InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Meant to be? ❯ It Begins. . . ( Prologue )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

DISCLAIMER: It's not mine. If it was, Sango would have either Inuyasha or Sesshoumaru.
How long had she loved him? How long had she craved his touch? How long had she watched them fall deeper in love, in the process breaking her heart repeatedly? It seemed that she no longer had a reason to live. Her family was dead, Kohaku was under Naraku's influence so he was as good as dead, and the one she loved was in love with the one she loved like a sister. What did she live for? A monk to grope her every chance he got?
Sango stood on the edge of a cliff as these thoughts ran through her mind. It would be wonderful if she could just let go, be free from everything that was tearing her up inside. Closing her eyes she lifted her face to the breeze. Just once she wanted to be rid of the pain, was that too much to ask? A tear escaped her eyes just before she heard him approach.
“What are you doing here? Do you know you have the others worried about where you disappeared to?” Inuyasha's voice was harsh. He stared hard at the taijaiya's rigid back before he frowned; she had become distant the past few weeks. All the others had sensed it but no one knew what was going on. “Why are you crying?”
“I'm not crying.” She said it in the same monotonous tone she had perfected recently. He knew she was lying, he just did not know why. “The wind blew in my eye.”
“We have to get back to camp.” He watched her closely as she turned to face him. She seemed normal but he had been around her long enough to know the differences. Her shoulders were slightly tense and she refused to look at him as she passed. He was worried about her, wherever the strong spirited woman he knew had gone he hoped she came back quickly.
When they stepped into camp Kagome immediately ran up to Sango, “Where have you been? We were worried about you.”
Sango's head suddenly shot up in anger, “I am not a child I can go and come as I please!”
They were all surprised at her outburst but Inuyasha recovered first.
“You don't have to shout at her wench! She was just worried!” He was not prepared for the look of contempt that she shot his way.
“Of course that is what it was,” she sneered. “And of course you would rush to sweet Kagome's defense.” She did not know why she was saying this but it was like she could not stop. She did not intend to hurt Kagome but it was too much. Inuyasha always stuck up for Kagome, he always defended his perfect little miko.
“What the hell does that mean?” His tone was angry and they met in a battle of wills.

“Take it whatever way you want. . .Better yet tell me this. If you had to choose between saving all of us against saving Kagome, who would you choose?” He could not reply. All eyes were on the hanyou as she turned away. “I thought so.”
With the commotion over they all sat down to eat. Half-way through the meal Miroku decided to take his chances and inching closer to Sango groped her behind. Expecting a slap her reaction threw him off-guard.
Turning to him she stared him dead in the eye, “How would you like it houshi, if I grabbed and rubbed your behind?”
Miroku blushed slightly but a lecherous grin escaped his lips. Still staring intently into his eyes she reached around him and grabbed his behind, squeezing firmly. Miroku jumped slightly before blushing furiously.
“Will you two stop? In case you haven't noticed Shippo's just a kid,” Inuyasha said grumpily forking more ramen into his mouth. She glowered at him but looked away, why was she acting like this? She needed to get away from them, from him.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
Inuyasha watched her attack the beast. It was shocking how vicious she came at it. She was literally tearing it apart. He barely had anything to do but get out of her way. The beast suddenly went down in a roar of pain and he watched the life drain out of it.
Turning he went to Kagome to make sure she was alright; when he saw she was fine he looked again to Sango. An almost lifeless expression was in her eyes but was soon replaced with . . . Pain? Instantly the smell of blood reached his nose and he saw the red fluid stain the front of her fighter's kimono. An irrational panic built up in him as he watched her turn pale as more blood flowed free.
Immediately he was at her side, “Sango! Sango are you alright?”
She lifted her head slowly, “Inuyasha, it . . . hurts . . . badly . . .” she fell forward then into his arms. Cautiously he lifted her into his arms with the others watching. They were all worried but they could see the problem now. A deep gash in her stomach right below her breast leading to her hip.
He was not sure how but soon they were in a hut and Kagome was tending to her as the older males waited outside. Night soon came and they were allowed in. Everyone fell asleep but him. Silently he got up and walked to where Sango lay. She always looked peaceful when she slept, when she was awake and fighting it was a different story.

He reached a hand up and brushed a stray tendril of hair away from her face. She was beautiful; thoughtfully he traced her lips with his index finger. No one knew but he wanted her. It almost drove him crazy every time she went into heat, her scent was intoxicating. Whenever he found himself wanting her he had to remind himself of Kagome. Forgetting Kagome now he raised her head gently and brushed his lips softly against her own. He placed her head back down and went back to sleep.
It had been a month and Sango was now fully recovered. She rejoined the group and seemed almost back to her old self.
It was while she was at a lake that Inuyasha approached her again. He had sneaked up on her, startling her when he ran his hand lightly over her hair. She spun around and found herself pressed against his chest.
“Inuyasha!” She exclaimed trying to put some distance between them. “What's wrong?”
It was almost like he could not hear her; instead of answering her he burrowed his head into her neck and licked at her pulse. She gasped as he nuzzled the spot.
“Tell me Sango?” His voice was a purr in her ear. “Do you want me as much as I want you?”
She was shocked. What on earth had him behaving like this? His left arm brushed slowly up and down her spine, igniting wherever he touched. She was not sure but the only reason she could tell he acted like this was that he was probably in heat.
“Inuyasha,” she gasped as his tongue snaked out to play with her earlobe. “You're not thinking straight, you need to stop!”
But she did not want him to stop. She wanted the complete opposite. She wanted him to take her right now! His hands drifted to different parts of her body. One cupped her behind bringing her closer to him and the other one pulled her head around to face him.
“I am thinking straight,” his voice was now a low growl. “Or is it that you do not want me to touch you? The monk can grope you but I cannot touch you!?”
Inuyasha was not thinking logically. One part of his brain was telling him to stop while the dominant part was screaming at him to take the female in front of him now! He knew that it was Sango he was currently holding . . . but for some reason it just felt right.
“It's not that Inuyasha,” her voice dropped. “It's just that when we're finished you'll regret what you did.”
He lowered his head to rub noses with her, “I will not regret this. Ever. Please just say yes. I need you Sango.”

