InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mating Season ❯ Kouga's Return ( Chapter 22 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Thanks for being a loyal reader to this story! Let's get right into chapter 22!

Disclaimer: I Do Not Own InuYasha

Chapter 21 recap:

Kagome lets out a bolt of pink and light blue energy directly at the hand on her arm. He releases her immediately. She tries to think hard and decides to scratch the mark on her wrist. 'Please InuYasha. Help me.' She starts to run but trips on a branch. When she turns around, 'Inuyasha' had transformed back into the form of Naraku.

Naraku was about to strike when the most soothing voice hits her ears. "Wind Scar!" InuYasha, her InuYasha blows Naraku away. InuYasha takes his Haori off and wraps her up in it. When they looked back, Naraku was gone. He had escaped.

Chapter 22: Kouga's Return

Kagome jumps into InuYasha's arms and starts crying. "Inu-yasha.. I.. I didn't know."

He hugs her tight and says, "It's okay. I'm here. I'm not going to let you out of my sight again."

Kagome gets dressed quickly and before they head back she asks him a question. "InuYasha? Can we stay here, alone for a few minutes?"

He responds by grabbing her into his arms and sitting up against a nearby tree, Kagome in his lap. She leans her head back into his chest and her breathing calmed. She is feeling much better, and then something confusing hits her.


"What is it? What's wrong?"

"Umm.. I couldn't sense the jewel.. But it was really Naraku.. Not just a puppet."

InuYasha felt confusion and shock. He didn't understand how that could be. Was Kagome's powers weakening? Weakening because of him? His ears flatten to his head and Kagome notices his uncomfortableness immediately.

"Inuyasha? I.. I'm sorry."

He snaps his eyes to her and makes her look back at him. "Why are you sorry?!"

"Well. If I can't sense the shards, then I really have no purpose here." She looks away from him.

InuYasha forces her face back so he could look into her eyes and responds. "Kagome.. I love you. You don't need to sense the jewel for me to love you. I'm the one who should be sorry."

This surprises Kagome. She doesn't understand why in the world InuYasha should be apologizing. Wide eyed, she asked, "What are you sorry for?"

"It's my fault. If you hadn't mated a demon. This wouldn't have happened. It must be true. A priestess' powers weaken when they fall in love with a demon."

"InuYasha. I love you and no matter what, I will always love you."

Kagome leans in to give him a warm and gentle kiss. As the kiss deepens, so does the desire and lust in both of their bodies. InuYasha leans in harder then before, causing Kagome to slightly fall backwards. InuYasha, without breaking the kiss, leans her back so she is now laying on the ground with him on top of her.

Kagome starts to moan under his passion and desire for her. She can feel it. She can sense how much he wants her and in turn, he can sense it even more then ever before from her. Her intoxicating scent hitting his nose like nothing before is driving his demon senses wild.

InuYasha has a thought. If Kagome could get his attention with her mark, he could affect her too. He pulls away from her and looks her in her eyes with a seductive smirk.

Kagome's heart skips a beat at the way he is looking down at her.

InuYasha, still on top of Kagome, moves her hair away from her neck and immediately starts licking her mark. A bolt of electricity shot throughout her body. She couldn't even move. The only thing she was able to do was moan as he caused this feeling to build up even more.

InuYasha smirks to himself and starts to lightly nip at her neck, right where his marks lies. Every time she moans, he gets more and more excited.

Out of no where, Kagome froze. As if time had stopped. InuYasha paused what he was doing to look down at her. He was too destracted by her intoxicating scent radiating off her body that he didn't even notice any other scent nearby.

"What's wrong?"

She couldn't speak at first, but her body started to visibly shake in fear. 


She shook her head, trying to clear the bad thoughts so she could finally speak. "Inu-Yasha.. Two shards.. K-ko-"

Before Kagome was able to finish that sentence, InuYasha growled deep within his throat and jumped up with Kagome in his arms. Within seconds, Kouga's wind dissipated and he appeared. Kagome held tight on to InuYasha's arm and slightly stayed behind him.

InuYasha's eyes flashed red, which hadn't happened since their mating. "You have some nerve coming here." InuYasha said as his eyes continue to flash.

Kouga doesn't address InuYasha but he continues to stare at Kagome. Kagome is getting really uncomfortable and holds InuYasha's arm tighter. 

Finally, Kouga starts to speak. "Kagome.."

Just hearing Kagome's name come out of the wolfs mouth, InuYasha tackled him to the ground, claws ready to strike. "Never. Say. Her name. AGAIN!"

Kouga isn't even trying to fight back. Just taking whatever is handed to him. This is noticed by the priestess so she speaks up. "Inuyasha?"

InuYasha looks back at her, eyes still flashing, now confused as to why she sounds like she wants him to stop. He responds by just growling at her, as if she can understand Inu.

"Inuyasha. Get off of him, please." Kagome is sad. Not sad for Kouga, but sad that she even feels bad at all. She shouldn't care about him. He just seems like he doesn't care about anything anymore.

Now InuYasha is getting really angry. His demon blood starts to boil and he begins to act much more like his dog demon side. His eyes, still not fully transformed, but the purple marking started to appear and his voice has changed slightly. "You are protecting him. You are my mate. I am the male. You listen to me." 

