InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Maturity and Sacrifice ❯ Maturity and Sacrifice ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Inuyasha or any of its affiliates.
That belongs to the Original creator of this wonderful cast of characters.
Kagome awoke early. She wanted to get dressed so she could go to her time to get more provisions for their trek. Two weeks have passed and Miroku was feeling stronger. He and Sango were on better terms as they discussed what they might expect on this trip. Miroku never made mentioned of the spirit guide Hiroko. He felt that time will present itself when she should be mentioned.
Miroku took full advantage of Kagome's request as she asked if he would help her through her meditation. She trusted his knowledge of spiritual training, and Miroku felt honored that Kagome valued his knowledge. At the same time he was disappointed that she didn't trust him enough to be completely alone with him so she would ask Shippou to tag along. Shippou was all too happy to do so. Sango did not mind at all. She knew her hentai monk would resort back to his old ways.
Inuyasha and Kagome were still kind of weird with each other. Kagome was herself as far as the others were concerned, but when it came to Inuyasha, she was just straightforward with him. If she said something that required her to alleviate or explain further to him because he would be dense, she would just tell him she'd do so later. If he got demanding, she would ignore him. Other times you would see them together, for instance Kagome would hold Inuyasha's hand when going for walks, but now she would just walk with her hands behind her back, as Inuyasha would have his arms folded in his sleeves.
Inuyasha not being a great conversationalist would be silent. Then Kagome would just leave him and talk to the rest of the gang. If Inuyasha wanted to join in the conversation Kagome was just silent unless he directed any statement or a question to her. Later when Sango was alone with Kagome she would ask about their conversation. Kagome just would say Inuyasha would have her walk with him and not say much because it would be she who would do all of the talking. It seemed at times he wanted to say something, but would grunt and be silent.
Sango suspected that he might want to tell her his where about that night when Miroku got injured. To which Kagome would answer if that were the case then he should just say so and that she had no interest in his coy games. She would not pick his brain for any information he was not willing to give on his own. When he asks her questions, she would just answer him and if he ranted, she would just leave his presence.
Kagome finally explained to everyone about the possession of Shippou's parents and they were kind of wary about it, but respected Kagome's reasons. Inuyasha just ranted his opinion as Kagome would leave to go for a walk or meditate with Miroku. Sango would just watch the exchange not interfering with Kagome and Inuyasha's antics. Shippou on the other hand was being as mischievous as a kitsune could be. Playing practical jokes on everyone.
Mild ones if you will, but one day Inuyasha was in no mood. Kagome had just disregarded him because of the possession thing. Shippou had just put some pickling juice in his tea as Inuyasha sprayed the nasty concoction on the floor. Shippou ran as fast as he could away from Inuyasha, but he caught him by the neck and dipped his tail in a nearby vat of smelly herbs that Kaede was mixing for wounds, which made all the fur on his tail felt as if it weighed a ton. Then Inuyasha dropped him on the ground with the smelly solution plastered on his tail.
Kagome witnessed the whole thing. She knew Shippou was being obnoxious but she knew that kitsune's strength grew in their power when trickery was used. She knew Inuyasha was angry with her for accepting this task. She walked over to Shippou who was disgusted having this smelly solution on his tail. Kagome picked him up and carried him to the nearby pond and washed him off. She made him promised to behave while she was gone.
He didn't want her to go. He was having wonderful dreams about his parents while with Kagome. He knew she was a link to him having these dreams. His mother told him that they wouldn't weaken Kagome much if they communicated with him in her sleep state. Kagome would never remember the dreams, but she was happy that Shippou could be with them.
The only reason they were in the dream before was because she was so hurt. They only wanted to comfort her.
Kagome promised Shippou that she would be back as soon as she could with stuff they would need for this journey. She explained to Shippou that she wanted to make sure that her brother would be okay with the new development of this locket. She wanted to meet the merchant who sold it to him and be assured that her brother or her family would not be in any danger.
Shippou shook his head in understanding. He really wanted to go, but Kagome felt that the trip through the will might not allow him this time to travel. She just had a feeling that it wouldn't, but to satisfy him she'll try and see. It was all he could ask for.
Once she got him cleaned up she went to the hut to retrieve her bag and said her farewells to everyone. She asked Inuyasha if he would accompany her back to her time but all she got from him was a grunt and a turned back. So she picked up Shippou and off to the well they went. Inuyasha wondered why Kagome has Shippou with her.
“Hey! Why are you taking the runt?”
Kagome turned around saying
“Well I asked you first. Since I don't speak `grunt' and turned backs, I just assumed you didn't want to be bothered. Besides I got a feeling that Shippou may not be able to come back with me. But we're willing to try. He understands because we've already talked about it.”
Inuyasha just looked at the two of them as Kagome turned her back headed towards the well. When they finally reached the well, Kagome sat at the edge with her backpack on her back and Shippou in her lap facing her. They looked into well, then at each other as Kagome said,
“Well here goes nothing.
And she jumped in. The blue light flashed and then disappeared. Inuyasha had been watching from the treetop and saw Shippou emerged and sadly sat himself on the ground outside the well. He was hoping to be able to go back, but like Kagome said there might be a reason why. And only the gods knows. Shippou heard rustling in the tree to the right of him and saw Inuyasha jumped down. He had a smug look on his face. But Shippou decided to ignore him and head back to the hut. Before he could get too far away he heard Inuyasha say,
“Don't worry runt I'll keep an eye on her”
Shippou slowly turned saying,
“You owe her that much. Thank you.”
Inuyasha eyes widen saying,
“Hey! What do you mean by that? Hey! You heard me!”
Shippou didn't bother turning around he just jetted back to the hut. Inuyasha was going to chase after him, but he wondered why the well wouldn't accept Shippou. It let him through before. If nothing else he'll talk to Kagome about it when he get over on the other side.
Kagome had touched down only to find that Shippou was not in her arms. It made her sad because she knew that he is disappointed by now. She knew it wouldn't allow him, but why not? Oh well, the fates sure can be mysterious.
As she started to climb the blue light appeared and there stood Inuyasha. She was surprised at first, but just thought he came to be a pain to her. She was just going to continue to climb when Inuyasha held her around her waist and jumped out. Even though he did this many times, it always caught her off guard and she would gasp or yelp in surprise. Kagome thanked him and turned to walk up the stairs.
