InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Me. Inside You. ❯ Me. Inside You. ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Me. Inside you.
This is dedicated to the illustrious and ingenious Inugrrrl. She can never be kept down, she can never be broken. She keeps true to her ideals and to her characters and isn't afraid to rock the boat of fiction and of romance (though I will get her into a romance novel yet I swear it. How about cursed immortal lovers? Will that tempt you?) This one got away from me on so many levels, but I hope that you like it! Here's to the era of the courtesan!
I do not own Inuyasha, Kagome, Sesshomaru, or Kikyou. I just keep them kinky. Ten years without a sex life can do that to a character.
If temptation existed on earth, this house must surely be its epicenter.
Gas light chandeliers cast their heated glow onto the hand painted wallpaper, making the birds and cranes seem to leap off the silk. Floor to ceiling windows and French doors glistened and sparked with the reflections of guests and allowed sweet evening breezes to dilute the heady scents of perfume and sweat. But under it all lingered the familiar clean odors of linseed oil and beeswax.
Familiar? Nothing in London was familiar to Kagome. The linseed oil polish would be bought from a vendor and applied by paid servants, not made at home and considered one of her duties, such as polishing the alter and pews in her family's chapel a days ride outside of town. What sins and vanities would her vicar father choose to preach on tonight?
Would it be the ladies in their silk and jewels? Though the latter were most likely gum and paste, they represented greed and vanity. Or would it the Grecian statues looming on marble pedestals around the room? At first glance they appeared to be splendidly rendered nudes but when Kagome stared long enough, one would shift position. Ah, the beauty of the sin of lust. These painted men and women were stunningly beautiful, soft curves or masculine angles displayed for the crowd's enjoyment. And enjoy they did. Men and women alike would walk by and stroke a leg, reaching as high as they could on the sculpted bodies, all the while laughing and whispering to their companions.
Was this what her sister desired?
It was no secret Kikyou was unhappy in the tiny village they called home. She had no desire to marry a man of her father's choosing and settle down into the life of a humble country wife. She longed for the silks and jewels of the wealthy. The luxurious houses and the perfumed soaps that left the skin soft and not smelling of harsh lye. She would watch the city folk travel through with envy in her dark eyes, no matter that she knew the hours of penance there father would set her to.
So she had gone. Taken off with a young man from the village when he made his weekly deliveries into the city. And Kagome had gone after her. Though they bickered, they were close, only a year separated them, and they often sought solace in each other after one of their father's tirades. She always thought Kikyou the beauty, though many had trouble telling the two apart. Kikyou had been blessed with beautiful silky straight chestnut hair and soft doe brown eyes, while Kagome had the more unruly waves of ebony that their mother lamented over. Kagome's eyes were neither blue nor gray, but some tumbling color in between, nothing like the vivid eyes of the heroines the poets wrote about.
Kikyou also lusted. Lusted after the young men who apprenticed at the smithy or the tannery, watching them as they worked shirtless in the summer sunshine. Lusted after silks, perfumes, fine wines and foods that they didn't have to grow and prepare themselves. Whenever their father would take to the pulpit and talk about the morals of the courtesans and the king's mistresses, Kikyou's eyes would glow and she would whisper that THAT was what she wanted, that was who she wanted to be. Loved, adored, and lusted after by men and women alike. To have the freedom to choose her lovers, her home, her lifestyle.
Looking at the masked and costumed men and women surrounding her now, Kagome couldn't help but shudder. Everyone looked so sinister, so unreal. The laughter seemed too high pitched, the caresses too calculated. Even the music, strange though it was to her ears, was haunted somehow. Wooden flutes and stringed instruments were played by dark skinned naked men, displayed slightly above and just outside the reach of the crowd by a platform covered in richly brocaded silks and satins. Was this really what her sister desired? This haunted wonderland?
A flash of stark white against the vivid backdrop drew Kagome's eye in time to see her sister, splendid in the costume of Marie Antoinette, leading a tall silver haired gentleman in top hat and cape, through a darkened doorway. Kikyou. She'd chosen the doomed French queen because of her beauty and her zest for life. Kagome had spent several days working at the dressmaker's shop where Kikyou acquired her costume, Kikyou who simply was gifted with her dress by the Lord who was hosting the masquerade that night, and Kagome struggling to pay for hers.
