InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ me of all people.... ❯ starbucks.....1.0.1 ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/n: hi again. Okay I have like 57 vists but only four reviews?? Hmm makes me wonder if

people actually want this fic to stay up...? hm. Well if I don't get any more reviews after

this chapter, I am gonna go evil on you guys and stop writing. I'm not gonna stay up late

writing and rewriting til' I think its good and it still isn't. So obviously I do NOT own

inuyasha. Here's the chappy.


Sango and kagome walked into starbucks, looking at the menus and what the special for the

day was. Kagome couldn't decide what she wanted. Then she spotted some thing, it was like

a flash of silvery hair behind a both that was not facing her. She guessed it was a man,

cause of what she could see the person was wearing a suit. `Hmm... weird..... people don't

normally have silver hair...' she was snapped out of her thoughts, when she heard Sango.

"Hello, kagome! Girl what's with you?" Sango said waving her hand in front of kagome for

more emphasis . Kagome shook her head.

"Huh?wha?" she said looking around and then back at Sango. "Oh, bad....thoughts

and stuff..." was all she could manage. Sango just arched an eye brow and shrugged it off.

"So what do you want?" she questioned

"Hmm...... ice mocha with whipped cream and chocolate on the top, thanks" kagome

finished like she said it every day.

"Yea, and I would like café latte, with chocolate sprinkles on the

whip cream, please and thank you!" the girl at the front counter noded and punched in the

numbers and replied in a bored voice "that'll be 9.86 have a nice day" Sango and kagome

each payed three dollars.

They waited for about 12 minutes. During that time kagome spotted a table near wear she

had seen the silver hair and dark suit and from what she could tell he was still there, only

now another gentleman was sitting across from him.

The gentlemen she could see was wearing a light sweater that was tanish. And he had on a

pair of slacks that were khaki. He had his hair up in a tiny pony tail.

`Yep, 2 of the 3 stooges alright. Now, I wonder if its sesshomaru or inuyasha sitting

there? hmm...' she got caught in her thoughts. Yes, every body knew who sesshomaru,

inuyasha, and miroku were. They owned a VERY prestigious company. They had girls that

would flock over them like geese moving south as if there was no return. Kagome chuckled

at the thought. `Heh...that's just plain stupidity..'

She nudged Sango in the ribs, not enough to hurt her but enough to get her attention. Sango

looked at kagome. Kagome had this smirk of `stupidity sympathy' and she motioned her

head over to the two guys. Sango looked with interest.

Only to find:

"well....well...the two of the 3 stooges..."

At that kagome chuckled a bit. But nodded in response

"Yea...can you believe women flock over them and literally worship them like gods?!"

Sango shook her head in a cross between `amusement and disgust'

"No, now a bunch of women worshiping 3 men like them, nah uh, that's some colt shit,"

kagome just giggled a bit and then got a bored expression on her face "yep, same

shit different day" Sango only sighed in agreement.

"Yea, we're the only ones left kagome, what are we gonna do..?" Sango said in a high

pitched drama voice. Kagome played along.

"Yea, we're just college students we can't save the world from those bimbos..." kagome and

Sango burst into small laugher, then some body interrupted them.

"Yea, I totally agree" the stranger started "those mindless women don't get passed the fact

that those guys don't give them a second look..."

kagome and Sango looked at the voice's owner and smiled politely.

"Hi I'm kagome" "and I'm Sango" "and we think that we are gonna get along just fine..."

kagome and Sango said in unison.

The stranger laughed a bit. She had sweet laugh and a charming smile. She looked to be ½

Italian and ½ Puerto Rican. She had long dark brown hair. And the strange thing was, she

had brown eyes with blue flecks in them and them a black ring around the color. At this

point she was wearing a navy blue tank top, tight fitting jeans, a choker that had a heart that

said `Lil sis' and then a silver chain with too rings on it. Very unique. The rings, in detail, were like baby rings. One was a golden band that looked like it was vines intertwined. It had a heart shaped ruby in the middle. The other was the same band only a little bit more intertwine action with a small diamond in the middle.

"Oh...I'm Xtinathianna Torres," both Sango and kagome gawked at the name. it rolled off her

tongue with the accent in her voice it was truly beautiful but not heard often. She blushed

and added "but you can call me `X-Tina' I know my name is very complicated" kagome and

Sango nodded.

"So what college do u go to?" X-Tina asked as they all got their drinks and decided to sit

right across from the *ahem* 2 of the 3 stooges. (A/n: I hate calling them that cause their

so dang hot but to make the point you understand.....I hope...)

********2 stooges********

"Ok so exactly why is sesshomaru late?" the silver haired man asked.

"Patience inuyasha he will be here....." A dark haired man said as he sipped his latte. Then a group

of girls sat 2 tables across from them. He raised his eye brows at this. The 1st group of women to sit

near him and not gawk at him. `Hmm....' one raven haired girl particularly caught his eye.

"Hello! to miroku!" inuyasha said waving his hand in miroku's face.

Miroku just sat there for a moment then had a reality check.

"OH!...sorry inuyasha," miroku said not really paying any heed to the silver haired man in front of

him. Then he said to inuyasha "hey, is it just me or are those the first group of women to sit near us

and not gawk at us?" inuyasha raised a questioning eyebrow, then he looked sideways and sure

enough a group of gorgeous women sitting RIGHT there and well weren't gawking like the other

women they had encountered.

"Huh, I guess your right...... but they're gorgeous" inuyasha tried not to stare but he failed and

miroku noticed this.

"Don't even go there!"

"Too late"

inuyasha was about to get up and go talk to the ladies when his brother showed up.

"Of all times you decide to show up, sesshomaru it had to be now...." inuyasha said to his big


At this sesshomaru raised an eyebrow, looked at miroku who just shrugged innocently. Then it dawned on him he turned around and their were 3 very pretty women. sitting across from his co workers.

He turned to his brother and said "you've been spending WAY too much time with miroku," at that

miroku got a hurt look on his face and tried to feign innocence but sesshomaru knew better.

"I wouldn't even try it little brother, those women look like smart women, not the dumb ass's that

chase after us, 24/7"

all three chuckled at this.

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{::: done revised....::}

hope u liked it!