When she got into the house she noticed that no one was home. There was a note on the refrigerator telling Kagome where everyone was. There were phone numbers in case she needed to call. Her mother also explained that Souta got a little job at the merchant's gift shop. He only works 3 days during the week and 5 hours on weekends. She explained that Souta really likes what he does and he take his little earnings and try to help out around the house and that he's becoming quite the little man. (There were smiley faces at he end of the sentence.) Kagome giggled as well.
The note also told her that there were supplies for her in the pantry and medical stuff in a red bag at the bottom of the pantry. If she needed anything else the card to purchase items she might need was in the `known' spot. Everyone would be home in the evening. There was a big heart with a smile face at the end of the letter.
While she was reading the note Inuyasha just helped himself to what he knew he could eat in her refrigerator. Kagome watched Inuyasha go through the cabinets. She knew what he was looking for so she just put on the kettle of water and took out the Ramen he loved so much. She told him that she was going to take a shower and change her clothes and then be back down.
Inuyasha knew how to prepare his ramen so Kagome didn't have to assist him. He also learned that when the kettle whistled that the water was ready. He went into the family room and took the remote control that turned on the picture box as he watched what was on. The kettle started to whistle and he went to prepare his ramen. He flashed to the kitchen, poured the water, turned off the stove and headed back in front of the picture box.
A while later Kagome headed down stairs to find Inuyasha watching the television. He was watching a sword fighting competition on one of Souta's sports channels. Inuyasha was into it. As she went to the pantry to see just what supplies her mother bought, she knew her mom always got more than she could carry. But she assumed her mom knew Inuyasha would be with her.
{Mom's just know don't they?}
Kagome smiled as she thought just how special her mom was and how fortunate she was just to have her, grandpa and her brother. She thought about Inuyasha Shippou, Sango and Miroku, how all of them were orphaned. It saddened her to think they are without family. But this journey she was on with them, she would make sure she would be their family. She already thought of them as such and even though Inuyasha was a complete jerk, she still believed in him.
As she turned to leave the pantry, Inuyasha was right behind her. She screamed because she was startled to find him behind her.
“Inuyasha! You scared me! Why were you behind me like that?”
Inuyasha on the defensive shouted,
“Why were you in there feeling sad? I only came to see what was wrong! Forgive me for being concerned!”
Kagome took a deep breath saying,
“I'm sorry, just had thoughts about all of you guys. Here I am fortunate to have a family that cares about me. You guys are all orphaned. I just got a little sad about that is all. Listen, I got to go out to get a few girlie things, want to come or do you want to stay here?”
Inuyasha quickly said,
“Stay here! The last time I went with you to get girlie things you stayed red and snapped at me when I asked you questions. No thanks.”
Kagome thought about that time and giggled. She was just shy. She's a little better about it now. So she replied,
“Okay, but stay out of trouble okay. I want my family to have a home to come back to.”
Crossing his arms in his sleeve, Inuyasha says,
“Very funny Kagome. You're the one who manages to find trouble.”
Kagome picked up the card her mom left her saying,
“Only in you time Inuyasha.”
Inuyasha replied,
“Yeah! What about the time you…”
But Kagome was long gone out the door before Inuyasha could finish what he was saying. Inuyasha decided to relax up in Kagome's room until she returned. He entered her room and just a wave of calm crashed on him. Her scent was everywhere. He really liked being in her room. There was so much of her around. He sat on her bed and thought about what she said that made her sad.
{Why would she feel sad for us? Are you stupid or are you really hopeless? She deeply cares for all of you. But you especially, are someone she cares for the most. She knows you struggled the most. Don't mistake her care for pity. She doesn't pity you at all. She just wants you to be strong for the prejudices you face. And she knows you face many. Pity me? I never thought she pitied me. Have I? You know you did. Every time she stood up to those who would discredit you because you're a hanyou, you get this attitude and tell her that it's not her problem and dismisses her because of it. When I think of the many times she just calms my very soul when we are hurt and she stays by us, rubbing our hair, rubbing our ears… Oooh our ears! She has magic in her hands. Just a comforting soul she is. But you always push her away.}
With that Inuyasha cut off his thoughts and just went to sleep. Kagome's scent on her pillow just lulled him off.
Kagome went to the stores that carried the girlie… no, feminine things she and Sango needed. She shared all that she had with Sango because one time her mom wondered why were there so many feminine products Kagome was taking back with her, when she questioned Kagome she was relieved to know that she was sharing, because she thought something might be wrong with her baby girl. So her mom was relieved and would buy extra for Kagome and Sango.
As Kagome noticed the time she wondered if Souta was at his job. She wanted to see her baby brother at work. So she turned down the street where she knew the gift shop would be. There she noticed her brother in the window cleaning the display shelves and putting the oddities in a neat row. She walked up to the window as Souta looked up and smiled an exciting smile jumped down from the window and ran to the door to greet his sister.
He was glad to see her. Gave her the biggest hug he'd ever given her. He replied,
“Hey Sis! Good to see you! I guess you read mom's letter. Isn't this great! I can work a little after school and on week ends and it doesn't interrupt my soccer practice. And I can help mom with some bills. Come I want you to meet my boss.”
Kagome smiled at how much her brother has grown. She just never noticed he's even gotten taller not much, but noticeable. Souta pulled Kagome over towards the counter where his boss was managing the counter. Souta waited until he finished with the customer he was waiting on before he pulled Kagome closer.
He told Kagome that his boss had lots of knowledge about the feudal era. That was the theme to his gift shop. Lots of people come to look at what he sells and how he grabs their interest about the feudal era especially about demon lords.
This got Kagome's attention. She must find out what he knows. As the merchant was finishing with the customer, he caught Kagome staring at him.
He felt something from her. Her aura was not that of a human. He kept his cool, as he didn't let her see his surprised look. As the customer left the counter he slowly walked around the counter towards Kagome and Souta. Souta's enthusiastic introduction was one who may have had a sugar rush. He spoke so fast that Kagome didn't catch his name.
“Whoa, slow down Souta. You spoke so fast I didn't catch his name.”
Souta gave his apologies as he took a deep breath to do a proper introduction.
