InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Maturity and Sacrifice ❯ Maturity and Sacrifice ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Inuyasha or any of its affiliates
That belongs to the original creator of this wonderful cast of characters.
A/N: Happy Valentines Day! May love and joy be yours always! On to the story! Peace!
When they landed, Shippou opened his eyes Kagome smiled asking
“ Were you afraid?”
Looking up he noticed the sky and knew he was back in his time. He then responded to Kagome,
“Just feels weird.”
Inuyasha grunted saying,
“Some little warrior you are”
Kagome sighed and gestured to Shippou to hold on to her neck so she could climb out. Instead, Inuyasha grabbed her around her waist. With bags and all he lifted Kagome and Shippou out of the well. When they landed, Kagome thanked Inuyasha and motioned to move away, but found he had a firm grip on her in his arm. Again she tried to move away, but he held on to her. Huffing, she stopped her struggle to move and made eye contact with Inuyasha. Now annoyed she asked,
“Why do you still hold me Inuyasha? Let me go please.”
He sensed her anger and slowly let her go but saying,
“We need to talk!”
Kagome turned her back saying,
“Yeah. Later!”
She picked up her yellow bag and they and started walking toward Kaede's village.
When they arrived at the hut, she heard Sango's voice from inside. Shippou jumped down rushing to see Sango, Miroku and Kirara. He was so happy to see them. Sango held out her arms to greet Shippou. She asked,
“Where's Kagome”
Shippou said,
“She's coming with Inuyasha!”
Sango was puzzled.
{Inuyasha? I thought he was hunting.}
Just then Kagome and Inuyasha entered the hut. Sango placed Shippou into Miroku's arms and went to hug Kagome. Inuyasha tossed the bags down and exited out the hut. Miroku greeted Kagome Lecherous behavior aside, and then proceeded out the hut following Inuyasha.
Kagome, Sango and Shippou just chatted away about missing each other. When Kaede stepped in. She'd just came back taking care of a sick child in the village. She was very happy to see Kagome and Shippou had returned.
Kagome hugged Kaede and told her how much she'd missed her. Kaede went about making tea for everyone. When she noticed Miroku was not present. She asked,
“Where has the Monk gone off to?”
Sango answered,
“He left following Inuyasha”
Kaede was puzzled; she thought Inuyasha went hunting; yet she saw nothing indicating he had hunted. But she figured that Kagome was the distraction.
Kagome exclaimed,
“Look what I have for you!”
She showed Kaede an herb plant that her Grandfather sent to give to her. She told Kaede that her Grandfather said that Kaede would know how to use it. Kaede's one eye widened saying,
“Aye, my child, `tis just what I need to help heal the little child I was caring for. This herb is hard to come by. It is in the mountains. I had no one to send being that dangerous youkai dwells within the mountains. I did not have the force of men to travel there, and Inuyasha has been gone for sometime for I would have sent him.”
Kagome asked,
“How long was Inuyasha gone?”
Kaede fiddled with the plant saying,
“About a week.”
Kagome recalled having a feeling of being followed, then she figured it out, Inuyasha was there all along!
{But why? Why didn't he just make himself known? Can't worry about that now.}
Kagome continued to fumble through the bag giving out the things her mother packed.
It was then that Shippou was also rummaging through the bag and saw the gift that Souta gave him. He opened the box and saw a silver locket. He asked Kagome,
“What is this? Souta told me to wait until we got back here for me to open it”
Kagome took the locket from Shippou. She showed him how to open it. When they looked inside there were five pictures. One of Shippou and Souta, a group picture of everyone, a picture of Shippou alone, and of him and Kagome together, even one of Inuyasha! The one of he and Kagome was the one he liked the best. They were cheek to cheek smiling. He remembered them taking that picture.
Kagome was even surprised at how the locket was made. It was five silver disks unfolded accordion style. Each disk was linked side by side strongly hinged for the sake of folding. The picture of Shippou was centered. On the back of each disks were words engraved `Love, your family' and when the locked was closed on the front was a picture of a fox's face. Shippou was touched. Kagome never knew that her brother could be so thoughtful. Souta was a good kid and all, but this went beyond the call. She was touched as well.
Kaede and Sango watched the exchange while Kagome and Shippou hugged. Then Sango asked,
“Well may we see it?”
Shippou handed them the locket. Sango and Kaede marveled at the locket and its contents.
“What a grand gift”
Kaede said as she examined the locket.
Inuyasha hopped up on the tree branch and sat down. Miroku followed Inuyasha to the tree saying,
“Hey, Inuyasha, come down I need to show you something.”
