InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Me and Fluffy go to Jack in Box ❯ Jack gets Jacked. ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Fluffy and me go to Jack-in-Box

Fluffy and me go to Jack-in-Box

By Missy-Bee.

Please read the following:

I don't own Inuyasha or any of those characters. However, I have my very own Fluffy. (Doll) don't sue me and take away my Corn pop money!!

2. This was it just one of those sugar high stories people seemed to do.

3. I am not responsible for you laughing so hard you wet your self or get tears all over you keyboard.

Hmm just that it. Oh yeah leave a review or your head will exploded. Believe I have ways to make that possible.

*********COME********ON*******READ*********IT*******PLEASE****** **

One day I was hungry and so was Fluffy. I had just gotten my driver license begin a sweet and really cool sixth teen year old and all. Fluffy was laying around my house reading different manga laying around and old Real World episodes on MTV. Rin had been taken to school. Jaken had been told to get a job. He made a very good shoe shine boy for some reason. He also worked in a burrito truck. I don't how he got that job but I didn't ask him. I don't like talking to him. Fluffy has gotten quite fond of the TV and has a passion about reality based shows. Big brother being his favorite so it seemed. I have getting a Jumbo Jack craving and there only one way to get one.

Me: Want to go to Jack-In-Box Lord Fluffy? I'll get you two tacos.

Lord Fluffy: I told you I don't eat human food. (Not taking his cold eyes off of the TV.)

Me: what the hell do you eat? You haven't eaten in days!

Lord Fluffy: I'm watching my weight. Perhaps if I stop eating my body will eat away at itself from the inside out and I'll die and finally be rid of you.

Me: That's not a nice thing to say.

Lord Fluffy: I don't like you. So why should I be nice?

Me: because you're stuck here forever. You not starving yourself. Turn the TV off. We are going to Jack-In-Box.

Lord Fluffy: You go by yourself. I'm watching the TV.

[Five minutes later]

Lord Fluffy: I can't believe you stupid human turned hanyou. You killed the TV!

Me: (has taken a baseball bat and smashed the TV) Oh well it was brothers anyway. He won't mind he hardly here anyway. Now let's go.

Lord Fluffy: You made me miss that human wench get slapped.

Me: Who cares they'll show it again.

Lord Fluffy: I don't wish to go.

[Ten minutes later]

Me: Ah, now the seat belts.

Fluffy: I hate this car! It's to small why don't get a big and better one.

Me: I like my Jetta now shut up. Or do you want me to smash your tail in the door again.

Fluffy: stupid fan-craze girl. More abusive every time.

Me: Yeah, yeah. Whatever. On to Jack-In-box.

After driving through the streets and sidewalk like a maniac we arrive at Jack-in-Box. I have completed in taking out fifth teen trashcans, two shopping carts, and one bicycle. My car spotless and dent less. People fear me or my driving I haven't figured out which quite yet. Fluffy has a few bumps on his head but he will live. Fluffy once again just rips the seat belt off with his claws. As I hurry to opened the door. Why hasn't he killed me? The world shall never know. We enter in many people stop and stare. I feel incline to flip them off but I chose just to give them an icy cold stare. I have been traveling with a very murderous inu-youkia lord after all. I cut everyone in line since they were too stupid to move now.

Me: I want two Jumbo jacks, two cokes, two large fries, one cheesecake, and an apple pie. Got that?

Same stupid clerk I always see: (repeats what I have said.) will that be here or to go.

Me: Here.

Stupid clerk: That will be 16.76.

Me: Are you sure?

This clerk never gets the price totally wrong. I first I thought he just couldn't press the little buttons right or something. Now I think he doing it on purpose. Since I order the same thing just about every time and it's only 15.36. The stupid clerk recheck everything press more button price keeps changing. Yeah I give him a hard time. I work at Blockbusters I have that kind of power. Fluffy has found a seat and look around coolly at his new surroundings. Everyone trying not to stare.