She could not refuse him. Even though she knew it was wrong, nothing could come of it, she said yes. He lowered her to the ground as gently as he could and placed kisses all over her face. Covering her mouth with his once again he ran a hand smoothly over her curves. He pulled it back up and into the top of her traveling kimono. For once she was not wearing her fighting suit underneath. He growled his approval.
He massaged her breast fervently, as if trying to memorize it by touch. Then he rubbed a calloused finger over her nipple. She gasped and arched slightly into his touch. His lips ran down her jaw-line once again to nibble and lick at her neck. Meanwhile his finger continued to play with her nipple until it was as hard as a stone.
“Sango,” it was a whisper on his lips. Turning her towards him he somehow managed to rid her of her clothes so that she was pressed against his fully clothed form. He ran his hands over her legs then up to the center of her. She was already wet so he dipped his fingers into her and then drew circles on her inner thigh.
His unoccupied hand kneaded the neglected breast in a sensual caress. His fingers on the other hand ran lightly over her folds as she arched into his touch. He slipped one finger, agonizingly slowly, into her nether lips that were almost swollen with need. Both their breathing was labored as he pulled away from her to see her face as he pumped his finger into her.
His mouth connected with hers again. When she opened her mouth for him he slipped his tongue inside and imitated what he was doing with his finger. They worked in unison, picking up speed as they plundered both lips on either end of her body. She stuck her tongue out to play with his one. He hooked his finger then and flicked her clit. The action sent her over the edge and she screamed into his mouth.
Inuyasha then smiled as he rolled her onto her back. Parting her legs he dipped his head between her thighs. She had not yet come back down to earth when he licked her `womanhood' almost roughly. She was jolted back to reality when she felt it. Her eyes fell on the hanyou between her legs and immediately more liquid pooled between her thighs. He grinned wickedly up at her and then licked her again, slowly, watching her face as he did so.
She threw her head back and let out a hoarse cry as her face contorted into raw passion. He bit lightly at the nub there and she reached out and grasped his head. She watched as he moved his head around working his tongue into her. Somewhere in the middle he kneeled up and lifted her legs over his shoulders. The position led for deeper penetration and his tongue went deeper, leaving her breathless as she came again, this time into his mouth. He licked it all up and then put her back down. He then removed his clothes and kneeled in front of her again.
“Are you sure about this?” His voice was husky, she knew why. She could see he was rock-hard in front of her. Her eyes seemed to be stuck and she could not look away. Inuyasha chuckled softly, “What's the matter Sango? Sc-”

The word died in his throat when she reached out and touched him. She ran her nails down his length causing him to suck in his breath sharply. Awed she leaned forward as if drawn to it, and then enveloped it in her mouth. Inuyasha almost came right then and there. Breathing raggedly he pushed her back down and then lay on top of her.
“Sango,” he whispered onto her lips. “It might . . .hurt, at first.”
Looking into his eyes she nodded right before he plunged into her. Grabbing onto his shoulders she bit her lip to stop from screaming. He waited awhile and then started to move. The pain dissipated to make way for pleasure and soon she was rocking with him.
“More Inuyasha,” she moaned into his ear. “Harder.”
He complied and she also increased her pace. He kept going faster and faster until she could not keep up. The waves of pleasure coursed all over her body igniting fires in her. Something curled tighter and tighter in her lower abdomen, something that begged to be released.
He could feel her walls contract and release every time he moved in or out. It was sweet torture. Her hands moved over his back feeling each muscle there. Her moans and small cries drove him on and further to the edge. Finally she raked her nails up his back and embedded them in his shoulder as she screamed her third orgasm to the sky. He came soon after and shot his seed straight into her womb.
Spent, he rolled off of her and cupped her to him. He watched her as she slept, determined to have this one time with her. Some time later he fell into a deep sleep.
When she awoke it was dark. It immediately hit her what she had done and in shame she dressed and made her way back to where the others were. She did not know why they had not come to look for Inuyasha and her but she was not going to ask. How could she ever face any of them ever again after what she had done? How could she face Kagome?
She was so ashamed of herself she had to fight from crying. She knew what she had to do. She went back to the hut they were staying in but found no one there but Kirara. Quickly gathering her few things she spoke to the little fire neko.
“I'm leaving Kirara,” her voice was sad. “I'm leaving them. If you want to come you can come but I would not blame you for staying.” Immediately Kirara jumped onto her mistress's shoulder and snuggled into her. Sango knew the answer and smiling slightly she rubbed her head as she exited the hut and walked into the forest.
Everybody including Inuyasha arrived later at the hut. Sango was soon discovered missing and they split up to look for her. Everywhere she could possibly be was combed but no one could find her or Kirara. They finally had to admit the truth when they came back late in the night. No one wanted to believe it but they could not change it.
“They're gone.” Shippo's was the only voice able to say the truth.