Inuyasha looked down snorting,
“What for?”
Miroku sighing deeply,
“What's going on with you and Kagome?”
Inuyash folded his arms and replied,
“None of your business Monk!”
Miroku sighed and pleaded for Inuyasha to come down. Groaning Inuyasha jumped down and at that moment, Miroku came down on Inuyasha's head with the flat part of his staff.
Miroku replied,
“I don't know what you did to Kagome, but to make her stay away this long must have been deep and terribly wrong. She has taken your insults and anything you could say or do to hurt her. She may love you enough to forgive you, but there are limits Inuyash and you'll do fair to start considering those limits!”
Inuyasha looked at the monk's serious mask rubbing his head saying,
“It doesn't require you to hit my head does it?”
Inuyasha asked sarcastically. Miroku turned to start walking back to the hut.
“Coming Inuyasha?”
Inuyasha grumbled something about nosey monks who have a nerve talking to him about `limits', and then he shouted,
“How can you talk to anyone about limits! When will you learn the limits to Sango's backside?”
Miroku stopped turned around saying,
“That is a different subject altogether Inuyasha.”
Inuyasha huffed,
“Like hell it is”
As they made there way back to the hut.
Shippou took audience as he was telling Sango and Kaede about the fun he had with Kagome's family. He went on about the games he and Souta played, the food Kagome's mom cooked and how Kagome's grandfather made all kind of spells that didn't work, about how at the fair Kagome's friends performed this séance and the trick that he used to create wind, and the wind picked up faster…
At that moment Inuyasha and Miroku walked in and saw Shippou giving an allegorical account on his week. Kaede had a concerned look on her face wanting to know what went on at this séance. Kagome told her all she remembered. Shippou told her all he saw, then Kaede asked Kagome,
“Child, have ye felt strange as if ye were not ye self?”
Inuyasha interjected,
“I noticed something has not been right with her for a while”
Kagome just looked at him decided to ignore him. She then replied,
“Well, Shippou said I hummed a strange tune and would be in some kind of trance. But I don't recall anything.”
Kaede just kept her eye closed in thought as Inuyasha bellowed,
“Hey old woman, you're listening?”
Kaede opened her eye and replied,
“I heard every word Inuyasha just thinking about what was going on in this séance that was performed. It could be something may have been unleashed unknowingly.”
Inuyasha snorted,
“The only thing that's been unleashed is that weirdness that's been happening. I mean as many times as I tried to make her mad, she hasn't sat me once!”
Kagome asked,
“You want that I should do that Inuyasha? Okay. `SIT BOY!'”
With that he hit the floor hard face down shaking the whole hut.
“Satisfied Inyasha?”
Kagome asked. Inuyasha just growled. Shippou, Sango and Miroku told Inuyasha that he more than asked for this and should have left well enough alone. Kaede waited for the sit spell to wear off when she asked a question that was gnawing at her to Inyasha.
“Inuyasha were ye not going hunting about a week ago?”
Inuyasha rolled his eyes saying,
“Mind your business old hag!”
Miroku wanted to know also and reiterated,
“Yes Inuyasha had we needed to depend on you we would have starved.”
Then Sango put in her words,
“Good thing my father taught me and my brother to hunt. Where were you Inuyasha?”
Inuyasha temper flared,
“Would you all just shut up!”
With that he started to exit when Kagome said,
“Where were you Inuyasha? I mean they only asked out of concern you know, you should be thankful we care enough to ask.”
Inuyasha snorted,
“Sounds like you all are just being nosey!”
Inuyasha got up and left the hut to sit outside.
Night came into play. Kagome went with Kaede to check on the sick child. The herb Kagome gave Kaede was prepared. Kaede was pleased that the child had immediately reacted to the herb. The child was breathing well and eyes looked clear. Kagome gave the child lollipop after getting permission from her parents. Kagome and Kaede packed up their wares and headed back to the hut.
Sango and Miroku and Shippou were setting up to serve dinner. They knew Kaede and Kagome would be tired from their call on the sick child. Inuyasha still sat outside the hut when he saw Kaede and Kagome approaching. Kaede gave Inuyasha a nod and entered the hut. Kagome didn't acknowledge Inuyasha at all. She just entered the hut smelling the food to eat.
Shippou happy to see Kagome had her food ready to give her. Kagome smiled at his eagerness to serve her. During the week in her time he became closer than he ever was. He had already given Kaede her food. Then Kagome called in Inuyasha.
“Come on Inuyasha, food's ready!”