Kagome is taken aback by that, but not completely surprised. She knew what she got into by mating with a demon but she still misses her hanyou. "Inu-Yasha?" She steps slightly closer to him and he growls in return.

Kouga decides to speak up. "I don't want to hurt her." He looked right at InuYasha when he said that.

"You already did. Give me one reason, I shouldn't rip your heart out." InuYasha, surprisingly hasn't fully changed yet. The only explanation is Kagome's presence, calming him down.

"I.. I can't."

Now Kagome is completely surprised. Kouga seems to actually show regret, remorse for what he did. It doesn't make it hurt any less, but Kagome is very forgiving and sometimes even too nice for her own good.

"Inuyasha. Get off him. Please." 

He growls in annoyance and jumps off of the wolf demon. InuYasha then goes to Kagome's side in order to keep her safe, holding a protective arm around her waist.

Kagome, holding onto InuYasha, addresses Kouga directly. "Wh-what do you want?"

"I know nothing I say will make up for what I did to you.. I just want you to know, I regret it. I couldn't control myself because of Mating Season. I.. I am truly sorry, Kagome."

She doesn't know how to react or what to think. How could she possibly even accept that apology?

InuYasha growls in annoyance. "Don't believe him. Mating season is not completely ended yet. He should still be feeling the same as before."

Kouga looks down at the ground and doesn't say anything for a minute. When he finally spoke up he said, "I did. For a while. I woke up in pain and memories flooded my head like crazy. As I thought about the pain I put you in, Kagome, I started to feel sick to my stomach. I told the wolves in my tribe to keep me locked up, so I couldn't do that again. Then one day, the need vanished. As if like magic. I realized what it could be and wanted to make sure. Kagome, when you mated with InuYasha, my need for you just left. I feel different and I want you to forgive me. Please." He steps closer to her, causing her to flinch.

InuYasha's eyes flash again. "That's enough. Leave before I kill you."

Kouga nods his head and without another word, turns and leaves as quickly as he came. Kagome was staying as strong as she could while he was there, so as soon as he left, she fell to her knees. 

InuYasha holds onto her and nuzzles into her neck as if to calm her. Surprisingly this worked. Not just because of her love for him, but it seems that Inu language and body movements are having an effect on her. She reached up and played with his ears. She loves his ears and she slightly giggled when she heard him purr.

"What are you laughing at, woman?" He looks her in her deep brown eyes, and his golden ones softened when he saw she was happy again.

"You purred." She giggles some more.

He growls slightly in annoyance. "I do not purr. I am not a cat."

That just caused her to laugh even more. Instead of arguing with her, he smirked down at her which made her immediately stop laughing.

"Wh-what are you looking at me like that for?"

He grabs her hands so she can't move and gets on top of her again while she lies on her back. He quickly starts to kiss the mark on her neck and loves it when she starts to moan. The spike in her scent hit his nose like fire. As he starts to feel down her body, the feeling in both of their stomachs get even stronger. He starts to feel her through her clothes and stops kissing the mark in order to reach her lips again.

Both of them are so caught up in each others want, need, desire for the other that they didn't notice anyone coming. 

*Cough* They both jumped up from where they were on the ground and turned to see none other then Miroku, grinning at them.

'Of course it is Miroku.' They both seemed to think at the same time. Kagome is blushing a crimson red, making her entire body feel over heated. Not just from embarrasement though, InuYasha is still fresh on her mind.

InuYasha growls. "What do you want." He said that as more of an annoyed statement, rather then a question.

"Oh nothing. No need to stop on my account. Please, go on."

Now Kagome's feeling completely embarrased and InuYasha can't help but think she is cute when she is flustered.

"Oh shut up Miroku." InuYasha holds his hand out for Kagome and they walk passed Miroku so they could head back to camp.

When they get back, a crowd of curious eyes stare back at them. 

"What?!" InuYasha yelled, annoyed that everyone seems to be interested in his business.

Sango spoke up first, "We were just worried. You were gone for a while and lunch is almost ready. What were you doing?"

Both their faces were as red as could be. Especially when they heard Miroku start to snicker from behind them. "Well.."

Miroku stopped when InuYasha punched him in the arm and glared as if to say, 'next time I won't go so easy on you.'                                                                           

Miroku didn't say anything else after that, which just made the rest of the group of friends even more suspicous.

Without another thought as to what Miroku was going to say, Sango looked towards Kagome. "Are you feeling better?"

She smiled at her friend and nodded. "Much better. Thanks." Then her eyes went wide. 

"What is it, Kagome?" InuYasha asked her.

"Naraku. I couldn't sense his jewel.. B-but.." She looked at her friends and then back at InuYasha. "B-but I sensed the others."

As realization hits InuYasha, he growls. "So either Naraku didn't have the jewel on him, which is never the case.. Or.."

Kagome finished his sentence. "Or he can mask the jewels presence!"

The whole group looked around at each other. They have a much bigger task at hand then they initially thought.

Authors Notes: How was it? I hope you liked it and continue to read!