InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ me of all people.... ❯ the one ( Chapter 13 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Me of All People

By: CiCi

Chapter: Chap. 13- The One

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*Sunday 8:30 Am*

Sango sat stiffly on the couch. Staring out the window. It was the day after she and Roberto had the "Argument". Would they break up? Well, she told her self. It is kind of hard to forgive and forget. She shrugged. Should she call him? Nah, to desperate.

Many questions ran through her mind. Then one stood out. Her eyes widening. She cursed her self for not remembering. She sprang to her feet. Then let out a muffled howl of pain as her asleep legs wobbled awake. She growled at herself and made herself walk to the kitchen.

When she finally made it there she saw kagome. Black hair tied up in a low pony tail. The sun miffed with the highlights in her hair. She was reading a magazine while lightly playing some form of music. She looked up at Sango and smiled.

"Good mourning...feeling better?"

Sango nodded. "Yea until I remembered some thing..."

Kagome looked at her questionably.

"We got the intern job and our work days are Monday, Thursday, and Friday from 8:00 Am to 1:00 Pm..."

Kagome's mouth dropped. Then it closed. A scowl appeared on her face. "So what exactly is the problem? Today's Sunday..." kagome said nonchalantly.

The expression on sango's face made kagome wonder if she was about to get hit. "Yea but what was the day before yesterday?" Sango asked.

Kagome thought for a second then her eyes widened. "Oh shit! It was Friday!"

"Yea exactly!"

"Aw man! What are we going to do? If Ungermyer finds out we've missed a day we're toast!" Kagome exclaimed.

"Why did we have to get her for business class?" Sango whined.

"There's only one thing to do Sango my friend..."

Sango cocked an eyebrow.

Kagome nodded to herself. "We have to go down to P3 Corp and find what the deal is..."

Sango just looked at kagome for a second. Then her face when contorted. "Do we have to?" she whined like a little child.

"Yes we do," kagome scolded like a mother. "Because I can't do this all be me onesy, so your going to- haha!" kagome busted out laughing at Sango's face.

"You," Sango tried not to laugh. "That was Jack Sparrow's line in pirates of the Carribean only it was quote "see I could let you drown, but what I can't do is bring this ship into Tortuga all be me onesy, savvy" un quote." Sango finished with a nod.

Kagome shook her head. "What did you memorize that movie or something?"

"Hey," Sango pointed. "You're the one that quoted it...besides," she shrugged. "It has Orlando Bloom and Johnny Depp in it..."


CiCi: sorry I had to put that in! I was watching `Pirates of the Carribean' hehe...


"Come on Sango let me get dressed and then we'll go down by your apartment to get you a change of clothes," she closed the magazine. "Then we'll go from there."she left the magazine on her kitchen counter and walked back to her room. Leaving Sango to twiddle with thoughts and emotions.

She walked into her room, the soft carpeting tickled her feet. She strode over to her closet. `Well I'm probably working mail room shit anyways...' she grabbed a basic white long sleeved shirt with the words `Not Totally Innocent' grapevine in black across the front. On the back it said `Just Misunderstood'. She then yanked out a pair of khaki capris.


CiCi: ok I know I'm spelling `capris' wrong another name is `knee knockers' so there!


she slipped on her chosen articles over her black undergarments. Then she slipped into ankle socks, which retreated into her Adidas. She pulled her hair into a high pony tail resting on the back of her head. She lightly sprayed some of her body spray.

then she checked herself over. `Yep..' she thought. `This is okay...I guess...'. she shrugged and walked back out to where Sango had stationed herself. Sango raised her eye brows when she read kagome's shirt.

"Let me see the back..." kagome turned around as Sango read the back of her shirt. Sango chuckled. "Yea that's cute..." shaking her head Sango headed out for her car. Kagome trailing right behind her. When kagome saw the white Mercedes she cocked an eyebrow.

"Now, I could have sworn you had a black honda convertible!"

"Ha-ha, I do! I have both cars! Remember when I asked you to pick me up?"

"Mm-hm" kagome said looking the car over.