Running a hand absently over the patchwork colored bits of silk that made up her skirts, Kagome darted through the throng after her sister. She had to stop her from making a horrible mistake. Life in the village would be boring, but surely she could convince her that together they could get though it! At worse, they both could leave home and work in London, Kikyou didn't have to sell her body to men to be loved and adored!
The hallway beyond the ballroom presented Kagome with two options; to the left stairs leading up into almost total darkness, and to the right, dimly glowing gaslights leading around another corner. Kagome chose the right. And as she turned the corner into a softly lit solarium with an indoor bath, she came up short. Completely entwined on one of the chaise lounges were two of the Grecian statues, not her sister and her lover as she originally expected.
It took Kagome's eyes a moment to adjust to precisely what it was she was seeing, but as the shapes became clearer, she stifled a gasp with her hand and tried to back out of the room, only to come up against a warm, immovable body.
“Relax, my Patchwork Princess, they are too engrossed in one another to pay any attention to guests.”
Kagome shuddered. “I…We… we shouldn't be watching this! It's not proper! Not only that, but its two men!”
Warm hands were firm on her shoulders. “You are correct My Princess. Two men, two lovers, two gods. Do you know the story of Zeus and Ganymede?”
Swallowing, unable to take her eyes away from the sight of the writhing male bodies, she answered in a whisper. “Ganymede was the boy that Zeus stole to make his slave.”
“Close, darling. Ganymede was the handsome youth that Zeus could not resist. So the king of the gods took the form of an eagle and swooped down to seduce him. Ganymede was Zeus' most cherished catamite.”
Half turning, Kagome could see that her companion was wearing a red silk eye mask to conceal his identity. Though, if she had met him previously, his eyes would have given him away. They were a startling shade of gray bordering on lavender. His tall, lean body was encased in a well fitted dress jacket and trousers and his hair was caught back at the nape. He was a handsome man and oddly she didn't feel frightened by his proximity.
“No man can enjoy being with another man! The body isn't made that way! And besides, it's a sin!”
Her companion chuckled, his breath warm on her neck. “Many things are sinful and still tempting. Otherwise they wouldn't be sins. Now, I myself am not so sure about the love life of two men, but does either of them seem distressed?”
She admitted they didn't. They had yet to notice their unexpected company. The larger of the two, decorated with an olive branch headdress, must be Zeus. But wouldn't he be the one in control of the encounter? As it was, the slickly oiled youth was caressing his way from ankle to muscled thigh and the elder was struggling for control, stretched out along the chaise like a sacrificial lamb.
“You enjoy watching them.”
It was a statement.
“No.” she tried to shake her head but a hand at her nape halted the motion. His other hand dipped to the edge of her bodice, where her breasts were swollen and heavy, threatening to overflow a neckline that she was certain had fit perfectly only hours earlier.
“Yes. This is your body responding to what you see. Your breasts are swelling, your skin dewing. Watch them together. Are they really that different from you and me? See how he lavishes attention to his lover's calves and thighs? Massaging the muscles with his fingers only to bring them back to attention with his teeth and lips. Look at how Zeus struggles to leave his young lover in charge. The cords straining on his neck, the ridges of his abdomen waiting for Ganymede's tongue. Would you like to experience similar sensations, my little princess?”
“I…I wouldn't! It's improper for a lady to…”
“For a lady to what?” her masked stranger purred as his fingers traced over the front of Kagome's bodice. “To feel desire? To give into the pleasures one can experience with the right lover?” He swiftly undid the hooks and laces holding her dress up. She had originally thought the combination bodice/corset ingenious, a way to save on fabric expenses, but she had no idea of the ease at which her breasts could tumble into the strangers large hands. Her lips were suddenly dry as his fingers mimicked the actions occurring across the room. The sweep of fingers over heaving ribs, the play of warm palms over erect nipples. The gaslight gave the two gods a golden glow, capturing two celestial lovers in its embrace.