“I'm sorry Sis. This is my boss Yoshirou-sama.”
Yoshirou bowed to Kagome as she did the same. Souta continued,
“Yoshirou-sama, this is my sister Kagome.
Kagome gave this handsome merchant a smile. There was something about him. She felt nothing evil or anything in that sense, but knew he was not at all what he seemed. Yoshirou looked at Kagome and felt the aura that surrounded her and knew he'd been right. She was the miko from long ago that carried the spirits of the mated demons.
He never forgot the smile she always seems to have. But now he felt that her aura carried sadness. He would try to be as evasive as possible, for he knew he couldn't reveal much to her.
“My young lady, your brother never expressed to me how beautiful you are.”
Kagome just blushed as Souta smirked saying,
“Pardon me, but I never said she was beautiful at all.”
Souta giggled as Kagome elbowed him. She looked at the merchant, who was smiling as she said,
“Only little brothers would say such things, and I thank you.”
The store was empty as Kagome saw this as an opportunity to ask some questions. She was trying to be as tactful as possible thinking about her questions. Yoshirou knew she wanted to ask him questions, so he told Souta to continue with his chores as he showed his sister around the shop.
Souta headed back to the window to finish his task. Yoshirou held out his hand motioning for Kagome to follow him towards the back. There were so many artifacts, trinkets that were beautifully displayed all around the shop. The shop was wide and had three aisles that held more oddities.
Kagome noticed the lockets that looked like the same one that Souta wore. Yoshirou stopped near the back of the shop as Kagome was still eyeing the lockets. Kagome thought that she should mention the lockets so that this could lead to asking other questions.
Yoshirou, walked back to Kagome and said,
“I see you like the lockets as well as your brother.”
Kagome looked at him smiling saying,
“Yes, it is beautiful, but looks expensive. I wondered how he could afford such an item. His allowance couldn't afford him to purchase it.”
Yoshirou smiled at Kagome saying,
“As the saying goes, `where there's a will…' and all that good stuff.”
Kagome smiled back. She noticed that he was very calm when he spoke, made one feel comfortable when in a conversation. He sort of had an idea why Kagome looked particularly at the lockets, so to satisfy her curiosity he said,
“Your brother wanted to give the locket to a little friend of his. He gave me some pictures of friends to also put in the locket. I saw your picture with his little friend which he corrected me saying it really was your little friend. Anyway, I told him that I would make copies of the pictures and give him the originals back. At the fair I gave him a card and a couple of days later he came to the shop with the pictures and picked the locket he wanted. But I failed to mention that it came as a pair.”
Kagome listened with interest as he continued,
“Believe me the lockets were not all that expensive, even with the etchings. My specialty is jewelry making. But I also dabble in historical artifacts that can accompany home and office deco. Your brother was happy to receive the second locket. He says it helps him stay connected with you and your little friend. He's mention you are away a lot and he misses you. Having the locket keeps him in touch. He thinks a lot of his sister. He's really a remarkable young man. I offered lots of young lads a position to work here. Some are a little afraid of hard work. But your brother has an interest in history also and I'm really impressed at how much he knows and it helps me out a lot here. He tells me his sister is the one who is better at it than he is, but he benefits from how you help him. You are all he talks about”
Kagome's look was priceless as the merchant went on about Souta. Any misgiving she may have had about him was put at peace. She knew her mom and grandfather grilled him about Souta working here.
She was about to ask her questions when she felt dizzy. Yoshirou saw the change in her face. She went blank in the eyes and then her legs gave away. Yoshirou caught her, as she was about to hit the floor. Her bags were already on the floor but didn't make much sound, as Souta didn't hear the disturbance.
Yoshirou also noticed the change in her aura. It was stronger and familiar. Kagome was in a sitting position on the floor as Yoshirou held her up against one of the isle's flat side. As Kagome was in a trance her mouth started to move. Then the voice that was heard was that of Takahiro.
“Hello my nephew. Time has been well I see.”
Yoshirou eyes widened as he heard his uncle's voice. Although shocked, he managed to bow his head in respect.
“My Uncle! It is so good to hear from you. I know that this meeting between us must be short; I have been feeling weak these days. Your son must come of age or we will cease to exist. This miko has a remarkable spirit, but it is a very sad one. Are we correct in having her channel between times for the sake of our survival?”
Takahiro shared Yoshirou concerns as he answered,
“I understand Yoshirou. We were fortunate to have this beautiful child to assist us in helping our son. She is very fond of our son and loves him very much. But this has to end soon. We weaken her when we communicate through her in this manner. My Yoshirou, the weakness will stop the moment her brother and my son make a connection. The lockets were enchanted for this purpose to help protect you. You cannot reveal to the miko any of the past events. She will have to make a tough decision as well as our son.
“As for her soul being sad, I can only hope that she and the hanyou can come to terms. The Shikon shard that appeared in the village is causing chaos. Kagome and my son are hunting the fragments. I tried to get rid of the shard that was in the village before the thunder demons took my life leaving my son an orphan.
“If you must reveal yourself to Kagome's brother, then do so carefully. He seems to want to share in his sister's venture and I hope he'll accept you to help guide him through this connection. You'll need him near as much as possible.”
Yoshirou understood his uncle's advice. He can handle things on this part. But he wanted to know how his aunt was so he asked,
“Uncle, what of my aunt Akemi? Is she with you?”
All the time Kagome held a blank expression until Akemi emerged. A smile graces her face. Through Kagome's body, she held up her hand to cup her nephew's face saying,
“Hai, I am happy to see that you are well my nephew. I'm glad fate has saw to you and your family survival. This child is so important. She has to realize how important she is as her soul is very sad. I have a feeling she shall be stronger. Never in my years of living have I come across a human that has so much love for all who come across her path be they human or demon. But she has a wicked temper when it comes to any who threaten anyone she loves. Truly we are fortunate. My nephew we must leave now. Please stay well. Kagome will not remember this so do not mention this connection. Farewell my nephew.”
With that Kagome's hand heavily slumped onto her lap. Yoshirou gave himself a moment to collect his feelings. His uncle and aunt meant so much to him. They were wonderful leaders and he admired them. He would do all he could to help his cousin. Shippou had to see how much more he could do if he was the man he should be.
