harder and harder at the sensation of his mate beneath him, wanting more. He grabs his cock and starts to lightly rub her pussy with just the tip. Hearing her moan louder and louder is making him crazy, but he doesn't want to stop teasing her. Inuyasha reaches a hand between her legs and starts to rub on the nub that holds all of her amazing sensations. 

"Inu-yasha," she moans over and over again. "P-please."

His dog demon is getting more and more excited. It's coming out more, causing him to get more dominant in every move he makes.

"Beg me." He says.

"P-please. M-make me yours."

He starts to pump into her, just the tip. Over and over, his precum pumping out of him, trying not to get too excited too soon.

"Oh Inuyasha! Please."

He growls at her, asserting his dominance as the alpha male. He leans over her and huskily says into her ear, "Do you want me?"


He slams his erect cock so hard into her, she screems. Not in pain or surprise, but utter ecstacy. 

He is pumping himself deeper and deeper with each thrust. Each moan that escapes her lips makes him more and more excited. He grabs onto her hips for better support and slams even harder inside of her. 

She screems his name in delight, "Inuyasha!"

Not coming close to the end, he speeds up to a pace that only he could reach.

Slamming into the sexy woman in front of him for fifteen minutes straight, he can feel his climax coming. He can also sense hers on the way at the same time. 

"Inuyasha!" She yells over and over.

"K-kagome." He moans while still in his demon form.

In that moment he bit down on her neck, harder then before. His mark now becoming a permanent symbol of their love. 

She loves the feeling of Inuyasha inside of her. She feels his bite and welcomes it as if it's the best feeling in the world to her. She can feel her blood dripping from her throat, but she doesn't care. The symbol of their mating and love means far too much.

Inuyasha and Kagome meet their climax at the same time. Kagome screeming his name, Inuyasha moaning hers. His cock pumps all of his cum into her at once. He starts to slow down his pace but doesn't stop thrusting. His demon is making sure she gets all of him before they finish. Sliding in and out of her slowly but as deeply as possible, he pushes all of his cum as far as it can reach. With each slow thrust, comes another moan from Kagome.

Inuyasha rolls her over on her back and his eyes start to fade back to the amber she knows and loves. He, now on top of her while she is laying down, kisses her lips. Their bodies are still as connected as they can possibly be.

"Give me your wrist."

She does as he says without hesitation.

"Sorry." He says as he slices her with his claws. She winced but knew what he was doing. Inuyasha then does the same to his own wrist and holds the two cuts together. The demon energy mixing with her Miko energy swirls within both of their bodies. They both feel the connection immediately. They are forever connected to the farthest extent possible. 

They smile at each other, and for the rest of the night, continue to keep mating.

Kagome and InuYasha are finally mates.

Authors Notes: YAY! The moment you were waiting for finally happened! How was it? This is not the end of my story. There will be tons more! So keep checking for updates!! Thanks for reading!