InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Meant to Be ❯ Meant to Be ( One-Shot )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Meant to Be

When you love someone, you let them go, if they come back to you, they're yours. If not then it wasn't meant to be. That's what they say right? Letting the person you love go, and if they don't come to you, then you should be happy for them. Happy that they are happy.
I remember when I was nineteen, I was going out with this guy, Inuyasha that was two years older than me. I know I loved him and I thought he loved me. But I was wrong. He loved me but not in the way I loved him.
It was summer, no school, and lots of parties. It was a particular party we went to, his brother's. His brother, Sesshoumaru never really liked me. He thought I was below him for he was rich and I came from a rather poor family. It was at this party he met her. A very lovely black haired woman with brown eyes. Kikyo. She looked like me. She was eighteen, a year younger than me.
We were supposed to spend the whole summer together but we didn't. He spent it with Kikyo. And all summer I kept asking myself, what was wrong with me? Did he not find me attractive anymore? Did I bore him? He kept saying that she was only a friend, ad that I was still his girlfriend and that he loved me, not her.
Well that got us into an arguement. I had said that if she was only a friend why was he spending more time woth her than me? He kept on saying that that wasn't true when we both knew it was. I was crying. I knew that he didn't love me. Not anymore. He loved her. He didn't say it but I knew.
School started and we saw less and less of each other. I don't know if that good or bad. Good because everytime we were together the tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. Bad because it meant he was with Kikyo. Maybe it was good. Maybe we weren't meant for each other. But that thought made me cry for I couldn't imagine myself with anyone but him. I cryed myself to sleep many times, and I knew at that same time Kikyo was on his mind. And knowing that only made me cry even more.
School ended. We still didn't see each very often. And I kept wondering why he didn't break it off. I could only guess it was because he felt sorry for me. I didn't want that. I didn't want pity, especially from him. My parents noticed my depressing mood, and that I only saw Inuyasha on rare occasion.
I would be turning twenty and my parents wanted Inuyasha to come to the party. I didn't even want a party but for the sake of normality, I said to the party but no for Inuyasha to come. I would be surprised if he even remembered. Besides if I did invite him I know either Kikyo would come with him, or he would be to busy. All I wanted was for him to love me again. Or at least know that he remembers me. Sometimes I just want to go to his house and shout at him 'I'm still here'! But I'm not important. Not anymore.
It was the day of my birthday, and that party had started. I was trying to be happy and forget Inuyasha and it was working pretty well. Until he walked through the door. I was so happy, he remembered and he came and Kikyo wasn't with him! I thought that maybe I had been wrong. We spent the whole day together and we were both happy. He was smiling at me and he said that he had missed me. I didn't want to ask him where he was. I knew and I didn't want to argue.
We had been together before but this time was different. Almost as if he saying something. Like he was saying good-bye. I ignored it and thought it was just my imagination and that fact that we haven't been together in such a deep way for a long time. I didn't cry for the first in a long time. Morning came and I couldn't help but smile. He was still there. Holding me in his sleep, and I snuggled up to him. I felt so safe and warm. I couldn't remember being this happy in a long time. I fell back asleep.
I woke up and he was next to me or rather next to the bed, dressed. He was resting his head on his hands, apearing to be deep in thought. I was slightly worried at what could be wrong. Apparently he heard me wake up and looked up at me. He smiled but it wasn't like before. He seemed almost sad. He took my hand and now I was really worried.
"Kagome, I do love you. I really do." I wasn't sure whether to be happy or sad. He said he loved me but said it in a troubled voice.
"But Kagome, I love Kikyo more." I could feel the tears running down my cheeks.
"I wanted to say good-bye. The only reason I stayed with you this didn't come out right. Kagome i really did and still love you and I would do anything for you. And I don't want to never see you again. I still want to be friends. You really mean alot to me more than anyone besides Kikyo. I just wasn't sure who I really loved. I know now and I'm sorry." He was really hurt to be doing this. And it hurt me to. It hurt me alot. But Ioved him and all i wanted was his happiness no matter what.
I placed my hand on his cheek, and I felt his tears. He really loved me just not as much as Kikyo and that fact helped me a little.
"If you love this girl then be happy. I'm letting you go. I love you to and I always will. I want you to be happy, and i'm happy that we can still be friends." He smiled. He was happy. And that made me happy. He hugged me and I hugged him back. I cryed and so did he. This really was hard for him. But he was happy. And that was all that really mattered.