Kagome started to moan as her eyes tried to focus on her surroundings. She hears Yoshirou call to her. When her eyes cleared, she saw the handsome merchant concerned look on his face.
{Oh no! I passed out again. I hope I didn't unnerve him too much.}
“Can you stand Kagome?”
Kagome feeing a bit embarrassed as red cheeks and incoherent speech took over.
“Oh… I… um… well, yes I guess I can.”
Yoshirou helped Kagome to stand leaning her against the isle's flat side. He then picked up her bags that fell. Nothing much fell out so she was grateful that her girly things did make an appearance.
Yoshirou held on to the bags and called for Souta. Kagome was wondering why as Souta stood before them. Yoshirou said,
“I want you to escort your sister home. She had a little dizzy spell.”
Souta eyes were concerned. He didn't know what he should say he knew Kagome had these spells before; he just didn't want to let on. He quickly grabbed the bags his sister was carrying and did as Yoshirou instructed. Yoshirou told Souta that it was okay and that he would pay him for the full hours not worked.
Souta gathered his things and thanked Yoshirou for letting him take his sister home. Yoshirou said he'd call later to see if his sister is feeling better. They left the shop and Yoshirou smiled as he saw how Souta was helping is sister.
{A special family indeed.}
Yoshirou thought to himself.
Inuyasha woke to the voices of Kagome and Souta. He heard Kagome protesting against Souta as he was trying to get her to sit down and rest herself. He also heard Souta mentioned that she had a spell while she was in the shop.
That got Inuyasha up to go investigate this conversation. As he approached the family room, He said,
“You two sure know how to disturb a restful sleep. How does your mother put up with you two?”
Souta smiled as he saw Inuyasha standing by the entrance with his arms folded in his sleeves.
“Hey! Inuyasha you're here!”
Inuyasha grumbled saying
“Feh, I would have still been sleeping if it weren't for you two. What's this I heard about a dizzy spell?”
Souta looked at Kagome then at Inuyasha saying,
“Kagome stopped by to see where I worked and then my boss told me she had a dizzy spell and that I should take her home. He gave me the rest of my time off so I could see to Kagome. She fussed at me all the way home. Kagome, did you eat today? Did she eat today Inuyasha?”
Kagome huffed she really didn't want all this fuss over her. She felt fine and she said,
“Look you two, I'm fine! Yes I ate today before I came here. And I picked up a banana at the fruit stand while I shopped for my things. So stop the nagging.”
Souta looked at Inuyasha thinking he would say something. But he didn't. Souta put his hand over Kagome's brow to see if she had a fever. She swiped his hand away. Souta picked up a pillow and threw it at her face and he ran out of the room spinning Inuyasha around. Kagome gave chase-knocking Inuyasha down.
“Hey what the hell's wrong with you two?!”
Souta ran into the kitchen and then out the door that lead to the back of the house. Kagome was dead on his trail. Souta was surprise at how fast his sister got in running. She usually gives up about a half a minute. But she was on him! They ran around the bench that was on the side of the God Tree. Then Souta dodged Kagome grasp as she almost had him. He laughed at her efforts as she shouted,
“You little brat when I catch you it's all over!”
Souta stuck out his tongue. That did it! Kagome jumped over the bench and caught Souta by the collar. She took his head and circled her arm over his head. Then took her fist and dug into his crown. Souta shouted for Inuyasha to help as Kagome assaulted Souta's head. Souta finally yelled,
“Okay! Okay! I give up! Come on Sis, Chill!”
With that Kagome released her arm from his head. She then motioned for him to sit next to her. Her look said serious talk. Souta sat on the bench next to his sister making eye contact. He wondered what brought this on.
“Souta, sometimes I feel I'm not being a good big sister to you. I go back and forth between times not knowing if I'll ever return. But I want you to know I love you very much. I know you mom and grandpa sacrifice a lot for me to go through this nightmare. But I feel that fate has called me to do this and it's out of my hands. I just want you to know I appreciate your concern for me, and I love you very much.”
She embraced her brother as tears welled up in her eyes. Souta also held his sister as he too sported tears.
“I want you to know Souta that I'm proud of how you've grown. I came back to make sure the locket thing would be no trouble for you. The little brother that was scared of everything is now taking measures of a man thinking of his family. I know dad would be proud of you. His little man is sure maturing.”
Souta move away from his sister wiping his eyes saying.
“Aw, come on Sis, you shouldn't feel guilty. We're shrine keepers. There's lots of mystery that surround us. I'm proud of you. You've taken on danger in another time that's awesome enough. But now you've gained something special in Inuyasha and Shippou and your other friends.”
Souta took out the locket he had hidden under his shirt.
“As long as I wear this locket it'll keep me connected to you. And I guess for now that'll have to be enough. And I'm not afraid of everything!”
Kagome smiled at her little brother. He's really special whether he knows it or not. Inuyasha stood in the door of the kitchen listening to the chatting sister and brother. They fight one minute and love each other the next. He sees how they lean on each other. He pulled her away from her family. Making her feel guilty about the shards. He'll have to find a way to make it up to her.
Inuyasha didn't notice their mother behind him and jumped when she said,
“Hello Inuyasha!”
Inuyasha jumped so high he hit the top of his head on the upper part of the doorway.
“Hey could you not scare me like that?!”
Mrs. Higurashi laughed,
“I'm sorry Inuyasha, I thought your hearing was sensitive and that you would hear me come in.”
She rubbed Inuyasha's head where he hit it. Then she called out,
“Kagome, Souta Hi!”
They both got up and ran towards their mother. Souta explained why he was home so early as Mrs. Higurashi got a concerned look on her face. Kagome waved her hand saying she was fine and would eat plenty before going back.
Kagome saw her mother rubbing Inuyasha's head and asked,
“Why are you rubbing his head mom?”
Inuyasha just grunted and turned back to the family room, as he did not want a fuss made over him. Mom explained to her she was behind Inuyasha and said hello and he jumped and hit his head on the top doorframe. Kagome was surprised Inuyasha didn't notice her. Then it hit her! New Moon tonight! She ran in the family room where he was sitting playing with Buyou.
“Oh Inuyasha, it's New Moon. That's why you didn't detect mom behind you. I guess you should stay here tonight.”
He grumbled. He really didn't want to be a bother. So he got up to leave the room and Kagome grabbed him.
