InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Matters of the Heart ❯ Matters of the Heart ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I'll make it simple. Don't own any of them, so don't sue me.

Matters of the Heart

Rin's legs felt like they would give out at any moment, but she didn't stop. Never before had she ever had to push them to this point before. She dodged trees and other obstacles that obscured her and her chance at freedom. As much distance as possible had to be between herself and the castle she once called home. There was no way she could bring herself to be anywhere near it. Not anymore.

Her broken heart felt like it was going to pound right out of her chest, and her lungs burned with each ragged breath she took. Deep down, she knew this day was coming, but she had hoped it never would. She hoped she would be allowed to follow her Lord Sesshomaru to the ends of the earth, but like all good things, it came to a screeching halt. Like everyone else in her life, he was going to abandon her too.

How long had it been since she fled? An hour, maybe two. She couldn't quite remember. The only thing she wanted to do was get as far away as she could before exhaustion set in. The way she was feeling, it would be much sooner than she wished it to be.

Her gaze turned heavenward at the cresent moon in the sky. Each time she looked at it, she would be reminded of the man who would never return her feelings. The man who wished to send her back to her own kind.

He just doesn't understand. She didn't like humans anymore than he did. Afterall, they were the reasom her family was no longer with her. The reason she was forced to steal food and live on her own at such a young age. Why would she want to go back to the race who cast her out and beat her when she was so small? She didn't want to go back.

I won't go back. I would rather die first.

It was then that her mind began to drift. He had said her leaving to live in a human villiage would be the best for both of them. She would have the chance to fall in love and start a family. She didn't want those things! Not if she couldn't have those things with him.

But, alas, she was nothing more to him than a worthless human. I'm beneath him. I'm nothing. Jaken made it a point to remind her of the fact often when Sesshomaru-sama wasn't near. She never really liked the toad. He was the one thing she wouldn't miss.

She blinked out of her reverie as a tree came into view quickly. She had absolutely no time to move from its path, so instead she ran smack into it, bounced off, then hit the ground with a sickening thud. The impact caused her ears to ring. Her vision was already blurred from the free flowing tears that rolled their way down her cheeks.

Lying there on the forest floor, staring up at the sky above her, she could feel the blood trickling down her forehead from where her head hit the tree. Surely some youkai would pick up on the scent and track her down. What could she do if she were right? Dizziness was setting in. She'd long be unconscious when that happened.

It was then that she thought of her Sesshomaru. Her heavy eyelids finally drifted closed, and she gave into unconsciousness, but not before a small smile graced her lips. If death was to be her destiny this night, then she welcomed it with open arms. She had no other choice.


Sesshomaru raced through the treetops, his heart beating at an unbelievable speed. How dare Rin run out on him like that? Did she have so little respect for him? Did she not see that her leaving was the best thing for both of them? He would never do anything that wasn't in her best interest! Never!

Who was he kidding? The only reason he was sending her away was to rid himself of the one thing that ever distracted him. Who was he to deny what obviously ran in the family? He loved this human woman, much like his father loved Inuyasha's mother.

Everything was clear to him now.

He pushed himself to the breaking point, moving at a blinding speed. Never before had he wanted something so much in his life. His Rin was all he could think about. Yes, she was his, and she would remain his until she took her last breath.

There, no more than a hundred feet away, he saw the crumpled form of a woman. He hoped it wasn't Rin, but the positive confirmation came when the scent of her life's blood hit his sensitive nose. She was hurt, and it was all because of his selfish pride. All because he wanted to deny himself the one thing he had ever wanted in his life.

Quickly, he dropped down to the forest floor, landing gracefully in a crouched position. He closed his eyes and sniffed the air, looking for signs of any other youkai in the area. Thankfully, there were none anywhere near. Obviously they hadn't caught the scent of blood yet.

He straightened and moved over to the girl, placing two fingers at the nape of her neck to feel for a pulse. It was there, but it was becoming weaker and weaker as the seconds ticked by. If anything happened to her, he would never forgive himself.

The Lord of the Western Lands was feeling more emotions flowing within his being at one time than he thought he ever possessed. Guilt, worry, rage, pain, love, there were too many to name. The one that stood out the most at this very moment though was hope. Hope that she would be okay. Hope that she would forgive him for treating her the way he did. Hope that she would be his forever. His Lady. His Life. His Rin.

He carefully pulled her upper body onto his lap and brushed a few dark bloodied strands of hair out of her face. There was no way he was going to let her go. Not after he admitted to himself that this was the creature he wanted to be with.

"Rin." he began softly, "Don't give up, koi. I know it hurts, but you can't give up. Come back to me. Open your eyes and come back to me."

Sesshomaru lowered his head, pressing his soft lips against her forehead, avoiding the horrid gash that marred her creamy flesh. He had never before asked anything of the higher powers that be, but now he found himself asking him to spare the young woman that lie in his arms.


Rin could feel the life within her slowly ebbing from her body. This was it. She really was going to die alone. At least that's what she thought until she felt the pressure of two fingers pressing against the nape of her neck. Her brain yelled at her, told her to get up and protect herself, but she couldn't. Each one of her limbs felt like lead. She was so heavy and tired. All she wanted to do was sleep.

She felt herself being lifted slightly, then came to rest against something hard yet soft at the same time. A hand brushed her head, pushing some of her dark, blood matted hair out of the way.

Then she heard the voice.

It was the voice of the man who plagued her dreams night after night. How could the fates be so cruel? Why did they insist on tormenting her while she lay dying in the middle of nowhere?

"Rin." The voice said softly, "Don't give up, koi. I know it hurts, but you can't give up. Come back to me. Open your eyes and come back to me."

Then she felt a pair of soft lips touch her forehead. That simple gesture sent shockwaves straight through her entire body, starting at the crown of her head and coursing right down to the tips of her toes. Maybe this wasn't a dream afterall. Maybe he really was here.

Her eyes twitched underneath her lids. She had to know if this was a dream or not, and there was nothing going to stop her. There was no way she was going to give up without knowing.


Sesshomaru gazed down at the woman in his arms. His life would never be the same without her in it. Things were begining to look grim until he saw her eyes twitch underneath her eyelids. A smile found its way to his lips. This was the first movement she had made since he found her.

He felt a strange feeling soar through his heart when a pair of chocolate brown eyes looked up at him. A feeling that he no doubt would feel for some time to come. Finally he came to terms with the knowledge, that like his father, he could love a human woman.

"Sesshomaru-sama?" Her melodic voice drifted past her slightly parted lips.

The sound was music to his ears. He would never verbally admit it, but he was worried that it would be something he'd never hear again, but when she spoke his name, that feeling fleeted, leaving only positive ones in its wake.

"Yes, Rin. Come, we shall return home now."

With her in his arms, he climbed to his feet and began the trek through the forest back to the castle. Things were the way they should be. He felt complete, and Rin got what she always desired.

When it came to matters of the heart, no one was spared.

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