"Well my brother, kohaku, was borrowing the honda and then this little devil decided to go wack. I didn't have time to fix it so," she shrugged. "I usually drive the honda but kohaku went back to borrowing it again." she blew out a breath. "I guess we're taking this car huh?"

Kagome nodded as she sat into the passenger seat. "I guess it's a good thing I put my hair up, ne?"

Sango laughed and nodded. She too pulled her hair up. She slid into the drivers seat. The leather interior welcoming her flesh.

They starting driving past the mansions. Both gawked as they sped past. Then they came to it. The brown brick, Victorian house. No, house wasn't the name for it. In fact there wasn't a name for it. It was huge. The sun pivoting off the roof over the yard. The landscape green with glee. Flowers of all different colors. Violets, Pinks, Blues, Peaches, Whites, and Greens. The vines groping up the sides and the front of the mansion. There were two columns at the entry way. Then there was the hot guy. guy?

Sango almost drove onto a curb. Her and kagome literally went gooey. There was a man about in his early to late twenties. Tan, scruffy dark hair. And as far as they could see the darkest, deepest brown eyes. His muscles caught most of they're attention.

"Ooooooooooooooooooo shirtless!" Sango sung low enough for only kagome to hear.

"An added bonus!" Kagome chimed.

He was working on his lawn; mowing it back and forth and back again. His Labrador jumping gleefully to try and catch the mower but running back in fear then back again. It was like a game of cat and mouse. Sango shook her head and pressed on the gas. "I wouldn't mind finding out where his bedroom is..."she stated amongst the quietness. Kagome turned in her seat until she was facing Sango. "Who wouldn't?" both laughed as Sango kept a steady speed. Kagome cocked her head at something.

"Some thing bothering you kago?" Sango asked as she made a right hand turn on what was Bonito Blvd. The bright afternoon sun washed over the car and onto the girl's faces. Trees every now and then would hide the sun away from them. "I can't help but think.....oh it's nothing." Sango nodded. Both dropping back into silence. She turned into an apartment complex. "I'll be right back!" she stated as she hopped out and ran up to her apartment. No less than twenty minutes later she was back in the car. "Hi" kagome nodded back.Finally after a few stop lights and a right hand turn they were both looking up at a 12 story building. The name of the grand building was itched in silver across the marble outside making.


Kagome and Sango sighed in unison. "Love the building.." Sango started "hate the arrogant bastard's who own it..." kagome finished. Both rolled they're shoulders and started walking in the building. While the outside was gray marble the in side was white marble. If you went into the middle you could look up and count the other floors. You could also see the railing for those 12 other floors. The lobby had one strip of red carpet, then royal blue, then white.

"Wonder what that stands for...." kagome commented.

"The red stands for boldness, the blue stands for braveness and the white for self immunity..." a strong male voice said from behind them. Both girls whirled around to find a man At least 6'4 white long silvery hair staring back at them. His gaze straight forward and not able to imitate.

"May I inquire your visit Ms. Higurashi and Ms. Takahashi?" it was then kagome noticed four other people behind him. `Contractors no doubt...' kagome guessed.

"You know our names? Why?" Sango asked strongly standing her ground.

He chuckled. "Forgive me... I'm Sesshomaru Jaosaki...." he held out a hand. At which kagome cocked an eye brow at. "Um can we talk to you...alone" she added her voice threatening the people behind him.

"Yes of course." sesshomaru waved the people off and motioned for the girls to follow him. Both of the girls stood there they're pointed looks hurling daggers at him. "Ah this is where I should tell you some thing." he walked closer to the girls. "See this is my company, I give the orders you as intern or assistant depends on your point of view, will follow them, I am making myself clear?" his voice showed no mercy. All three had a glaring contest.

Then kagome broke it. "Oh fuck this! You are the most arrogant, pompous, ignorant man I have ever acquainted my self with!" she hissed through clenched teeth.


CiCi: and we thought sessho was a lady killer


sesshomaru resisted the urge to back hand her. He managed a smirk instead. "Technically, we're not acquainted..." he held out his hand as a some sort of peace offering.