He slowly entered the hut. He took his food Kagome prepared for him, his Ramen was ready to be consumed, but he was apprehensive to eat it. Miroku noticed this action and decided to ask,
“What's wrong Inuyasha?”
Inuyasha looked at him as if to say,
{Damn it monk just mind your business!}
But decided to just eat. Not feeling Kagome's emotions were freaking him out. He wondered why Shippou didn't pick up on it.
Once dinner was done, Kagome asked Sango if she wanted to go to the hot spring to bathe. Sango agreed to which Shippou wanted to tag along with them. Inuyasha growled protesting that the girls should bathe to themselves. Kagome picked Shippou up and off they went.
While they were on their way, Sango could not contain her curiosity any longer. She knew of Inuyasha's and her relationship being strained, but even she noticed that Kagome was more distant towards Inuyasha. She knew of their constant struggled where Kikyo was involved, maybe now Kagome was not letting Inuyasha get close anymore because maybe Kagome felt it was a lost cause between she and Inuyasha. Although she was still friendly with him, concerned for his safety and his life. The distance was still there. So with as much courage as she could muster up, she asked,
“What's with you and Inuyasha?”
Kagome was rather thrown back with this out-of-the blue question, after a few seconds of shock she took a deep breath answering as honestly as she could,
“I'm not sure Sango.”
They made it to the springs, eager to sooth and relax Kagome quickly undressed. By this time, Shippou was already splashing having fun. Sango still not quite satisfied with Kagome's response. She'll wait for another opportunity to ask the same question.
As Sango undressed she noticed how Kagome and Shippou played. Oh they played much as before, but this time it seemed very loving and devoted. Like a mother and son, intimate in every way. She held him over her shoulder patting his back like he was an infant being burped. Sango slipped in the water. It was as if they didn't notice her. So she splashed both of them. They giggled and splashed her back. They did this most of the time when they bathed together. Shippou went from Kagome's shoulder to Sango's shoulder and mussed her hair. Then he jumped in the water all the while the two women laughed at Shippou's merriment.
Everyone dried and dressed ready to head back to the hut. On their way back Sango noticed Shippou sound asleep in Kagome's arms. She took this opportunity to ask her question. She gave a throat clearing sound when Kagome spoke,
“I know you're going to ask that question again Sango. So let me say this, I won't be leaving the group anymore for a long time like that because of Inuyasha. I will continue the hunt for the shards and I will go home when I feel I need to get supplies or personal needs”
Sango was shocked as she heard so much conviction in her statement. Kagome stopped putting her hand on Sango's shoulder saying,
“You are very important to me Sango. I am so lucky to be a part of yours, Miroku, Kaede, and Shippou's life and yes even Inuyasha. You are my family when I am away from my own family. I would like you to know that Inuyasha and I are still friends, but I'll admit to you, I'm not lovesick over him like I used to be. I'm going to be a bit stronger in that sense. See, he's freaked out because he can't sense my feelings like he use to. Oh I can't hide it for very long, but when he really hurt me with tough actions or strong words, my feelings just numbs out towards him so he can't sense where my feelings may go.”
Sango curious as to what she was talking about and asked,
“Feeling? Kagome, you can hide your feelings? How? When? I thought that you had to be very powerful to do that?”
Kagome smiled,
“My grandfather has been on my case about studying my priestess powers. He said if I'm going to be chasing demons, hiding my feelings is a way they can't work on my head using their youkai powers. So I've been working on a few things.”
Sango was amazed at her friend's new outlook on herself. Sango was still puzzled about something Kagome said, so she asked,
“You said you're not as love sick? How much is `not as much'?
Back at the hut they notice Miroku and Kaede sitting in front of the hut looking at the stars pulsating in the night sky. Kirara ran towards her mistress and jumped in her arms. Kaede noticed Shippou sleeping in Kagome's arms replied,
“Seems like our young fox-child is in dream world.”
Kagome smiled down at his sleeping face,
“Yes, he sure went out like a light. I'll just put him down”
As she was about to enter the hut she heard Sango ask,
“Where's Inuyasha?”
When Sango realized what she asked she slapped herself on her head. Kagome replied,
“It's okay Sango. Goodnight everyone.”
They all said goodnight as Kagome disappeared into the hut. As she placed Shippou in her sleeping bag she was a little sadden about Inuyasha's disappearance, but then shook off the oncoming sadness that always seems to plague her. Once she looked down at Shippou every thought was nonsense. She laid herself beside Shippou and found slumber, no more would she lose sleep over Inuyasha's antics.
