InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Meddling with a Miko and Taiyoukai ❯ Battle Begins ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Blah blah…don't own it….yada yada yada
“words” speaking
`words' thoughts
Chapter Nine: Battle Begins
The sunlight was just peaking over the horizon as a large violet and white colored cat demon ran across the countryside. Sitting atop the cat demon's head was a half-demon by the name of Inuyasha. He shifted slightly as he watched the sun climb higher into the sky.
“Hey Kaori-chan,” he called as he addressed the demon. Kaori twitched an ear in his direction and responded telepathically, `Yes?'
Inuyasha adjusted himself so that he could look at her left leg. “Does your leg hurt? That demon cut you pretty good, ya know,” he stated thoughtfully.
Kaori snorted and replied, `No. I can't even feel it right now.'
“Oh, okay. So why'd you let me come with you anyway?” he asked as he turned his attention ahead of them.
Kaori rolled her eyes before replying, `Well, just like you said, the kits needed protection and it'd be easier for two of us to protect them. Then there's the fact that Fluffmeister and Kagome-chan needed to stay with the group. The guards had to protect the group. Sango and Miroku wouldn't have been able to provide adequate protection because they're human. So that left you and me.'
“So you don't hate me anymore?” he responded sarcastically.
Kaori chuckled slightly, `I never said I hated you. I just don't trust you much. Can you blame me though?'
Inuyasha shook his head, “No, I can't blame you. I don't trust myself sometimes. Plus, your mistrust is well placed. I've put Kagome through so much because of Kikyo that I'm not sure she'll ever trust me again.”
`Don't think like that. You know as well as I do that Kagome will forgive you. Anyway, we're gonna have to continue this conversation later. We've got company.'
Kaori dodged to the right as a tentacle came flying out of nowhere and knocked Inuyasha to the ground. He skidded as he drew Teutsaiga and screamed for Kaori to get the group. Kaori nodded and sped for the campsite.
She had just spotted the group when a sickle flew from her left and sliced her left arm from her shoulder to her paw. Kaori reared back and roared. She lost her footing and slammed into the ground as she slid towards the campsite. `Damn. Can't run on three legs.' Kaori reverted back to her human form and drew her sword as the sickle came flying at her again. She barely blocked it as her back slammed into a rock on the other side of the camp ground. She finally caught sight of her assailant and gasped, “Kohaku-kun!?”
Kohaku's blank gaze flickered for a moment before he raised the sickle again. Kaori jumped up and knocked the sickle aside before running at the brainwashed boy. Kohaku drew his sword and ran towards her. Kaori watched as Sango jumped between the two and knocked Kohaku's sword from his hand as she pushed the boy back.
“Kaori-chan, help the others. I'll take care of my brother!” Sango screamed as Kaori sped around the two. “Good luck!” Kaori called as she passed them and ran to help her sons and Miroku who were battling a giant dragon demon.
Kagome spun on her heel as her purifying whip sliced through another demon. `This thing is helpful.'
She swung her sword as a demon attempted to attack her after he dodged her whip. The demon screamed as her sword ripped through his throat. Kagome grinned as she felt the sword cut the flesh and bone of the large snake demon. The snake's head fell off its shoulders as its large body fell to the ground. Kagome swung the blade to get the blood off before looking around to see who needed her help. Her eyes streaked with red as she noticed a large panther looking demon attempting to blindside Sesshoumaru.
She ran at the demon and flipped to her left as it attempted to slice her with its claws. As she landed, she swung the sword to her right and succeeded in cutting the demon in half. She spun to her left and caught another demon across the chest. It roared and sliced at her, but nailed Kaori across the chest and stomach as the demoness was running past Kagome.
Kaori growled and stabbed the demon through the heart. She watched as it fell to the ground then turned to Kagome and grinned, “That hurt.”
Kagome nodded as Kaori ran to help her sons. Sesshoumaru walked up to her and placed his back against hers as a new wave of demons entered the campsite. “Ready, love?” he asked as he readied his poison whip. “Yep,” she replied as she notched an arrow into her bow and took aim.
Inuyasha dodged yet another tentacle as he burst into the campsite with Naraku hot on his heels. Yasuo and Leiko were by his side immediately as the three launched an attack on the evil hanyou. The three ran toward the half-demon with their swords at the ready. Naraku laughed as he placed a barrier around himself. “That won't work, half-breed!” Leiko called as Yasuo started chanting something under his breath. Naraku's eyes widened as his barrier flickered then dropped.
“HA!” Inuyasha exclaimed as he swung the Teutsaiga at Naraku. Naraku dodged Inuyasha, but got his arm cut by Leiko. He growled and jumped over the three as he sped toward Kagome. Leiko, Yasuo, and Inuyasha followed quickly behind him.
Naraku froze as Kagura and Kanna stood between him and Kagome. Kaori, Makoto, and Kiyoshi, and Miroku appeared on one side of him. Kagome and Sesshoumaru stood on the other side while he was stuck in the middle.
“Problems, Naraku?” Kagura sneered as she looked at him. Naraku laughed, “Hardly.” Energy surrounded him briefly before hundreds of tentacles shot in every direction. He laughed as the group was sent flying away from him.
Kaori, Kagura, Miroku, and Sesshoumaru hit the side of the mountain the group had camped under. Kiyoshi, Yasuo, Leiko, and Kanna were sent flying into the forest. Makoto, Kagome, and Inuyasha all hit different trees around the area while Naraku stood laughing at all of them. Naraku's eyes landed on Kagome and he grinned as he sent another tentacle at her. Kagome was still attempting to get up and didn't notice it. Inuyasha noticed it and called to her.
“Kagome!!” a voice screamed from somewhere off to the girl's right. Kagome stood frozen to the spot as she watched the tentacle speed towards her already bloodied form. `I'm dead' she thought briefly. Blood spattered on Kagome's face as the tentacle pierced the form that appeared in front of her. “No! NOOOOOO!!!!” Kagome screamed as the figure fell to the forest floor…
JMK425: Okay, I'm evil. I know this. Don't worry though, I'll have chapter ten posted by Friday. Also, I do apologize if the battle scenes suck. I'm not used to writing them. I've written worse though. By the way, Thanks to everyone for the reviews!! I honestly never expected to get so many. You guys are the best!! Read and Review please. Bye Bye!!