Stupid clerk: Oh I'm sorry it only 15.36.

Me: that's what I thought. I know how to add buddy. (Slaps a twenty down.)

Stupid clerk: I'm sorry it's the machine.

Me: yeah, yeah. (For some reason I hate this guy. I'm sorry but that's just how I feel)

Stupid clerk: your number is 23. (Counting out change.)

Me: whatever. (Recounts money) I need another buck pal. I gave you a twenty.

Stupid clerk: Sorry. (Hand over another dollar)

Me: don't let it happen again. (It will happen anyway but I loved that scared look on his face)

[At table]

Fluffy: I thought I was rude.

Me: shut up. I don't like him. (Quiet)

Fluffy: why? He a smelly human like you.

Me: I'm a hanyou like you stupid brother! (Not quiet anymore)

Fluffy: Same different and I detest both.

Me: whatever. I shall become a full demon. Then you will have to love me.

Fluffy: I think not.

Me: don't you like me just a little.

Fluffy: let me see you kidnap me from my land and my ass-kissing toad servant and my uh Rin and I'm supposed to like you? Not to mention you put me on a stupid game show called who wants to be a millionaire and I still have not recovered any money from that. Plus the fact that you smash my tail in doors. Tie it to a staircase and push me over the stairs. No, I don't think I like you at all. In fact, I really hate you and if I could kill you I would have long ago.

Me: Hey, you like being on the game show though.

Fluffy: Only besides you got rid of Inuyasha and all his parasites. That fox child gave me lice!

Me: you know you like me.

Fluffy: If you say so.

Stupid clerk: Number 23 you food is ready!

[Back at the counter]

Stupid clerk: Would you like any ketchup with this?

Me: (Looking at the trays) Yeah Sherlock ya think? No, I like my fries hot and salty. Where's the forks and spoons? Some straws would be nice too. (He hates me; I know he does)

Stupid clerk: Sorry about that. (Puts loads of ketchup and spoons and forks, ects.) Is that better? (Really trying to smile)

Me: Whatever. Next time get it right.

Stupid clerks nod heads. For a second it looks like he could cry. Many people have hurried up and ate and left. New people have arrived. People leaving give them warning looks, telling them to go to the other one or to a different fast food restaurant. Fluffy looks at the food doesn't want to eat it. Though they are, some things that he hasn't saw yet like a French fries or a cheesecake. I myself have begin eating. Fluffy starts to examine French fries.

Me: just eat it okay. It's not like it can kill you.

Fluffy: I do not wish to eat.

Me: Will you just try it and besides normal humans don't eat this stuff.

Fluffy: (cocks an eyebrow) Oh?

Me: No you have to be strong and have lots of power to eat fast food.

Fluffy: Hmm? I think your lying.

Me: I am not. Whatever don't eat. I'll hook you up to an IV when you pass out.

Fluffy: What is an IV?

Me: Don't worry about it. Eat the damn fries stop smashing them.

Fluffy: What is this the white thing.

Me: cheesecake. You can have the apple pie.

Fluffy: I don't eat apples.

Me: Then try the cheesecake you may like it.

Fluffy: (bites a tiny piece of a fry.) hmm different.

Me: see.

Fluffy: I have misjudged this food. It isn't human food. Weird.

Me: I guess.

Fluffy nobly nib a little bit of everything. Taking slow gracefully bites. Everyone is shock. I mean come on how many guys actually eats like that around here. They so used to guys chewing loudly, loud smacking sound, followed by grunting, and maybe half chewed food being spat out. Fluffy give then a cold deadly look followed by me giving dirty looks. With our looks combine they turn back around and leave us be. Damn hillbillies. Damn uncultured swine's for humans. Damn wanna be ghetto preps. Damn them all. Damn this place. (Man I have to stop watching Family guy I getting like Stewie.) Fluffy goes back to drinking his coke without slurping and gracefully eating his jumbo jack.