Miroku, Sango and Kaede were still outside the hut worrying about Kagome. They were about to turn in when Kagome came out. She looked alarmed as Shippou stood behind her.
“Kagome are you okay?”
Kagome looking around replied,
“I feel a jewel shard coming from south of here!”
She pointed to an area past the village farm area. All grabbed their weapons except Kaede, and took off. Kagome still was in her bedclothes, which was a tank top and sweat pants. Kirara turned into her huge fire cat form and took Sango and Miroku to the air while Kagome and Shippou were on the bike.
“Where's Inuyasha?” Shippou asked
Kagome determined look only answered,
“No time. We must not let whatever is coming enter the village!”
Kagome instructed them to turn right which took them to a clearing with a huge pond. The moon was large and bright so there was plenty of light. Miroku and Sango situated themselves around Kagome and Shippou.
Everything was so quiet and unnerving. They all felt the presence of a youkai. Shippou was the only one to catch its scent.
“It's a rat!”
Shippou yelled,
“I sense it has a jewel shard.”
Kagome replied. Just then the rat grew to a huge monster size demon, snarling at the group. Its tail thumped on the ground giving a thunderous vibration causing the group to almost lose their footing.
“Do you see the shards Kagome?”
Miroku asked. Kagome scanned the rat and found the shard to be in its chest.
“Right in the center of its chest Miroku!”
Kagome replied. At this time Sango and Kirara took to the sky. Sango released her weapon as it whirled towards the rat's head. The rat swiftly ducked out of the weapon's path and sending its tail at the slayer and fire cat. Kirara caught the rat's tail in her mouth biting down hard severing the appendage. The rat howled in pain.
Just at that moment, Miroku unleashed some purifying sutras that were attached to the rat's leg. Miroku then used his staff to swipe at the rat's leg severing it causing the rat to fall, but as it fell the impact of its fall knocked Miroku to the side causing him to hit a fallen log.
Sango and Kagome screamed.
I'll go to him Sango the rat is down but not out. Keep him busy for me. Shippou I need you to use your protective barrier over Miroku while Sango and I get rid of this pest okay?”
Shippou was worried Kagome may get hurt but decided to do as she asked. Kagome took one of her arrows and notched it to the bow. Yelling for Sango to get Kirara out of the way, Kagome released her arrow while her purifying energy engulfed the tip. It struck the rat youkai in the shoulder causing it to scream in agony as it slowly flaked away to dust.
Slowly Kagome, Sango and Kirara walked to the pile of dust and sifted through the glow where the shard was. Picking it up she immediately purified the tiny shard and placed it into the jar with the others.
“A Very tiny one wasn't it?”
Kagome commented not to anyone in particular. Sango then turned to go towards Shippou and Miroku. As she approached, Shippou dropped his protective barrier as Sango bent down to check on Miroku and Shippou ran to check on Kagome.
As Shippou approached Kagome he noticed her purifying the shard. He had heard her mentioned how tiny the shard was.
“Kagome are you all right? You're not hurt are you?”
She turned to Shippou smiling to re-assure him that she was fine; she held her arms out to hold him near to her. Stroking his hair saying,
“I'm fine my little one. Let's go check on Miroku!”
As they approached Miroku and Sango, she noticed Sango's expression of worry.
“Sango! What's wrong?”
Sango slowly turned her gaze back to Miroku. Kagome gently placed Shippou down and went to examine Miroku. She saw blood on Sango's hand. Kagome's heart raced, but noticed he was still breathing. Kagome continued to examine her friend by feeling his head from behind indicating blood. Turning him over ever so slightly to get a better look in the dim moonlight, wishing she'd brought along her yellow bag with her flashlight in it.
Just then Inuyasha appeared.
“What's going on?”
Kagome and the others ignored his question.
“Sango, have Kirara ride Miroku to the village quickly!”
As Sango and Kagome attempted to pick up Miroku, Inuyasha bent over and put the monk on his shoulder and placed Miroku on Kirara's back. Then Sango holding on to Miroku took off towards the village. Kagome looked at Inuyasha staring at her. She picked up her bow and quiver of arrows, asked Shippou,
“What about your bike Kagome?”
Shippou asked.
“Forget it Shippou. You think you could change into that cute floating thing and take me back to the village?”
As Shippou was about to respond, Inuyasha grabbed Kagome as she gasped from his pull upon his back then yelled at Shippou,
“Get on runt!”
Then Inuyasha raced back to the village.