As Ganymede pulled back the sides of Zeus' toga to bring flat male nipples to view, her masked lover parted her chemise so that her breasts were bared to the room. His fingers both caressed and squeezed the thickened points, sending shafts of sensation straight to her core. Her full skirts pooled at their feet as the act before them play on, her lover mimicking the duo laid out like a visual feast.
And such a contrast! Zeus was all heavy muscles, broad shoulders and defined thighs. Perhaps a laborer of some sort in his daily life, a blacksmith heaving his anvil or a stable hand managing an estate's magnificent horses. The youth, Ganymede, was pale in comparison, still wiry and lean, his body arching and stretching gracefully to fully arouse the god beneath him. His lips lowered the man's chest and she could see his mouth fall open, his eyes shut tightly.
The next instant all the air fled the room.
Her lover was on his knees before her, having divested himself of his jacket and cravat, his tongue coasting lightly over her sensitized nipples. Her fingers clenched in his thick hair, pulling out the leather band and allowing it to fall around his face. With his face shielded all she could see was his mouth, tasting, nipping and finally suckling her nipple like a babe, his flingers clenching into her bottom to hold her upright. She was hot, so hot, and the room felt like it was spinning out from under her feet.
“I can't.”
“Ah, but you can. I can help you. Just lean back, forget everything but what you see, what you feel. Where does it take you? Could that place truly be forbidden to men and women?”
The stone wall felt wonderful cool against the bare skin of her shoulders as her own lover fondled her breasts, the pants of their companions reaching her ears along with the soft suckles and slurps making their way down her belly. Farther down her arms, snagging her hips, finally covering her feet, the linen shift, her final layer of protection, dropped. Kagome swore her heart stopped beating the moment she felt her lover's hot breath against the dark curls between her thighs. She tried to move, tired to push away from the wall, but the motion only brought her closer to his delicious mouth.
“No, don't run. Feel. Watch. Come.”
Her knees went to jelly at his words. Heavy lids lifted and instead of looking down, they peered out at the male lovers across the room. Watched as the young man removed the final layer of cloth hiding Zeus' magnificent body from view, trembled as his lips ghosted over the man's narrow waist, his nimble fingers disappeared from view between hair dusted thighs.
She'd never seen a man's naked body before, never seen the power of his arousal. Zeus truly was the god he was chosen to play. His was thick, curved to point towards his belly. Kagome could just make out his hair covered testicles before Ganymede palmed them. The head of his penis glistened with moisture and looked almost painful, red and swollen, but it didn't deter the youth. His tongue swirled over the head causing the man below him to moan, his mouth opened…
And again her world spun on its axis. Her masked man must have paused in his tasting of her body while she paused for gods. She felt his hands stoking and kneading her thighs, her bottom as she watched, but the heat between her legs had eased somewhat. Now it was back with a vengeance. His tongue slid into her slit and flatted, tasting the wetness. His hands lifted one of her knees to drape over his shoulder, opening her further. She'd never heard of such a thing! Never imagined someone would want to put their mouth in a place even her mother wouldn't give her a name for. But he was! Oh, how he was.
His tongue was hot, the muscle long and strong, teasing the tip of her body, the little ball of nerves setting her blood to flames, before pushing it's way into her body and twisting, sending shockwaves of pleasure throughout.
“Please.” She didn't even know what she was begging for.
He blew a puff of warm air between her legs and nipped the soft skin of her inner thigh.
“Please what? Do you wish for me to continue with my mouth? Do you wish for me to use my hands?” A blunt finger stroked over her and slipped inside, curling before pumping in and out at a maddeningly slow pace. “Or do you wish for me to take you here against the wall, where they could see us if they so desired?”
Kagome's head thrashed from side to side, the pins holding her elaborate updo biting into her scalp.
“I…I don't know what I want. I just want to fire to stop! Or maybe I want it to keep burning, I'm not sure. I've never felt this before, never done this before!”
He chuckled again, but this time it was darker, richer.
“Then I shall give you all three, my Princess and you can tell me which you prefer.”
Keeping his finger inside her, her lover placed his mouth back between her legs, taking her nub between his teeth and nipping, scraping, before sucking hard. She was sure her cry disturbed the other men but she couldn't open her eyes if the world crashed down. It felt as though she'd swallowed a swarm of butterflies and they were all trying to escape her body from that point between her thighs. A sudden burn caused her to stiffen but she couldn't move away.