Me: So the food is to your liking Lord Sesshomaru. (Being formal finally)

Fluffy: (Taking aback by this) I supposed it is.

Me: Good. (Forced to eat the nasty apple pie. Fluffy liked the cheesecake.)

Then when you thought it couldn't get any worst he came out of the box.

Jack: Hello everyone! Enjoying my new and improve jumbo jacks!

Everyone but me and Fluffy in unison: Yes!

I lived in a stupid half wanna be ghetto other half wanna be suburbs town. Not even on the map. An hour away from San Francisco. Stupid west coast. Stupid California and all our problems. I let out a sigh. Why do our Jack-in-Box actually have some loser that dresses up like Jack? No other Jack-In-Boxes does it. Fluffy cocks an eyebrow giving Jack a warning look. Jack doesn't take the hint. This will prove to be a fatal mistake for Jack.

Jack: (coming over to us) How ya doin'? Enjoying yourselves. You two make a cute couple. (Smiling actually that all he can do. It is a painted on smile isn't it.)

Fluffy: get away from my presence annoying human thing.

Me: Look buddy get the hell away from us we're trying to relax.

Jack: ah, come on I think it time for a song.

Everyone but else: YAY!

Me: spare us Jack before you get jack.

Fluffy lets out a small smirk. In which Jack catches must to our disgust. Jack starts jumping around doing some stupid dance. Everyone clapping their hands as some cheesy music plays. I excuse my self to the restroom. Jack starts to sing some very cheesy song about food. Fluffy looks pissed and most likely will transform into his truest form and smash this restaurant much like he smashed Wendy's.

However we didn't go there to eat we went to destroy it. I hate Wendy's they have the worst food ever. I sneak out the window. Can you believe the place actually windows in the bathroom? Stupid people always sneaking food out to the beggars outside. I got in the trunk of the car and pull out my baseball bat ah yes it will come in handy now won't it.

Fluffy is rubbing his temples as he trying to get away from Jack who is all over him. Like a ninja, I sneak up upon stupid jack.


The losers is exposed and Jack is no more and is daze momentarily I destroy all the cameras around the place. Fluffy pick the loser who was Jack up and throws him in the nearest trashcan. He lets out a deep growl scaring everyone and making little kids cry as I start the car. I put the crack head of the Jack costume on my car. Ha, who has the biggest jack ball now Lindsay? I let out an evil laugh as Fluffy finishes destroy the place. He walks out and gets in the car as we drive far away. Well not really had to pick up Rin. Jaken is forced to walk home or take the bus.

[At home once again]

Rin: See! See! I made a popcorn tree Sesshomaru-sama!

Fluffy: That's nice.

Me: Rin! Lunch is ready.

Rin: YAY! Corn dogs!

Me: Yup.

Jaken came home later on. Looking quite black. He had earn twenty buck today. So all in all today was a good day. Hell, I didn't even have to use my AK.

Lord Fluffy: Stop with the crappy raps songs.

Me: Go to heck. (Doesn't swear when Rin around.)

Rin: Want a corn dog Sesshomaru-sama?

Lord Fluffy: (sighs) I am tired to eat now child.

Me: Rin wanna play Super Mario now?

Rin: YUP!

Me: watch her Jaken.

Jaken: why me?

Me: Cause I said so. Now go.

Jaken: (grumble) stupid human and hanyou.

Me: froggie.

[Jaken falls over and goes into shock]

Jaken: Ow what was that for?

Me: Want me to say it again? I don't think you want to get shock again.

Jaken: No mistress Bee.

Me: leave me.

And that all that's goes on around here. Maybe tomorrow I'll take Fluffy to Taco Bell and destroy it. Maybe. The news broadcasted the now destroyed Jack-in-Box and that stupid clerk went mute. Oh well. Must get rid of evidence……………….

[The end]