“Inuyasha, it's the New Moon! Staying here would be good for tonight and then we'll leave early in the morning, Okay?”
He just went upstairs to her room and closed the door. She just sighed knowing how cranky he gets when this cycle comes. She told her mother that she'd stay tonight being that Inuyasha will be going through his change.
Just then the phone rang. It was Yoshirou wanting to know if Kagome was doing well. Mrs. Higurashi thanked him for his call as well as giving Souta the time off to escort his sister home.
Yoshirou wanted to also let Mrs. Higurashi know that the shop would be closed the next day for one day so Souta could have the next day off. He wished Kagome well as the conversation ended. Mrs. Higurashi told Kagome that Yoshirou had sent his regards to her. Kagome thought it was very nice he called to find out how she was doing. She must have given him a fright. So much that she forgot to question him about his knowledge on demon lords. Souta was sticking under her since they came from his job. She tried to reassure him that she was okay; she could see in his eyes she was not convincing him.
Just then Grandpa walked into the kitchen. Kagome ran up to him giving him a huge hug. He too was glad she'd come back for he had something to give her. He had a large satchel hanging across his shoulder. He reached into the bag and pulled a flat wooden stick about the size of a large straw for large cups of soda or whatever and was about one and a half inch wide. It had writing on it and Kagome recognized it being a chant that was taught by her grandfather's colleague.
“Here child, this is to be used along with what I gave you before. You know the little jar and the papers. This is to protect the village while you all are gone. I was told that it also act as a beacon. You'll be able to see its aura as long as there aren't any fires. So take it and say the chant each time you put it on something. The whole village must be done.”
Kagome was wondering how long it would take. The village is pretty big!
“Grandpa, the village is rather large. This could take days. We were planning to start the journey as soon as we returned.”
Grandpa stroked his beard saying,
“Well the sooner you get started the better. Preparation is in order to protect oneself when going on such plights. Now soon as that's done, you are to take the stick and carry with you. It must be on you at all times. Any papers left must accompany you on this journey. You may need them.”
Kagome was trying to absorb all this information that her grandfather was giving her. What perplexed her was how was she supposed to carry this stick with her at all times. I mean it's not big as a sword, so how was she to do this. Then she got an idea to make a holster so the stick can be on her. She wondered if she should put it on her legs or her arms. She'll ask her mother to help.
Dinner was just about done. Souta helped to set the table, while Kagome helped to place the food onto the table. Inuyasha was standing in the doorway of the dining room quietly watching the family. They were special. Truly they were. It was unbelievable to him that any group of humans could be so nice to someone like him. They being shrine keepers and all. In his time no one tolerated anyone like him. But here they welcomed him even though his appearance truly said that he was different, well except for the old man who would throw weak sutras every chance he got. It didn't matter to them. It didn't matter to Kagome. She accepted all the demons she knew about who showed some shred of respect to her, and she would equally returned kindness and friendship. Unbelievable. Complete silence bought him out of his muse when he caught the eyes of all who was staring at him. He quickly got on the defensive and growled out,
Souta was the first to speak up saying,
“Wow Inuyasha, you look so…”
Inuyasha cut him off saying,
“What! Human!”
Kagome sighed and interjected,
“Oh calm down Inuyasha, they've never seen you in your human form. This is there first time. They mean no harm! Now please come to the table we're about to eat.”
Mrs. Higurashi continued to serve everyone. Once she was done she walked behind Inuyasha touching his head smiling saying,
“I do miss your ears up here”
Inuyasha moved his head away from Mrs. Higurashi's touch and grumbled,
“Yeah well, there on the sides now”
Mrs. Higurashi giggled saying,
“Yes, I see. You're still adorable as ever just take it easy okay; we won't bother you about this. It's like Kagome says, it's our first time seeing you like this. No harm meant okay honey?”
Inuyasha cut his eyes at her saying
“Feh, okay.”
Inuyasha didn't know why he went off like that, but he knew they didn't hold it against him. Kagome had a large part to do with that. Even when he's in his time, she stuck by him in his change. He remembered the first time she witnessed his change, she didn't scream or run, in fact she was furious when he never told her about his change. He was trying to push her away then. He just didn't know how she would take it. He just didn't want the disappointment of thinking he'd had a friend and then they'd run when they noticed he change from his human form to his hanyou form. He tried not to let it bother him, but deep down it did.
Dinner was very quiet. No one spoke until Souta said,
“Mom may I be excused, I need to call my friend about soccer practice this week end.”
His mother nodded her head giving permission. Souta took his dishes and placed them in the sink and headed off to make his call. Kagome soon finished her meal and got up to place the dishes in the sink. She also noticed that Inuyasha and her grandfather were also finished. She retrieved their dishes as well, taking them to the sink and begun to wash them. Her mom protested, but Kagome continued. When her mom was done she took her mother's dishes and wash them.
Grandpa went into the family room to watch the latest news broadcast. He only watched the news everything else on television to him was a waste. Inuyasha joined grandpa in the family room feeling out of place. He watched the news with grandpa not really caring what was being said.
Kagome soon came out with a tray of deserts her mom brought from this new bakery she found in the neighborhood. Then her mom bought out the tea tray and had a set everything down on the coffee table for all of them.
Souta appeared in the room and saw the wonderful sight of the deserts in front of him. Mrs. Higurashi told all to sit down as grandpa turned off the news. Grandpa pulled a very odd disk. It looks like a very small shield. It was made from hard leather and had the shape of the `Yin-Yang' sign. It was a beautiful caramel brown, with the sign having been embossed on the leather. It was also the size of a small saucer. Kagome looked at her grandfather asking,
“What is this for Grandpa?”
Grandpa handed it to her telling her that this was also to go with her. It was a form of protection when she had to get rid of the spirits that dwell within her. He told her that the old miko would know about this.
“Exorcisms are very dangerous Kagome. Don't take it lightly. I know that you may not believe in most of what I say to you about certain things, but when it comes to exorcisms, nothing is to be taken for granted. I must do what I can from this end to see that you are protected. This and the chanting stick I gave you earlier must stay with you.”