So I graduated highschool, and he came to my graduation. We hugged but we were nothing more than best friends. It still hurt a little and I would still cry every now and then, but I'm happy. We all went out to celebrate. We as in me, Inuyasha and Kikyo. I had never really talked to Kikyo before, and I was curious at what kind of person she was. She seemed nice, innocent, caring, a gente person from what I saw.
We ate at an ice cream place. I love ice cream, and Inuyasha new that. It was fun, we laughed, talked and had a really good time. Inuyasha had to go to the bathroom, so I thought this was my chance to get to know Kikyo better. I wanted to be friends, after all this was the girl that stole my guys heart.
She looked at me, no longer was her face smiling and innocent.
"You stay away from you tramp." She said coldly. I was slightly taken aback.
"What are you talking about? Me and Inuyasha are just good friends." That's what we were, friends.
"Don't play dumb. I know you went out with him." She smiled. Not in a kind way but in a way that said she won and I lost.
"Yes we went out, but he's with you now and now me and him are just friends."
"Sure sure. But if you dare come to him saying your pregnant with his child, and even if you did get pregnant I'm sure you won't remember which guy is the father. So I will just say this once, stay away from my boyfriend. He's mine now, you apparently weren't good enough." I wanted to slap her. Make her take back the things she said. She wasn't innocent, she was the tramp. I had never been with anyone but Inuyasha. How dare she. But before I could act on my thoughts, Inuyasha came back.
She acted as if we were having a friendly conversation. I wanted to cry. Because now I knew. He loved her more than me because of the innocence she had or at least faked. She appeared to be so pure and kind. Kinder than me.But no matter how much I wanted to tell him, I know it would hurt him. And that was the last thing I wanted. So I remained silent.
My birthday was about two mouths before my graduation. I noticed. How couldn't have I. I even took tests. I got sick in the morning. I tried to ignore it. But eventually I couldn't. I curled up on my bed and cryed. I was pregnant. With Inuyasha's child. Kikyo made her warning and I knew I couldn't tell Inuyasha. Kikyo would make something I knew it. I didn't know what to do. I felt so lost.
My mom found out. She begged me to tell her who the father was. I refused. I couldn't do it. I just couldn't. I was so afraid of what he would say. Of what he would think. Eventually I told my mom. I told her I got drunk and I don't know who the father is. She slapped me. I cryed that night. My mom hated me, my dad didn't care about me. The man I love didn't love me, not the way I loved him. And the woman who had his heart now was a fake. I wanted to die. I was five mouths pregnant, I was showing. Inuyasha had called but I couldn't bare to face him.
I took a razor blade from the kitchen. I layed in my bed. And I cut my wrists. Deeply. I wanted all this to end. I didn't want to live. Not anymore. I couldn't. I knew I was weak but I didn't care. I just wanted everything to end. I closd my eyes and allowed my life giving blood to flow out of me. I felt peaceful. I made another deep cut on each arm. Now five lines going across my wrists on each arm. Blood flowing freely out of the deep wound.
I heard loud banging noises, but I ignored them. I was gonna finally be at peace, nothing else mattered. At that time, I had forgotten that there was a little life inside me. The banging persisted and I opened my eyes than wished I didn't. It was Inuyasha, banging his hands on my window. I shut my eyes and tears came. I was so confused. I wanted to die and yet I couldn't help the joy that flowed through me at seeing him again. He somewhow managed to get in my room. But I payed no attention. He obviously saw. Saw my round belly. My round pregnant belly.
"Kagome what are doing?!" He shaked me and I could hear the saddness and concern in his voice.
"I-I wan-want to die." He hugged me and I could feel his tears on my shoulder. He was crying and I was crying.
"Kagome..." He looked at me, directly into my eyes. He placed his hand on my cheek.
"Don't do this Kagome. Why do you want to die? Please tell me." He begged he was pleading, his voice cracked with strain.
"Oh Inuyasha." I sobbed into his shirt as he held me.
"Can't you see it? I'm pregnant!" I cryed.
"I know. It'll be ok." I started to relax. Everything would be fine.
"Who's the father?" I tensed and he must of felt it because he asked me again a cracking voice.
"I don't know." I couldn't say it. I just couldn't.
