InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Medal fo Honor:Inuyasha ❯ The First Wave ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

110 mi. off the coast of Hawaii

<6:00 A.M>

A blood red sun was rising off the coast of Hawaii. The sun exposed four Japanese super aircraft carriers, the carriers Akagi, Kaga, Soryu, and Horyu. There was a lot of activity on the decks of the carriers as flight engineers checked the last of the fighters on the decks. The Japanese commander gave the signal with his hand and the first of the fighter planes lifted of the deck of the Akagi. Far off in the distance a new day was donning on Pearl Harbor Naval Base, the day of December, 7, 1941.

Pearl Harbor

<7:30 A.M>

Jo Griffin was in his bunk on the battleship USS California. He was late for mass on the deck so he decided to get up and put on is tan mass uniform and go up on deck. So that's what he did and he was just about to put on the nice new shoes when the ship shook. He was about to go up and see what was up when their sergeant came bursting thou the door and yelled "Lets go, lets go, topside on the double, move it". He got up and ran thru the hatch out into the unknown.

Ancient Japan

<7:25 A.M>

Inuyasha was sitting under a tree outside of Kiaede's little village inspecting the Testsseiga, after there last battle with Naraku the katana might be damaged in some way. In the back round Kagome was putting the last part of the secon jewel in it's place. A small of people was clustered around Kagome including Miroku and Sango. " Now that my wind tunnel is gone, will you bear my child" he asked lovingly. " For the last time NO, I will not bear you a child " she yelled as she batted him over the head with her large boomerang. As Inuyasha went over to the group of people Kagome put the jewel on a stump for them to see. He looked at it, but he was not sure he was looking at it right. The jewel turned a deep red as it opened up a rippling black void. The void sucked in Kagome before She could move and Shippo because he was sitting right next to her. Inuyasha saw her get sucked in to the void and jumped in to save her.