Kagome never heard this much seriousness in her grandfather before. She knew he was dead serious. Inuyasha moved closer to get a look at the disk. He went to touch the disk and the sword pulsed on his side. Then the disk glowed. It reacted to the sword. This sparked him to ask,
“What is going on? What would this disk have to do with my sword?”
Grandpa was surprised as well. He never knew the disk would have a reaction to his sword. This was strange indeed.
“I have no idea boy, this is a first for me!”
The glow slowly faded away and nothing else came of it, at least as far as all that was in the room knew. Souta spoke,
“I don't know but maybe it has something to do with you being in your human form, I mean it reacted to your sword.”
Inuyasha scratched his head. Kagome examining the disk said,
“You may have something there Souta. Well it seems as if the weirdness is over shall we have our tea?”
Mom agreed and started passing out the deserts and tea. Grandpa took the disk from Kagome examining it as well. Once the tea was done every one left. Kagome and her mom made sure everything was packed and ready to go. She had made Kagome the lightweight holster she wanted for the chanting stick. The disk also had a holster that was to be worn on the upper arms. Grandpa had asked Kagome to wear it as soon as she got up and dressed in the morning. She agreed to do so. One thing puzzled Kagome, so before she went to her room, she knocked on her brother's door. Souta gave the permission and she walked in. He was reading one of favorite comic based on a magician.
“Reading your comic again uh? Must be pretty interesting”
Souta place the comic down on his chest. He knew Kagome wanted to ask him something. So he beat her to the punch.
“No I haven't told mom and grandpa about the power of the necklace. I know I should, and I will. I wanted to make sure you are okay. I know you and Inuyasha are having problems. The tension between you two is thick. I know you're worried about me, but I will tell mom trust me okay Sis?”
Kagome smiled at her baby brother. She knew if her mother trusts her, she should trust her brother.
{He has matured a great deal. Here he is worried about me. Gotta love that kid.}
“Thank you for worrying about me. Inuyasha and the rest of us, we look out for each other. I'm glad I have you to watch out for mom and grandpa. But you promise me, if it gets too weird, you let them in on what's going on.”
Nodding his head in agreement, Kagome mussed his hair smiling and exited the room.
Unknowing to Kagome, Inuyasha heard the whole conversation. He had rushed back to her room as she walked to exit Souta's room. When she entered the room she saw Inuyasha sitting on the floor with his legs crossed looking at her photo album. There were pictures of Kagome's classmates, some of her mother and a man he'd never seen around the family since coming to know them so he asked,
“Who's the guy holding your mother?”
Kagome looked at the picture smiling and said,
“That's my mother's brother, my uncle Arata. He was the liveliest of my uncles. He used to pick me up and twirl me around and then danced with me until I fell asleep when I was a little girl of about… uh I think maybe five or six years old.”
Inuyasha looked at her face and saw how her expression changed. He knew even with out his demonic senses that she was felling sad so he asked,
“What's wrong Kagome? I don't need my sense to tell me you're sad at this moment.”
Kagome gave a sigh and answered,
“My uncle was a field reporter. That's someone who reports the news. You know how my grandfather watches the picture box and the person on it tells you what going on? Well that's what he did for a living. He was in a war torn country far away from here, and got shot while reporting. He didn't die right away, but he was badly wounded. He later died when he was transported back here. My mother was heart broken. He was her favorite brother. He always kept her spirits up whenever she felt down. He could always make her laugh. Souta was a toddler when my father died I was eleven years old. But my uncle loved the both of us. He used to say,
[“When I find a special woman like my little sister, I will settle down and get married, but until then I'll spoil my niece and nephew.”]
And spoiled us he did. Every country he'd visit, he would bring us something back. I miss him dearly. After my father died, he stayed with us until my mom got herself together. He died not too long ago, maybe less than a year now.”
Inuyasha saw a tear running down Kagome's face as she spoke of this uncle of hers, so he closed the book and move close to Kagome. He took his hand and gently wiped the tear from her face. He then moved closer and held her in his arms saying,
“I'm sorry Kagome, I didn't mean to make you sad.”
The move surprised Kagome. She started to move from him, but it quickly came to her she wanted this. He would just say she was weak or something in that nature. This embrace he gave her was different. His long black locks fell around Kagome's face as he rested her head on his chest. He held her firmly but the caress was gentle. And then he started rocking her. He's never done that. She just allowed her self to melt into him. She heard his heart beat quickly as she put her hand on his chest. For what seemed like an eternity, he finally released her. He looked at her and saw a look of contentment. He stood up and helped her up saying,
“Go and get ready for bed, I'll be down in the family room messing with your grandfather. He'll probably throw another of those sutras at me. I'll come back up later.”
Kagome smiled at him knowing how Inuyasha loved to tease her grandfather. As he was leaving she said,
“Go easy on him. He's old you know.”
With that Inuyasha closed the door. Kagome was really puzzled at Inuyasha's behavior he seemed a lot more relaxed. But she attributed it to he being in his human form and maybe he doesn't feel to threatened. She gathered her things to take her shower and pulled out her pajamas and headed to the bathroom.
Kagome was surprised to find Inuyasha in her bedroom sitting in her window looking out at the sky. His head turned in her direction when she walked through her door. She asked,
“I thought you would be downstairs annoying my grandfather, what changed your mind?”
Inuyasha smirked saying,
“The old geezer turned in. So I talked with your mother. I asked her about her brother or your uncle Arata. You know, how she got along with him. I guess you two felt the same. He was very special to the two of you. I never had that. It was only my mother and myself. Even her family didn't want to have anything to do with her or myself.”
He stopped talking and noticed Kagome was looking at him. Kagome took the towel off her head and her hair fell onto her shoulders. Kagome walked to her dresser and picked up her brush and started to brush her hair as she walked over towards her desk and sat in the chair all the while brushing her hair. Then she spoke,
“You know it is a shame that people put so much into what's different. Instead of getting to know all about that person, prejudices and debasing ones character is always put first, hence that deep down inside that person or creature is a beautiful soul. In your time I see that amongst both humans and demons. I guess it's like that all over the world. Even in my time differences always seem to hinder, when it should be embraced.”
{Kagome's just a special human that sees it that way. She always tries to see the good in all.}
Kagome continued to brush her hair as she caught Inuyasha staring at her. Her brushing motions slowed as Inuyasha moved closer towards her from the window and touched her hair. She blushed as he did so. This behavior was so unlike him. She didn't want to do anything to mess up the moment. She was enjoying the attention.