Tender fingers caressed the thigh over her lover's shoulder.
“Easy, Princess, I'm only stretching you, loving you. I could almost believe you were…”
He was cut off when she bucked forward, his fingers having brushed somewhere inside that she couldn't control.
“Liked that, did you?”
Lips and fingers worked in tandem until she thought she would surly die. The pressure in her belly became unbearable, her fingers tugged on strands of his black hair, trying to pull his mouth away, and then she burst. The world behind her eyes went white for a moment and her belly clenched with pleasure. She could still feel his fingers plunging inside her, slower than before, his thumb now rubbing that wonderful bundle of pleasure, but she could scarcely breathe.
Suddenly he was right in front of her, violet eyes intense. His mouth crushed hers, his tongue, still salty with her intimate moisture twined with hers. Her legs went around his waist and she felt him tug at the buttons on his breeches. Then he was there, rubbing thick and hot against the most intimate part of her. The linen of his shirt, though soft, abraded her sensitive nipples. Then he was inside her, stretching, burning. She tore her lips away with a gasp and looked up at him, eyes blinded by tears. She could have sworn he was shocked.
He went still, muscles tense before his face lowered to kiss her eyelids, her nose, her lips. As her body relaxed, adjusted, he moved, building up that wonderful heat and tension. He moved on to her breasts and her head fell back, her arms sliding underneath his shirt to run along the planes of his back, slick with sweat. He cupped the round globes of her bottom, spreading her more so that he could pump harder and she knew she was going to fall again. To stifle the scream she knew would be heard all the way to the ball room, she bit down on his shoulder, her body convulsing as he pounded, once, twice, then drove in hard a third time, the moist heat of his own release scalding her. Both of them sank to the floor to rest on the pile of her discarded clothes, the room now quiet, the other lovers having left sometime during their own encounter.
Her lover tugged off his mask before laying a gentle kiss on her brow.
“I wouldn't have believed you really were a virgin. Most well-bread ladies steer clear of the Tashio mansion if they want to keep their reputations intact.”
Kagome sighed. It was too late for any regrets now. “I was looking for someone. Lord Tashio.”
He chuckled. “Well, you found him.”
She stared. “That can't be! The Lord Tashio I was looking for has long white blond hair and amber colored eyes! He's also taller than you and leaner, not as muscular.”
This `Lord Tashio' frowned. “You must mean my half brother Sesshomaru. I'm Inuyasha. My mother was second wife to our father and an heiress in her own right, hence the two Lord Tashio's.”
“Half brother? He was the one seeking a mistress?”
Firm hands gripped her upper arms. “You were the one my brother was taking as his mistress? How? He said he met her in the city at the opera? Said that she was experienced?”
“Please, my Lord, the mistress he was seeking is my sister, Kikyou. I was trying to convince her to come home. My father is furious with her…and with me for going after her. But I'm sure if we come home he'll forgive us!”
The hands gentled and began a soothing stroke up and down before grabbing his discarded jacket and wrapping it around her.
“From what I've heard from my brother, your father is not the forgiving kind. Your sister will be in good hands. Sesshomaru treats his mistresses well, so long as they are loyal to him, and he is very generous. Now, what to do with you is another problem. You are ruined.”
Blue-grey eyes stared at her lap. “It is just a consequence I will have to suffer. I couldn't resist you.”
Inuyasha caught her under the chin and tipped her face up to gently kiss her. “There is no reason you should resist me. I would treat you well, little Princess.”
“Kagome. My name is Kagome. And I couldn't be your mistress! I just couldn't! I wouldn't know what to do when you finally put me aside.”
“Who says I will put you aside? I know already that I want you to live here in the manor with me, in my apartments. We don't know each other, Kagome, and I would like to know you. Sesshomaru will not keep you from your sister and I will give you everything you desire.”
His eyes flashed with purple flames.
“And I will give you the one thing you will go on craving long after tonight is over, my Princess.”
“And what is that, my Prince?”
“Me. Inside you.”