Kagome looked at it. Then deliberately stepped forward looking dead at sesshomaru's eyes. One would have thought she was going to kiss him. Her glare sharped to an altitude that had sesshomaru raising his eyebrows. She stopped an inch away from his face; of course she stood on tip toe.

She spoke firmly and straight to the point. "I make a point of declining any acquaintances with demonic aristocrats such as your self." her voice sharp and carrying.

She started to turn away when a firm hand gripped her upper arm tightly. She got ready to round house him. But he caught her leg in a tight grip also, and pulled her closer to him and whispered huskily, "you have no idea."he smirked satisfied when he received a shiver of response. He looked up to the second floor where miroku and inu-yasha stood watching with they're eyebrows raised, he winked. The sign to come on down. He turned his attention back to the struggling girl in his grasp. He turned her leg around and pulled her to him more. Then she ,unexpectedly, used her knee of the leg he had grasped and kneed him quietly in the stomach.

But he brought her face closer to his. A evil smile graced his thick lips. Her face was stoic. "Unhand me you despicable ass..." she hissed through clenched teeth. Sesshomaru raised his eyebrows even more. "Sticks and stones love, but are you really sure you want me to drop you now?" kagome looked as if she might bite him.

"Come on sesshomaru show some hospitality...." sesshomaru only lifted his gaze to his friend and half brother. While Sango whirled around yet for the second time that day. "Oh no not more of you..." she muttered.

Inuyasha raised his eyebrows. Then took her hand in his. And placed a kiss atop it. "Surely you don't think that way?..." he smiled charmingly when Sango yanked her hand back.

"Well with your stupid, arrogant, dumb ass brother-"

"Half brother, yet I do agree with all those names he fits every single one. But," he walked closer to her until they were nose to nose. "You can't possibly think that just because we're related by a tiny thread that we're possibly alike, do you? " his breath scented of wine.

"I can think what I like and I will keep it to myself..." she snapped. He chuckled and looked as if he might move in on her even more. "And you take a step closer I'll be forced to kick your whimpy ass."

"Now that I agree with." sesshomaru commented. Then looked back at kagome.

Inuyasha didn't move his gaze. "Oooooooh tough girl, what might I ask are you going to do to me?"

"Well," Sango started as she shifted her feet. "I could round house you and calapse your puny skull." she made quick work and in no time her round house stopped mere inches from his head. "How would you like that?" she sneered.

Inuaysha blew out a breath from his nose and closed his eyes. "And yet," he spoke his eyes still closed. "You think that will stop me?"

Sango's guard lowered in curiousity. "What in the hell's name are talking about?"

Inuyasha snorted and grabbed her leg. Tripping her other foot out from underneath her. She waited for inpact on the marble floor. But instead she flelt like floating. She opened her eyes and was looking at dark brown ones. When she realized her position her eyes went into slits.

"Yea honey you need more work before you take me on."

"Until then you can let me go now."

"Yea same here!" kagome chastised.

"Oh no I think I like you like this..." inuyasha smirked. "Now all I need is a bed handy-" a sharp punch landed him in the face. Causing him to drop her. She landed on the marble, with no way to brace herself.

"Sango!" kagome tried to pry herself off the hard grip sesshomaru had on her. "Let me go you jerk!"

"Fine" he dropped her as well.

Both girls were knocked unconscious.

"Nice work brothers now what if this gets out?!" miroku scolded looking at the two girl's sprawled forms.

Sesshomaru looked around him. "Well barely anyone is here. And the people here didn't hear anything so lets get them into one of our offices."

"Whoa not mine," miroku raised his hands. "You know what's pinned up in my office."

"I told you to take those damn pictures off that way when guests come we don't have a problem." sesshomaru reminded.

"Does it seem that I've ever listened to one of your orders?" miroku retorted.

Sesshomaru only snorted in response.

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CiCi: well then they finally meet! Hehe! I'm gonna tell you the couples now!

At first its gonna be:

Sess/ kag

Inu/ no one

Miroku/ no one

Sango/ Roberto

but in the change it'll be:

Sess/ kag

inu/ Sango

Miroku/ X-Tina

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