Inuyasha didn't know why he touched her hair. It's not like he hasn't done it before. Just at this moment now he wanted to. He felt compelled to. He liked what he felt. He didn't understand what came over him but he took the brush from her hand and gently brushed Kagome's hair. It smelled wonderful. Smelled just like Lilacs, after a rainfall. Then he spoke,
“You are a good friend Kagome. I don't deserve a friend like you. I get so afraid when I feel I can be a friend with someone something tragic always seems to follow. It's as if I'm cursed not only being a half demon, but to always be alone. I know I haven't been the best of friends to you, but I want you to know this… I do care for you Kagome.”
Kagome was touched by what he said. But at the same time her feelings were guarded. She had many conversations with him about how he cared for her. Then she always seems to get hurt. She replied,
“Thank you Inuyasha. That's a nice thing to say.”
She gently took the brush from his hand as her hair was dry and placed it on her dresser. Inuyasha at first thought he might have offended her because she stopped him from brushing her hair. He asked,
What do you mean that's a nice thing to say? It's the truth!”
Kagome smiled at him,
“I know Inuyasha, I know.”
She moved away from him and onto her bed. She sat down and opened the drawer next to her bed and pulled out a green scrunchie putting her hair in a low ponytail.
Inuyasha felt confused. He thought that Kagome might not have believed him when he told her he cared for her. That was the most unconvincing `I know'he'd heard. She pulled back the covers as she sat herself on the bed. Pausing for what seemed like forever, she slowly laid her head on her pillow. Her eyes were heavy lidded and soon she closed her eyes. Kagome didn't bother to cover up, so Inuyasha covered her body for her as she slowly opened her eyes saying,
“Thank You Inuyasha.”
Kagome's eyes closed back as Inuyasha watched her. Then he walked towards the window looking at the moonless night. Not being able to see the stars in her time was sad being how she loved to watch the stars with him at night. They haven't done that for a long time now. She glowed and her eyes were always wide with wonder about what was beyond them.
He heard her mentioned many times about how man went in space, even touched the moon. She said so many things that seemed ridiculous to him, but she would be in such excitement when she spoke on these things, and how she even referred to his hair being silvery like the moon and how beautiful it is as it illuminates when the moon shone brightly.
She hasn't played with his ears much at all. Any other time she would just touch them because she says she couldn't resist. Oh he would protest but in reality he longed for it. Kikyo never touched his ears. Never had she said they were beautiful. Kagome compliments were always genuine. But like an idiot, he'd yell at her. His stupid way of keeping his heart guarded so he wouldn't get hurt. Is that what this was? He's afraid she'd hurt him?
He's confused. Someone like Kagome who shared so much of her life with him, never looked at him from the outside, only saw what Kagome says was a big beautiful heart, even when his demon side emerged she didn't fear him, defended him when he was hard on himself knowing in reality of how his demon blood would take over, she never left his side. Kikyo never witnessed that. He often wondered had Kikyo seen that side of him would she want to still be around him?
He looked at Kagome's peaceful face and smiled. What a friend she's been to him. He'd have to work harder to get his friend back. This whole possession thing left him to wonder if she would live through this. How could he protect her from within when it seems as if she closed herself to him. There was always a closeness that was now so remote and distant. It was just so different now.
He sat on the floor next to her bed. He let his mind relax being he felt comfortable here in her room with no monsters size demons to fight off. Being in his human form in her time he didn't have to think about such matters.
Just as sleep was about to find him he heard Kagome moan. He quickly opened his eyes. He saw her face was twisted in a fashion that seems to be in pain or fear. Her speech was incoherent, but Inuyasha kept his attention on her. She was lying on her side facing him as she flipped onto her back. The blanket was half way off her body as she tossed her head from side to side.
Tears started to flow from her closed eyes. She panted hard breaths. Her hands went up towards her chest as if she was in pain. This concerned Inuyasha. He wanted to wake her, so he just sat her up and pulled her close to him. She wasn't loud, for which he was grateful and not wake up the whole house.
He noticed she sobbed softly, and then suddenly stopped. She never opened her eyes, but her tears were ever present. He let her head fall back on his arm and he slowly wiped her tears. He didn't want to wake her. She seemed tired. Her face was no longer peaceful. She sported a frown that comes from pain. He gently placed her back down on the bed and covered her up again. The frown was still on her face but she made no movement, and no groans. She just breathed softly.
This tore at him. He knew he was responsible for her pain. He didn't care what it took. He is determined to make things right with them. He took her hand and rubbed gently. He noticed her face changed back to peaceful slumber.
Morning finally came. Kagome opened her eyes. She felt heavy. Like she weighed a ton. She slowly turned to her side to find Inuyasha in his silver hair and cute doggie ears asleep. She sat up and swung her legs onto the floor. Inuyasha's ears twitches and he opened his eyes to see Kagome awake sitting on the bed ready to get up. He saw that her face was worried with sadness so he asked,
“Did you sleep well?”
Kagome stretched and yawned saying,
“Felt as if I didn't sleep at all.”
Inuyasha looked deep into her eyes seeing only pain, and her tone of voice rivaled that of Kanna's.
“Well you tossed and cried as if you were having a nightmare. I stayed here to keep an eye on you. What happen in your dream?”
Kagome had a non-responsive look saying,
“ Seems like my life's a nightmare. Honestly Inuyasha, I don't remember.”
And with that she headed towards the bathroom. Inuyasha just eyed her puzzled that he again couldn't sense her emotions. What's going on? And that look on her face. Nothing! He decided when she came back; he'll grill her on this.
Kagome turned on the shower and quickly washed her body. Once done, she dried herself and dressed in the clothes she was going to wear for that day. The holsters that her mother made were strapped on her arms. The stick was on the left and the disk on her right. The white tank top was very fitted to her body. She noticed for the first time how much she was developing. Never mattered before. Shrugging her shoulders she put on a pair of green cargo pants. She put her hair in a high ponytail much like Sango's with a red scrunchie.
