InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Meant To Be ❯ Dreams That Haunt ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't have anything to my name but this page and my screen name. So just go ahead and try to sue.

Dreams That Haunt

InuYasha looked at the offensive substance that stained his once white porcelain sink. The smell was insulting to his senses. He stared a the girl in front of him dripping clear crimson liquid on his white tiles floor. He saw her mouth moving but the words didn't register until the eery sound of music became clear in the background.

Oh my love please don't cry I wash my bloody hands and we'll start a new life

I ripped out his throat and called you on the telephone to take off my disguise just in time to hear you cry

when you; you mourn the death of your bloody valentine the night she died, yeah you mourn the death of your bloody valentine the night she died

Singing oh my love please don't cry I wash my bloody hands and well start a new life, I don't know much at all and I don't know wrong from right all I know is that I love you tonight

there where police and flashing lights the rain came down so hard that night and the headlines read a lover died not tell tale heart was left to find

when you mourn the death of your bloody valentine the night she died, yeah you mourn the death of your bloody valentine on last time

Singing oh my love please don't cry I was my bloody hands and well start a new life, I don't know much at all and I don't know wrong from right all I know is that I'll love you tonight...tonight

She drop you off and I followed him home and I stood outside her bedroom window standing over hie she begged my not to do what I know I had to do cuz' I'm so in love with you

Oh my love please don't cry I wash my bloody hands and we'll start a new life, I don't know much at all and I don't know wrong from right all I know is that I'll love you tonight

The girl smirked and held up a charm bracelet soiled with the same crimson that stained his sink. InuYasha gasped as he recognized the light pink jewel surrounded by an eye, a heart and the letter 'U' with a small framed picture of him and Kagome hanging from the bracelet. The girl took a step forward and spoke in a voice void of emotion, "say you love me, InuYasha. Say you love Kikyo and not Kagome." She begin to laugh manically. "Not that she'll be around to hear you tell her you love her anymore."

InuYasha sat up rather quickly. He was covered in a thin layer of sweat. He was panting slightly. As he reached for the phone, he failed to notice the man lurking in the shadows outside his window, and dialed his beloved Kagome's number. As the phone begin to ring, he tried to shake the feeling that something was wrong.

Too be chapter...Nightmares Of Fear

Signing off,
