InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Meant to Live ❯ The Beginning ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Edit: Holy shit… and excuse the language. I found this in my friend’s computer, a first chapter I never posted and I decided to do so… only for shits and giggles. However, who knows, maybe I’ll continue it. Keep in my that this thing was written a while ago!

Weee, this is gonna be my first Sess/Kag fic. Hope you like it.. >>;

And before I start, I’d like to clear up a few things. Like, the swords. So, that no one will be confused.

SesshouMaru’s attacks:

Tensaiga - The sword Tensaiga was also made from Inu Yasha and Sesshoumaru's father's fang. Unlike Inu Yashas sword, the Tensaiga can heal and even bring people back from death.

Toukijin - A demonic sword made from Goshinki's fang, the demon created by Naraku that broke Tetsusaiga. The sword is so evil no one is able to control it but SesshouMaru.

Poisoned Claws - Claws are able to become acidic or poisoned to kill enemies easier.

Kagome’s attacks:

Bow and Arrows - A longbow and arrows for it.

Purification Arrow - An arrow covered in Kagome's own spiritual energy used to purify evil.

Inu Yasha’s attacks:

Tetsusaiga - The sword, or fang, of Inu Yasha's father.

Iron Reaver Soul Stealer - With a slash of Inu Yashas claws he sends out a powerful energy wave.

Blades Of Blood - After being wounded or cutting himself, Inu Yasha covers his claws in his own blood and sends out red energy blades of blood to cut his enemies apart.

Wind Scar - When Inu Yasha sees the Wind Scar, or a crossing of two energy/wind sources he can cut through it with his sword Tetsusaiga. Once done right, the attack is powerful enough to slay hundreds of demons with three slashing blast marks across the ground or into the sky.

If you, or who ever is reading, want to know about another character’s attacks, just email
On to the story! Wait! << I forgot.

This is going to be the ONLY time I’m going to say this. So NO suing me, like you’d get anything. I
DO NOT own InuYasha, or its characters. Or anything, I own my clothes, my computer, and my room. That is all I own. If I owned it, do you really think I’d be making a fic about it? I would be a millionaire; I wouldn’t need to do this. So, yeah… even though I wish I did, sadly, I don’t own Inu Yasha.

Yes, the song, Switchfoot - Meant to live. ‘Tis what I mostly listened to making it, so thus I used it as a name! nn

Meant To Live -

Dark. It was always like this. Even when every light was on, there was still darkness. It was as if there was no way he could shine a light on it. Eyebrows knit together, he trailed off in thought. The miko did it again; she struck him with an arrow. It confused and angered him greatly. How he, SesshouMaru, the great Lord of the Western Lands, managed to get hit by an arrow.

An arrow shot at him, by none other than a human. What filth. How the hell she did it? He had to find out. With that in mind, a sly grin came to his mouth. He rarely showed any sign of emotion, so his plan must’ve made him extremely happy. Yes, he was going to kidnap her. Yes, he WOULD find out what she had. What power she contained, and then, he would destroy her. He couldn’t very well keep the disgusting human around, when she had the power to strike him.

His arm throbbed lightly, as his other hand came to rub against the wrist. Yes, he gained his other arm back. Glad for that, it was getting annoying only having one arm. Sure, she only hit him in the wrist, but still. She hit him. Almost hit him dead in the chest, hadn’t he dodged and left. Of course he threw in the ‘This is not over’ line. It was not over; it would not be over until he killed the worthless miko.


SesshouMaru attacked them again. InuYasha was mad… once more. Why? All because SHE had the power, where ever it came from, to get him to leave. Storming out of the camp, she practically ran to the well. Sitting on its edge, for some reason… she couldn’t bring herself to jump. Her mind toggled being InuYasha and how he was acting. It was as if he got a time of the month, and she didn’t mean when he turned human.

And on SesshouMaru; how could he act so cold, so emotionless? It was all a mystery to her. With a sigh, she went to jump in. Only, for some reason, she still couldn’t bring herself to do so. Flipping backwards slowly, she landed on her back, facing up at the sky. Maybe the giant blue sea of clouds could clear up her mind.


He had been watching her. Almost every day, waiting... waiting for her to do something out of the ordinary. She had a fight with his half-brother about him this morning. A mere three days since the ‘battle’. He had watched her the day after, there was tension between her and his half-brother, and it seemed to affect the whole group. InuYasha should learn to mask, and control, his emotions.

But, now, it was perfect. She left the camp, all alone. In the middle of no where, no less. Well, of course, it was somewhere. But just out of the reach of the inu’s nose. Even if InuYasha’s nose could reach over here, SesshouMaru knew how to mask his scent perfectly.

