InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Maura Inuyasha's Sister ❯ Maura's pup and the end. ( Chapter 6 )

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Disclaimer I don't own Inuyasha

Maura's pup and the end.

Maura is now four months pregnant and she is nervis. She's nervis because last time she gave birth to early. Kinsha is now seven months old. Maura is two months away from giving brith to her pup. Enzo hopes that the pup is born happy and healthy. Two months later Maura is in Kaede's hut in labor. An hour later Maura's pup is born Maura is glad to hear it crying. Kaede cut the cord and cleaned the pup. She wrapped the pup in a blanket.

"You have a daughter Maura and Enzo." said Kaede giving Maura her daughter.

They named her Ishizu she has red and silver hair and green eyes. Maura and Enzo are now very happy. It's to bad their son died. Later that week they visited their son's grave. Enzo and Maura plan on telling Ishizu about her brother when she is old enough. It's to bad Sango and Miroku moved to the village of the demon slayers. They moved to the village one week after they moved into Kaede's village. Sango and Mirouk haven't visited Inuyasha, Kagome, Maura, and Enzo. And they found out why they haven't visited.
On his quest to kill Inuyasha Sesshomaru kill Sango, Miroku, and Kilala. When they found that out Kagome cried. Being a good man as he is Inuyasha comforted Kagome. With demons like Naraku and Sesshomaru dead. Kinsha and Ishizu grew up happy, healthy, and strong. Ishizu and Kinsha are priestesses like their mothers. And Kinsha has learned how to weild Tetsusaiga. Inuyasha and Kagome are very proud of their daughter. And Enzo and Maura are very proud of their daughter. Inuyasha is a very good father and uncle. And Maura is a very good mother and aunt.
Now there are four priestesses now that Kaede is dead. Enzo and Maura told Ishizu about her brother and how he died. Inuyasha and Enzo protect the village. While Kagome, Maura, Kinsha, and Ishizu heal the sick and wounded.

The End.