Mouths passed and I was in laber for about seventeen hours. Oh was that a joy. But when I saw my precious little baby girl. I wanted to hug and thank Inuyasha for stopping me. As soon as I held my child in my arms and gave her milk, I wanted to protect from everything. I wanted this child. I loved my little girl more than anything. Inuyasha didn't matter, Kikyo didn't matter. My parents didn't matter. Only my precious, beautiful little girl. She was my world. My everything.
I moved out of my parents home. I had a steady job. A nice apartment, but no boyfriend. And I was sort of glad. I rather enjoyed my independance. Besides I didn't need a man. Not when I had my daughter. Everything couldn't be more perfect. I still had lingering feelings for Inuyasha but nothing more than strong friendship. I could easily live without him. I did miss him, but then again I knew him all my life.
I was twenty-two, single,a mother and very happy. My little Kirara was the sweetest of children. I hadn't heard from Inuyasha in at exactly a year. That day was Kirara's birthday. She was one-year old. I went to college for a while and I will coninue it when my daughter is older. For now the job I had paid quite nicely to provide for me and my daughter with extra. I did save. I planned to buy a house someday. But before that, I was going to make sure my Kirara had the best schooling. Well as good as it can get without sending her to a school filled with snoby brats.
Life was great. I never really heard from my parents and I didn't care. I didnt need them. Not if they hated me just because I got pregnant with a child they never even bothered to look at.
I went out to the store with my little girl. And that's when I bumped into him. Inuyasha. He was surprised at first but then he embraced me and I embraced back. My shy daughter hid behind me but we managed to bring her out. She was so cute. She went right up to Inuyasha and hugged him. We laughed and talked for a bit. Apparently him and Kikyo got married and had three kids. I bet none of them were his. I know why Kikyo married Inuyasha. He came from a rich family. But I still couldn't say what I wanted to him. I just couldn't. He was so in love with her, and I wanted him to be happy like I was now.
We parted. I thought I might never see im again but the thought didn't bother me. I realized now I had long ago fell out of love. A love I thought was so precious and eternal, faded away. I didn't care if I ever saw him again or not. He was still my friend so I wished his happiness but nothing more. And of course my eternal gratitude for saving me from myself and giving my wonderful daughter.
Five years later. Everything still perfect. I have'nt seen Inuyasha since that day. And Kirara was six years old. Everyone loved her at school. How could they not. She was kind to everyone, but if you harmed her or her friends, she got angry. And boy could she put up a fight, but always apologized afterwards. So cute and innocent. My salvation. My life.
Two years later. Inuyasha visited again. He needed a place to stay. Him and Kikyo were getting divorced. They had four kids and only one of them was his. A little boy, of whom he brought with him. He found out about Kikyo and I felt sorry for him. He didn't deserve this. Kirara and Shippo got along quite well. They were adorable.
I told Inuyasha everything. Everything meaning, that I knew about Kikyo but didn't want to hurt him. He wasn't mad he understood and was grateful. I also told him about Kirara's father. He took it quite well. He looked at Kirara and Shippo and whispered.
"My babies." I smiled yes Shippo was his but Kirara was mine. He would know that sooner or later.
He stayed for a while but left after the trial. He got pretty much everything considering the fact she cheated on him. He wanted to get to know Kirara better. He even asked me to marry him. I said no. I would not be sloppy seconds. That and I no longer loved him. I never saw him again.
I eventually married a man who wanted me, first not second. I was his first choice like Kikyo had been for Inuyasha. We had four kids. Three of them he was the biological father, but Kirara considered him a father and took to him alot faster than shedid her real father. And he considered her his daughter. Four kids, and poor Kirara was the only girl. But despite our fights and quarrels we all loved each other first not second. And we weren't letting go. I let go of Inuyasha and he came back on a bumpy raod, but I didn't want him.
When you love someone, you let them go. If they come back, they are yours. If not then it was never meant to be. I let the man I love go, he eventually came back, but it was never meant to be.

wrote this story with characters of my own design but then I replaced the names with the names from my fav tv show besides tenchi muyo, i might do that next, i dont know. but anyway i think i got all of the names changed and i made fe minor adjustements on the character descriptions. thats about it. hope your like it review please along with my other one shot round and round written the same way . as for those who read Our Monsters Within, Hell Child, and When All is Lost. i will finish all of those. i was on writers block finally got some ideas but all that came out was this and round and round. but i promise i will finish them all