Heading towards her room she noticed that her brother's bedroom door was slightly opened. She peeked in and found him snoring and saw a blue glow coming around his neck. As quietly as she could she tipped toed over towards his bed. Careful not to touch him, she pulled the sheet back and noticed the locket was glowing. His look was peaceful and it seems as if he was smiling. He was smiling! Then he giggled and then the snoring returned. She slowly backed away realizing that the locket glow had faded and backed out of his room.
When she entered her room, Inuyasha was sitting in the window. He looked her in her eyes and found that her emotions had returned. She had a puzzled look on her face so she asked,
“Anything wrong Inuyasha?”
He looked at her up and down, he seen her in many outfits, but he never seen her like this.
“What's that you're wearing? Looks weird.”
Kagome just ignored him. She straightened her bed and as she was about to leave the room Inuyasha asked,
“Where are you going? I've got some questions to ask you. You had a nightmare last night. What was it about?”
Kagome was puzzled at his questioned. She answered,
“Gee Inuyasha, I don't know. I don't remember. All I know is that my sleep was not restful. Now I want to go and get breakfast so we can go back. We have a lot to do when we get there. So come on, let's go eat. Mom's making something good, I can smell it!”
Her mood is different and she seems to be evasive. Like not wanting to get too deep in a conversation with him. The direction she was taking was like she's too busy to talk to him. Before she would take the time to tell him things. Anything. Now, it's as if she didn't want to get into anything.
As Kagome made her way downstairs, she saw the shoes she was going to wear. She'll put them on when she's about to leave. They were like a combination of sneakers and hiker boots. She had them when her class went on an outdoor field trip. She never wore them since then so they were in good condition. Grandpa was reading his paper when he felt a peck of lips on his forehead. Giving a loving look to his granddaughter he smiled asking,
“Where's your shadow? He's not behind you.”
Kagome giggled at her grandfather's sarcasms. Just then Inuyasha entered saying,
“I heard that old man.
Grandpa lifted his paper to his face not looking at Inuyasha continued his sarcasm saying,
“Oh good, his hearing is back to normal.
On that note Mrs. Higurashi decided to break in saying,
“All right you two, let's have breakfast. Kagome could you help me bring the food over?”
Kagome smiled saying,
“Sure Mom, anything to eat sooner. Grandpa and Inuyasha want to word tag all morning.”
Both men grumbled at the giggling women. Souta entered yawing loudly. Everyone looked in his direction as if he was some kind of stranger. Kagome snickered at his appearance. He was dressed for the day, but nothing was buttoned, snapped or combed. Never had her brother looked so tacky.
Mrs. Higurashi asked,
“Good morning Souta, you forgot to look in the mirror or something?”
Souta rubbed his eyes letting out another yawn looking down at himself saying,
“Oh, I'm sorry mom, I feel as if I didn't get any sleep. I had a dream I was running playing with someone. It was a fun dream, but I'm so tired now. I'll go back upstairs.”
Inuyasha decided then to make mention of Kagome's nightmare.
“Seems like dreams are making another person act weird.”
Mrs. Hugurashi looked at Inuyasha noticing he was looking at Kagome. She knew he was referring to Kagome so she asked,
“You had a busy dream too Kagome?”
Kagome gave Inuyasha a look that said, `Now of all time!' and she just continued placing the food down saying,
“I really don't remember mom honestly. I did feel tired, but I don't even remember anything about the dream.”
Inuyasha just snorted on her comment. He knew she cried most of the night. He thought maybe he should leave it for now. He knew the dream was mostly of him. So not to bring attention to that, he decided to talk to her about it when they get back.
Souta appeared back in the kitchen looking a bit better than before. Even his eyes seemed a little brighter. All the food had been placed on the table and all had started to eat their meal.
“All this stuff! Wow how are you going get it all over there Sis?”
Souta asked. Just before Kagome could answer, Inuyasha injected,
“She's not.”
He picked up all the large overstuffed bags, which there were about ten, and Kagome's overstuffed backpack. It always amazed the family just how strong Inuyasha was. Grandpa gave Kagome the once over about the items she had to carry on her. Giving his granddaughter a huge hug he released her looking in her eyes saying,
“I care for you deeply you know this. I worry often, but I understand your mission to help your young friend. I only ask that your stubbornness take a back seat to reason when it comes to this exorcism. I know how you can be young lady. Let those who know of this craft assist you. Please. You are my only granddaughter and I love you.”
Kagome's eyes welled up with tears. Her mother too cried. She missed her daughter so much when she was away. But sacrifice can be a very bitter pill to swallow. She'll pray to every god willing to listen for her daughter's safety while on this journey. She felt proud that her daughter had been given such a task by fate to go on such a journey. There must be a reason, and she'll do all she can for her daughter to say focused and hopefully this journey will be over soon. Real soon.
Inuyasha wondered why her family goes through all this when she had to go back to his time. It's as if they think she's never going to return. He and the others will look after her safety. So why do they always do this. Kagome noticed Inuyasha impatience and gave him a stern glare. She hugged her mother tightly and then went over to Souta. She pulled him down the well steps to talk to him privately. She looked her brother in the eyes. He looked so mature. So determined to keep things together for the family. He's so young, yet more in tuned with what's going on around him. She knew he'd be fine. She hugged him and said,
“I'm counting on you little brother. I'm proud of you and…”
Touching the locket around his neck,
“…You keep in touch. Okay?”
Souta understood what she was saying. He promised her he would. So she and Inuyasha went down the well as the mysterious blue light flashed and then disappeared. Souta looked down the well as tears started to form. He decided to tell his mother and grandfather about the locket.
As he turned toward his remaining family he said,
“Grandpa, mother, I've got something I must tell you.”
End ch. 10
A/N: Boy I'm so very sorry for this delay. I had the death of 2 friends, my father-in-law had to have a pacemaker, and my daughter is in the hospital dealing with asthama, and life's hard balls just got me ducking and bobbing. I'm grateful for all the people that God has put in my life when things get tough. So knowing that you're never alone makes it easy for me to deal with tough situations. This chapter would not end. Just like preparations in life, you want to make sure that you have all you need. So you check and recheck till you're blue in the face. You can't prepare for everything, but you know what is put before you, and you know what you need to do to accomplish your goal.
A real challenge for our beloved dog boy is coming. Let's hope he can handle it. Thanks again to those of you who took the time to read my story. It boosts my ego and inspires me. Peace everyone!