InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ me of all people.... ❯ why me? ( Prologue )
Hi ya! Well this is my first fic! YAY! He he....ok...ummm..... uhhh.... well then I am obliviously
wasting my time rite here so... read and review when your done, Kay? Thanks!
OH! And if u think I own IY then why the heck would I be begging for reviews and writing and
rewriting this fic for u? Uh huh that's what I thought!- if your that thick and still think I own
IY well here's a wake up call for ya *ahem* "I DO NOT OWN IY! GET IT? I DISCLAIM
then .::back to sweet normal self::. Read and review please and thank you!
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Kagome stirred from the alarm clock. 'Ugh...damn out of all the things I had to buy it was an
alarm clock...' she sat up in her comfy bed. Just blinking for awhile. Then it dawned on her why
she had to wake up so early. "Aw shit!" she through the covers off. Stumbled out of her bed,
and went to her little apartment's bathroom, she turned on the shower and went back to her
room, and into the walk in closet. 'Now then, what to wear, what to wear??' then she
remembered some thing. "Aw shit!" she ran into her bathroom hoping that her shower hadn't
over flown. The good news was it didn't. "Whew". She got in the shower and washed her hair
and the rest of her body. When she got out the room was steaming. 'Looks like I'm using the
other mirror' she thought to herself. She put on a white smooth yet fluffy (a/n: hint hint...) Bath
robe and tied the sash around her waist. She went back to her room. Her room was not small and
not huge. It hade white carpet that was really soft. She had a canopy bed that was in summer fun
theme. Her room it self was baby sky blue and the trim was dark royal blue. She had built in
shelves that also were dark blue.
Her dresser was a but messy at the moment. (A/n: as soon as I geta scanner then I'll draw the
houses/apartments for the characters^_^) she had now walked in to her closet, and looked around
for about a minute. "Ok self, what do u wanna wear to day?" she stood there then shook her head
in thought. 'Kami I think I'm losing it' then she stood there for awhile, then some thing caught
her eye.
'Ohhhhhh!' she stared in awe like a little child in a candy store 'Those would go great with my black capris! ' She then snatched a baby blue halter top and
black leather, skin tight, low riders capris. "Ok lets see if this looks good" she ran into the
bathroom and about 4 minutes later she ran back into her room. "Perfect...", she
smiled at her self. It was her 1st day in FL university and she wanted to make a good
impression. She thought with what she was wearing, it couldn't get any better! 'Ok so much for
the easy part' she thought and strode over to the make-up mirror. She never really wore much
just a tad of lip gloss and some foundation to help her skin in the sunlight cause she was so fair.
She decided to go with usual, she wanted a GOOD impression not: preppie, easy-to-get, push
over, innocent-Lil-baby look. Yes it was true, she looked so innocent it was unbelievable. But
her and her best friend Sango ,whom she had met last summer, they both had been told so many
times that they looked innocent but their eyes totally gave them away. She smiled as she
She snapped out of daydreaming and went to putting on lip gloss. Just when she was about to do
her upper lip with the lip gloss stick that's when her cell decided to chime its ass off. Poor
kagome got startled and her lip gloss went WAY off her mouth. She sighed in frustration. Then
went over to her cell. It was a sprint flip phone. That was white and had blue flames coming up
the front and back. Then on right above the little screen thing from the out side it said "ROXY"
in blue letters. It also said that on the back. She flipped open her cell and greeted the other
person "hi ya" she had totally forgotten to check the caller ID when she heard Sango's distressed
voice on the other end.
"Oh my gosh Kagome do think I could ask you a favor?!" she was startled to say the least why did
her friend think she had to ask?
"Sango, that is THE dumbest question you have ever-EVER asked me yet!" she started trying to
sound mad and irritated. She wasn't mad nor irritated, well she was irritated that her friend
thought she needed to ask for help!
"You should know by now you don't have to ask just tell" she finished. Glancing at the clock
and gawked at the time. 'Aww shit!- wow I have been either saying that or thinking that a lot,
hm' she thought to her self then snapped out of her thoughts when she heard Sango's voice
"Well, I was wondering if you could pick me up- I totally understand if you can't I-" she was
interrupted by Kagome again.
"I'm finishing my lip gloss then I'm out the door and on my way to pick you up, be ready or I'm
gonna go dale Jr. on you and speed off to our college, got it chickea?" Kagome finished
slightly out of breath she crammed all that into one sentence with out a breath.
"Yep" Sango heard a click from the other end and then breathed out a sigh a relief. 'Wait when
did u wear lip gloss?' She thought, then shrugged it off, and pressed the C button on her cell
'Kay now back to the lip gloss demon' Kagome thought to herself. She turned and grabbed a
black clip for her cell and clipped to the right side of her hip.
She then cleaned the lip gloss mess on her face with the tissue by her make-up. Then reapplied
the lip gloss and ran to the kitchen. Grabbed her purse, and ran out the door shutting it.
Then she came back running in seeing she forgot 2 things. 1.) Her shoes 2.) Her car keys.
'Honestly, kag. Where did u expect to go with a car, that u didn't have the keys too?' she thought
to herself.
Then she slipped on a pair of Latin leather sandals. 'What is it with me and leather?' she
questioned her self thoughtfully. Then she reached beside the door was a little nail and that was
what held her keys.
She grabbed them then rushed out the door, but before locking it she made sure she had every
thing. She did and she locked the door and ran or trotted down the stairs.