Sango arrived at Kaede's hut. She saw that the monk was unconscious. Some men of the village who was there with Kaede ready incase they had to do battle saw the demon slayer and helped to put the monk into the hut on a mat that Kaede instructed them to lay Miroku.
As this was going on, Sango explained what happened. Kaede proceeded to look at Miroku's head seeing that the blood was flowing. She looked at Sango's expression of fear and worry.
“Child, where are Kagome and Shippou?”
Kaede asked.
“She and Shippou are on their way. Inuyasha showed up at the last minute so I'm not sure what's going on. Oh Kaede! What's going on with Miroku? I hope he'll be well!”
Sango was so upset; she didn't notice Kirara was in her lap.
“Now my dear, Miorku is strong. As many times ye knocked his crown, I'm quite sure his head has developed a callous.”
Kaede noticed her humor didn't register, so she says,
“I'm sorry child if my humor is less than tactful. I was just trying to lighten your mood. Fear not my child, his heartbeat is strong. Although his breathing is shallow, he is breathing. Time will tell when he'll be coming around.”
Kaede starts to clean his head wound administering some herbs and wrapped his head with clean cloths. Sango was amazed at how fast the old Miko worked.
A few moments later Kagome, Shippou and Inuyasha walked in. Kagome ran over to Sango and hugged her friend. Shippou ran to look to see how Miroku was. Inuyasha also looked over at the monk. Sango was rubbing her hands up and down her thighs as a sign of nervous gesture. Kagome patted Sango's back. Then went over to Kaede to talk about Miroku's condition.
By that time Inuyasha was becoming agitated at the way everyone was fusing over the monk. They all have been in much worse squirms than this. It was when he saw Shippou's reaction, grabbing Kagome's arm while she was bent over the monk. Shippou's crying grated his nerve. Kagome pulled Shippou up against her to comfort him. Inuyasha exploded,
“What the hell! You all act like this is the worst battle we've had. The Monk's been through worst. He's patched up he'll live. Let him heal he'll be good as new!”
Inuyasha snorted continued,
“Feh, with his weak human body he'll take longer to get better!”
By this time Sango had heard enough. She stood up, fist clenched and shaking.
“You know Inuyasha, no one asked you to say a word. Any other time you don't want to talk, you go off to yourself. Yes! Like tonight, since you feel like running your mouth mind telling us where you were tonight? Oh let me guess chasing the dead miko maybe?”
Sango said sarcastically. Then gasped because she felt she didn't take Kagome's feeling into account. As Sango looked at Kagome, she was surprised that Kagome's face looked so distant. Kagome got up and walked towards Sango saying,
“It's okay Sango. Come sit by Miroku. Hold his hand and talk to him. Where I'm from, they say if someone is unconscious, talking often helps them in their limbo journey. I know it sounds crazy but it couldn't hurt. Come, never mind Inuyasha right now.”
Inuyasha contorted his face in disbelief,
“What do you mean never mind me?!”
Shippou at this time felt the need to say something.
“Inuyasha you idiot! Only a moron would pick a fight at this time! We're all afraid for him!”
Inuyasha folded his arms in his sleeve groaning. Just as he was about to respond, Kaede interrupted,
“That's quite enough all of you! Seems to me we all are tired. Sango ye shall sit with the monk. Kagome, Shippou retire as ye were. I'll sit with Sango to watch the monk. Old ones like myself need not a lot of sleep. Go on, off with all of you! Go! Go! They'll be plenty to do when the sun rises”
With that they all took to Kaede's orders except Inuyasha. He was still pouting. He sensed that Kagome was worried about Miroku, but more towards Sango. Holding Shippou in her arms the two slipped into the sleeping bag and they both was quickly off to sleep. What disturbed Inuyasha was Kagome didn't look his way. Why?
He turned around to go outside the hut. Taking a deep sniff of the air for any unwelcome scents. He walked to the tree and jumped on the branch. Thoughts in his head racing,
{Why didn't Kagome respond like she normally would? By my first few words about the monk, she would have `sat' me until I had dirt in my lungs! But she didn't. It was as if whatever I said would not have mattered to her. Yeah! I would have to talk to her.}
The next morning as Kaede promised, there was plenty to do. Water was fetched in mass quantities, fires were kindled and lots of movement. Women of the village boiled and washed linen strips to be used as dressings and herbs were prepared for Miroku's healing process.
Kagome never saw Sango push herself so hard. She understood. Kagome had an idea, but only out of consideration, she needed to run the idea by Inuyasha first because it involved traveling to Jinenji's village.
Please review; let me know how I'm doing. Peace!