Slipping in front of her as she stared absent-mindedly at the sky, he towered over her, staring down. It seemed she opened her mouth to scream, but before she could let out a long one, she did manage to let out a squeal. Not one of joy, either. His left brow twitched angrily, hoping that the mutt-face didn’t hear it. He covered her mouth with his left hand, and with his right he picked her up. Hovering off the ground, on his cloud, he zipped over into the middle of the forest. He needed to talk to her before he brought her to his home to drill out how she became so powerful.


InuYasha did hear it. It was Kagome, leaving everything that he was doing; he darted off towards the well. He needed to get there, he needed to find her. Once there, he sniffed the area, only smelling the salty smell of tears, definitely Kagome’s. How did he know? Well, causing her to cry as much as he did, he would have had to memorize its scent. But the one scent that made him go over the edge...

His half-brother. He was here. HE took her. He couldn’t smell it that much, just a faint scent, but it was something. InuYasha was not happy.

Going back to the camp, he told the monk and Sango, and even that damned kitsune. And they all decided to come to go get her. Damn it all to hell and back, he might need them, but fuck… it would make them lose a lot of time getting there. After packing up as fast as they could, bidding the old lady goodbye, and taking some herbs and medicine, since some one might get hurt, they left, off toward the west. To InuYasha’s old home, as fast as all their feet could go. Though, they did pace it out evenly, so they wouldn’t tire out quickly.


Slamming her back against a tree, he growled loudly, voice calm. “If you don’t tell me now, I will kill you. Slowly, and then,” he paused for a second, holding her up against the tree with his right arm to her stomach area, and with his left he drew out the Tensaiga, pressing it against the girl’s neck. Not sure if he should explain its powers, but decided to anyways in the end, “I’ll bring you back to life, with this. I, SesshouMaru, Lord of the Western Lands, demand you to tell me your secret.” Growling again, he shifted the sword lower, and cut along her skin.
Pain tingled down her body, as the blood slowly dripped along her neck. Oh goody, he cut lower than the main artery, which means, death wouldn’t become of this. Her left arm twitched violently, she oh-so wanted to raise it, to strike him… of course. Even more so, as he sheathed the sword, lowering his face to her neck. What in the nine hells was he doing! A sharp tinge of pain went down her spine, as he greedily lapped up her blood. Youkai… never failed to amaze her.

Throwing his head back, he let the girl fall to the ground, at the base of the tree. Growling, he looked down at her. She was indeed worthless. So, how come she had the ability to strike him? Her scent… puzzled him. She wasn’t afraid. Well, a little, but not even for his liking. “Wench, why are you not afraid? You do know I can kill you right now, do you not?” What he got in return, was something he did not expect. She glared at him, shooting daggers with her eyes. Her tone, it was like she wasn’t even nervous, she.. some how amazed him.

“But you won’t, will you? Not now, at least. You haven’t learned my powers, and, even if you wanted to kill me, you’d bring me back to life. Why? Let us go back to what I first said. You haven’t learned my powers yet.” She kept her glare on him, her lips twisted… with what seemed like annoyance. She was annoyed by him? She shouldn’t. She should be afraid for her life.

He brought the girl back up to their first position, using those dark locks to do so. She didn’t scream as her hair was being the key to drag her upwards, but he could tell it hurt. All he had to do was look at her face. Raising his free hand, he backhanded her across her cheek, leaving the red mark to appear. “I am your master now. I hold your life in my hands. You shall respect me from now on, for you are my slave.” He hadn’t meant it to happen like this. He thought she would be terrified and he could weasel what he wanted from her, and then kill her. But she kept strong. He would have to break her. And doing so, he had to make her his slave. Maybe in the end, she would come to be willing, and he could keep her as a pet. That last thought, made him mentally beat himself up. She was human, after all. He wouldn’t let a human be the one who broke down his wall of ice. A wall that took so many years to put up…


They were close. Inu Yasha could feel it. He had to get there before that damned brother of his took her away. After all, she was the only way he could get the shards. He nodded to the others. It was his sign that she was near. They understood the un-spoken words as Sango hopped onto the back of the transformed cat demon. The monk sitting behind her, they were all so serious, he didn’t even make an attempt to feel up on her. Not now, not when Kagome was in danger. Shippou was with Inu Yasha. Which that alone, would astound any one. He followed the inu, as he sped in the direction his nose told him to go.


Damn mutt. Already got scent of them. He had to go, they had to go… back home. Lifting the girl, he tossed her over his shoulder, securing his arm around her legs. She was already in the blissful state of unconsciousness, as they started making the trip to his home on the cloud. It wouldn’t take that long, but he slowed down, just so… maybe Inu Yasha could see them leaving. Oh, how much pain the half-breed would go through. Seeing his wench, being carried away by his half-brother.. and his enemy.


WEEE! O__O; Ahem.. soooo, did’ja enjoy it. It’s kind’a short.. well, at least for my liking. Anyways, reviews are always welcomed. Constructive criticism is as well. <<;;

Yup.. see ya, next time! =D