"G'mourning Mrs.Schankski" she said as she saw her neighbor walking her dog.
"Hey, kagome LOVE YOUR OUTFIT!" she exclaimed, kagome just blushed.
"Thanks" she glanced at her watch "sorry, but I really have to go, but I'll talk to you later, Kay?"
Her neighbor nodded in agreement then they went their separate ways, kagome to her car.
She revved the engine then took off towards Sango's house. She pulled to a stop. She revved her
engine once and Sango came twirling down her stairs. She ran too the blue viper and jumped in.
She was wearing skin tight pink low riders pants with a white tank top and choker to match.
"Nice outfit, Sango" kagome said as she revved her engine once again, and checked her mirror to
see the all clear. She got the all clear and pulled out of her parked position.
"Right, back at ya chickea!" Sango exclaimed as she got a glance at the friendship bracelet her
friend wore. "How long do you wear that bracelet I got you?" she asked curiously.
Kagome blushed a bit and looked at her right wrist then answer her friends question, "24/7"
Sango gaped at her. Her jaw dropped. She knew it meant a lot to her friend but not that much.
Kagome chuckled and used her index finger and middle finger to close her jaw, then giggled at
her friend.
"So, how's life?" Sango asked trying obviously trying to get a good conversation going.
"Not, bad not bad...." kagome replied. They were zooming past houses that were beautiful.
Kagome slowed down when they saw the big mansion they always gawked at.
"Hmm....I wonder who lives, there?" Sango wondered.
"Probably some rich guy with his kid or some thin" kagome answered. She had seen the movers
and saw a play station 2 so she was sure that it was for some kind of teenager or some thing.
"Hmn" was all Sango could say. She sat there in thought. Kagome equally did the same.
they arrived at the school within a short amount of time.
"OH! Ho..ho...what have we here now?" a cold spine shivering voice said.
kagome whirled around to see 3 boys older than her coming at her and Sango.
'Oh, great another ass hole who thinks I'm a push over! HA! Well this should be fun..' Kagome
thought to herself she could tell Sango was thinking the exact same thing cause of the smirk on
her face and the evil glint her eyes, and apparently she was also wearing the same look.
Both kagome and Sango had a silent agreement that they wouldn't fight or kick ass unless it was
called to that matter. In which it was.
They started advancing on them slowly, lion stalking its prey. Kagome glanced at Sango and
both nodded in unison.
"Hey, we won't fight and end up kicking your sorry ass if you just walk away right now...!"
kagome warned. They weren't fazed.
Just then kagome recognized them. They were Hiten, Manten, Hojo. They were the boys that
tortured her through middle school.
Then hiten made a move and grabbed Kagome's wrist, catching her by surprise. The unwelcome
surprise wore off almost as soon as it came. She narrowed her eyes like cat slits. "Let go of my
wrist hiten, NOW" she snapped. He looked taken aback. He didn't' realize it was kagome. And
the fact she stood up to him! well he would most certainly punish her for that mistake. Little did
he know what he was in for.
"Wow kagome, you've grown up...pretty one might say," he looked kagome up and down. Noticeing the curves she had developed. "Oh and No, and I will punish you for your rudeness!" he said way too much arrogance in his voice.
Kagome couldn't help but smirk. She exchanged looks of disbelieve with Sango, then both
nodding in unison. They both agreed again silently that...that time had come for the fight to
Sango positioned her self for the attack of the other too. While kagome looked hiten straight in
the eye and her smirk widened. Then she said "BIG mistake!" she used her free fingers from the wrist he had
grasped all so tightly and grabbed his wrist. Before the idiot knew it he was whirled around and
on the ground with Kagome's knee sharply stabbing him in the back to keep him from moving.
"What the fuck!"
then he laid unconscious on the side walk beside her car. She looked over at Sango and saw she too
had both guys on the ground.
"Nice work!" she called to Sango.
Sango on the other hand, just kicked one of the guys in the head for trying to get up.
"Oh, ouch" kagome giggled as her friend walked over.
"Not bad if I do say so my self" Sango said triumphantly. With a wide grin on her face.
"Yep not bad not bad......." kagome started then smirked playfully and added " lets do that
Sango whipped her gaze to her friend with an amused look. "That was so Triple X!" Sango accused.
Kagome motioning like she was going to hit Sango up side the head. "DUH!" they both broke
down in giggles. Then kagome glanced at her watch.
"Oh shit, if we don't wanna be late we gotta go NOW!" kagome exclaimed and then realized
she had forgotten some thing.
"Hold on a sec." she said as she went to the car got her purse laptop carrier and a white zip up
light jacket, that had the Tampa Bay Buccaneers logo on it, to put over the baby blue halter top; she currently had on.
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There I am done revising it! Finally, now should I take out the bloopers? Let me know!
scene 1:
beep! Beep! Beep!
`Damn, out of all the things I had to buy it was an alarm clock!'
.::sits up in bed and blinks anime style......then it dawns on her why she had to wake up so early::.
"aww shit" *rips off sheets and attempts to get up, but falls right off bed*
"What fall on my ass again?"
"Don't be smart kagome"
"oh yeah that's a hard task"
scene 2:
.:: walks out of bathrooom and trips on the rug::.
"Dammit today is really not my day"
scene 3:
.::cell phone rings::.
*kagome answers the phone*
then pulls it back from her ear to look at it.
"Oh shit.....I think I hung up on her!"
.:: whole cast busts out laughing::.
LOL! Til' next time! JA NE!